Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series) (27 page)

“Would you like for me to remove the tracking spell? The other is much like the one on the child.”

Aalia carefully thought it through. “Leave the trace but remove the other. It probably has something to do with Tynan. I want Lord Faolan to have as little leverage against my husband as possible.”

“Why leave the trace?” Aodhan asked.

“If Faolan knows I removed it he will realize that the curse has been removed from myself and my son.”

“Wouldn’t he know anyway?” Kedryn asked.

Eion rubbed his chin. “Only if he concentrates on her. Just don’t let him get that close.”

“I may not have a choice but will take the risk. Please remove the trace only.” Aalia said.

“It will be done as you wish my lady.” Eion placed the baby on a cushion.

“Fair enough.” Aodhan said. “Shall we?”

Eion stood Aalia in the center of the room. “Now that I know the weave Faolan used. It will not take as long. Do you wish to sit or stand, my lady?”

“I will stand.” Aalia glanced at her baby and closed her eyes.

The same surge of power filled the room and a similar Celtic weave formed around Aalia. She looked to her son and slowly felt a weight lift off of her. She watched as each strand disappeared around her. The last strand floated in front of her and slowly faded away.

“Thank you. All of you.” Aalia said as she gave each man a kiss on the lips making Kedryn’s whole face grow red. She patted Kedryn’s cheek and turned picking up her son and walked out onto the porch with Eion.

“I did not think this journey would start out so well. I must leave for Milburn at once to drop off Drake and return to my husband as quickly as possible.” Aalia said.

Niall walked up to her with Gil. “If you would like I could take the baby to Milburn.”

Aalia looked down at he child knowing the trace was still on her and that Faolan would know precisely where she dropped Drake off. “For his safety that may be wise.” She started to tear up and gave Drake a squeeze and kissed his head. “I’m not to fond of the idea.”

Eion walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder. “He may already know where you are heading.”

“It is possible. However, I would like to lessen that chance. Please take good care of him.” Aalia reluctantly handed Niall the baby.

“I will guard him with my life.” Niall said and looked a little uncomfortable as he looked at the baby in his arms. “However, I am not certain I quite know how to take care of a child.”

“I believe I can help with that.” a woman’s voice sounded behind them. They turned to see Emma walk up the garden path.

“Emma. When did you arrive?” Carrick asked.

“Just a bit ago. Where is Shanna and Annie?” Emma looked around puzzled.

“They went into town for the night.” Eion said and rubbed his chin. “However, my dear, you have impeccable timing.”

Aalia looked over Emma. “You have experience with children?”

“I have been around since Annie was a baby and know what I am doing. I’ll be in the kitchen packing the provisions.” Emma looked to Carrick. “Can you send word to my aunt?”

“Of course.” Carrick said.

“It is true?” Aalia looked to Carrick .

“I wouldn’t have trusted any other to look over my little girl.” Carrick said taking the baby from Niall and giving Drake a hug.

Aalia gave her son a longing look. “I know it is for his safety but I dislike leaving him. However, I must get back to Gavin. Who knows what more influence Faolan has weaved over him.”

Carrick walked Aalia to her carriage where Gil was waiting. He gave her a deep bow and jumped up into the seat. “What have you decided, my lady?”

She looked up. “Back to the castle.” she gave Drake a kiss and looked to Niall who was leading three horses to the front of the house. “Give my sister my apologies and please explain why.”

“That I will.” Niall said.

Carrick motioned for Gil to go and the carriage rolled down the cobblestone path through the archway. Just then Emma walked out with two packs of food and a bag. She looked over the horses. “We will have to stop in every town or bring a goat.”

Niall looked at her confused. “Why?”

“We need to feed the baby silly. The milk in the pack will not last forever.” Emma said shaking her head.

“A goat will slow us down.” Niall said.

“Wait here.” Carrick handed Drake to Eion and walked into the house and back out to where they stood. He handed a pouch to Niall. “This should cover the inns on the way.”

“Thank you.” Niall said and looked to Emma. “Let’s head out.”

Emma fastened the food packs to a gray mare and mounted. Eion handed the baby to her and she wrapped him in a blanket.

Eion patted the horse. “Be safe both of you. The light is fading are you certain you should leave tonight.”

“The sooner the better.” Niall said.

Kedryn walked over and held out his arm. “Travel safely. Thank you for your help, my friend.”

Niall clasped his arm. “It was an honor to travel on your adventure and fight by your side.”

The rest of the men said their goodbyes and they watched them ride away into the fading light.

“I do not know about all of you but I am ravished and tired.” Eion said.

Carrick stepped onto the porch. “Shanna set out a light meal for us before she left. I will gather the meat out of the cooler.”

They all proceeded into the kitchen where loaves of bread, cheese and other toppings were spread out. Cadmon walked in with some sliced ham and set it down.

“After this I’m calling it a night.” Kedryn said

Aodhan looked around. “We all should. Then join the women in the morning?”

“I second that.” Lawler said

They all stood around in the kitchen eating and headed to bed shortly after.

The next morning Lara was in the den looking over the library. Loud footsteps sounded on the porch and she was the first to the door. She opened it to see Aodhan ready to knock. Standing aside she let the men in. She gave Aodhan a kiss and turned to Kedryn.

“I hope you don’t mind but I’ve agreed to bring Kiara along on our trip. I found out during our outing yesterday that her knowledge of the Morrigan and their language will come quite handy.”

Kiara appeared in the doorway behind Lara. Kedryn felt nervous for the first time as she stared him down daring him to say no. “Sounds like a great idea and I have a gift for you.”

Lara took the wrapped object and led them into the parlor where the rest of the women were sitting. She sat down next to Kiara and slowly opened the package. Her eyes grew wide and looked to Kedryn.

