Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series) (18 page)

“What was that?” Lawler asked moving towards Daman

“What?” Damon said backing up.

Kedryn stepped in-between them. “Enough. What do you mean?”

Lawler narrowed his eyes. “With the cook?”

“Long story. Just know she is on our side.” Damon said as he looked to Cadmon. “No what?”

Cadmon closed his eyes. “I can feel Lord Faolan shielding the castle and using his power to lead the guards to us.”

Niall glanced around. “What about traps?”

“I know how to reveal them but not get rid of them. We must go by the soldier’s quarters and stables. There are no traps there.”

“Why not?” Lawler narrowed his eyes.

Kiara nudged him. “Simple silly. Soldiers, blacksmith and others roam that area. No one would be crazed in the head to try and escape that way.”

“Except for us.” Niall said shaking his head.

“Then the element of surprise will be on our side. I hope. Now what?” Kedryn said as he fingered his claymore.

“That is what I’m counting on. Faolan would not expect us to escape that way. Beyond the stables there is a small deer trail that leads down the mountain. Niall, I will take the lead and you will follow to hide any tracks that we may leave.” He turned to Damon. “You can not carry her down the mountain it will slow us down.”

Damon looked down at Paili’s lifeless body. “I will not leave her.” he felt a hand on his shoulder and looked at Kedryn.

“Is there anyone you trust with her?” Kedryn asked.

“I will take her to Zona and leave her with Aalia. That even may lead Lord Faolan and the General off of your trail.”

Niall stepped up. “I will follow and he will most likely think we all translocated there.”

“That may cause more problems for Aalia. Can you take care of the barrier?” Damon asked as he readied himself to translocate.

Cadman concentrated. “Yes but if I do it will give away our position.”

“Do it.” Kedryn said.

Bevin walked up to him and closed Paili’s eyes. She grabbed the back of his head, pulled him to her and kissed him. “Return to me alive.”

“For you. Anything.” Damon said and disappeared in a bright reddish orange flash.

Lawler jerked her around. “You will answer to Lord O’Cuinn for this treachery. Have you forgotten Dillon already and taken another to your bed?”

Bevin pulled her arm out of his grip. “You speak of which you do not know.” she glared at Lawler pushing past him to stand next to Kedryn and Kiara.

Cadmon let out a sigh “As soon as these doors open we must run.”

“Let’s do this.” Kedryn said as he gave a slide glance to Lawler. Suddenly the cook screeched and shouts of men sounded in the kitchen.

“Hurry. Faolan has alerted the guard to our position. He may even appear himself!” Niall said as he looked to Cadmon.

Cadmon motioned for them all to move forward. “When I open the barrier keep going. Do not wait for me to close it. Run!”

Cadmon grabbed Kiara’s hand and ran with her onto the sunlit cobblestone towards the stables. Kedryn followed with Bevin close to his side. Niall ran after Lawler as he scanned the area for trouble.

As they ran past the barracks and stables they could hear doors banging open and shouts sounding from behind. The barrier was coming upon them and Cadmon held up a stone that glowed a bright green. There was a burst of light and a part of the shimmering black barrier faded as he motioned for them to run through. He quickly stepped past the barrier and put away the stone. As he ran to catch up with the others angry shouts were heard as the soldiers were unable to follow.

The barrier faded and loud crashes sounded from behind. Kedryn looked back at soldiers and black energy bursts that were rushing out at them. Dark smoke hit the ground all around them and one hit Lawler square in the shoulder knocking him off of his feet. Bevin helped him up and looked him over. The thick leather that covered his shoulder was singed away and his skin was stark black. He shrugged away from Bevin and urged her to run.

Kedryn looked back to where the bursts were coming from. A dark figure formed behind the blasts on a turret carved into the mountain. He swore the man was looking directly at him and stopped.

Cadmon yanked his arm. “Run! I will take care of this.”

