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Authors: Kathryn Shay

Begin Again (18 page)

The appearance of the rest of the sisters in this first book was also necessary and I hope I did it with a light hand. I wanted YOU, the reader, to be waiting for their stories.


Kathy Shay



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Be sure to read the rest of
series as these six beautiful blond women try to make their way in the world after a tragedy strikes the family. Their
stories will capture your heart.


finds Paulina Ludzecky running a contracting business with her twin, Antonia since their husbands died three years ago. She’s ready to dip her toes in romance when she meets Adam Armstrong, the architect on the new music hall her company is building. Suave and sophisticated Adam is intrigued by Paulina, but their strong differences keep them apart.


, Nia Ludzecky is stuck in her grief and can’t find a way out of her sorrow over the untimely death of her beloved husband. When she meets famous modern artist Rafe Castle, she’s attracted to his gentle demeanor and lack of arrogance. But despite her feelings for him, she still finds it hard to leave the past behind and embrace love after loss. Rafe, however, doesn’t give
up on her.


follows Magdalena Ludzecky, a career woman extraordinaire, who has everything, including Logan Price, her coworker and best friend outside of the family. But then they find attraction growing between them. And no, they both think, this can’t happen! Do they have a chance at romance or are Logan and Magdalena going to lose each other forever? Plot twists abound in this friends
to lovers tale.


, Ana Ludzecky had it all—a sexy husband, a beautiful daughter, a great job and the best extended family in the world. Then, tragedy strikes and her life turns upside down. Unable to bear the suffering of her sisters, she has trouble settling back into life with her husband Jared Creswell and their daughter. But Jared makes some bad choices that eventually lead to the dissolution
of their marriage. Thrown together again, will the love that has never died surface and save them both?


At sixteen, Sofia Ludzecky, from
, was diagnosed with leukemia and the disease changed her future. She’s chosen a Zen lifestyle as a yoga studio owner and teacher. When she meets football Coach Max Walker at the high school where she’s running a class, his outgoing personality, his bent for competition and his boisterous family upset her. But Max wants Sofia, and he’s always
gotten what he wants.


, Elizabeita Ludzecky fears deeply for her family, which has been fraught with tragedy. She copes by being the carefree, risk-taking baby of the family, as well as an up-and-coming curator at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. But when hardened cop Nick Casella goes undercover at the museum, he sees the real Elizabeita and he’s shockingly attracted to this beautiful too-young-for-him
woman. Elizabeita returns his feelings and goes after him with all she has. With secret and lies as the basis of a relationship, does this one have any chance of surviving?


Continue reading for some exciting excerpts from related stories:

Click here for a sneak peak of Nia’s story, PRIMARY COLORS.

Click here for a peek at CLOSE TO YOU, Caterina’s story.

Click here for a look at PROMISES TO KEEP, Luke’s story.
He’s the older brother of all these females!

Copyright 2015 Kathryn Shay

Cover art by Patricia Ryan


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“And the winner of the first grade prize for Excellence in Art is Salvador Pettrone.”

Simultaneously, Ben and Tommy jumped up, fists in the air. “Yes!”

Sal sat demurely in his little first grade chair and blushed.

From the gathering of parents and guests off to the side, Nia watched her son, wishing he was outgoing like his cousins
but loving him to pieces anyway

“Sal.” The deep male voice of the man at the microphone was filled with excitement. “Come up and get your prize.”

Rafael Castle gave a megawatt smile, making Paulina take in a breath. From beside her, Adam Armstrong leaned in. “Watch it, girl. You’re taken.”

Paulina laughed. “Yeah, but not dead.”

She’d been so happy all summer, now that her relationship
with Adam was blossoming. They’d met when their company, Pettrone and Ludzecky Builders, had gotten the bid on a music hall that he’d designed. Surprisingly, Nia had taken a liking to the man despite the fact that he lived in a different world from the family. It seemed that every time she saw him and Paulina together, they were closer. And he’d treated Sal just like Paulina’s boys—kind
and gentle, always calm.

Making his way to the front, Sal stood before Rafe Castle, looking up and now smiling broadly. Nia had heard a lot about the man, who’d come to Benjamin Franklin Elementary School as an artist in residence for two weeks. She’d voted at the PTA meeting for him to be chosen because his artwork seemed so alive. Sal talked about him often…

Mom, he said I got talent.

Mom, he used my picture as an example.

Mom, he
my work.

She’d been so grateful to the artist for helping bring her son out of his shell, for making him feel good about himself, even before she’d gotten an email from him:
Dear Mrs. Pettrone, Your son Sal is one of the most talented artists of a young age I’ve ever seen. After the Art Fair, can we talk?

Responding in the affirmative,
Nia was thrilled, and anxious to hear what he had to say.

The grades were separated in the large gym, and Sal watched as the other winners were awarded their prizes. And he cheered heartily for them.
He’s such a nice kid
, she thought for the hundredth time. Peter would have been so proud. Though her husband had been a jock, he’d have celebrated his son’s success in art, where Sal had inexplicably
shown both interest and talent. It had been one of the many things she’d loved about Peter. Sometimes, at events like this, the hole in her heart became a gaping chasm and she struggled against the emotion.

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