Arielle and the Three Wolves (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (27 page)

The muscles of her rear started to take on a life of their own. She started to lose control over them as he fucked her back there. They bunched together and contracted. To not be in control of her own body was terrifying, but at the same time it was a turn-on. She was ashamed to admit it to even herself but this was beyond belief. An orgasm was building, and she couldn’t control it or stop it. It kept winding up tighter and tighter inside her, and she felt it deep in her belly.

Then the explosion was ripping her apart. She yelled and screamed every obscenity she could think of over her shoulder at him. As before he ignored her and rammed her hard with his cock. She began to swoon and lose consciousness for the second time that morning. She came to herself just long enough to feel him climax deep inside of her.

She lowered her head into the pillow, closed her eyes, and went to sleep. Her hands still gripped his, their fingers interwoven as they slept.


* * * *


After they awakened they returned to the pond and bathed. Arielle brought a small bar of soap, and they used it to wash clean. Then they made love again, and ended up on the bank of the pond cuddled in each other’s arms where they watched the beauty of the mountains that surrounded them and didn’t have a care in the world.

“You know maybe there is something to the shifter idea of finding a mate, and knowing that person when you see them,” Arielle said as she lay next to him.

“You’re a true romantic, Arielle,” he teased her, and caressed her face with a wild flower he had plucked from the shore.

“I’m serious,” she persisted. “I’d never met a man before who I felt this attraction for. Now I’ve met three of them. It’s like I’m drawn to the three of you. When I’m with you I have no other choice than to love you.”

He laughed at her, and the dangerous smile was back. “You’ve fought it with all of us this entire time.”

“I have fought what I felt for you all,” she admitted, and realized she felt foolish because she had fought so hard what she so clearly felt in her heart. “Loving all three of you is complicated and frightening, and my family and friends may never look at me the same way again. But I can’t fight it any longer.”

“Can’t fight what?” he prodded her.

“Can’t fight the fact that I’m in love with all three of you. I hope you’re in love with me, too.”

“More than you know, honey.”

He pulled her back to him. This young guy was really insatiable. His cock was like steel again and pointed straight at her belly.

“Again?” she laughed as he started to climb on top of her.

“And again and again and again…” He mocked her words. Then he was inside her again. She was left to hang on for the ride he gave her, and what a ride it was.

After Luke was finished he announced that he would go out and hunt their dinner again. They had already determined to spend one more night in this campsite and then head back to the ranch at first light on the next morning. She gave him a kiss and a hug and saw him off for his hunt and then dived back into the pond to take another bath. She was sore and tired and smelled like sex.

When she got out of the water, she dried herself, dressed, and walked back to camp at a leisurely pace. She wanted to start the campfire for Luke and have it ready for him when he got back with their dinner.

Before she made it to the campfire, she came to a halt. A huge gray wolf had emerged from out of the edge of the forest and eyed her wearily. Its eyes glowed at her.

“Is that…” she trailed off. She felt foolish because she didn’t know if this was a real wolf or not, but after all she was in Shifter Valley. Just in case it was a real wolf, she kept her distance.

Then a growl from the other side of the camp startled her, and she turned around to see a second wolf come out of the forest and approach her. This time she could relax. She was safe.

“Jason!” she said and put her hands on her hips. She would have recognized the big black wolf she nursed back to health with the broken leg anywhere. It was this wolf she had first started to love.

There was a blur in the air and Jason stood upright in front of her as a man. Another blur behind her and she whisked around to see Kyle turn to human form. Both men were naked, and looked glorious out here in the isolated mountain forest. Jason still limped slightly when he walked, but his pace had gotten a lot faster. Immediately both men approached her with unreadable expressions.

“Are you all right?” Jason was the first one to her and took her in his arms. She held him tight, and it felt good to have him back with her. When he let go of her Kyle swooped her up and had her. He bent to give her a kiss on the lips, which she gladly returned.

“We’ve been worried sick about you, Arielle,” Kyle informed her.

“Yes. I’m fine,” she said and placed a hand on each of her naked lovers to calm their fears for her. She had a big smile on her face. It was an incredible sense of love to have two such strong cowboy shape-shifters so overly concerned about her well-being. The smile just grew on her face the more she thought about it. “It sure is good to see you two,” she told them and gave them each another hug. “I had hoped you guys would know I was with Luke.” She cast a frown at Jason. “Promise me you won’t get angry at him.”

“We already had that part figured out,” Jason said. He sounded angry.

“But we were still worried about you,” Kyle said.

“We went to wolf form and tracked your scent all the way up here from the ranch. It took us all day to make it up here after we finally caught your scent,” Jason said. He still sounded angry.

“Remember I told you our kid brother could be unpredictable,” Kyle reminded her.

Arielle laughed. “You have no idea.” Then she was overcome by her excitement at their presence in the camp and had to give them each another hug and kiss. The two men eagerly returned her affection.

“So how is it with you two?” Jason asked.

Just then Luke came back through the forest. He carried a deer that he had hunted down for their dinner that night. He was naked also as he had shifted to hunt the deer and had not had time to get dressed yet. He let the deer fall off his shoulders as he caught sight of Arielle and his two brothers by the campfire.

“You are in trouble, brother,” Jason called to him.

Arielle reached up to Jason and ran her hand along his chest to try and calm him down. “It’s okay, Jason,” she reassured him. “Coming up here with Luke was the best thing that could have happened to me. It was the best thing that could have happened for all of us.”