Grinning at her he laughed. “There was this cave in the mountain.”

Lara held the crystal up to the light flowing through a window. “I love it. Thank you.”

“I thought you would get a kick out of it.” Kedryn said as he watched his mom examine the crystal.

Lara gave Kedryn a fierce hug. “You truly are my favorite son.”

“Your only son.”

A servant walked by and the smell of bacon and eggs filled the room. Orla stood and followed the servant into the dining room. When everyone had entered the room she gestured for them to all sit. Carrick stayed standing and gave the blessing. “Come thy God and be our guest and let this food to us be blessed.”

“A-men.” the group said as they passed the food around and dug in.

Cadmon sat back. “I have not eaten so many wonderful filling meals like this in a long time.” he patted his stomach and looked at Carrick. “Should we discuss the plans now or wait?”

Standing Shanna picked up hers and Carrick’s plate.

“You men can discuss your plans. How about we retire to the gardens ladies.”
All the women stood except for Lara. “Assuming this is battle plans I believe I should stay.”

“You are correct, my lady. Would you please stay?” Carrick asked

“Of course general.” Lara said and looked to Orla.

Orla gave her a knowing smile and left the dining area with the other women.

“I kind of told them about your knowledge of old battle strategies. I had a thought but you can confirm it.” Kedryn said as he pulled out the map that he drew and handed it to Lara.

She glanced at it and ran all the possibilities in her head and looked to Kedryn. “Hannibal Barca.”

Kedryn nodded to her. “The battle of Cannae.”

“The bow shape kill box strategy?” Lara grinned at him “It just might work.”

Chapter 34

The doors to the banquet room opened and Lady Aalia appeared. Tynan rushed to her and kissed her. “You have returned early.”

Aalia noticed the concern in his voice. “I did not wish to delay a day longer. Niall took Drake to Kylie. It’s a long story for later.”

“I wish you would have gone also.” he glanced at Cyri who was talking to a noblewoman. She kept glancing over at Aalia with narrowed eyes.

“It appears the rumors are true. Cyri truly has taken Paili’s place?”

“May the Gods help us.” Tynan said and took her arm leading her to where Lord Faolan was standing.

Lieutenant Shea walked up to Tynan and gave a short bow. “General. May I have a word?”

“Is it important?” Tynan said annoyed at the interruption.

Shea nodded to him. “I would not waste your time General if it was not.”

Tynan looked to Faolan. “My lord, may I pass my wife onto you? It seems there is a matter I need to attend to.”

“It would be my pleasure general.” Lord Faolan said as he stepped up to Lady Aalia. He embraced her and whispered. “My spies tell me you did not return with your son. Do you wish his death?”

Whispering back Aalia held her ground. “The spell has been removed by another.” she felt his hands go into a vice grip around her waist but did not flinch. “You may have control over me but not my son.”

Faolan drew away from her. He had felt her return and now was wondering about the curse he placed upon her. Faolan was about to check the curse and decided to later. He was still regenerating his power from when the seer escaped and did not wish to waste it on her. Leading

Aalia to the table he motioned for Firnir to announce everyone to be seated.

Tynan sat down beside Lord Faolan and Cyri took the seat on his other side. Aalia took her husband’s hand. He lifted her hand to his lips, kissed it and noticed a motion to the other side of him. Firnir had taken a seat directly to the side behind Faolan. He looked to Cyri who motioned to the guards who started to bring in a platform and three poles.

Lady Cyri gave Firnir a seething look and he jumped up and scooted her chair out for her. She gave Aalia a sickenly sweet smile and regally walked by each table assessing the noble families carefully. When she had made her way in front of Faolan’s table she gave him a low curtsey. Walking to the front of the platform she dramatically turned around.

“We have come to my favorite part. The entertainment.” she looked around as everyone cheered.

“I am so pleased at everyone’s enthusiasm.” Cyri swooped her arm around indicating all of the tables. She looked at the platform and then to Lord Faolan who sat stone faced with his arms crossed.

“I would be honored to be joined by a member of each of the high noble houses.” Cyri brought up her skirts and swayed to Lord Faolan’s table and turned. She placed herself so that everyone would see Faolan behind her in full support of what was to come next.

Holding out her arm hand up to a table Cyri grinned. “My dear Lady O'Neill. Please join me.”

A woman dressed in all shades of blue with her hair in a multitude of dark curls walked around her table to Cyri. Taking her hand she bowed. Cyri fingered the woman’s necklace dripping in diamonds and tapped the ruby tiara on her head.

“What a lovely head piece.” She said and held her arm out to another table. “The handsome young Lynch. Please come.”

A young man walked up to her and kissed her outstretched hand. Cyri pulled him to her and whispered something in his ear making him blush even more. She placed the young man beside her and narrowed her eyes and stretched out her arm.

“Lord Daly. Please join us.”

The lord looked at her in distaste. He did not hide how he felt about her and ignored her bowing to Lord Faolan and turned to face the audience.

Firnir leaned forward and whispered to Lord Faolan. “What do you think she has planned?”

Faolan gave him a dismissive gesture and Firnir set back into his seat. Cyri glanced back glaring at Firnir and continued on. She walked up to the table next to her and held out a hand.

“Lovely Lady Boyle. Your beauty almost shames mine.”

The young woman walked around the table and gave her a deep bow and took her hand. “My beauty pales in comparison to yours, my lady.”

Cyri gave her a devious grin. “That it does. For the last house.” Cyri clapped her hands in delight. She examined the table looking at the two brothers. “I shall choose the youngest. Young master Sheehan please join me.”

The young man walked up to her giving her a deep bow of respect and kissed her hand. “It is an honor to be chosen and stand in shinning light of your beauty.”

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