Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series) (30 page)

“Doesn’t smell like oil.” Kedryn said.

Kiara walked over and examined the liquid. It is not oil. “Go ahead. It is safe.“

Kedryn walked down lighting each one. The musty smell that filled the air slowly faded away as clean air poured in from the hole that led outside of the bedroom chambers. Two doors opposite of each other appeared in the light.

Lara walked up to a lit pillar. “Do you smell that?”

“It is lavender and something else. I have heard of the ancients

using special liquids to light their way.” Kiara said as she pushed her long hair behind her shoulder annoyed she lost her ribbon to tie it back.

Lara noticed and pulled a band from her pocket and handed it to Kiara.

“Thank you.” Kiara said as she quickly bound her hair back.

Aodhan walked back to the fallen door and looked to the hole where Lara fell through. “Let’s get this door back on the best we can. Prop something up against it. I would not want any surprises coming in from the outside.”

“Good idea.” Kedryn said and looked around.

They both picked up the door and propped it against the frame. There was still a sizeable gap at the top where the door had split. After searching the corridor Kedryn and Aodhan decided on a toppled marble pillar and leaned it into the door.

“Unless something large tries to get through I believe that should hold.” Aodhan said.

“What about us getting out if something is in here?” Lara asked.

Aodhan looked at the toppled pillar and to Kedryn. “Guess we will deal with that if something appears.”

“Look here.” Kiara said as she walked over to a door and tested the handle. She pushed it open and took Kedryn’s torch. She motioned for them to follow her in and pointed to the carving on the inside of the door. “This one has a wolf on the door. The symbol of Nemain.”

Kedryn looked around and it was in the same state as the first room. Items scattered around the room with dresser and vanity drawers hanging open. “Lets check over this room for any clues of the portal.”

Lighting a row of candles that were set out on a dresser they all looked around. Lara walked over to a bookshelf strewn with books carelessly thrown on the shelves and floor. She examined the books and set a couple inside of her pack. There was an end table with the carving of a wolf on top near the bed. She looked it over and found nothing of interest.

Kiara picked up a dress off of the floor and shook the dust off of it. The garment was decorated with golden crystals. She looked to the dressing table where a gold box spilled out bronze pins, barrettes, and a couple of necklaces made of crystals carved into a wolf.

“I believe we definitely have found the castle of the Morrigan. I want to check out that other door.” Lara said as she walked out and opened the door across the hall. She held out her hand for Aodhan’s torch

and peeked around the door and saw that Badb’s symbol of the raven was carved into the door. Lara took out her dagger and it was an exact match. Aodhan went to step through the door and she stopped him.

“I would like a moment alone.” Lara said

Aodhan gestured her to go ahead. Lara took a deep breath and stepped past the door and into the room that was her many great grandmothers. She pushed the door shut and looked around for some candles. She found some on the vanity and lit them. Lara had expected the Morrigan to have exquisite bedrooms but all three of these were simple in their own way. It was possible that they had grander rooms above that had been built over. She walked over to the vanity and fingered through the hair pins and raven jewelry.

A small stand near the bed flickered in the light and she walked over to it. An imprint matching her dagger was on top. She shrugged and placed her dagger on the stand and nothing happened. When she went to pick it up the sound of a latch clicking came from the other side of the bed. Lara walked around the bed to discover a slight crack in the wall. She heard the muffled voices outside and realized that she had been in the room for quite some time.

Carefully running her finger along the crack Lara yelled over her shoulder. “I think I found something. Come on in.”

They all piled in the room and Kedryn found a couple of sconces on the walls and lit them. Pulling open the hidden door Lara stepped into a small room. There was an intricately carved desk with an ornate chair. A bookshelf lined the wall along with an armoire and a chest in the corner. She walked over to the chest. There was an imprint on top of it.

While the others explored the hidden room she placed her dagger on the imprint. The latch released and the lid raised slightly. She opened it to find many papers and a man’s ring.

There was an envelope curiously addressed to one word. Descendant. Lara picked up the envelope and walked to Kedryn handing it to him.

“What do you think of this?”

“Open it.” Kedryn said.

Aodhan and Kiara walked up to Lara and all watched as she opened the envelope.

“What does it say?” Kedryn asked as he tried to look over her shoulder.

My Lovely Descendant,

In my haste I leave you this letter. My sisters and I flee from this place to the second portal. Our people are gathering there as I write this.

The first is here in this castle and will remain open for only three days time. I am assuming that since you are reading this you are looking for a way back to your world or remnants of your past.

Only the true descendant who wields the power to use the daggers can open this chest. I have left hints of the first portal my sisters and I have created. The dagger will lead the way. I can not say more for fear of our enemies in finding this place and somehow impede my magic. Or that the magic will simply fade in time.

The ring in this chest once belonged to my love. Do with it and my belongings as you will, along with my sisters. What was ours is now yours.

Farewell, live and love well.

Lady Badb

Lara picked up the ring. It was square on top with a phoenix engraved into the gold. “I believe this belongs to you.” she said and handed it to Kedryn.

“I suppose so.” Kedryn said as he slipped the ring onto his right hand.

“How exactly is the dagger supposed to lead the way?” Kiara asked.

Lara gave her a smile. “I have no idea.”

“Look at this.” Aodhan said as he placed a leather bound scroll onto the desk. He unrolled it using two gold sculptures of a raven and crow to hold the ends down.

Kedryn looked it over “Blue prints for the castle.”

Looking over Aodhan’s shoulder Lara wrapped her arms around his waist. “See anything helpful?”

