Read Big Easy Temptation Online

Authors: Shayla Black Lexi Blake

Big Easy Temptation (17 page)

She saw past the glorious abs and handsome face and knew what an amazing man he was
on the inside. Loyal and brave and good. God, she hoped he was forgiving, too.

“Gee, Kirk. No one has ever once told me I’m attractive.” He clasped his hands around
her thighs and playfully leered her way. “No one who mattered, anyway.”

They were in sync. She pumped his cock in her hand. “You are simply stunning, Captain,
and I can’t think of another man I could possibly want in my bed.”

“Now, that’s a good thing because no other man is ever going to get into this bed.
Not without crawling over my dead body.”

She fought off a shiver and tried to focus on the positive. “Possessive, huh? Well,
it so happens I like your body alive. I like your body hot, too. And I definitely
love this part of you.”

Holland was already damp and aching and ready for him.

“Sweetheart, I need to go grab a new box of condoms. We’ve worked our way through
the last one.”

If she was in, she was going all in. “Dax, I’ve had my birth control shot so unless
you’re hiding something from your last physical, I think we can agree we’re planning
on being monogamous.”

His eyes flared and she felt his dick pulse in her hand. “I’ve only had sex with you
since my last physical. I don’t want to ever have sex with anyone except you again,
Holland. You’re the only woman for me.”

She rubbed her aching flesh over his cock, loving the way his erection teased her
clit. Even after making her scream his name over and over just hours before, she still
felt the flare of awareness zing through her body. “I liked what you did earlier.”

He skimmed his hands over her hips. “I did a lot of things. You’re going to have to
be more specific. Was it how long I ate your pussy? Or the way I sucked on your sweet

He liked to talk dirty. How would he like to hear it from her? “I liked being out
in the open, watching everyone walk around the Quarter and not a one of them knew
that you were fucking me with your fingers and I was coming all over your hand.”

His eyes slid shut briefly as arousal overtook his face. “Sweetheart, I’m more than
willing to fuck you anytime and anyplace. I’m ready now. I want to watch you ride
me and those gorgeous breasts bounce. I definitely want to feel you all around my
cock. I’ve never had sex without a condom before.”

That surprised Holland. He seemed like a man who could have had sex any way he chose
with anyone he wanted, but since she’d really come to know him, she believed him.
He took care of his partners and himself. But they didn’t need those barriers between
them anymore. And one day, they wouldn’t need a chemical, either. One day, they would
start a family.

For the first time in her life, she truly believed she could have a family of her
own. Yes, the prospect terrified her, but the idea of never holding a baby who looked
like Dax was even worse. She would sacrifice the past so they could have a future

She slowly lowered herself down his steely erection, loving every inch of the sensation.
He was so big as he filled her up, stretched her. Even after all the times they’d
made love, she still felt her eyes widen when he started to press in.

She lowered herself down slowly, wanting to draw it out. Up and down, taking him a
little deeper with each pass.

“Tease.” He growled the words but did nothing to rush her.

“That’s because it’s my turn.”

Like he could talk. Dax was king of teasing. He could make sex last for hours. He
would push her almost to the edge and then bring her right back. He’d repeat the process
over and over again until she thought she couldn’t take another second. Then he would
slide over her sweet spot and send her whirling.

She took him slowly, finally bringing them completely together only to stop and let
herself savor every inch of him inside her.

His big, hot hands roamed up to cup her breasts and he sighed. “I love being inside
you. You feel so right.”

Everything about him was right.

Holland rolled her hips. Dax filled her up so deliciously. Up and down, she rode his
cock while his hands explored her body. There wasn’t a place he didn’t touch as though
he wanted to mark her as his for all time.

She was. She couldn’t imagine another man putting his hands on her. She leaned over,
never letting up on the rhythm of her hips. Lowering her mouth to his, she kissed
him long and slow, tangling their tongues together.

He thrust up from beneath her, hips surging, while his hands tightened on her, forcing
her down.

“Ride me, sweetheart. Ride me hard.”

