Read Clinch (The Underground Book 2) Online

Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #Contemporary Erotic Suspense Romance

Clinch (The Underground Book 2) (15 page)

He lifted a brow. “Massages are for both sides of the body, babe. The only difference is you don’t have a sheet over you.” He set a hand on her lower back and gave her ass a quick hard swat.

She yelped, her eyes going wide as she scrambled to obey. As she flipped with no grace at all, her tits swayed. He forced himself to focus on her as a whole, but it was impossible when she squeezed her legs together and squirmed under his gaze.

“Relax. Arms above your head. Legs wider.” He squirted more oil onto his palm and rubbed his hands together. And then he went to work on her thighs, digging his thumbs in to loosen the muscles. He spread his palms up her belly next and then between her breasts to her upper chest and shoulders.

She took deep breaths. Her nipples were stiff peaks begging for attention.

When he was finished, he smoothed his hands down to her chest and molded them to her breasts, massaging the oil into her pale skin and watching how her nipples puckered further.

When he pinched them, she moaned and rolled her head to one side. Her eyes were closed. She didn’t protest.

He worked his way back down her belly until he reached her thighs, pushing them wider and then molding the soft inside of her legs with his hands. He eased higher with every caress until he parted her lower lips, exposing her pussy to his gaze.

It was glistening with her moisture.

Foregoing the massage oil, he wiped his hands on the towel and reached for another tube in his bag. “Don’t move.”

She shuddered slightly, but didn’t flinch.

He let a few drops of the next liquid drip onto his finger, and then he pulled the hood back from her clit and rubbed the liquid directly on her swollen nub.

She drew her knees up and together slightly.

“Open your legs, Katie. Wider. Let your knees fall apart.”

She dropped them slowly to the sides, her breathing heavier. Her body stiffened as he continued to rub the oil into her clit and then down lower to stroke over her lower lips. The stimulant would make her clit tingle in less than a minute.

And sure enough she squirmed before he had her lips parted.

“Oh God. What was that?”

“Mmm. Stay still.”

She lifted her head and met his gaze. “Leo…”

He smiled. “It’s a stimulant. It should feel warm and tingly.”

“It does. But…” She rose up, bringing her arms down to lean forward. “Too much…” she muttered. Her legs shook, and she drew them up abruptly and turned onto her side, drawing her knees up to her chest and squeezing them together. She moaned.

Leo drew his shirt over his head with one hand and stripped out of his shoes, socks, and jeans in record time. And then he climbed onto the bed and rolled her onto her back. “Open for me, babe.”

She moaned again. “Can’t. That’s…” She licked her lips and made a deep sound of pleasure. Or need.

“Let me see you.” He set his hands on her knees and pushed them open, crawling between her legs to keep them that way. Her clit was swollen, protruding out from the hood. He pinched it between two fingers, and she nearly shot off the bed.

“God… Leo…”

He’d never seen anyone react so strongly to a stimulant. It had different effects on each woman, but this was crazy. So fast. So fucking hot. With one hand on her belly, he rubbed her slippery clit with his other fingers, working it hard.

She writhed beneath him, grabbing his arm with her hands and bucking her hips to no avail. “Leo… Oh God.”

She needed to come. That much was clear. Who knew how long the stimulant might affect her, but he wouldn’t leave her hanging like this. Maybe after the first orgasm, she would be able to relax enough to enjoy the second more fully.

“Leo,” she shouted. Her breaths were choppy, and her fingers dug into his forearm, both pushing and pulling at the same time.

He picked up the pace, stroking his fingers over and around her tight nub with as much pressure as he thought she could take without getting sore.

Finally, she tipped her head back and groaned long and loud toward the ceiling. Her entire body shook with the force of the orgasm. It was so deep he could feel the pulsing at the base of her clit.

When she finally relaxed into the bed and released her tight grip on his arm, he slowed his friction until she winced at the sensitivity. And then he stroked his fingers lower through her folds, parting them and spreading the wetness around the outside and toward her tight rear hole. She didn’t protest. That’s how sated she was.

“Arms above your head,” he reminded her.

She let go of his wrist as if it were on fire, evidently shocked to find she’d grabbed him at all.

