Caught in the Devil's Sheets (34 page)

I know we were just 13 then and he probably doesn’t even realize it now, but he was the most important person in my life. The only person in my life who has been there for me since the day we met. Unlike my parents and the rest of my friends and all the people who should have been there for me. When John Church raped me in his office, Billy put a bullet in his head and took 25 years to life in prison, for me. Billy’s influence in my life gave me confidence. He shaped me. Even when I got married to Jaime, he supported me. God bless his heart. This is why I’ve had such a hard time accepting his absence and why I’m so emotional over just a few sentences. I don’t know this Mr. Jay II. It’s like he took the place of my best friend Billy, who I’m not even sure exists anymore. It’s hard not to hate him. I just want my friend back.

Tears prick my eyes and I try to wipe them quickly, busying myself in the living room as I purge my house of Jaime’s shit and try to downsize.

I come across the wedding shrine I made on the top of our entertainment center. There are some large pictures of us and our wedding party, the photo in a frame that we had people sign instead of a guestbook, a wooden carving that says Jamie and Delilah, a photo album, my veil and bouquet, all displayed nicely. What the hell am I going to do with all this? A plan hatches in my mind. I put it all in a laundry basket and tote it outside into the backyard. I start some kindling in the fire pit and after I set flame to it and add wood, I have a nice fire going. It is past sundown and the glow of the fire lights up the back porch. I take the pictures out of the frame and begin to burn them, followed by the wood carving and the album. One signature catches my eye in the frame we let our friends sign. It says, “Best wishes – Odin.” I smile at the irony as I toss the entire frame into the fire. Lastly I toss in my veil and watch as it melts onto the wood before disintegrating. The smell is as potent as the marriage was.

It’s empowering, yet sad at the same time. I feel like I’m giving up, and while I realize it’s the right thing to do, it doesn’t stop the tears. This is the end of my first marriage and I’m only 23-years old. It’s terribly disappointing. Angry tears set in as I’m mostly disappointed in Jaime. It’s been a long day, I’m tired, and I’m completely alone. I take this opportunity to have a good hard cry about it all, wrapping my arms around myself in the porch swing as I watch the fire. Twenty or thirty minutes pass by. As the fire blazes, I let my emotions of both Billy and Jaime get the better of me.

“Hello…” calls a familiar voice from the sliding glass door.

It’s Odin. This is the second time he’s caught me crying. He’s not supposed to be here! In the dark I try to wipe up my face and immediately change my attitude.

“Hey,” I call out to him.

“House looks bare,” he says, walking out to the swing.

“Yeah, I’ve been cleaning. I thought you had a family meeting tonight,” I say unsure as to why he’s here.

He catches a glimpse of my face in the fire. “Are you okay?” Odin’s eyes get wide, and he kneels down in front of the swing, taking a better look at me.

“Yeah, it’s just been a long day, getting rid of all Jaime’s stuff and what not.” I try to shrug it off like it’s nothing.

“Want to tell me about it?”

It’s strange that the same guy who chained me up above his pool table and paddled me, is now kneeling in front of me, offering to listen to my problems.

“There’s not much to say.” I’m happy he’s here, and I don’t wish to prolong my self-pity party.

“Hey,” he says, reaching a hand out to touch my knee. “Talk to me.”

I take a long sigh, I have to tell him something. “This is all just, kind of new for me. Dating, divorce, worrying about my finances for the first time in years.” My relationship with Billy not being solid as a rock, I leave out.

“You’re telling me. This weekend was the first time I ever had a girl around Micah and Shannon. Not to mention you’re the first girlfriend I’ve ever had.”

I take pride in being his

“Are you enjoying it?” I ask expecting an immediate yes, but he hesitates. My heart falls in my chest as I await what he is going to tell me.

“I like you, Lila, a lot. I can feel myself getting possessive over you already. I want to treat you like a prize or a trophy. I want everyone to be jealous of what I stole from someone else. I know it’s wrong.” Odin stares into the fire that lights up his face, showing off his stubble and glaring off his beautifully deep blue eyes.

“I wouldn’t say you stole me. I’d say you won me over fair and square.”

This puts a huge smile on Odin’s face. He gets up and takes a seat on the swing next to me. “Then will you tell me why you’re really crying?”

He’s caught me, he knows I’m not crying because I’m sad about Jaime. The fact that he can already read me so well is disturbing. I can hide nothing from him.

“I’m supposed to meet with Jaime on Thursday and I just got through burning all of our wedding pictures. I also got a letter from Billy today, that kind of pissed me off,” I admit.

“I want to see it.”