Holland intended to give the man what he needed, so she rocked up and thrust down
harder, finding a deeper rhythm. With a groan, he settled his fingers between their
joined bodies and worked her swollen bundle of nerves, moaning as he rubbed her hard.
Then she was the one who couldn’t wait. She quickened her pace. Pleasure rising, her
head swimming, heart drumming, Holland gasped. This hot, quick ride felt like the
beginning of forever. Even if it was sexy as hell, she felt his love. All the sensations
converged with her emotions and splintered her apart. She came an instant later, ecstasy
sweeping over her wild and fast.

Before she could begin to enjoy the languor of her orgasm, Holland
found herself on her back, Dax staring down at her as he spread her legs wide and
thrust in deep. He was obviously through playing around, and she nearly shouted when
he hit some magical place that detonated a new flurry of tingles. Orgasm began to
build again.

“Give me one more, sweetheart. I want to feel your pussy clamp me tight. You feel
so fucking good.”

She moved with him, lifting to him and feeling the rise of need. She clutched his
shoulders, cried out when he nipped at her neck and plunged deep.

Then she went over the edge again. This time he was with her. He held himself hard
and high inside her as his head fell back with a groan. She could feel his release
fill her, scalding, primal, satisfying.

After a long, low groan, Dax fell on top of her, winding his arms around her and holding
her tight. “Love you so much.”

And then he fell right back to sleep, his breathing deep and even as he cuddled her.

This time she let his warmth seep into her skin. She would make things right between
them. She had to. There was no other choice because she couldn’t give this man up
and she wouldn’t let anyone take him from her.


ax looked at the ring. The gorgeous emerald-cut two-carat yellow diamond would look
so damn beautiful on his girl’s finger. No. Not his girl. His wife.

He was going to ask Holland to marry him.

“You’re sure it’s not too soon?” His mother had given her blessing when she’d given
him the ring that had been in the Spencer family for generations. She’d never worn
it herself since his grandmother had been alive when his parents married, but she’d
left it for Dax to give his wife.

“It feels like I’ve waited forever.”
And I won’t wait anymore
, he thought as he slid the ring into his pocket. He’d gotten here just in time from
the looks of his mother’s suitcases. She was heading to D.C. to help Gus find a new

Gus didn’t need any help, but his sister knew their mom loved nothing more than decorating
a new space, so Gus had invited her up for the week.

With a sigh, his mother peered up at him. “Then you shouldn’t wait anymore. I love
Holland like she’s my daughter already.”

“I’m leaving the Navy, Momma.”

That startled her. “Are you certain? I thought you wanted a career like your . . .”

“Like Dad’s? His didn’t end well. I think I’ll try something different.”

The ills between his parents stemmed from spending too much time apart. If they’d
been a typical suburban commuter couple, his father probably wouldn’t have taken mistresses.
He also wouldn’t have been near a fifteen-year-old prostitute or left himself open
to everyone believing the lies about him. Dax grimaced at the thought.

Tears sheened his mother’s eyes. “I’m so glad. And you’ll stop this investigation
into your father’s death? You need to focus on the future, son. Not the past. It’s
over and done.”

“I have a few questions left, but I promise I’ll be careful.” He was leaving Holland
out of his visit to Sue Carlyle. He’d pulled some strings so he could meet her next
week. He’d also hired a PI to talk to two of the women she’d been incarcerated with
who had since been released. He was expecting a report in the next few days.

The Carlyle woman was a key witness. Somewhere in her drug-addled mind likely lay
the secrets to what happened with his father. It was a gut instinct and he intended
to follow it. But after seeing how going to the prison had affected Holland, he couldn’t
ask her to go back. When he had all the reports and information, he would show them
to her so they could discuss the next steps.

Until then, he would concentrate on his proposal.

“How do you intend to ask her, Dax?” His mother settled into her big rocker on the
front porch with a smile. He hadn’t seen her look so happy in what seemed like forever.

“I’ve got a plane taking us to Vegas. I know it may not sound romantic, but she’s
never been and we’ve only got a few days off. So I’ve got something special planned.
Mad keeps a crazy lush penthouse there complete with a butler and private chef. I
want to treat her right. On the last night, I’m going to ask her to marry me.”

And she would say yes. Another gut instinct he was going to go with.