“Lift them out of the way. I like the way your chest rises when your arms are high.”

She did as he said, her gaze still hazy from the intense orgasm.

The small sounds coming from her never ceased completely. In minutes, she was writhing against his fingers at the entrance to her pussy. Her clit was still engorged. Gorgeous. He could stare at it for hours.

With one hand, he slowly eased two fingers into her core. He set the other next to her head and leaned over her body to meet her gaze. “That was so sexy.”

“That was unbearable. Don’t do it again. I felt like some sort of nymphomaniac. In fact, it’s hardly subsided. I still need more.”

“But you liked it.” He grinned.

“No. It was too much. Too intense. I lost control.”

“It’s okay to lose control during sex, you know. Expected even. Sexy as hell.”

“I don’t lose control. Ever.”

He believed it. And he intended to break her of that. “I’ll tell you what. You do as I say in bed, and I’ll hold the stimulant in reserve for extreme punishment situations.”

Her eyes widened. “Leo, I’m a grown woman.”

“Yeah, a grown woman whose pussy gets wet and needy every time she follows my directions.”

Her face flushed. “Maybe, but…”

“I’m just saying, let me rock your world on my terms when we’re having sex, and I won’t have to torture you with the stimulant.”

“And if I don’t agree?”

“Then the next time I’ll tie you down, put several drops on your clit, and leave you to writhe with no release. I was lenient this time. I took pity on you and let you come.”

“Lenient? How was that lenient?”

“Denial is the ultimate punishment, babe. You sass me. You move around when I tell you to be still. You talk back to me, argue, disagree, and I’ll drive you insane with desire and not let you come. We clear?”

She watched his eyes for several seconds, not blinking. Finally she nodded.

“Tell me.”

“I’m clear.” Her pussy gripped his fingers as she spoke. She was more aroused than before.

“On what?”

“I’ll…obey you. But only in the bedroom. And only because you rock my world. I’m still a little uneasy about it.”

“I’d expect nothing less. It’s new to you. You’ve never experienced domination. You’ll learn to love it. Crave it. Think about me controlling you at odd hours of the day and find yourself wet and needy.”

She swallowed. “I believe you.”

“Good. But eventually I’m going to ask you to open your mind with respect to the definition of bedroom.” He twisted his fingers and scissored them inside her.

She moaned. “What does that mean?”

“It means the bedroom walls might get a little blurry one day. I might ask you to submit to me at times when we aren’t specifically in the bedroom. But I promise you I won’t do anything to embarrass you or expose you to anyone besides myself.” He eased his fingers slowly in and out of her as he spoke.

She moaned again, though he couldn’t be sure if it was from his fingers or his words.

“I’ll ask you to ease your definition of bedroom when it comes to sex. We might not always have sex in this particular room, and I might not always dominate you in here, either.”

“Okay… Mmm…”

He paused, holding his fingers deep, but not moving them. “What I can guarantee is I won’t try to dominate you in other areas besides sex. Understand?”


“Now, you want my cock?”

“Yes. Please.”

He removed his fingers from her pussy, leaned over the side of the bed, snagged a condom from the bedside table, and rolled it onto his stiff length. He couldn’t remember when he’d been this hard or this horny. If he didn’t rein it in soon, he would embarrass himself with her every time he fucked her.

“Please,” she begged before he could line himself up with her tight warmth.

“As much as I like the sound of your begging, I suggest you keep it to yourself in the future unless you want to writhe a whole lot longer. I can see it on your face. You don’t need to tell me how horny you are.”

She nodded, biting her lower lip, probably trying to fight the need to beg again now.

“That’s a girl.” He brushed a lock of hair off her head that had escaped from her bun. And then he leaned down and took her lips for the first time all evening. The woman could slay him with a kiss. He needed to remember that if he wanted to avoid her getting the upper hand.

Her lips were soft and intense. Demanding without words. She slid her tongue into his mouth before he had a chance to take control. The little imp thought she had this one thing over him. He didn’t call her out on it. Not this time, but later he would.