I have always kept Billy to myself. I’ve never shared our letters with anyone. But Odin isn’t asking, and even if he was, I can’t say no. I reach for the metal box and pull out the postcard, handing it to him.

He tilts it toward the fire to read it. “This is what’s got you in tears?” He looks at me bewildered.

When he puts it like that I feel ridiculous. But he just wouldn’t understand. All I can do is shrug and fight further tears.

“Whatever guilt you might feel for him Lila, let it go. You are mine now.” He reaches a hand out and rests it on my check, stroking it with his thumb. “Whatever Billy has to say doesn’t concern you. Let your past be you past,” he says, tossing the note into the fire.

My heart drops. I had planned to keep that and read it over and over when I was feeling lonely, eventually adding it to my safety deposit box. But before I can even react, it’s ashes, and I’m more relieved than I ever thought possible. I’ve been trying to let Billy go for over a year. This may be the closest I’ve ever come.

Odin stands up, holding a hand out for me. I take it, and he pulls me up off the swing, wrapping his arms around me. All the drama of the day washes away as he cradles me, his lips sealing over mine. His tongue slips inside my mouth and is met with mine. With one hand, he cradles my head, taking a handful of my hair and twisting it in his fingers. I lean into his arms kissing him, the heat of the fire at our sides.

After a few minutes, he picks me up, heaving me over his shoulder. I squeal in delight as he takes me into the house and walks toward my bedroom. Excitement grows inside of me as I anticipate what he will do to me.

He tosses me down on the bed and I bounce before landing square on my back. He pulls off my shoes and my bottoms, then takes his place on his knees on the bed. He places one hand to the side of my face, leaning his body over mine. With the other hand he grazes my thighs, tickling me. I try to close my legs, but he pries them back apart, continuing his torturous circles on my inner thigh.

I raise my hips under him, begging him to touch me, and when he finally does, I moan in relief. He slips his index and middle finger inside me, and uses his thumb to trace circles around my clit. I run my hands furiously through his hair, pulling his lips down to mine. As his hand turns my body into butter, his lips make their way to my neck, sending shivers through me. Then he suckles on my nipples and my whole body arches and writhes beneath him. Both his fingers move quickly in and out, skillfully massaging me while his thumb drives me wild, circling around me. I moan, scratching my fingers into Odin’s back and I feel him stiffen under my touch. I reach a hand down under him, where he is all man. I try restlessly to unzip his pants, but it’s hard to concentrate. His lips once again find mine as I pull him free from his pants.

Odin moans into my mouth as I stroke him. His fingers move swiftly, and all the muscles in my body tense. I try hard to hold on, wanting to feel him cum with me.

“I want to make you cum so hard you scream, and then I want to fuck you until you forget all about today.”

His words are my undoing. I spiral into an intense orgasm under his skilled fingers. I squeeze his cock in my hand, as all my muscles clench down. He lets out a raspy grunt and I cry out his name.

“Odin!” My chest lifts off the bed, and my toes curl. My head is pressed back into the pillow and I scream his name over and over again. Then my body quivers, and I grab his hand that stills between my thighs.

He removes his hand and brings it up to his face, licking his fingers.

“You taste like an angel,” he says, looking down on me.

I have a sudden urgent need for him. I pull him down on top of me, and use my feet to push his jeans down. He pulls my shirt off and tosses it. Then he adjusts the head of his cock, so it sits just outside my entrance. With one steady motion he pushes into me, moving my whole body up the bed and hitting the deepest part of me.

“Ah!” I cry out in pleasure as he repeats his delicious invasion of my body.

His eyes watch my breasts as they bounce up and down to his rhythm. My insides are alive with sensation, and Odin’s hand makes its way back down to my clit. The first few circles are almost painfully over-stimulating, but my body quickly adapts to his gentle massaging. Before I know it, I’m well on my way to another orgasm. Odin heaves into me. I can feel the bed moving beneath us as his hips hit my thighs again and again. Short, high-pitched moans escape me with each thrust as his thumb moves graciously over me, and my legs tighten around him.

“You like that, baby?” he asks, his voice horse and sexy.

“Yes!” I cry out with no hesitation.

“Tell me you want me,” he says, nestling his face in my neck.

“I want you!” I whisper into his ear. His thrusts come faster and harder. “I want you!” I say louder this time, begging him to give me all that he has. His thumb kneads into my clit. My body is begging for release. “I WANT YOU!” I scream out once more. My entire body constricts around him, pulling him into me as I cum shamelessly beneath him.

“Fuck, baby!” he growls as he finds his release.