His mother sent him a sharp stare. “Don’t you tell me you’re getting married there.”

“No. No eloping allowed. I’m only going to do this once so I intend to do it right.
You and Gus and Holland can go big. I want a white wedding shebang, everything Holland
has ever wanted.”

“I’m so happy for you, son. I’m happy for all of us. It’s past time we had good news
in this family. Augustine is starting her new job. You’re getting married.” She squeezed
his hand. “It really is time to move on.”

“Mom, do you miss him?”

She sighed and sat back, resting in the big rocker. “Often. I miss the man I thought
he was, but I’m going to move on now, too. I’m going to get out more often, resume
my charity work. I’ve certainly missed that. I was asked to head the planning committee
for the annual charity ball.”

Those nasty bitches had turned their backs on his mother when the scandal broke, but
he knew she missed her place in society. The gossip seemed to have cooled enough to
allow her to live something close to normally again.

Guilt made his stomach turn at the thought that he could undo her social progress.
He might not care, but being included in the community was something his mother lived
for. It would kill her to go through it all again.

Was she right? Should he concentrate on the future? Holland could get dragged into
the scandal. Gus as well.

No. He took a deep breath. He had to do this. He would have to be careful so he didn’t
upset her new status quo. He would keep his investigation quiet until he’d proven
his father was innocent. Once he had, she’d never have to worry about her place in
society again. And they could all truly put the past behind them.

His cell trilled as a text came through. He smiled. Gabe.

Just heard the news. Congrats and good luck! I’ll give you an early wedding present
by keeping Mad away from Vegas while you’re there.

He smiled. Perfect. He texted back his thanks and glanced at the time. He needed to
head out. Holland’s shift would be over and she had no idea he’d arranged for her
to take some time off. He’d contacted her superior the day before, requesting some
of her vacation time as a surprise. Her boss had been happy to give it to him. Dax
was fairly certain the man had thought he was calling to rail about his father’s case
again. He’d been obviously relieved.

“I love you, Mom. I’ll call you when we get to Vegas tonight. I’ve got to get back
to the apartment so I can whisk her away. Mad is sending the plane as we speak. We’ll
leave late, but it’s Vegas, so everything will still be open when we get there.” And
he would enjoy a night flight with his almost fiancée. He intended to show her just
how depraved he could be at thirty thousand feet.

“You’re a nice boy when you want to be but I know you’ve got a very bad side.” His
mother winked his way, then rose as a black sedan pulled up. “There’s my car. Gus
sent it, along with that fine young driver.”

Dear god. The man was in a suit, but he looked like he was built to strip. Yeah, that
was exactly what Gus would look for in a driver for their widowed, sixty-something

He helped get her into the car and waved as she drove off for what looked like a fun

His mother finally seemed ready to move on. For months he’d been worried about her
and now it was as if the clouds were shifting and the sun was shining in his mother’s
life again.

Was he doing the right thing by poking into his father’s death? Or just dredging everything
painful back up?

He would talk to Sue Carlyle’s cellmates and decide from there. If it really was a
dead end, he would put the past behind him and
concentrate on the present, on marrying Holland and starting a new chapter of his

He pocketed the ring and started toward the streetcar station. He had a week’s worth
of leave and he wasn’t about to waste a minute of it.

His cell trilled again. Roman this time. He swiped his finger across the screen to
accept what would likely be some hearty congratulations. “It’s a good day, my man.”

“Hey, Dax.”

Dax stopped because that didn’t sound like a congratulatory voice. The last time he’d
heard that gritty tone to Roman’s voice, his friend had been calling to tell him what
had happened to his father. So he got right to the point now. “What’s happened?”

“I need to talk to you about a story that the
was going to run tomorrow morning.”


“I think Gus effectively quashed it.” Roman sounded so grim.


“It’s part of what she does for Liz. Of course Liz runs the press office, but Gus
is like her enforcer. She heard about the story first. It’s why she thought it best
to bring your mother here to D.C. In case the paper decided to print this shit anyway,
she wanted your mother here with us where we can insulate her a bit. But I want to
assure you that when Gus says something’s dead, it usually is.”

