Read Catering to the Italian Playboy Online

Authors: Tamelia Tumlin

Tags: #Romance

Catering to the Italian Playboy (17 page)

He’d barely taken one sip when the bathroom door opened and Sophie stepped out. Max’s jaw nearly hit the floor.

She stood, bathed in the moonlight filtering through the bedroom window, clad only in a short, see-through nightie. Sheer black lace falling just below her bottom left very little to the imagination. Her firm round breasts pushed against the plunging neckline and bounced lightly with each step as she sauntered toward him.

“See anything you like?” she asked silkily.

Max swallowed hard. For once he was speechless. When he didn’t answer, she laughed softly, took the glass from his hand and set it on the bedside table. “I believe we have some unfinished business.” She slipped her hand underneath his tee-shirt and trailed her fingers across his abdomen.

Instinctively, his arms slipped around her small waist and pulled her against him. He could feel the warmth of her skin against his arms. She felt so good. All soft, sensuous and curvy. The swell of her hips beneath his hands sent an electrical spark searing through him. Max brushed his lips across the top of her head. Her freshly washed hair smelled of lavender, vanilla and shampoo. A scent he’d spent six years searching for.

Sophie leaned her head against his chest and a soft, almost inaudible whimper escaped her lips.

“Ah …
.” Max nuzzled her neck. “You are driving me crazy.” His hands stroked her hips. “I want you so much.” Why was it just touching her made his heart pound? He’d had his share of women, of course, but none made him feel the way she did. Actually, none had ever made him
period. But it was different with her. Not just the primal-driven need to make love to her. There was something more. Something he couldn’t quite explain.

Sophie lifted her head and smiled. Max’s heart halted. The desire shimmering in her eyes took him by surprise. “I want you too,” she whispered.

Max groaned and crushed her mouth with his. Another soft sigh escaped her lips, then she slid her hands down his stomach until they found the snap on his jeans. She gave it a little tug. The pop sizzled the air around him.

Max stilled.
When she made up her mind about something, she certainly didn’t waste any time. He’d thought he might seduce her with a bit of wine and charm first, but apparently she wanted to get straight to the point. Not that he was complaining. Somehow her take-charge position was quite a turn on.

“I do believe you are a bit overdressed,” Sophie murmured, pressing her body into his. Max felt her nipples harden against his tee-shirt. Desire bolted through him and he could feel his loins responding in kind. His erection pushed against his jeans causing an uncomfortable moment until Sophie unzipped them. Then he nearly cried out with relief.

She deepened the kiss and tugged down on his jeans. Within seconds they hit the floor with a soft whoosh. Max stepped out and kicked them aside as he met her fervor with deep searing kiss after deep searing kiss. He broke away only long enough to yank his shirt over his head, then he claimed her lips once again. He slid his hands around her once more and cupped her soft bottom, hauling her against him. White-hot tingles shot through him as her nipples hardened against his shirt.

“You’re driving me insane!” he muttered against her lips. “I want you …

Sophie laughed huskily nibbling his bottom lip lightly. “Not so fast, sugar. I want to savor every moment.” She gave him a light shove toward the bed. He tumbled backward and landed on his back, his desire for her prominent in his boxers. “You’ll be begging for relief before I’m through.”

“I’m begging now,” Max said hoarsely, propping himself up on his elbows to look at her.
He was about to explode.

“Patience is a virtue.” Sophie reached over to the night table and picked up her cell phone.

Max set his jaw. For the love of Mike, surely she wasn’t making a phone call
. His whole body was on fire and she was reaching for the phone?

“Not one of my virtues,” Max muttered, acutely aware of his growing need for her.

Sophie laughed and pushed a button on her phone. The soft lyrics of
Black Velvet
filled the air. She began to sway, her long hair glittering like gold in the moonlight. She moved along with the beat, her breasts shimmying in a way that nearly drove him out of his mind. Either her dancing skills had improved greatly since her G-string performance or else he just didn’t notice her lack of coordination since she was slowly slipping out of her nightie to the music.

Either way, the striptease performance was unbelievable! His pulse quickened.