Instead, he slid his cock into her warmth, moaning into her mouth around the sensation. She was so damn tight. He shuddered to think what it would feel like to take her ass. She wasn’t ready for that yet. But soon. And when he did…


Anton held the phone up to his ear between his chin and his shoulder and waited while it rang.


“You left me a message.” He wasn’t interested in shooting the breeze. He had a busy day ahead of him.

“Yes. I’ve got something you might be interested in.”

“What is it?”

“The result of some blood work taken from two of your fighters.”

Anton stopped seeing his computer screen in front of him. He grabbed the phone with his hand, righted himself, and paid closer attention. “Who took blood work from my men?”

“Doctor at a clinic downtown. Seems innocent enough. Routine. But she had red flags. I went to medical school with her. She’s a nice girl.”

Anton could hear Christianson’s hesitation. He didn’t want to see her hurt. The good news was he hadn’t withheld information from Anton to ensure her safety. Proved his allegiance to the team.

“Dr. Kathryn Schwan,” Anton provided to let Christianson know he was clear on her identity.

Christianson breathed out a sigh. “Yeah, that’s her. Guess you’re already familiar with the situation.”

“I am.” Dammit. That fucking doctor was snooping. How much did she already know?

“You want me to get my hands on the blood samples? I could ask her to bring them to me, or I could go pick them up myself.”

“Nope. I know exactly what they look like. I don’t need to see them. She can always take more samples. No need to raise an alarm. Won’t change the results. You think this woman’s going to snoop further?” Anton asked.

“No idea what her intentions are. She may have simply turned the results over to me and gone on with her life. I can talk to her though, if you want.”

Anton didn’t like that idea any better. If anyone was going to make sure Dr. Schwan kept her mouth shut, he would handle it himself. “Don’t bother. I’ll take care of it.”

There was a hesitation. “How…exactly?”

“That’s not any of your business. You work for me. I pay you well. You don’t ask questions. We clear?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good. And you did right by calling me. Don’t worry about the blood work. It’s not an issue.”

“Okay.” He drew out that last word. “See you tomorrow at the lab.”

Anton ended the call without saying another word. “Fuck,” he muttered into the room at large.

Dr. Katie Schwan.

He’d had tabs on her for months, ever since Leo Gulin had started coming around. But this was unexpected. How did she happen to take blood from any of the men? And why? They wouldn’t have gone to her for a physical or anything routine. Until a year ago they had been totally up to date through his own physician.

Stitching up cuts and handling minor fractures didn’t require a blood draw. If that bitch got too nosy…

Anton flipped the phone over in his hand multiple times out of habit, and then he placed another call.

Chapter Twelve

The sound of Katie’s damn doorbell jerked Leo from a deep sleep. He blinked into the dim light of the room, determining at least this time it was after dawn.

Katie groaned. “Not again.”

Leo had her spooned against his front. He kissed her shoulder, hugged her tight, and then released her to slide from the bed. “Don’t move. I’ll see who it is.” He padded over to the window and pulled down one of the slats of the blinds to look below.

Whoever it was rang the bell again and then stood back several paces to lift his head toward the window, shadowing his face against the bright light of the sun. Maybe it was later than he thought.

“Who is it?” she asked, her voice indicating she was coming awake.

Leo narrowed his gaze. It wasn’t one of his friends. Not a fighter.

When the guy finally dropped his hand and set his palms on his hips in frustration, Leo stiffened. “Marshall.”

She groaned. “What the hell? What time is it?”

Leo dropped the blinds and turned to walk back to her side, glancing at the clock at the same time she did. Eight. They’d slept hard. He doubted she ever slept this late. Her clinic wasn’t open on Sundays, but that didn’t keep her from puttering around her apartment, shopping for groceries while most people hadn’t yet seen the light of day, or going for a jog.

She groaned again and swung her legs over the side of the bed and the bell rang a third time. At least she wasn’t happy with his arrival.

“You could ignore him,” Leo suggested. After all, the man was a first-class asshole.

“No. That would be worse. He’d probably go tell my mother I wasn’t answering, and then we’d have an even more unwelcome guest. I can get rid of Marshall. My mother—not so easily.”

She grabbed a pair of jeans off the floor and shrugged into them without bothering to find panties.

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