Read Cursed Vengeance Online

Authors: Brandy L. Rivers,Rebecca Brooke

Cursed Vengeance (14 page)

Chapter 17





Freezing, my mouth fell open and my mind spun in circles. Did he really just ask me to move in? We’d been together a matter of days.

I stood there for several minutes, trying to put together an evasive answer. There were too many things to consider. My career, my home, my friends, the fact I fucking hated the Pine Barrens.

One major factor rattled through my head. Sean moved here as soon as he turned eighteen, and I had to imagine the decision had to do with pack stuff. Dylan moving away wasn’t a likely option.

Taking cups and plates to the living room, I set them on the coffee table and turned to find him barely an inch away. “Dylan, we barely know each other. Isn’t this a bit fast?”

He half shrugged, half tipped his head with his devastated frown. “I asked you to consider it. Not move in with me tonight.”

“I can’t just quit. Then there’s my house. My friends. You do realize I’ve never been fond of the Pine Barrens, right?” I drew a slow breath as I watched several emotions flow over his face.

Sighing, I asked, “Did you think I was going to smile and agree?”

“No.” He took my hands, looking into my eyes. “For a wolf, moving away isn’t so easy. I need to be around the pack, especially on the full moon. And if we only see each other on the weekends, we’re both going to get a little crazy.”

I laughed. “A little crazy? You mean horny? There’s Skype. I own a vibrator. I’m sure we’ll have some fun. I could give you a show.”

A low growl rumbled through his chest as he licked his lips. “I’m trying to have a serious conversation, not bend you over the couch,” he warned.

I couldn’t help my smirk. “I’m not sorry.”

Shaking his head, he growled. “Won’t be enough for you, Sierra. Won’t be enough for me. You’ll find out you crave being near me, and being gone all week is going to be harder than you imagine.”

My head spun because I knew he was telling the truth, but I couldn’t walk away from my job. I stared back at him. “Shit, Dylan. Can’t we compromise for now? You stay with me some nights, I’ll stay with you others. We’ll have to do some commuting, but until I deal with this curse I can’t concentrate on the other stuff.”

He sighed. “Fair enough.”

“You’re not going to fight me on this?” I asked in surprise.

“No. You’re right. There are things to deal with first. I want you to think about it, though.”

“I will. Now how long until pizza?”

“Few minutes, or I’d have you naked already.”

I grinned. “Now that I can get used to.” My phone started buzzing and I frowned. “Let me get that. Since we don’t have time for what you want.”

“Don’t lie, Sierra, I smell your desire.” His eyes darkened as they trailed down my body.

“Never said I didn’t.” I grabbed my phone and sat down on the couch. One look and I smirked. “Hi, Rachel.”

“So, how’s growly Dylan?”

I looked up at him and bit down on my bottom lip. He gave me his sexy growl and I giggled. “Growly.”

“Do tell,” she pleaded.

“He’s standing right here.”

“I want to hear this,” he whispered.

I sighed. “It’s working out. Maybe you can meet him soon.”

“Ooh, how about a double date? Tomorrow. You’re not working. You can bring him along, can’t you? I want to meet this mystery man. I need to make sure he’s good enough for you.”

“All right. So I can finally meet Remy and judge him for myself?”

“Oh no, don’t blame me. I’ve been begging you to come with me for ages.”

“Hang on,” I told her, then looked up at Dylan. “Want to go on a double date with my best friend and her boyfriend?”

He grinned. “You want me to meet your friend?”

“Yes. I do.”

“Then yes.”

“Okay, Rachel, when and where?”

“Tomorrow, seven, at Orsano’s.”

“We’ll be there. Now I have to go. See you then.”

She squealed, “Oh, I’m so excited, you have no idea.”

“Bye, Rachel.”

“Be extra naughty tonight, Sierra.”

“Oh, I will.” I hung up before she could ask for any more details. Dylan opened the door. There stood the pizza guy, ready to knock. Dylan shoved some money at him, before bringing the pizza to the coffee table.

“So, a date? Your friend wants to judge me?” He laid the pizza box on the table and sat down beside me with a wicked grin.

“Yeah. It’s sort of a tradition of hers. She wants to make sure you deserve her stamp of approval.”

“And she’s not asking for yours?”

“No. I tend to call it when she’s dating assholes, and that seems to be all she ever dates.”

He chuckled. “And do you really want her opinion?”

Shrugging, I laughed. “She doesn’t give me the option. She tells me whether or not I want to hear it. And it’s not like any of them lasted long.”


“They weren’t the one,” I answered softly.

“And what do you think of me?”

“You are, which is why I’m considering your request.”

Nodding, he grabbed a slice of pizza and I followed suit. We ate quickly, and all I could think about was his suggestion to bend me over the couch. I needed him in the worst possible way and the dinner was an unwanted distraction.

Two slices later for me, I set the plate down as he gobbled down his fifth. He wiped his hands and I set his dish aside, not caring if he was ready to be done. Then I threw my leg over his lap, straddling him with a grin.

“Needed you too long,” I murmured, grinding over his hard length. Unable to resist, I took his mouth in a bruising kiss.

“See, you’re never going to last a week without me,” he purred, his hands sliding under my shirt to cup my breasts.

He had a point, but I wasn’t ready to roll over and accept his life without fighting for some of mine. Still, I had a craving I needed satisfied and managed to get his pants open to grip his cock.

“Sierra,” he groaned before kissing down my throat.

I jumped at something slamming into the door.

Dylan easily lifted me and set me down beside him before standing and shoving himself back in his jeans without bothering to fasten them. He stormed to the door, throwing it open.

Bradley stood there fuming, his pale blue eyes ringed with gold as he glared at me. “She let Christian die, and you’re going to fuck her brains out?”

