Arielle Immortal Resolve (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 8) (39 page)

It was late in afternoon when they returned to their room after spending an amazing day, swimming, chasing each other on the beach and making love. Completely overcome by a wave of exhaustion they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Sebastian came awake first. Arielle was still asleep in his arms. A wave of delight washed over him, knowing she was his and his alone. He smiled, propped on one elbow and looked down at her. He could gaze at her forever. Her soft breathing told him she was sound asleep. One finger gently stoked along her bottom lip and he planted a soft kiss on her temple. The jolt that shook him at the touch of her skin was that of pure exhilaration. He drew a shuddering breath and decided to get out of bed, take a shower and prepare the next day’s itinerary.


Arielle woke with a start. Disoriented, she looked around. Deafening silence reached her. Her gaze flicked to where Sebastian should be sleeping, but he was nowhere to be seen. Her eyes roamed the room once again. There was just enough light to make out the furnishings in the room.
Where's Sebastian?
She couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was watching her. She focused her attention to the balcony doors and gasped. Her thoughts came to a screeching halt. Fear gripped her like a metal vise and the hair stood on the back of her nape. Through the sheer curtains a woman’s image stood. The blood drained from Arielle’s face and her body started to shiver like a leaf. She sucked in a breath and closed her eyes.
Oh dear God, no! Please make it be a hallucination.
Holding her breath she opened her eyes slowly. The woman was gone.

Abruptly she came to her feet. The air in the room had thickened and she was hyperventilating. She grabbed Sebastian’s shirt from the chair and threw it on her naked body. Moving slowly she approached the sliding doors and drew the curtains back. Mentally preparing to face whoever was outside, she opened the doors and stepped fully onto the balcony. A quick peek at the sky told her it was twilight. Her mind was on full alert. Her eyes scanned each shadowed corner, and leaning over the balcony, she tried to penetrate the darkness. She smelled the salty ocean, and heard the waves lapping the shore a short distance away. A branch breaking made her recoil and her head snapped in that direction. Her heart hammered her chest painfully. After a moment passed and nothing moved, she took a deep breath and let it out with a soft sigh.

Her mind was hesitant to accept the possibility of Annabel showing up to ruin their honeymoon. She shook off the sensation and stepped back into the room. She closed the doors behind her and leaned against them to steady her legs. She pressed her clammy hands against her thighs to stop them from trembling.
It had to be an illusion
. This was the honeymoon she'd dreamed about. Sebastian was hers to have, and to love for the rest of her mortal life. The thought of him moving through eternity without her made her heart ache. She knew there would be an end to her human life, but the thought of Annabel ending her life this soon, brought the unpleasant taste of bile into her mouth.

She lifted her head at the sound of a throat clearing to peer at Sebastian leaning against the bedroom doorway watching her intently. White-faced she stood frozen. She felt her heart thudding in her throat.

“What’s wrong, love? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

Arielle drew a shaky breath and cringed inwardly. She rubbed her clammy hands together and their gazes locked. The fear that lingered in her eyes sent powerful enough waves to unsettle him.

Sebastian looked around for a clue. “Something's terribly wrong; what is it?”

He didn't wait for a reply. Using his immortal speed he was in front of her in a nanosecond. His arms encircled her just as her legs gave way beneath her. His tight embrace prevented her from plunging to the floor. Her breathless gasping drove a chill down his spine.

“Arielle, you’re shaking, baby. What’s wrong?”

Arielle peered at him with clench teeth. She summoned her wits and let out a long shaky breath. “Sebastian, I think Annabel's here.”

A wave of shock washed over Sebastian. Their gazes locked. He couldn’t hide his disbelief. “Why would you think that?”

“I pray it’s not true, but I’m pretty sure she was standing on the balcony watching me sleep.”

Sebastian bit back an oath. “Is it possible you were dreaming?”

She shook her head vigorously, her eyes darting toward the balcony. “Sebastian, I was in a sleep haze, but I saw something out there,” she said and waved her arm toward the sliding doors.

“Why didn’t you call me? I was in the next room.”

“I was too scared to think.”