We cum together, him stiffening deep inside me while his thumb violently strokes my clit. I dig my nails into his shoulders, my eyes shut tight as I moan wildly. His body trembles, then he topples down on the bed beside me. I’m panting and all my muscles feel overworked. I lay my head on his chest and he curls an arm around me.

“Still upset?” he asks.

I shake my head, my voice too exhausted to even say no. At the moment, no trace of today’s bullshit clouds my mind. I know Odin has work tomorrow, but I sincerely hope he decides to stay the night.

He runs a finger carefully through my hair, not snagging on the curls. “I’ll make sure to let the guys know I won’t be coming in on Thursday.” Odin makes it clear that he’ll be joining me when I meet with Jaime.

I know there is no use arguing. In more than one way, I want him to come. But I just know that it’s going to cause unneeded complications. At least with Odin there, I won’t cower to Jaime.

I sigh in defeat, and he says nothing further. We lie in bed a while with the light on, his hand stroking my hair as I rub his chest. Despite all my efforts, I’m falling for him. I know I will crash and burn. I know that all of this is wrong. But I can’t stop myself from wanting him. It’s like I’m caught in the Devil’s sheets. He takes my hurt and turns it in to happiness. He takes my pain and makes it disappear. He’s all the things I want whether or not they’re good for me. Before I know it, I’m fast asleep in Odin’s strong embrace.

Chapter 27
Delilah the Brave

When I awake the sun is already up and Odin is gone. I dread all the work I still have left to do in the house today, and decide to forgo it all. Changing into a swimsuit and heading out back, I decide to tan in the early afternoon sun instead. There is a note on the dining room table that I notice on my way out the back door.




Couldn’t justify waking you this morning. I’d like to take you out tonight, then have you spend the night at my house. I have taken a couple days off but I have to make a trip to Washington this weekend. I want to spend all the time with you that I can before I go. Text me when you get up.




I head back into my room and grab my phone before making it outside. I realize if I’m going to spend a few more days at Odin’s house, I really need to finish packing up Jaime’s stuff and move the boxes. I will have to eventually pull myself back in the house and cut tanning short. I strip off my robe so that I am naked in the privacy of my own backyard. Squinting in the sun, I click my phone on so that I can text Odin. I’m horrified to see it’s already 11.

{Just found your note}- Lila. I’m hesitant to admit I just woke up.

Rather than text me, Odin calls me back on his lunch break.

“Hey, baby!” I greet him, in a bubbly voice.

Glad to hear you in a good mood. What are you up to today?”

“Avoiding housework, and tanning in my backyard.”


“Yep, tanning naked actually,” I say hoping to get an arousal out of him.

“You are going to kill me,”
he says, clearly turned on.

“Should have called in sick. You could have stayed and enjoyed the view. If we’d even made it out of the bed this morning,” I tease, hoping to make him want to be here as much as I want him here.

He sighs into the phone.
“I’m seriously considering leaving now.”

I have him right where I want him, and I take this opportunity to mess with him. “I’m seriously considering breaking your no touching myself rule, since you’re not here to touch me anyway.”

“I will take great pleasure in punishing you for that later,”
he warns.

I move my hand up and down my naked torso and moan suggestively into the phone. “You really want me to stop?” I let Odin’s mind wonder as to what my hands are doing.

Odin admits.

I take my nipple between my fingers. “Are you sure? ’Cause I’ll stop twirling my nipples, if that’s what you want.” I toy with him.

I want you to play with yourself, make yourself cum, Delilah,”
he says, falling into my trap.

I leave my hard nipple basking in the sun, moving my fingers down between my thighs. I slide two fingers into myself and trail warm moisture up my sex, making a vocal show of it for Odin.

“Does this make you hard?” I ask in a high-pitched, pleasure filled voice.

You have no fucking idea,”
he says, tripping over his breath.

I do know, but I never grow tired of being reminded.

Hard enough I want to leave work and come fuck you right now.”
His words send a spike of arousal through me, and I feel myself quickening under my own touch. Odin coaxes me on. “
Close your eyes, and pretend I’m there watching over you.”

I picture Odin, standing tall over my lawn chair, his blue eyes blazing down on me with anticipation.

Faster Baby,”
he commands, and I picture the words coming out of his mouth.

My fingers circle faster. “Ooh!” I moan as I start to cum.

That’s it. Harder!”
he hisses through the phone, sending waves of pleasure rippling through me.

My own fingers aren’t nearly as good as his, but they do the job nonetheless. I pant and moan into the phone, and I can hear him doing the same. I make myself cum, moaning loudly into the phone. I can hear Odin’s breath get harsher as he rubs one out in his truck.

“I miss you.”

Do you want me to leave work?”
he asks.

“I can wait,” I sigh reluctantly.