She turned her back to him as the nightie hit the floor. Clad only in her sheer black thong panties, she kicked her leg back sending the negligee through the air. It landed on his chest. A whiff of lavender and vanilla jolted his senses.

She twirled back around, her beautiful breasts teasing him with every jiggle. His pulse galloped.

She smiled seductively, hooked her thumb in the string of her black lace panties and danced her way out of them. Twirling them on her finger, she tossed them toward Max. They landed beside him on the bed.

Max hissed a breath as she shimmied toward him completely naked. He couldn’t take it a second longer. He tossed her negligee aside, leaned forward and pulled her down on top of him.

Sophie smiled. “Enjoy the show?”

“Unbelievable!” Max whispered, slanting his mouth over hers as he slid out of his boxers. “Now for the encore!”

He rolled over, pulling her with him till he was on top. His lips trailed down her throat to the valley between her breasts. “God, you’re beautiful!”

“You’re not so bad yourself,” Sophie panted as his tongue swirled around her nipple. He slid his finger into her soft velvet core. She moaned and arched against his hand. He moved his finger rhythmically, pleased with her response.

Sophie looped her arms around his neck, grabbed his hair with her hand and held on tight. “M–Max ... Oh, God … Max!”

He felt her body tense beneath him and knew she was on the brink of release. He removed his hand, shifted on top of her then settled his manhood between her legs. He slid into her, savoring the warmth of her core and moved his body to the beat of the music playing in the background. .

“Now, Max … Now!” Sophie panted, arching toward him.

“Patience is a virtue, remember?” He locked his eyes with hers. A shudder rippled through him as she tightened.

“Apparently not one of mine either,” Sophie muttered hoarsely.

Before he could respond, waves of pleasure crashed into them simultaneously and all he could do was bury his face in her hair and whisper, “I’ll never get enough of you,

* * *


It was nearly two in the morning when Sophie awoke to the loud incessant shrill of her cell phone. Groggily, she shifted on the bed to sit up, acutely aware of Max’s hard, lean body next to hers. His arm reached out to pull her back to him.

The cell phone shrilled again. Why in the world didn’t she have a musical ringtone like everyone else? Would it have been so difficult to pick a nice country ballad rather than this horrible sound that had come with the phone and was now grating on her nerves? Sophie leaned over Max to pick it up from the nightstand.

“Don’t answer it.” Max stroked her back. “It can’t be so important that it won’t keep until morning.”

Sophie checked the lit-up caller ID.


She groaned inwardly. Something must be wrong at the shop.

“I have to.” Sophie clicked the button. Seriously. It was eight o’clock in the evening in New York. What could possibly be wrong this late? “Hello.”

“Hi, boss. I hope I didn’t wake you.” Felicity’s voice sounded strained. Not a good sign.

“Well, there’s a six-hour time difference between Italy and New York. You do the math.” Sophie retorted. “What’s wrong?” Please don’t let there have been a fire. Or something worse.

“Uh … well, I really don’t know how to tell you this …”

“Great Pete, Felicity. Spit it out. It’s two in the morning here and I’m about half-asleep.”

“There’s a man here.” Felicity hesitated again.

“And?” Good Lord. Who was it? An auditor? Food inspector? Did it really warrant a call this late in the evening?

“He says he’s your father.”

worse. She would have preferred a fire.

A cold weight settled in Sophie’s stomach. Not possible! She’d made sure when she’d left California that she disappeared into the crowd of a gazillion plus people living in New York. He couldn’t have found her. He hadn’t had any idea where she’d gone. It must be a dreadful mistake.


“I’m here.” Sophie thinned her lips. “You’re sure?”

“Yes. He showed me his ID.”

“H–how did he find me?”

“You really don’t want to know.”

“Tell me.” Her voice rose in sheer agitation.

“What’s wrong?” Max tensed beside her.

Sophie shook her head, not wanting to believe it herself much less explain it to him.

Felicity cleared her voice. “The tabloids. He saw the article about you and Max. Since it mentioned A Touch of Spice he came here to find you. I’m still at the shop working on an order for tomorrow. I’m sorry, Soph. I didn’t know what to do.”

