Read Clinch (The Underground Book 2) Online

Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #Contemporary Erotic Suspense Romance

Clinch (The Underground Book 2) (20 page)

He lowered his face to her chest and reached with both hands to gently cup her breasts and fondle them loosely.

Katie arched into his touch, pursing her lips to avoid making a sound.

“I should make you put your clothes back on and march you out of this apartment with no relief,” he told her nipples as he pinched them both sharply.

She winced.

“But I’m too selfish. I want to watch you come undone.” He separated his legs several inches and released her breasts to pat one knee. “Straddle my thigh, babe.”

She closed the distance, uncertain what he had in mind but knowing she would easily come with any contact at all. His jeans would send her over the edge. She gritted her teeth as she spread her legs and followed his instructions.

“Lower yourself onto my jeans, Katie. Let your sweet pussy rub against me.”

She moaned softly as she made contact, grabbing his shoulders for support, her fingers digging into his arms.

He set one hand on her lower back. “Ride me. Make yourself come.”

If someone had suggested such a thing two days ago, she would have laughed them out of the room. It took a lot more than a good frigging against someone’s thigh to get her off. But not anymore. There was no doubt she would bring herself to orgasm in moments.

In fact, she shuddered as she increased the pressure, her head rolling back and her mouth falling open.

“That’s it, babe. Take what you need.” With his free hand, he reached between her legs and wiggled his two middle fingers between her lips and up into her channel. “Fuck yourself on my thigh. Use my fingers to impale your pussy.”

She lifted and lowered one time, slowly, pressing her lips together tightly. When she couldn’t keep her mouth closed, she gasped. “Can’t.”

“What? Of course you can. You’re so wet and horny you’re almost there, babe.”

She shook her head. “Won’t be able to stay quiet.”

He smiled and smoothed his hand up her back and over her shoulder. When it landed on her cheek, he said, “I’ve got you.”

She hesitated for a moment. She would have to trust him to muffle her screams. “If you…”

“I won’t let you down. Fuck yourself. Do it. Now. I want to watch your face. I’ll catch you before you make a sound.”

She closed her eyes, let herself go, and humped his leg like someone with no other recourse. She needed to come so badly.

After thrusting up and down, grinding herself onto his jeans and his fingers several times, she gasped.

He’d added a finger.

So good…

She gripped his shoulders harder and let the orgasm build. She bounced faster, angling her clit just right so it rubbed against his palm. It wasn’t his cock, but it was damn good.

When she neared the edge and sucked in a sharp breath on a moan, he clamped his hand over her lips.

Like a wild bull rider, she fucked herself, masturbating against his leg, her breasts bouncing almost painfully up and down. She didn’t care. All she could think about was that little piece of heaven.

And then it was right there, and she shattered, coming in a swift gush over his hand, the fluid shocking her as her pussy pulsed rhythmically and her clit throbbed to the same beat.

When it was over, she leaned her head against his shoulder. “Oh. My. God.” She looked down, embarrassed. So much fluid. “What was that?”

“Female ejaculation. You’ve never experienced it?”

She shook her head. “Are you sure?”

He chuckled, pulling his fingers from her channel and lifting them to her lips. “Taste.”

She hesitated.

“Come on. Trust me. It’s sweet.”

She stuck out her tongue and licked a drop of moisture from his fingers. It shocked her. He was right. It was sweet. Salty too, but surprisingly sweet. “I did that?”

He chuckled again. “You did. And it was amazing. Now that you’ve done it once, you’ll be able to do it all the time.”

A shiver shook her body. “Not sure I like that plan.” It was a lot of fluid.

Leo wiped his hand on the side of his jeans and then lifted her face. “You’re beautiful.”

Her eyes widened. “Did I make any noise?”

He shook his head. “Nope. I caught it.”

“Thank you.” Though she would have rather not had sex in his bedroom at all. But at least she didn’t have to walk out of the room flushed with full-fledged embarrassment.

Exhaustion tugged at her.

Leo lifted her off his leg, stood, and spun them both around. When he picked her up by the waist and hoisted her onto the bed, she yelped.