Meet me at my house at 5:30,”
he says, and excitement courses through me.

“I’ll be there.”

I know you will,”
he says assured.

Am I that predictable?

Enjoy the rest of your afternoon. Call me if you need me.”

I tell him I will before we hang up. I love when Odin calls me “baby.” It’s so sexy, yet completely adoring at the same time. I bite my lip, trying to deny that I have it bad. At least it would seem he has it bad too.

I smoke a few bowls throughout the day. I get in a groove with Rihanna, packing away all of Jaime’s things and I almost finish before I realize it’s already 5:00. I rush through the shower and almost nick myself shaving in a hurry. I slip into sexy lingerie under a loose-fitting red dress so that I can surprise Odin later. I pull my Converse on, tossing a few extra things into a large purse before climbing into the Mustang which I notice is on empty. By the time I have made it through the gas station and over to Odin’s during rush hour, it’s passed 6:00. Odin is on the phone, which he hangs up the minute he sees me. His eyes blaze into me and my heart sinks.

“Where the hell have you been?” He’s angry and his voice is demanding, causing me to cower.

“I had to get gas,” I try to excuse myself.

“It doesn’t take that long to get gas. I thought something happened to you. I fucking called you like 10 times!” His voice scares me.

I fish my phone out of my purse. Sure enough, there are several missed calls from him.

“I’m sorry.” I can’t understand why being a little late is such a crime, and I roll my eyes.

“It’s not fucking funny, Lila!” he hollers, “I was really worried that Rick or Sergio had come after you!”

Suddenly, I feel really bad. “I thought you said I didn’t have to worry about them anymore.”

“You don’t. I do! And when you don’t show up and don’t answer your phone, that’s exactly what I fucking do! Worry!”

Odin agitatedly runs his fingers through his hair. I bite my lip nervously. What can I say other then I’m sorry? I hash a plan of distraction, thankful for my earlier choice of underclothes.

“Let me make it up to you.” I gracefully pull my dress up over my head and let it fall on the floor in front of me, revealing my lingerie. I look hopefully at Odin, but his expression doesn’t soften. In fact it grows wild.

“Oh, you’ll make it up to me,” he snarls and he kicks a stool from the breakfast nook across the wood floor. It slides on its feet out toward me, skidding along the wood floor. “Come here,” he gestures to the stool, “and bend over!” Odin strolls into the kitchen, and pulls a wooden spatula out of a mason jar full of kitchen utensils on the stove. I quickly lower my gaze to the floor beneath the stool as I hoist myself over it, and hold onto the legs, leaving my bare ass exposed. Odin stands to the side of me, and trails the spatula up the inseam of my naked leg.

“You belong to me now. I am your Master. When I give you an order, you obey me,” he hisses, grazing the edge of the wooden utensil over my behind. “When I call, you answer!” Odin’s voice is harsh, and I can sense his anger fuming as the spatula makes a large circle on my right butt cheek. “Now, I want you to count while I spank you. Tomorrow when you sit down and your ass hurts, I want you to remember why I spanked you, and never disobey me again.”

I grip the legs of the stool in my hands. I hear the air move as the spatula comes down hard, making direct contact with my skin. “One!” I wince as my backside burns. From the corner of my eye, I see Odin raise his hand backward, and then he brings the spatula down on my ass once more. “Two!” I barely manage the word through gritted teeth. I’m surprised how turned on I am by this. Odin’s arm moves through the air again and I hear the loud slap that is accompanied by a stinging pain. “Three. Four. Five.” I bite my teeth together, feeling like I’m 10 again. I remember what it was like when my mom used to bend me over her knee and spank me. As I got older she used heavy, sturdier tools. Eventually she was flat out beating me. That’s when she sent me away to Wyoming.

Odin throws the spatula across the kitchen floor in a fit of anger. I snap out of my thought, startled by the noise the spatula makes when it hits the wooden floor. He grabs me by my hair and pulls me back off the stool so that I’m standing up right.

“This isn’t over. Get upstairs!” he growls at me.

I pull away from him and quickly make my way up to his room. Odin storms up the stairs behind me. I stand in the middle of his room, waiting for him to direct me. I can’t explain the difference between how I feel now, awaiting his punishment and how I felt when I knew Jaime was about to hit me. The only way I can think to describe the difference is whatever Odin does is premeditated. He’s not just whaling on me in a fit of anger. This is part of his quest for control. With Jaime, I would cower and cry and be shaking in my skin awaiting whatever beating he was no doubt going to lay on me.