Jason and Kyle, one on each side of her, towered above her with expectant looks.

“I learned that Luke is my mate on this trip,” she told them. Then she reached an arm around the waist of each man. “I learned that all of you are my mates,” she added.

Luke came up to them. Now she was surrounded by three huge cowboy shifters. She was surrounded by her three mates. “If Luke hadn’t brought me up here, I think I might have made a terrible mistake. I think I would have left the ranch next week when my vacation is over. I was fighting against what I felt inside for all of you from the first moment I met you.”

Jason took her face in his hands and forced her to look up at him. “Are you going to stop fighting now?”

“Yes,” she was eager to respond. “You’re my family now. All three of you are. I’m going to fight for us instead of against us.”

Kyle peeled her away from Jason’s arms and held her tight against his body. “Do you really know what it’s like now when a shifter meets their mate? Do you know what that feels like?”

“Yes, I do, because I realize that I feel the same thing for the three of you that you must be feeling for me.”

“And you’ve stopped struggling against the inevitable?” Jason asked her. “You’re going to submit to us? I mean truly submit to us, not just your body. But everything, the rest of your life.”

She smiled and hugged Jason. “You three have got me body and soul,” she told him proudly. She was proud to give herself to three extraordinary men such as these.

All three men hugged her, and she hugged them back with equal fervor.

Chapter Fifteen


They ate around the campfire. The men had retrieved their clothes. There would be no further reason to shift that night. The sun slowly set behind the mountain range and stars began to fill the sky. Another lazy summer night had started.

Arielle felt good to have all her men with her in the same place at the same time. At one time she had thought it might feel weird to have them all with her at once if she had a relationship with them all. But there was nothing weird about the four of them together this night. It all felt natural. This was her family.

There was some light, easy conversation as they ate, but then it tapered off. The men watched her for a cue as to what she felt. Jason and Kyle had brought a big tent and set it up in the middle of camp. It was big enough to hold them all.

Arielle wasn’t under any illusions now. She knew she was about to have sex with them all. She had told them she would give herself to them all, and now the time had come. She was nervous and maybe even a little scared as she sat cross-legged on the ground next to the men and watched the sunset. But the thought that overrode all others was that this felt right.

She knew the men waited for a sign from her that it was okay to proceed. She looked up at the pink sky of dusk overhead and thought how beautiful it was. Somehow it fit that this should happen out here. She took a swallow of the bottled water and combed her hair back with her fingers.

She smiled to herself as a random but important thought came to her. These men needed her. They needed her as much as she needed them. It was a heady thought because they were all so strong and sure of themselves. At one time she had thought they were all so self-contained that they didn’t need anyone, and especially not a vet with a failed love life who had run from herself for over a year. She was amazed. They actually needed her and depended on her love as much as she needed and depended on theirs.

Because she did love them, she knew she would not disappoint them.

She gave each man a smile and rose from the ground. “Come on, guys, let’s go to bed.” She extended her hand to Jason and helped him up. Then Kyle and Luke were at her side. She led them all back to the big tent, and the men eagerly followed behind her. A playful thought flitted through her mind as she thought of them as puppy dogs that followed her. No longer did she have to be afraid of the big bad wolf. She had tamed them. But then of course they had tamed her, too.

“Are you scared?” Jason asked her.

“A little,” she admitted honestly.

“Do you want us, Arielle?” Jason asked her before they stepped inside.

“You’re my mates,” was her simple reply.

Inside the tent the men took turns undressing Arielle. They soon had her naked on top of the blankets on the floor. Then they removed their own clothes. Anticipation surged through her as she watched each of their perfect bodies as they were revealed to her.

Jason, as always, was the leader. He picked her up in his huge arms and got her positioned over Kyle. He set her down on top of Kyle on his lap. Kyle reached behind her and positioned his erect cock at the entrance to her pussy and was soon inside her.

The hands of Jason and Luke were on her and helped her to sit up on Kyle. Kyle took her knees in his palms and moved them up along his body as Luke pushed her down toward Kyle on the blankets. Jason took her arms and moved them over her head and told her to keep them there, and held her wrists restrained tightly in one of his hands. The men guided each of her movements now, and each limb of her body. She had completely given up control of her own body to them.

It was an overwhelming feeling. She was in awe of herself that she could have reached this point so quickly with these men. It was almost like an out-of-body experience. She became an observer to all the things the men did with her body. She felt like she watched this scene on a TV screen. But then when Kyle moved his hips beneath her and his long cock penetrated deeply, she realized she was still very much in her body.

Luke walked behind her and lubed up his cock with the cold, slippery ointment from that morning. She moaned when she thought about what he would do to her.

Jason stood in front of her. He offered her his cock, and she reached for it. The long muscle slid down her throat, and she sucked the head.

Luke pushed himself up inside her anus. There was no room inside her body now as Kyle was still inserted in her pussy.

“You’re doing good, baby,” Jason told her from above as she sucked his cock. “That’s it, baby, you’re doing good.”

She removed his cock from her mouth. “I’m trying, darling,” she responded to him. She could hardly speak now with two huge cocks inside her body at the same time.

The three men had her pinned between them and she couldn’t move. Their massive cocks invaded her body. Each explored in a different place inside her. Jason had one hand in her hair and one holding her wrists above her head. Kyle had his arms wrapped around her holding her down on top of him, and Luke held her by the shoulders.

Each man thrust inside of her. She felt like an erotic pin cushion.

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