Kedryn ran after Lawler to catch up with the rest of the group. He glanced back at Cadmon who was running with raised hands sending out bright green bursts. The green bursts collided with black and they exploded in the air. A low guttural sound vibrated through the air and the ground began to shake. The group stopped and Cadmon pushed them on.

“Keep moving. Don’t stop for anything!” Cadmon scanned the ground and a large crack was forming in front of them. He ran ahead jumping over the gash that was growing larger as the earth fell into the darkness below.

Kiara jumped and Cadmon caught her urging her to keep running. Kedryn took Bevin’s hand and they both jumped over and the ground gave way from under them. Bevin pulled Kedryn forward to the ground and he jumped to his feet. Lawler took a running leap and barely made it over the edge as Kedryn pulled him to safety. Lawler ran after Kiara and Bevin followed after.

Cadmon and Kedryn looked at Niall who stood on the other side of the crevice that was now three man’s length wide. Niall shrugged as he grinned at them and translocated to the other side. They ran away as a frustrated growl that echoed through the air.

Chapter 25

In a bright flash of orange Damon appeared with Lady Paili in his arms near a huge white and golden streaked marble fireplace. He walked over to a chaise lounge by the fire and placed Paili’s body on it. There was a shriek and he moved aside as Aalia ran to Paili’s side examining her. She closed her eyes and concentrated and an orange mist surrounded Paili’s body. When Nothing happened she tried again and nearly slumped over the body.

“She is beyond healing.” Aalia stood grief stricken and furious. Tears ran down her face as she turned to Damon. “What happened?”

“I have to leave. You were the only person I could think of that would give her a proper burial.” He turned to the door.

Aalia tugged on his arm. “Who did this Damon?”

“I must leave now.” he looked at her pleading eyes. “Fine.”

Damon quickly told her what had happened. He explained about the descendant’s son and how they had all showed up to rescue Kiara. His head dropped as he told her of seeing Paili on the floor. His hand moved to the wound that proved that Faolan had inadvertently caused the fatal blow.

“Lord Faolan truly is a foul creature. Why my husband believes in his cause is far beyond me. I will make certain she receives the proper rites and burial.”

“Thank you. Who knows what he has told General Tynan to make him believe in this cause. Hold your tongue when it comes to Faolan. For the safety of your son, if nothing else.” Damon said and took one last look at his sister and ran out of the manor house just as Lord Faolan appeared in a flash behind Aalia.

She was kneeling by Paili’s side calling for her servants to help start to prepare Paili’s body. He gave her a cold look as she stood up. Faolan kneeled by Paili and took her lifeless hand. He leaned over and tenderly kissed her forehead.

His love for Paili showed through in the few seconds he sat at her

side. A tear escaped down his cheek that he quickly swiped away. Aalia was shocked at what she saw and quickly masked her emotions when he turned to her.

She wrung the bloody cloth that was in her hands. “Damon placed her in my care to prepare the arrangements, my Lord. You have other worries to attend to at the moment.”

He stood and studied Aalia watching blood drip from her hands. She masked her hatred well. Damon must have told her the truth. He understood her feelings towards him and hated himself for what had happened. Faolan had unintentionally killed the one woman in his life that he actually loved. That realization cut him to the bone and the truth must not come out if he was to use this to his advantage. Faolan took a step to her and grabbed her face squeezing it making her look him in the eyes. He locked his other arm around her so she could not move.

He leaned forward and whispered in her ear. “You will not speak of what Damon has said or your son will suffer. Was he the only one here?”

His grip was so tight on her cheeks she could not speak. Aalia made a small noise of acknowledgment. She saw a movement at the door and chanced a glance. Faolan noticed her glance over and felt Tynan behind him. He moved forward with a new plan.

You let Damon leave. That foul creature watched as the Milesian ran her through.” Lord Faolan spat out at her so that the general could hear.