Without missing a beat, he scooted her back, pushed her shoulder until she flopped onto her back, and grasped both her thighs to push them open.

Before she managed to catch up with this change of events, his mouth covered her pussy and sucked.

“Oh. My. God.” She grabbed his head with both hands and pushed. “Stop… Leo… Too sensitive.” But already her body was coming alive once more.

Leo ignored her. His tongue flicked rapidly over her clit, pressing harder every few strokes. His lips held her clit hostage, sucking the entire area into his mouth.

She gasped, losing her grip on his head and clenching the deep blue comforter into her fists. “Leo…” She wouldn’t be able to avoid yelling out. After everything they’d just done, she would blow her silence in a heartbeat if he kept that up.

Leo sucked faster, his tongue digging into her flesh, the friction driving her mad.

She stiffened as she reached the edge again.

Just when she knew she wouldn’t be able to avoid screaming, he released one thigh, held it open with his shoulder, and drew his hand up to clamp her mouth again.

She screamed. Without his hand, the neighbors above and below would have heard. The orgasm that crashed into her was forceful. Centered in her clit, it was nothing like the one she’d had moments ago on his leg.

Her screams turned to moaning as the beat of her orgasm subsided. Every sound was muffled behind his hand, and he didn’t release her mouth until she was completely under control.

When he stood, smiling down at her, he wiped his mouth on the back of his hand. “Feel the difference?”

She widened her eyes. “The difference? What difference?”

He tucked his hands under her arms and hauled her farther across the mattress. And then he climbed up to lie next to her on his side, leaning his cheek on one palm. “The orgasms.”

Right. Huh
. She flushed again. “I guess.”

“You guess?” he teased, tapping one nipple with his finger and then the other.

“Okay. Sure.” She shrugged. “I’ve never had one of those.”

“Figured that out.” He flopped onto his back next to her.

Even though her entire body was sated and heavy, she rolled onto her side and set her chin on his chest, wishing he weren’t wearing a shirt. She’d gotten her first real glimpse of his back yesterday morning before Mikhail showed up with broken ribs. She wanted to explore the rows of Russian script more fully in the light of day. But now wasn’t the time. She drew circles on his pec with her free arm.

“You’re amazing with your mouth,” he said, staring at her with a serious expression.

“Thank you. You’re pretty good with yours too.”

“I know that wimpy Marshall was never treated to anything that sweet. You must have picked up your talents elsewhere.” His brow was drawn together and his smile didn’t reach his eyes.

She fought the urge to chuckle. He was fishing for information about her sex life. “If you want to know about my previous partners, why not just ask?”

His face softened. “You got me. How many men have you been with?”

“Including Marshall?” she teased.

He rolled his eyes and then shuddered in exaggeration. “I cannot picture that man having sex with anyone, especially you. Spare me the visual.” He covered his eyes.

She chuckled this time. “I never slept with Marshall. And I certainly never gave that asshole a blow job.”

He lifted his hand away from his face. “Seriously?”


His entire body relaxed into the mattress, and he blew out a sigh. It meant that much to him.

“And the answer to your question is three, though none with the skills you possess. I’m totally ruined for the next guy.” She wasn’t kidding. It would be impossible to find anyone who made her feel the way Leo Gulin did.

His brow furrowed once again, and he held her body tighter with the arm around her waist. “What next guy?”

She shook her head subtly and turned her face to rest her cheek on his chest, listening to his heart beat and enjoying the rise and fall of his warm skin with each breath. Wouldn’t that be heaven? If she could stay with him forever?


Anton lifted his gaze from the lab results he’d been going over and reached for his phone as it rang for the billionth time.


“This better be good.”

“It is. Someone just broke into the clinic.”

Anton stood, dropping his papers on his desk and staring out the glass window to the lab down below. “Who?”

“No idea. The guy was dressed in black. He wore a hood. Kicked in the door, entered, spent about two minutes inside, and left. Ran around the corner and disappeared.”

“Shit. Did he have anything with him?”

“Nope. Empty handed.”

“Fuck.” Anton didn’t like the sound of that. What were the chances it was a random coincidence? More importantly, how many people were informed that the doctor had blood samples and results for his fighters he simply didn’t want the public aware of? “Does anyone know you’re there?”