Sophie gripped the phone. Fabulous. Ousted by the paparazzi! How could she have been so stupid? She should have realized a delicious scandal like that would have reached her father.

“Tell him I don’t want to see him.”

“I tried. I don’t think he’s leaving until he does. He’s very determined.”

I’ll bet.

And he wouldn’t leave either. He’d stay right there until she came back. That’s the way he was. Determined to get his way no matter what. She didn’t have a choice. She’d have to face him sooner or later, so it might as well be sooner to get it over with.

“Fine. Tell him, I’ll be there this afternoon.” Sophie’s shoulders deflated in resignation. He’d won.


Sophie clicked the button and set the phone on the night stand. Tears pricked her eyes. She did
want to see
man. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever.

“Alex and I will need to leave this morning. I’ll book a flight as soon as I can.” She turned to Max who watched her with hooded eyes.

“Nonsense! I’ll fly you both back. What’s wrong?”

“I don’t want you to cut your trip short on our behalf,” Sophie said dully.

“Tell me what’s wrong,” Max probed gently, pulling her back down to lie against him. In his arms, Sophie felt safe and secure. She wished she could stay that way forever.

“My father is in New York.”

Max let out a low whistle. “How did he–”

“Your henchman the day we went to the zoo.”

I’m sorry, Sophie.” Max pulled a hand through his hair. “I didn’t realize…” He breathed a heavy sigh. “I should have paid them off to keep us out of the papers.”

“I need to pack,” Sophie said flatly. She pulled away from him and slid out of bed. It wasn’t
his fault, but if the paparazzi weren’t so fascinated with him then none of this would have happened.

She was halfway across the floor when the bed creaked and the lamplight switched on. Sophie didn’t have to look to know Max was getting out of bed too, but she did. Her heart fluttered at the sight of his taut, lean, naked torso. For a fleeting moment, she almost forgot her world was about to come crashing down around her.

His dark eyes sought hers. The tenderness she saw in them took her breath away. He was beside her in two strides, wrapping his arms around her own naked body, yet there was nothing sensual about the way he held her this time. More like a protective cocoon sheltering her from the brewing storm. Sophie relaxed against his chest, savoring the warmth and comfort, wishing this wasn’t happening but knowing it was.

“Everything will work out,
.” He brushed his lips across the top of her head. “It’s not as bad as you think.”



** TWELVE **


It wasn’t as bad as she thought. It was worse. At least that’s what Sophie told herself several hours later when she pushed open the glass door to A Touch of Spice
The bell jingled against the door announcing her arrival.

“Welcome back, boss.” Felicity stopped chopping the salad long enough to give her a tight smile.

“Where is he?” Sophie glanced around the small shop. She didn’t see anyone except her assistant.

“It’s good to see you too,” Felicity retorted drily.

“Sorry. I’m a bit preoccupied.” Sophie pursed her lips.

“Forgiven.” Felicity grinned . “He should be here in a few minutes. He went back to his hotel to rest for a while.” She finished slicing the celery, set the knife on the counter and wiped her hands on her apron. Her brown eyes softened. “I’m so sorry Sophie. I didn’t know what to do. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. Kept saying he wasn’t leaving until he talked to you.”

Of course her father wouldn’t leave until he talked to her. She’d have expected nothing less from him. “It’s alright, Felicity. You did the right thing.” Sophie expelled a long sigh. “I would have had to face him sooner or later anyway.” Especially since the paparazzi led him to her like a fly to honey.

“So where’s McSexy?” Felicity placed a lid on the salad.

“At my apartment with Alex.” Not that Max was happy about it, Sophie thought ruefully. He’d wanted to come with her, but she’d insisted on facing her father alone. Besides, she certainly didn’t want Alex involved in what promised to be a very volatile reunion.

Felicity raised a blonde brow. “Does Alex know McSexy is his father yet?”

Sophie nodded and slid onto the stool across from her friend. “Yes. We told him on the way back.”

“How did he take it?”

“He’s five. A bit too young to really process it. He thought it was cool. That’s about it. But, I think he was happy to have someone to call Dad.”

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