“Yes a bath.” Aodhan said as he turned his head and gave her a swift kiss. “We are all exhausted. It looks like the baths are near by. Why don’t we see how they look and get some rest before we explore some more.” Aodhan said as he rolled up the scroll and placed it back onto the bookshelf.

“But…” Lara started to say.

“He has a point mom.” Kedryn gave her a curious look. “Since when have you ever turned down a bath?”

“Fine. Let’s go check them out.” Lara said as she squeezed Aodhan before releasing him.

They followed the hall around a corner where two more doors were set across from one another. Opening one revealed a small armory. The other revealed a corridor with sconces lining the walls. Kedryn and Aodhan lit them as they followed it to the baths.

A vine carved archway formed before them that led to a small room. Benches were placed against each wall with carved marble shelves and hooks for hanging.

“It looks to be a changing room.” Kiara said as they walked through into another hallway.

Steam started to rise in the air and another room appeared with three tables in it. Kiara leaned over one and looked at it curiously. “What do you suppose these are for?”

Walking over to what looked to be a large cabinet Lara opened it to discover many different oils. “Massage tables I’m assuming.” she said as she picked up one of the vials and smelled it. “Almond oil.”

Looking at the other vials she set the one back into the cabinet and shut the door. Kedryn motioned for them to keep going and stopped when three large marble arches appeared. Each arch had a statue of a woman standing at the side of each entrance. Dark green mosaic lined the floors Each carved with Celtic symbols on them. Lara walked up to an arch and looked into the bath area. High marble walls separated each area. There was a large marble bench the size of a bed attached to the wall.

“It looks like it is still being used.” Kedryn said as he swiped his hand on a statue standing at the front of one of the archways. “No dust at all.”

“The steam acts as a natural cleaner there must be an underwater spring.” Lara said as she looked up at the splendid mosaic ceilings and to the colossal pillars of marble.

“Now I know where you got your love for baths.” Kedryn said

“Look there.” Kiara said as she pointed up at the ceiling and to the statues. “Each sister had her own private bath.”

On the ceiling were carvings of the symbol of each sister directly above the marble statues. A closer look at the white marble statues revealed that each stature was different. The one to the immediate left was Nemain. The woman was standing tall and proud with her hair tied up to the side of her neck flowing down to her waist. Her hand rested on the head of a wolf that was sitting looking as if it was waiting for something. The center statue was of Macha who stood with her hair up in curls. The ringlets flowed over her shoulder. In one hand she held a mistletoe and on the top of that same hand rested a crow ready for flight. The final statue was of Badb.

Aodhan stepped up to the statue and touched its face. Badb’s hair flowed all around her to her waist. The hand was outstretched palm up with a raven in flight floating just above it. He waved his hand around the bird and found nothing support it and shrugged. Turning to Lara who was still looking at Nemain’s statue he motioned her to come over.

“Would you look at this. Badb was quite the beauty.” Aodhan gave her a smirk.

Lara walked up to the statue. “She was my relative after all.”

Kedryn let out a laugh and walked up. “Holy cow she could almost be your twin. The only difference is that she has great grandma’s nose.”

Examining the other statues Lara could see the resemblance of her family in each one. Kedryn walked past her up to the pool. He bent over testing out the water and set down his pack.

“Seems safe enough.” Aodhan said and turned to them. “Kedryn and I will share this one.”

“I will take the middle and you can take Badb’s.” Kiara said as she walked out of the entrance to Neiman’s bath area.

The bath was heavenly and relaxing. Lara pictured herself in Roman times and knew that the Morrigan had planned out their bath close to what the Roman’s architects had designed, complete with a massage area. When she emerged Aodhan was patiently waiting for Kedryn to finish.

“Kedryn, time to get out.” Lara yelled to him.

“Ok.” She heard Kedryn say and gave Aodhan a wrinkled up nose grin. He grinned at her and made a move to hug her.

Lara quickly jumped away. “I just got clean.”

“You could always join me. I might have a couple spots that I can not reach.”

Her face turned pink as she turned to see Kiara walking towards her. “I believe we will retire to the bedrooms.

“Kedryn and I will take Neiman’s room and you two take Badb’s.” Aodhan leaned forward without touching Lara and kissed her. “No more exploring tonight. Get some rest my heart.”

“As you desire.” she said

Lara and Kiara walked to the room in silence both lost in their own thoughts.

Walking over to the bed Lara pulled back the top sheets. “You can have the bed. I would like to look at the papers and books that are in that chest.”

“I believe you should get some rest too my lady. There will be plenty of time for you to look them over in the morning.” Kiara said crossing her arms and giving Lara a stern look.

“You would tell on me wouldn’t you.” Lara said letting out a laugh as she blew out all but one of the candles.

“Yes.” Kiara said as she sat on the bed braiding her hair.

“I will do as you both say but I am waking up early.” Lara said as she patted the dust off a chaise lounge. She placed her blankets over it and lay down. Lara relaxed and concentrated there was no one but Aodhan, Kedryn and Kiara and a sense of strong magic close by.

Chapter 39

Not being able to sleep for more than a couple hours Lara quietly sat up and slid off the chase. Grabbing the lit candle she walked over to the hidden door and glanced Kiara’s way. Opening the hidden door as silently as she could Lara stepped in and closed it behind her. Looking around she decided to open the armoire in the corner and walked over to it. Tugging on the handles neither one budged. Letting out a sigh she examined the carvings and found one that matched her dagger on the side.

Sneaking back into the bedroom she groped around for her dagger and as soon as she found it she quickly made her way back. When she reached the door Lara knocked her shin on the corner of the bed. Standing still for a couple of moments she made sure that she hadn’t woken Kiara.

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