Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series) (36 page)

Lara held up her pinkie. “Deal.”

Teagan linked hers with Lara’s. “Deal. Quick question. What is up with Kedryn and Kiara?”

Lara let out a sigh. “Hopefully nothing until the battle ends.”

Eion stepped into the room. “Are you both finished. I believe it is time for a wedding.”

“Just a moment.” Teagan said as she lifted the veil and placed it

over Lara’s face and grabbed the bags.

“If we are ready?” Eion said as he placed an arm around each sister. They both nodded and he translocated to the portal. They walked through the portal and Eion translocated them to the spot where Clara showed him Lara would be walking in.

Lara heard gasps and looked around realizing they were all looking at her. She turned pink and Kedryn walked up to her. He was dressed in black slacks with a white shirt and dark green tie.

“Not going to get cold feet are you?” Kedryn asked as Eion and Teagan took their seats.

“Not on your life. I hope your grandfather is going to stick with the short and sweet.” She said and looked straight ahead.

“He most certainly is. What number is this?” Kedryn said as he took her arm.

“Number?” Lara squeezed his arm.

“The dress.” Kedryn said.

Lara let out a laugh. “I think I lost track.”

“You look beautiful mother.” Kedryn offered her his arm.

“Thank you.” she said as a guitar began to play. Lara looked over to where the music was coming from. Her brother Shane was playing the guitar and Glen started to sing the Irish Wedding Song.

Kedryn slowly led her down the isle and stopped just before they reached Aodhan. Aodhan stood to the side of her father. His face was of pure joy and she didn’t know if his smile could get even bigger.

"Who gives this woman to be wed?" Duke asked.

“I do.” Kedryn said as he lifted Lara’s veil and handed her off to Aodhan.

Duke took her hand and clasped it to Aodhan’s. He wrapped a silken emerald green ribbon around their clasped hands.

“You are bound one to the other with a binding that is not easy to break. Take the time of binding before the final vows are made to learn what you need to know. To grow in wisdom and love and that your marriage will be strong. That your love will last. In this life and beyond. A man and woman joined by God.”

Duke looked from Lara to Aodhan then to Clara and Orla who were wiping the tears of joy from her eyes. “I believe you both are familiar with the vow of unity.”

“Since I was five planning my wedding.“ Lara said and grinned at Aodhan. “Do you my heart?”

“I do, my heart.” Aodhan said and squeeze her entwined hand.

Lara and Aodhan looked at each other in the eyes and said together.

“We swear by peace and love to stand. Heart to heart and hand to hand. Mark, O Spirit, and hear us now, Confirming this our Sacred Vow.”

“Tugaim mo chroí duit go deo.” Aodhan said and lifted her hand kissing it.

“I give my heart to you forever.” Lara said.

Duke looked at his daughter and he had never seen her happier and knew that everything was as it should be.

“Do you, Aodhan Mahon McCionaoith, take Lara Eve O’Broin to be your wife, to be her constant friend, her partner in life, and her true love? To love her without reservation, honor and respect her, protect her from harm, comfort her in times of distress, and to grow with her in mind and spirit?”

“I do.”

Lara pulled the kerchief from her bodice and wiped the tears away. She reached over to Aodhan and wiped a tear from his cheek. He raised an eyebrow to her when she put the kerchief back and let out a laugh.

Duke looked to Lara. “Do you, Lara Eve O’Broin, take Aodhan Mahon McCionaoith to be your husband, to be his constant friend, his partner in life, and his true love? To love him without reservation, honor and respect him, protect him from harm, comfort him in times of distress, and to grow with him in mind and spirit?”

“I do.” Lara looked to Kedryn who was grinning at her and she felt her life had finally become complete.

“Do you have the rings?” Duke looked to Aodhan.