“Lord Faolan, let my wife go. She could not have stopped him if she wanted to.” General Tynan said as he took a step forward ready to strike if Faolan did not release his wife.

Faolan released his grip on Aalia and turned to his general. Even though Faolan admired the general’s boldness he must be punished for it also. Only later, much later. After the battle perhaps.

“That will be the last time you give me an order General. However, you are correct. Lady Aalia was attending to Lady Paili when I arrived. That would have been her first priority.”

Faolan released his grip “Apologies my lady. General Tynan. Come with me. We have much to discuss.”

“Yes, my Lord.” Tynan said as he glanced at Paili’s body and back at his wife giving her a concerned look. Aalia motioned fro him to go.

“General.” Lord Faolan impatiently said from behind him.

“Coming, my lord.” Tynan said and followed Lord Faolan out the door.

Chapter 26

Eion felt a pressure lift off of him and he let out a slow breath. Kedryn was out of the castle. The weight almost made him ill but he had to concentrate so that Lord Faolan would not detect the magic on the cross. He stretched and now understood what Lara meant when he overheard her say that parts of her were sore that she didn’t even know existed. He quickly stood and headed to the study where he knew Lara and Aodhan were researching Fianna Fail. A lost cause but it kept them busy and together. A guard crossed his path.

“Lieutenant Kory.”

“Yes sir.” Kory said as he stopped and turned to face Eion.

“Are Lord Aodhan and Lady Lara in the study?”

“Yes sir.”

“Thank you.” Eion said and as he started to walk away he turned. “Lieutenant.”

Kory stopped and looked to Eion. “Sir?”

“I am curious. Where is Lieutenant Derrick? I have not seen him as of late.”

“He is with the general sir. They headed out with a group of men to make sure the outlying towns and villages were evacuated.”

Eion looked at Kory’s irritated face. “I am assuming you are not happy that you did not accompany them. Honestly I do not think I have ever seen you two apart.”

“He is like a brother to me sir. Someone has to keep the troops in line here.”

“General Ruark could not have chosen better. I will let you get to your duties. Be well Lieutenant.”

“Be well sir.” Kory gave him a slight bow and turned walking away.

Eion walked down the torch lit corridor to the study. He found Aodhan and Lara seated next to each other behind a large oak desk.

Scrolls and books were scattered around them on the desk and the floor.

“Pardon the intrusion I have news.” Eion said as he sat down and picked up a scroll

“News of Kedryn?” Lara asked hopefully.

“Yes. I have felt that they are now out of the castle.” Eion set the scroll down.

“Oh thank God.” Lara said and stood.

“Their journey is not over yet. I am certain Lord Faolan will hunt for them.” Eion said.

“Patience is a virtue. Right?” Lara said and gave Eion a half smile.

“Yes my lady. I was wondering if I could convince you two to lift your noses out of these scrolls and dine with Orla and myself tonight.”

“Of course. Please have a servant drag us out of here when it is ready.” Aodhan said.

Eion rose and watched as Lara sat down in Aodhan’s lap not giving any notice to him. She kissed Aodhan and Eion heard her say. “It is almost done.”

As he closed the door behind him he whispered. “No, my lady. It is the calm before the storm.”

Chapter 27

Damon caught up with the group as they were setting up camp. Niall was nursing a small fire and looked his way. “Found the path did you?”

“If I did not know your ways I would not have.” Damon said as he stepped up to the fire not knowing what he should do. He watched as Lawler walked up to him and braced himself.

Lawler let his distaste be known as he shoved him. “You took advantage of a mourning widow. I do not know why Kedryn saved your sorry carcass. You deserve the blood eagle.”

Damon stood there taking the brunt of Lawler’s assault. When Lawler glanced around he backed off. Bevin was on the ground sobbing with Kiara trying to comfort her.

Damon looked him in the eye. “Do you think I wanted this? To live this life? Faolan used me and my sister to his own advantage and means.”

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