Arielle Immortal Resolve (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 8) (40 page)

Sebastian tightened his hold and planted a gentle kiss on her lips. “We can stay as long as you want, baby,” he said.

Arielle smiled wide and, throwing her hands around his neck, she pulled him back for a scorching kiss.

After a sizzling encounter, sanity slowly returned, and they decided to start their day with a nice breakfast in bed. Sebastian manifested a feast to fit a queen. Everything Arielle loved to eat in the morning was placed before her on a huge platter.

Arielle surveyed the huge meal, her mouth forming a perfect “O.” She then turned to look at Sebastian, awestruck. “Oh, my, Sebastian. I can’t help being astounded each time you do this,” she said and pointed at the tray.

He heaved a small sigh. But before he could reply she put a hand out to stop him. “I know… I know… I know…another of your incredible immortal gifts. But it still shocks me to know that I’m eating manifested food.”

Sebastian eyebrows furrowed. “I thought you would be used to this by now?’

Her shoulders rose a fraction and fell. “I should, but I’m not,” she giggled.

“What do you want to do this morning?” Sebastian asked.

“I want to lay on the beach and soak up some rays.”

“Okay, then that's exactly what we’re going to do.”

The soft ring of a phone startled them. They looked at each other utterly surprised. Who could be calling them on their honeymoon? Sebastian got out of bed and went to the next room to retrieve his mobile. Arielle flopped onto her stomach and hugged her pillow tightly. Sebastian glanced at the screen and saw Nathan’s name. Sliding the arrow over, he unlocked it and answered briskly.

“Hello, Nathan?” he said into the phone.

“Sebastian, I’m really sorry for calling, but this couldn’t wait.”

“What is it?”

“I must have the numbers for the deal you're trying to close with the group in Australia. You didn’t leave them with me before you left, and Madeline can’t find the folder for that project.”

“Are the Aussies already there?”

“Yes, they're in London and want to see the numbers by this afternoon, or they'll walk away from the deal. Again I’m sorry for calling.”

“No, no it’s all right, Nathan. I’m glad you called me. Hold on for a second.”

Putting the phone in mute, he walked back into the bedroom. His gaze fell on Arielle’s relaxed naked body sprawled across the white sheets and his muscles clenched. His eyes roamed hungrily up her long beautiful legs, and further up, to admire her breathtaking thighs, round perfect buttocks, small waist and lovely back. Her hair fell across her back, and spilled on the sheets and the pillow like a brown silk waterfall.

She felt him before she heard him and spun around to face him. A sexy smile touched her lips when she met his smoldering eyes. “Do you like what you see?”

He lowered his head and kissed her. His tongue slipped between her lips and tasted her. Arielle’s eyes closed and a soft moan escaped her. Suddenly his warmth was gone. Her eyes snapped open to see a smirking Sebastian watching her.

“I love what I see and I want what I see, but not right now. Nathan's on the phone and I have to take the call. This deal is very important for our company,” he said with a throaty voice.

“Okay,” she replied a wide smile. She jumped out of bed, put her bathing suit on, grabbed a beach towel and strolled to the door. “I’ll miss you!” she called out.

“Don’t forget where we left off,” he replied laughing.

Sebastian walked out to the balcony to continue his conversation to Nathan, while watching Arielle walked down the path that was surrounded by thick brush, heading toward their private cove. Soon she disappeared in the short distance and he walked back inside.

Chapter 23

behind her, Arielle leaned against it. She closed her eyes and chuckled blissfully. She ran her tongue over her lips to savor the taste of Sebastian’s passionate kiss. This was the life she'd never dared to dream of. It was the closest you could get to a fairy-tale with an invisible line separating the dream from reality. She heaved a sigh.

Feeling happy, she climbed down the wooden steps and took the grassy path that led to their private cove by the ocean. The day was filled with sunny skies and warm temperatures. She hurried to the spot where she and Sebastian spent most of their time. A contented smile lingered on her lips.