“Yet you went out there all alone to investigate. Oh, Arielle, what am I to do with you?” Sebastian pulled her into his arms and held her tightly. “Don’t ever do that again. Call me first.”

“So you believe it could be her?”

“I didn’t say that. What I said is, I don’t want you to get into trouble.”

“Where were you?”

“I wanted to let you rest. I decided to take a shower and use the time to prepare an itinerary for tomorrow.” Using his index finger he lifted her face to his and pressed a tender kiss on her lips. “I’m sure you had a nightmare and thought you saw something.”

She was truly freaked out by the thought of Annabel on the same island, but masked her fear. “Maybe it
a dream,” she muttered. She brought her gaze back up to his face, straightened her shoulders and narrowed her eyes. “Sebastian she can’t have you. I won’t allow it,” she said firmly, pulling herself closer to his warmth. “You’re mine forever,” she whispered and buried her face against his chest.

“I’m yours baby. And don’t forget, I’m also your husband,” he chuckled.

“That’s something I couldn’t possibly forget for a minute even if I wanted to,” she replied lovingly.

He turned her face up to his once again and his kiss was gentle. “And you don’t want to.”

He was so stunningly beautiful; Arielle had known that from the first time she saw him on that beach. She'd fallen in love with him desperately then and she was deeply in love with him now. For a moment she was lost in the wonderful memories of their life together.

“Anything wrong?” he asked.

“Should there be?”

He held her against him. “I’ve got you right here in my arms now, so how could there be anything wrong with that?” His reassuring words calmed her, and she clung to him.

She stood on tip-toes, threw her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a hot kiss. She needed him right now more than ever. His shirt barely covered her buttocks. His hands moved slowly and cupped her behind. Flames engulfed his body and set him on fire. He lifted her off the floor and moaned as she wrapped her legs around his hips. He could feel the intensity. He moved across the room with her still in his arms, lowered her gently down onto the bed and stood back to admire his new bride. She was perfect! He stared in awe with a devouring gaze at the vision that'd captured the core of his soul from the moment their eyes met. He gaped at the sexual image her luscious naked body offered. A sweet smile touched her lips, while fire churned in the depth of her sapphire eyes.

This was the perfect honeymoon he had promised Arielle. He wasn’t going to let anything or anyone to destroy a single moment of their time together.

His eyes traveled slowly over every inch of her silky flesh. Her nipples had formed into taut buds and his control faltered. He'd never experienced this level of desire and passion, until Arielle. This was the ultimate gift from God in the five hundred years plus he'd roamed this earth.

He lay next to her and his arms locked about her. He took her mouth in a fervent kiss. His tongue parted her lips and plunged into the honey softness of her mouth tasting, exploring and ravishing her with love. Pulling back, he gazed into the deep blue pools of her eyes and smiled. Cupping her breasts, he ran his thumbs over the hard nipples and trailed soft wet kisses across the swollen mounds. Arielle whimpered as he set his mouth on a puckered nipple, laving with his tongue. He drew one nipple into the heat of his mouth and suckled while his hand worshiped her other breast. Arielle gasped and arched her back, pushing her breast deeper into his mouth.

Sebastian growled with savage, primal hunger and moved to suckle the other nipple, swirling the nub with his tongue. Sheer lust spread through his veins and his lungs locked. Pleasure beyond anything he'd ever known traveled like fire across his flesh and a growl escaped him.

Arielle drew a deep breath as his mouth moved again, trailing scorching open-mouth kisses downward over her tight abdomen, stopping at her center. She cried out his name with passion when he set his mouth there and spend a long torturous time giving her nothing less than pure pleasure. She wound her fingers into his sandy hair and pressed him harder against her. Waves of passion washed over her as he held her thighs firmly and continued the wonderful torture until her desire welled up and consumed her. She went over the peak and shuddered into oblivion, falling into the vortex of numbness and loss of awareness.

Sebastian licked his lips and drifted back up her body trailing kisses along every curve. He heard her whimpers and the small sobs that escaped her throat. He stopped and pressed his lips at the base of her throat savoring the thudding of her heart’s pulse. Heat surged through his veins like fire and covering her body he pressed along the length of her, and instant combustion shook their very souls. Lifting his head he nuzzled her hair and breathed deep the intoxicating aroma of freesia.