Dylan shoved him back. “You’re not welcome here.”

“No, but your whore witch is? She’s a fucking murderer.”

I shot to my feet and stalked over with a glare. “Let him die? I let Christian die? Fuck you! I did everything in my power to try to remove the curse. I didn’t have enough information to take it from him at the time.”

“No, you just conveniently have it in time to save your brother, and now your lover.”

“You better watch it before I decide that when it’s your turn, you’re better off a rotting pile of bones.”

Bradley lunged forward and Dylan knocked him back, pinning him to the ground. He delivered a punch so fast I barely saw a blur before Bradley was out cold.

“Call Sean. Do it now!” Dylan snarled.

“Why the fuck do I need to call Sean when I can take care of him myself?”

He growled. “You don’t want me to fight, then you better get your sweet little ass on the phone with your brother to put a stop to this bullshit.”

That snapped me out of my anger, but for one raging asshole, I was okay with the thought of Dylan knocking the shit out of him. I already knew I wasn’t going to last a round with Bradley in a fist fight.

Grabbing my phone, I hit speed dial.

“Hit speaker, Sierra.”

With a sigh, I did as I came closer. He snatched the phone out of my hand, his chest heaving.

Sean’s voice came through the line. “He piss you off already, Sierra?”

“No,” Dylan answered. “But if you want Bradley to live you best get him out of here before he wakes up and tries to attack Sierra again.”

“Shit, Sierra, put him under like I taught you.” The command in his voice made me grit my teeth, but this was one instance I’d listen and ask questions later.

I touched Bradley’s chest and whispered the spell. His body went from tense but out, to completely lax. Dylan didn’t move, still straddling him, his hands balled into fists as his chest heaved.

“Be there soon,” Sean said before ending the call. Dylan handed the phone back.

“Did you have to taunt him?” Dylan asked with a glare.

“I suppose you think I should have kept my mouth shut?”

He closed his eyes, sucking in a deep breath. “He could kill you. You get that, right? He could snap your neck before you have a chance to cast a spell.”

“Then it’s a good thing you were between us, because there is no way in hell I’m going to stand back and let some asshole call me a whore and a murderer.”

One corner of his mouth twitched up as he met my gaze. “You aren’t mad at me this time?”

“One asshole, fine, beat his ass when he gets like that. I have a feeling he’s going to deserve worse before long. But a whole diner full of werewolves? No. Don’t invite a fight you can’t win.”

He opened his mouth, then snapped it shut.

Headlights came down the drive. The truck was thrown into park, and Sean came rushing over. “What the fuck happened?”

Dylan sighed, standing up. “He came over to start shit.”

“He called me a murderer and a whore. Then the fucker tried to go through Dylan to get to me.”

Sean growled, “Don’t be pissed at Dylan, because I know you shot your mouth off to incite a full-on rage.”

Sierra snorted. “I’m not. I’m pissed this asshole thinks he has a right to start shit.”

“Need help with him?”

“No, Randy’s on his way to help me get him into lockdown. He’s going to wake up pissed, and I fully expect a challenge Friday night.”

“Challenge?” I asked with a raised brow.

“I’m Alpha. He’s going to challenge me. It means there will be a fight, but Bradley can’t best me in a fight.”

“He better not. Or I really will stop healing wolves with Dylan, and not start until Bradley’s dead and gone.”

“Do me a favor, Sierra. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. Dylan and I both trained with Christian to make sure he could hold the title of Alpha in case anyone challenged him. Bradley tried this bullshit back when Christian became Alpha, and had his ass handed to him. He’s not going to do any better now.”

“Hope you’re right.”

Another set of headlights came up the road. He shut off the car and climbed out. Randy was a good six feet five inches tall and built like a UFC wrestler.

The first thing I thought,
I hope he doesn’t challenge Sean

“Evening, ma’am. Thank you for all you’ve done and will do. Sorry this punk can’t seem to appreciate the first real blessing this pack has had in a long time.”

Smiling, I offered my hand. “You’re welcome. I take it you’re Randy?”

He nodded, then hugged me gently. “I am. You two enjoy your night. I’ll get Bradley out of your hair.”

Dylan rolled his eyes as I stepped back. “You’re lucky I trust you.”

Randy chuckled. “Denise would strangle me if I made a move. I’m more afraid of her.”

Sean gripped my shoulder. “Try not to start a war.”

I could only nod. “Good night, Sean. Thank you, Randy.”

Dylan pulled me back inside and shut the door before locking it. I took his right hand and checked his knuckles.

Pressing a kiss to his knuckles, I looked up at him. “You’re lucky you didn’t break your hand.”

“Would have healed that fast,” he huffed.

“You mad at me?”

He shook his head. “For defending yourself? No. He came here to start shit. I don’t know what he was thinking.

I sighed. “Does it matter?”

“No.” He peeked out the window. I looked up to watch Randy and Sean leave.

“Your temper is pretty fucking hot,” Dylan murmured, closing the distance.

“That so?” I asked breathlessly, my body responding to the smoldering stare.

He took my hand, slipping it under his already open fly. “You tell me.”

I gripped him, stroking slowly. “Yeah, I’d agree.”

He caught the hem of my shirt, pulling it over my head. Reluctantly, I released him as he drew my arms up before tossing the shirt aside and opening my pants. I yanked his shirt up, and he threw it off before shoving my jeans around my thighs and spinning me toward the couch.

Two fingers pressed into me and I cried out when he hit that patch of nerves. One big hand pushed me over the end, leaving my ass in the air while he stroked in and out of me.

I crashed over the edge and his thick length replaced his fingers as he took me hard. His hands wrapped around my hips, holding me still as he drove into me. He was so deep I couldn’t think for the pleasure coursing through my veins.

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