It was then that a look of panic crossed Aodhan’s face. He looked to his mother and then to Eion. Eion leaned forward and handed Kedryn a velvet pouch. Kedryn stood and walked to Aodhan who gave him a relived look. Kedryn gave the pouch to Duke who took out the wedding bands.

“Yes. Yes I do have the rings.” Aodhan said.

Duke placed a ring in Aodhan’s hand.

“You may proceed.” Duke said.

Looking in to Lara’s smiling emerald green eyes he placed the ring on her finger. “I take you my heart. At the rising of the moon and the setting of the stars. To love and to honor through all that may come. Through our life together.”

Duke gave Lara Aodhan’s ring and she placed it onto his finger. “I take you my heart. At the rising of the moon and the setting of the stars. To love and to honor through all that may come. Through our life together.”

“May your love, life and family be blessed by God.” Duke said and looked to Aodhan. “You may kiss your bride.”

Aodhan pulled Lara close and kissed her. There was a flash of blue light and white feathers slowly floated down. Lara caught something out of the corner of her eye. For a moment she swore she saw the silhouettes of Nolan and what she assumed to be Badb. They were smiling at her and disappeared.

Aodhan noticed a confused but happy look on her face. “Is something wrong?” he whispered in her ear.

“No. Everything is perfect.” she said.

They turned to face everyone and raised their entwined hands.

Duke placed his hand on theirs. “May I introduce Mr. and Mrs. Aodhan and Lara McCionaoith.”

Everyone cheered and the newlyweds greeted everyone. They headed to the kitchen for some ice cream cake. Duke had made certain they got Lara’s favorite, strawberry cheesecake. Since their hands were twined together they decided to feed each other.

“This a mite sweet but amazing.” Orla said as she took a bite of ice cream.

“Agreed.” Kiara said with a mouth full of cake and grabbed her head. “What in the . . .”

Kedryn grimaced. “Brain freeze. Should have warned you.”

Kiara took in a few deep breaths. “That would have been nice.”

she cautiously took a small bite.

Lara fed Aodhan a spoonful of ice cream and smeared it on his face.

“Hey.” Aodhan said as she leaned over and kissed his cheek where the ice cream was and licked a bit off.

“Oh.” Aodhan said and gave her a grin.
Lara took a napkin and wiped the rest off. “What should our first dance be to?”

“I will leave that up to you my love.”

She sighed. “So many songs. So little time.”

Kedryn leaned forward putting his elbows on the table. “Evanescence, Good Enough. I seem to remember when you said yes you told Aodhan that you couldn’t and wouldn’t say no to him.”

She put her head on Aodhan’s shoulder. “That I did.”

“I will be right back.“ Kedryn stood and quickly walked out of the room. He returned with a cd in his hand. “Found it.”

Aodhan stood and pulled the chair out for Lara. “Thank you.” she said as he looked around. He stood holding out his free hand and bowed to Lara. “May I have this dance, my heart?”

“I would love to, my heart.”

They walked to the gazebo followed close by everyone else. Kedryn started the music and grinned as he watched his mother and new father dance.

Aodhan held her close and they swayed to the music. He whispered in her ear. “I love you. Thank you for making me the happiest I have ever been.”

She kissed him and looked him in the eyes. “I love you.”

When the song was over Lara squeezed Aodhan tight. “I would love to drag you into the guest house and attack you right now.”

Aodhan let out a laugh. “I would love to. Sadly, for us, I believe your family would like to spend as much time with you as they can and we have tonight.”

The song ended and Lara walked up to Kedryn. “How about one more dance? What other cd’s are in there?”

Kedryn walked over and pushed a button and examined the disks. “How about Calling you?”

“Blue October. Perfect” Lara said.

Kedryn hit play and walked up to his grandma and held out his

hand. “May I?”

“Of course.” Clara said

Lara walked up to her father. “May I have this dance.”

“With pleasure.” Duke said.

When the song ended Lara walked up to Aodhan who was dancing with his mother. She gave Orla a huge hug.