She laid the beach towel on the sand, dug into her beach bag and she fished out her sunglasses. She kicked her sandals off and dug her toes into the cool, wet sand. Her heels sung deeper into the coolness and bliss engulfed. Dropping her beach bag on the towel she adjusted her sunglasses and walked into the warm waters that embraced her sending a delightful sensation through her as the warm waves stroked her body. She spent a short time swimming and floating on the waves in sheer pleasure.

When she emerged from the water, the cool breeze spread goosebumps across her skin and she shivered lightly. She ran her fingers through her long hair and shook her head in an attempt to dry it a bit more before she laid down. After toweling off, she reached into her bag and fished out her iPod and her book. She rubbed suntan lotion on every bare spot she could reach, while watching the waves lap against the shore. Pet Shop Boys’ song “It’s a Sin” blasted in her ears, and she hummed to the tune.

Lying on her stomach she placed the book on the beach towel and rested her chin on her hands. Fascinated by Anne Bronte, she was reading
Agnes Grey
once again.

She felt the sun’s warmth on her back. She would need to be careful not to fall asleep and burn. That would not bring a happy ending to an amazing honeymoon.

Lost in the plot of the book, and the cruelty of Mrs. Bloomfield toward Agnes, she didn’t notice that someone was standing right over her, blocking the sun.

A cool breeze blew across her skin and she realized that she'd lost the warmth of the sun. For some reason, a surge of panic went through her. Someone was blocking the sunlight but she was afraid to look up, unwilling to accept the gut feeling sending a surge of icy fear through every muscle in her body. She knew exactly whom she was going to find standing there; Annabel. Gathering her strength, she raised her eyes and peered at the woman who’d been drawn out of hell to become her worst nightmare. Her mind went blank and her breath caught. She swallowed the lump in her throat, and a shudder ran through her as her heart started to hammer her chest painfully.

She glanced around, wildly searching for Sebastian but he wasn't anywhere to be found. She couldn't move, she couldn't speak; at this point she was so scared all she could do was think that she was hallucinating. She shut her eyes and shook her head trying to get rid of the horrid image.
God please make this to be a dream!
She pleaded a silent prayer in sheer desperation.

Her eyes snapped open and the air thickened. Annabel was still standing there, arms crossed over her chest, cold fury in her eyes, an evil smile on her face.

There was something very eerie about her. Arielle tried to speak, to scream, to do something but she was completely paralyzed with fear. Setting her jaw, she pulled herself up slowly to face the other woman. The awful thing was that Arielle knew exactly why she was here. But whatever was to come, she wouldn't give up without a fight.

“What in bloody hell do you want?” she asked, her voice barely more than a whisper.

Annabel’s smile broadened. “Now…now…is that any way to greet the woman who is going to end your miserable life?”

“Get out of here before Sebastian comes. He'll kill you,” she muttered, not believing a word of it.

“You miserable human. Did you really think you will have a life with Sebastian?”

“We’re married now and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

“Oh, but that’s where you’re wrong.”

“What do you bloody mean?”

“Here is where it all ends for you, my dear.”

Arielle gulped and mumbled something like, “I don’t believe that.” She turned to look toward the bungalow, praying that Sebastian was on his way.

“He’s still on the phone, Arielle, I can hear him. He has no idea that I’m here and by the time he finds out, this will be over.”

“What do you mean? This…” Terror was ripping through her and nausea churned in her stomach once again.

Annabel shot her a disgusted look and stepped closer. “I’m going to kill you and you have no choice in the matter. I just want to see you sweat for a while.”

Arielle watched her, horrified. An icy sensation surged through her. “Annabel, why are you doing this? Sebastian will be here shortly,” she managed to choke out.

“No he won't. But…I’m here because I’m keeping my promise to you and Sebastian. You didn't listen when I told you over and over again to walk away. And he didn’t listen when I asked him to leave you alone. He belongs to me and no other woman will ever have him.”