Sebastian couldn't keep rein to his control any longer. He was aching with desire. He gazed deep into her eyes, green against blue. “I love you, baby,” he said, his voice thick with desire. He pressed her legs apart, clasped her hips tightly and with a groan, sank slowly into her warm depths, savoring every moment until he was buried to the hilt. Her tight heat clenched tightly around him. Her hands moved down his muscled back and clasped his buttocks, pressing him harder against her. They moved in perfect rhythm, their souls connected. Arielle met each of his thrusts and his resolve quickly unraveled.

Sebastian felt the fragments of his control disintegrating. Although he tried to prolong this amazing sensation, he couldn't stop. The flames that washed through his veins penetrated his muddled mind. His mouth was hot and feverish against hers. Arielle swirl her hips against his. The thrusts increased in a powerful pounding rhythm. He growled as he thrust hard for the last time and sent both of them into a shuddering climax. He collapsed on top of her completely spent.

“You're taking my control with no effort at all,” he whispered into her mouth. He rolled off her, bringing her with him, resting her head on his chest. He nuzzled her hair and pressed a soft kiss on her forehead.

“Do I please you, my love?” she asked softly.

His deep laughter echoed and bounced like a boomerang across the walls. He pulled her even closer and tilting her head up covered her mouth in a searing kiss. “Arielle, you have been the light that guides every step I take each and every day. You give my life true purpose to move on,” he breathed into the kiss.

They spent long moments wrapped in each other’s arms.

“Why don’t we get dressed and I’ll take you downstairs for dinner. You must be hungry,” Sebastian said.

Her stomach growled in response and he laughed. “I guess you

“Yes, I’m famished,” she replied and got out of bed.

Soon they were on their way to the dining room hand in hand.

While waiting to be seated, she leaning close to Sebastian. “I guess dinner for one again,” she whispered.

He looked down at her. His gaze roamed her face and settled on her lips. “I think tonight, I’ll have a full meal,” he replied, a crooked grin on his face.

Arielle’s breath caught and she averted her gaze away from his intense eyes. “Don’t do that,” she murmured.

“Do what, love?”

“Look at me like you would like to devour me.”

“I can’t help that,” he replied and squeezed her hand.

The host came to guide them to the private room that Sebastian had arranged for while Arielle was sleeping.

They enjoyed their meal chatting, laughing and kissing in between bites of food and conversation.

When the meal was over, Arielle stretched and heaved a deep sigh. “This has been a magical time Sebastian. I could've never imagined that our honeymoon would be this amazing.”

He moved closer and his kiss was gentle at the beginning, but when her lips parted he felt the familiar lust and proceeded in devouring her mouth taking all she had to give. “It's been amazing for me as well,” he breathed into her mouth. “But Arielle, our lives together are just starting. I plan to keep you this happy and sated every single day for the rest of our days.” His deep-throated voice sent quivers of lust across her flesh.

“Oh, God! I hope I can live through it,” she chuckled breathlessly.

Dragging his mouth away from her sweet lips, he gave her a sultry look. “Well I’ll have to start on my promise as soon as we get to the room.” Clasping her hand he rose to his feet pulling her up to him. “So let’s go, baby.”

How did this woman turn him on in such an outlandish way? This question had become one of the mysteries he hadn't been able to solve. He never seemed to get enough of Arielle. Astonishingly, his desire seemed to grow with each day they spent together.

Arielle giggled and soon they were on the way to their private bungalow, so full of love and passion they thought they would burst.


The time passed swiftly and they had only four days left on this picturesque island. Arielle wanted to explore the quaint villages, take photos of the incredible waterfalls, the fantastic vegetation and the magical beaches. Horseback riding, swimming, diving, and making love at every possible turn, were some of the items at the top of her list.

The thought of leaving this paradise made her unhappy. “I don’t want to go home,” she whispered when they woke the next morning nestled in each other’s arms.

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