With Odin, it’s very different. I don’t want him to be mad at me. I want him to take control of me. I have never felt safer in my life then I do with him. Whatever punishment he has in mind is bared with affection, not with rage. I take my knees on the rug, and bow my head, showing him that I wish to please him. He walks through his bedroom door, and I’m careful to keep my gaze down.

“Oh, Lila.” He coons. “Beautiful, enchanting, Delilah,” he circles around me and puts his hand on the top of my head. I watch his bare feet as he strolls around me. “I need to be able to protect you. If you only knew the awful thoughts that crossed my mind when you weren’t here on time, you would understand,” he says calmly.

“I understand,” I say weakly.

Odin takes a few steps away from me. “Good,” he says, bending down and picking something up off the ground. “Get up and put these on in the bathroom. Wait for me to call you back out.”

I look up and Odin is holding out the heels that Kelli got for me. “Yes, Master.” I regard him as such, hoping to distract him from being mad. I think it works, as I see a smile form in the corner of his mouth.

I take the black heels into his bathroom and close the door behind me. I hear him wrestling around in his room. It sounds like he is rearranging. I slip the heels on and gaze in the mirror. I’m still wearing the necklace he gave me and I hold it in my hand, twirling it between my fingers. I am his. Seeing how much he worries about my safety makes me feel comforted, like a baby cub, nestled in Papa Bear’s arms. For the first time in my life I feel like I don’t have to be watching over my shoulder. I can finally enjoy the life ahead of me knowing that someone else has my back.

As a teenager, I would have thought that being referred to as property was degrading. I would have never let anyone boss me around or lay claim on me. But being owned is surprisingly uplifting. I have a sense of belonging I’ve never had before. I never thought I would enjoy someone being my Master. But Odin mastered my mind as he got to know me, traveling across the country. He has mastered my body in ways I never thought possible. Slowly, he is becoming the Master of my heart. Everything about him consumes me. I thought I would feel smothered, I thought being spanked would feel degrading. But, as Odin calls to me from the bedroom, desire begs me to run to him and all sense of Reason has vanished.

I peek my head out of the door. Odin has pulled a steel table into the middle of his room. On it are several pairs of metal cuffs.

“Come here,” he beckons me to the table and turns me so that my hips are pressed against the edge of the cold steel table.

He pulls my hair loose and carefully separates it, then makes two braids on either side of my head. I catch my breath as his hand grazes over my neck. He turns my chin, so that I’m looking into his careful gaze. I’m staring into the dark side of Odin, the side he keeps hidden and reserved for the privacy of his room, the Odin that is still tortured by whatever demons haunt his past.

“Spread your legs,” he says, running his thumb along my lower lip.

I shuffle my feet apart.

“Hands behind your back.”

Odin takes a pair of cuffs and places them on my wrists behind me. His skillful hands fasten them tightly while his eyes stare impassively into mine. He pulls my panties down and leaves them dangle around one leg. Then he takes another set of cuffs and hooks each of my ankles to opposite legs of the table. Odin strolls over to his dresser and pulls a small vibrator and some lube out of a drawer. He sets them on the table beside me.

“I’m going to fuck you so hard it hurts. This will be a lesson in loyalty for you. Remember, you can still use the safe word.”

Odin builds a line of trust as he lubes up the small white vibrator. It’s only about as round as my index finger, though about 8 or 9 inches long. “Bend over,” he commands. The steel table is cold on my skin. The sheer lingerie does little to protect my nipples. He kneels down behind me, and I feel his lips kiss me between my legs. His tongue traces across my pleasure spot and I feel my legs quiver against the table legs. His hand smoothly runs over my bare ass, then he spanks me with his palm. I moan in pleasure, his tongue still dancing along my slit. His hand rubs my bottom then he slaps me again. It’s so sensual, the touch of his palm on my bare skin.

Then I hear the hum of the vibrator and I feel it slip between my butt cheeks. He sucks on the sensitive jewel carefully tucked between my legs as he glides the vibrator into unexplored territory. I try to relax as I feel the foreign sensation of a vibrator there. He gently pushes it in further, sliding it slowly in and out while his tongue strokes over my clitoris. I gasp, my body quickening as he sucks and kisses. My body constricts and tightens around the vibrator that hums inside me. I feel naughty, yet sexy. The strange sensation brings me to an unfamiliar yet soul-binding orgasm. My body takes over my mind and my senses burst with foreign pleasure. My butt cheeks squeeze together, clenching around the vibrator as my legs struggle against their restraints. Odin’s tongue holds me over the edge, prolonging my deep, body moving orgasm. I quietly moan, pressing my lips into the steel table. I lurch my hips forward as far as I can when I’m through, begging him to stop as my pleasure spot throbs with sensitivity.

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