“No. We aren’t on the clock right now. At least not with the FBI.”

“Listen, I need you two to do something else.”

“What’s that?” Millings sounded leery.

“Don’t worry, asshole. I’m not going to compromise your damn cover. One of my men didn’t show up at the lab today. Need you to track him down. He’s not answering my calls.” He realized Millings and Dayton were in a bind. It wasn’t like they could step out of hiding and out themselves. He needed them under the radar, and they were more aware of that than anyone.


“Ted Christianson. I’ll text you his information.” If that asshole was double crossing him…

“We’ll find him.”

“I know you will.” The second Anton hung up, the phone was already ringing again in his hand. Not surprising. He answered the call, never giving Boris a chance to speak. “I heard. Stay on it.” And then he ended the call and tossed the phone on the desk.

“Fucking God dammit.”

Chapter Fifteen

Katie was worn out by the time they got back to her clinic. They’d gone to dinner at a quaint Italian restaurant and then stopped at the grocery store and picked up food like any other random couple. Somehow they managed to stuff it all in the tiny trunk of Leo’s prized Trans Am. She could tell this car was his baby.

It was late. The sun had already gone down.

As she was looking down, juggling too many bags at once in her hands, Leo’s arm suddenly shot out in front of her, almost knocking her over. In another swift move, he dragged her backward against the side of the building, dropping his own bags on the ground and pressing his hand over her mouth. “Shh. Don’t make a sound,” he whispered close to her ear.

Adrenaline rushed through her body, and she opened her eyes wide, imploring without words.

“Someone broke into the clinic.” He dropped his hand, his gaze roaming around the area as he pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and hit 911. He handed her the phone. “Tell them where we are. Get back in the car.”

“Are you crazy?” she hissed, putting the phone up to her ear.

“911. What’s your emergency?”

“This is Dr. Kathryn Schwann. Someone broke into my clinic,” she muttered, gazing past Leo, who thankfully hadn’t moved yet. Did he intend to go inside? If so, he was crazier than she thought.

She bent her knees to release the bags of food she still held in her other hand, not at all sure when she’d set the first bag down. Or maybe she’d simply dropped it.

She also held on to Leo’s arm, as if that would keep him from leaving her side.

“What’s your location, ma’am?”

Katie rattled off her address.

“The police are on their way. Is the intruder still there, ma’am?”

“I don’t know. We just got here.” She peered around to see the front door for the first time. It stood open, swinging on its hinges. “It’s dark inside.”

“Okay, there’s a squad car in your area. It will be there in less than a minute. It will pull up silent.”


Leo stepped closer to the entrance.

Katie wrapped her fingers tighter around his arm. “Don’t even think about it,” she told him. “The cops are almost here.”

He set his hand on hers and nodded, his face contorted as though the idea pained him. Did he want to die? What if there was a drug dealer inside with a gun? Addicts would do anything for a fix. Even kill.

“They’re pulling up now, ma’am. Do you see them?”


“Okay. You can hang up now.”

She handed the phone back to Leo, who tucked it into his pocket as he stepped away from her to meet the cops.

It was the same pair they’d spoken with that morning.

“You guys work long hours,” Leo said as he pointed at the door.

“Twelve at a time,” Cooley said. “You caught us at the beginning and end of our shift.” He grabbed the door and examined it.

Tanner kneeled down next to it and traced a finger along the bottom. “Looks like it was kicked in. Amazing the glass didn’t shatter. The lock gave way first.”

“Do you know if anyone’s still inside?”

“No,” Katie said. “We didn’t go inside.” She shot Leo a look, knowing he’d have run right in if she hadn’t stopped him.

Cooley reached inside, flipped on the main lights, and the place lit up.

Katie shielded her eyes from the sudden intense glare.

“Stay out here. We’ll check it out.”

Katie leaned her weight on Leo, who wrapped an arm around her as the cops went inside, weapons drawn. They called out to let anyone inside know they were there and slowly disappeared into the back.

Several long minutes later, they returned to the front, holstering their guns.

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