“Welcome to the family dear.” Orla said.

“It is an honor to be a part of it.” Lara said.

Turning to Aodhan she jumped up and he caught her in his arms. He swayed a bit. “A little warning would have been good.”

Grinning up at him she gave him a kiss on the chin. “Let’s change. I want to show you Superman and why I love the green crystal Kedryn gave me.” Aodhan set her down and Lara turned to her mother. “We are going to change and after I want to show our guests a bit of our world.”

“That would be an excellent idea. I have many questions. Other things were more important though.” Kiara said.

“Kedryn, mom, dad. Can you give them a tour of the house while Aodhan and I change?”

“Of course.” Duke said and motioned to them all. “This way. I would like to introduce you to something called electricity.”

Lara kissed Aodhan again and they untwined their hands. Aodhan wrapped the silken ribbon around Lara’s wrist and she walked over to the guest house to change. She looked to her frame pack and then to the dresser.

“I wonder.” she said and started opening drawers. They were full of her clothes that she had left there just in case. She grinned to herself and pulled out her worn jeans, dark green hoodie and Harley Davidson shoes that were so worn she could just slip them on. She spritzed on some perfume and headed back over to the house.

As Lara walked in through the kitchen door she heard shouting coming from the living room. Lara ran in just in time to see Aodhan punch a man knocking him down to the floor. She looked down at the man on the floor and Alec looked up at her in shock. It took a minute for him to catch his breath as he wiped away the blood from his lip and stood. He glared at Aodhan and turned his focus on Lara.

“What in God’s name is going on here? What did you take from my house?”

Lara crossed her arms and glared at him. “What, no hello? Happy to see your son is alive?”

“Why would I care? I have what I want. You both are dead to me and he is no son of mine.” Alec said and took a running step back as Eion and Duke both had to restrain Aodhan.

Orla and Kiara looked on the scene dismayed as Clara held up her hand to Shane and Glen who were about to take a step in Alec’s direction. She quickly walked into the kitchen and grabbed the house keys off of the counter. Walking up to Alec she handed him the keys.

“Take these. I suggest you switch the code on your house. Get out of mine!”

Alec yanked the keys from Clara’s hand and gave Lara a seething look. “What did you take?”

“Nothing that was not mine to begin with. Get out Alec and forget this. You are not welcome or wanted here.” Lara said and walked up to Aodhan taking his arm.

Alec turned on his heels and stormed out. They heard the screeching of tires and he was gone.

Kedryn walked up to his mom and put a hand on her shoulder. He noticed she was shaking. “It’s ok. He’s gone.”

Lara was so mad she looked to Kedryn and then down at her shaking hands. “That man” she took in a shuddering breath and looked to her mother. “That was not what I expected to walk into. What did he say?”

“Nothing worth repeating.” Aodhan said and looked to Kedryn.

Lara glanced at Teagan and she gave her an I’ll tell you later look. Clara walked up to Orla. “This has been an eventful day so far.”

Orla raised her eyebrow at Aodhan. “I did not raise him to beat a man for speaking his mind.”

“It was worth it.” Aodhan said as he ran his hand through his hair.

Duke gave him a wide grin. “I would say there are exceptions to some rules.”

“I suppose you are right. I know that Blaine would have done the same.” Orla sighed at the thought of her late husband and Aodhan stepped up and gave her a hug.

“Of that I have no doubt.” Aodhan said as he let his mother go.

Lara walked up to him. “Nice jab by the way. You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to see someone put him in his place.”

Aodhan rubbed his chin giving her a devious grin. “I’m surprised you had not done it sooner. Considering the punch you welcomed me with.”

Kedryn walked up to Aodhan and held out his arm. Aodhan clasped it. “Well done. Father.”

That nearly brought Lara to tears and she turned to her mother and Teagan. “Let’s do something to get our minds off of what just happened.”

“How about some home made pizza!” Kedryn said.

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