“He’s never going to love you, Annabel.”

“I don’t care about that. I stopped caring about that centuries ago. The fact is, I made him an immortal to punish him, and punish him I will.” Her laugh was ugly. “As much as I hate to say it, I know he loves you. There's nothing in this world that will hurt him more than finding you dead.”

A wave of revulsion surged through her as she gazed into Annabel’s evil eyes. Arielle’s despondency was palpable. Reality struck her; Annabel was going to kill her. Nausea churned in her stomach and the bitter taste of bile filled her mouth. Fragments of Annabel’s words reached her ears but didn’t make any sense. Her world tilted and her mind screamed for her to run, but her legs wouldn’t move. And even if she could, Annabel was faster than the wind; she'd never be able to get away. Her gaze drifted warily back.
But where is Sebastian?
she thought.

“I see you don’t have that necklace on. How unfortunate for you,” Annabel spat.

Arielle’s hands moved of their own accord to her bare throat. A shudder ripped through her muscles and fear rushed icy fingers down her spine. She was going to die; she was never going to see Sebastian, her family, or friends. This is where the dream would end. She felt a wave of anger rush through her as she stared into Annabel’s hateful glare. The pressure behind her eyelids forced tears to trickle down her face.

Annabel’s blow came fast, taking Arielle by surprise. It caught her right in the middle of her face, sending her flying across the sand. The sheering pain threatened to choke her as the taste of blood filled her mouth. She cried out in shock and terror and everything became blurry. Her body quivered violently.
Oh God
, she whimpered, as she fully realize that Annabel was going to kill her. Despondency gripped her body like a steel vise. She tried to force her muscles into motion but the pain was unbearable. Before she had a chance to grasp her next thought Annabel was standing over her, one booted foot pressed against her throat. Arielle made a choking sound that barely found its way out of her mouth.

“You're going to die, you miserable human,” Annabel spat, loathing laced through every word. She pulled her foot away, leaned down and grabbed Arielle by the throat, lifting her as if she was weightless. She squeezed brutally and her nails cut into Arielle’s flesh, sending sheer waves of pain rippling through her body like blazing fire.

Tears mixed with blood drenched her face as darkness started to cloud her mind. She stared numbly at Annabel and tried to squirm away from her grip, but Annabel wouldn’t budge. With a violent move, she pulled her free hand back and a punch ripped right through Arielle’s chest leaving her breathless. The pain was so intense she grunted as panic washed over her. She tried to fight her way out of the deadly grip once again but to no avail. A silent scream pierced her mind and she started to lose consciousness. She clenched her jaw, shut her eyes tightly and waited for another hit to come with full force. Suddenly the grip loosened and she plunged onto her knees.

She swallowed the bitter taste of blood that made her cringe. Her hands began to tremble, and her breath was frozen in her lungs as her heart pounded against her chest, forcing more tears down her face.

“God, please don’t let me die like this,” she pleaded silently. She wanted to scream but the sound was lodged in her strangled throat.

Suddenly Annabel grabbed a handful of Arielle’s hair and pulled her up to face her. “This isn't the way you're going to die. Open your eyes, you miserable human. I want to see the fear in your eyes when you take your last breath.”

Arielle snapped her eyes open as the pain kept her close to the brink of unconsciousness. Her eyes widen in horror and her breath came in heavy gasps. A knife appeared in Annabel’s free hand and it was but a flash before she leaned forward and plunged it right into Arielle’s chest. The pain was excruciating as the blade delved deeper into her chest cavity and she screamed. Annabel twisted the knife once and pulled it upward, slicing through Arielle’s ribcage. Pain ripped like fire across her muscles. She let go of Arielle’s bloody body, and Arielle dropped to the sand, a guttural scream tearing from her lips. She was in agony, but tried to stay conscious, hoping Sebastian was near. She fumbled at her chest and blood spattered her hands. She stared at them in horror as her thoughts became dazed.

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