“What is the story about?”

“Pictures of your father have surfaced.”

“All right. There were pictures when the scandal first broke.” Of his father entering
the seedy motel with the girl. “What’s different about these?”

Roman paused for a moment. “He’s in bed with the teenage prostitute, the one from
the video. They’re . . . explicit.”

Dax’s stomach took a nosedive. Lousiest fucking timing.

“And there’s more. Someone is planning an exposé on your family. Do you know anything
about your father having multiple affairs?”

“Yes, but only because my mother told me.” What the hell was going on?

“Someone else knows about it. Someone is shopping a book deal airing all of your family’s
dirty laundry and naturally they found a publisher to bite.”

Dax could feel his whole body tense. “Goddamn it. I do not need this. My mother doesn’t
need this.”

“I know. Unfortunately, I’m not done yet,” Roman continued. “Gus has been asking a
few questions and poking around. She thinks she’s found the source for this sudden
story. There’s been a leak. Those photos were kept in lockup at NOLA PD. Recently,
another investigator got hold of them. This particular investigator had a hundred
thousand dollars deposited into her account from an offshore bank yesterday. Not sure
why she chose to do it that way. She should have gotten an offshore account herself.
It took Gus all of five minutes to figure it out.”

His stomach was still sinking. Only one investigator would have gone after those files.
“Are you saying Holland sold pictures of my father and this teenage prostitute to
the press?”

“It looks that way.”

“It’s not possible.” Holland would never do such a thing. Someone had to be framing

“Look, I’m not going to tell you how to play this and I’ve got Gus on a leash for
now. I can’t begin to tell you what she wanted to do. Your sister is very creative
with revenge. This is your girl and you have to figure out how to handle this. As
for the scandal, it’s done. There won’t be a book.”

God, what had they done to get that tell-all book quashed? “How did you manage that?”

“The publisher is part of a media conglomerate. Zack agreed to give their news arm
an interview about Joy’s death.”

“No.” He couldn’t let Zack do it. He was one of the most private human beings Dax
had ever met, and talking about something as
personal as the death of his wife would crush him. “Tell him I said I’ll find another

“He knew you would, which is why he’s already made the deal. It’s done. There’s no
backing out now.” Roman paused. “Dax, he needs to do this for you. Let him, so he
can feel as if he’s done one damn good thing to help.”

Because his job seemed so very large there was nothing he could contribute. “All right,
but I can never repay him for this.”

God, what had happened? How had it come to this and who was fucking with Holland?
There was zero chance she had chosen to sell him out. Something was going on and his
need to see her skyrocketed.

She could be in danger. This whole situation had suddenly gotten so out of hand.

“He doesn’t want repayment. He wants you and your family safe.” There was a pause
over the line. “Dax, I know how you feel about your father, but I need you to think
of Gus now.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean if this story blows up again, she’ll be directly in the line of fire. She’ll
be all over the papers and a good amount of her credibility could come into question.
We put out this fire today, but you reopening this investigation will likely cost
Gus her career. I hate that. I hate even saying it, but image is everything here.
Zack can keep her on, but if these photos of your father get out, Gus goes from having
a tragic background to pictures of her father abusing young women being the top story
every time someone Googles her.”

“Gus would disagree with you,” he said, though Roman’s words were making him think.

“Yes, she would, but I’m worried about her. I’m worried about your mother. Gus would
want you to soldier on. She’s a tough lady, but this is a world where a person’s career
can be ended with a single news story. The only reason I brought Gus on for such a
high-profile job in the first place was that the media had died down and most people
have forgotten.”

“Why didn’t you hire her because she was good?” Anger was starting to thrum through
his system.

Roman paused. “I know you probably think I’m being ruthless, but I really am thinking
about Gus. And quite frankly, those pictures . . . Dax, I don’t want to believe it,
either. Not about your dad, but I saw them. I can’t unsee them.”

Dax shook his head. “I can’t talk about this right now. I need to go.”

“All right.” Roman sighed heavily. “Just think about what I said. And I’m sorry about
Holland, Dax. We’ve all been there. We’ve all been duped by someone we care about.
It’s heartbreaking.”

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