Arielle and the Three Wolves (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (19 page)

The sweetest orgasm of her entire life washed over her, and it happened just as Kyle ejaculated. His hot seed sprayed inside her, and brought more intensity to the force of her climax.

He gave her another kiss, and she wrapped her arms around him and reached up and returned his kiss with what little strength she had left after their fuck. They both panted and were out of breath. She was gratified to see it had affected him as much as if had affected her. She felt a wicked sort of pride that her little pussy had worn out this big tough cowboy.

“That was fantastic,” he told her when he could catch his breath long enough to form words.

“That was pretty good,” she agreed.


She laughed. “Okay. That was fantastic.” She could still barely speak. She was afraid her heart would hammer out of her chest.

Their bodies remained coiled in each other on top of the bed, and they stayed that way and did not move for another few minutes. They both needed to come back to earth. He still had his cock in her pussy, but by now it felt natural. Her stretched muscles accommodated him with no trouble.

When he crawled off her, she realized he was still fully dressed and she was naked from the waist down and felt wet and sticky. They both sat up on the bed and looked at each other. He gave her a smile as if to say, “We did it.” She laughed and let him pull her in for another hug. She liked it when a man touched her afterward. As much as she loved Jason’s dominance routine, and as much as it got her off, with him when it was over, it was over, her body was left shattered and to rest in his arms. With Kyle there was still more to come.

No longer did she feel embarrassed with Kyle. Kyle, her friend, held her in his arms, and it felt good.

Kyle was her best friend.

Her mind would need some time to process that notion. For one thing she hadn’t known him for very long, and she had never had a man as her best friend, didn’t even know it could be possible. The things men made her feel seemed mutually exclusive with the concept of a best friend.

“Do you want to take a bath?” he asked her.

She pulled her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around her knees. “You want us to take a bath?”

“They’ve got nice hot tubs in these rooms. We should take advantage of it while we’re here.”

“Yeah? Sounds good.” She started to get up automatically.

He reached out and pulled her back down. “Let me get the bath,” he told her. “You’ve just had a pretty good workout.”

She realized she was used to Jason. He liked her to do things for him. To be fair about it, she liked to do things for him, too. The dynamics were different with Kyle. She gave him a smile and took his hand.

“Why don’t we get the bath together?” she offered.

“Sounds good.”

She went into the bathroom with Kyle, and they turned on the light. Her body was sore, but felt relaxed. This was a nice afterglow.

Kyle started the water, and she looked in the vanity for the bubble bath. The tub was large and gave an invitation all its own. She looked over her shoulder at him. “Hey, how did you know this place had hot tubs?” she asked him suspiciously. “Have you taken other women to this motel?”

He gave a laugh. “No. You’re the first. In the winter when it snows hard enough, they close the road leading into the valley. I’ve been stuck away from home a few times, and I’ve stayed at this place.”

“Oh, sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry. It’s a nice thought to think that women would want to come to this motel with me. But I’m glad you’re the one woman who finally made it.”

“Yeah. Me, too.” She handed him the bubble bath. “How’s this?”

“We’ll find out.” He poured the liquid soap into the churning water of the tub. It began to foam up nicely. He sat down on the edge of the tub and began to take off his boots.

She looked down and realized she still didn’t have her pants on. Her halter top barely covered her. She readied some towels on the edge of the tub and then pulled her arms one at a time through the straps of her top. When she was out of it, she folded the top neatly and sat it on the counter. The clasp of her bra was behind her back. She watched Kyle take off his clothes and fumbled for the clasp without success. The sight of him as he unwrapped his body in front of her mesmerized her, and she never got the clasp. The bathroom started to fog from the hot water of the bath.

“Here, let me,” he said after he had kicked off his briefs and was naked with her. He got her bra off her with expert fingers and then helped her step over the rim of the tub. He followed her into the water, and the waves shifted with his weight as he sat behind her. She leaned back against his body, and he wrapped his arms around her. The bubbles covered them both up to their necks. His cock, still stiff and hard, poked her back as she settled against him.

He began to wash off her body with his hands and the bubble bath suds. She sighed peacefully against the warmth of the water and the steam. “Mm, this feels so good,” she said, and closed her eyes.

“I’m going to give you back your money.”

“I knew you would,” she told him, her eyes still closed against the heavy warmth.

“I mean I’m going to give it all back to you. I’ll convince Jason to take out a loan to buy the south range.”

The water and his fingers washing her body made her feel lazy, but she opened her eyes and looked back at him. “If you’re going to take out a loan, then why did I even give you the money in the first place? I thought that was the whole idea of me letting you have that money?” She wasn’t angry. She felt too good to be angry. She just stated the obvious.

“It was your entire lives savings, wasn’t it?”

“Yes. Every penny.”

“You tripled your money in one afternoon. That’s pretty good.”

“Yes, and had some nice sex thrown into the bargain. But you still haven’t answered my question.”

“I took that money out of a boyish need that I had to prove that I was worthy and could do it.”

“Well, I’m not going to tell Jason we did this today.”

“He expects us to be together.”

“I don’t mean the sex, I mean the money. He would explode if he knew I loaned you that money, and since it’s my money I don’t think it’s any of his business.”

“I love Jason. He’s my brother. I don’t have to prove anything to him. I did this to prove something to myself.”

“Why?” She looked back over her shoulder and smiled at him. “You’re a shape-shifter and a cowboy. Why would you ever have to prove anything? You’re wonderful, Kyle.”

“I told you it was childish, and don’t worry, it won’t happen again.”

She let out a small gasp as he washed lower down her body. She hoped he didn’t realize what an effect his hands had on her. Involuntarily she spread her legs under the water and soap. He was close to her midsection.

“Is it because of me you did this?” she asked him, and tried to recover the loss of equilibrium he gave her.

“It is,” he admitted honestly. “Your coming into my life has turned everything upside down for me. I’m not the same person anymore.”

She reached around and ran some soap down his legs as she reciprocated the body wash. “Strange that you would say that,” she told him. “Because since I’ve met you all I’m not me anymore either. I don’t recognize who I am now.”

He laughed. “It’s crazy, isn’t it? Something as good as a relationship has so many painful side effects.”

“I know.” She joined him in a laugh. “When I’m with you and when I’m with Jason it feels so right. Then when I think about what we’re doing later, it feels so wrong. That’s when I know I must be losing my mind.”

“Yes, when I’m with you I know everything in my life is as right as it’s ever going to get. But then I’ve been a bachelor my whole life, and when I think of giving that up, I start kicking myself. That’s when I know I’ve already lost my mind.”

They laughed at themselves, and it felt good. This was a shared revelation. She liked the thought that he was vulnerable. At least a little vulnerable. It made her feel closer to him. The bond that had started to form between them grew.

His hands reached her thighs. The soap, the water, and his fingers made her clean everywhere he touched. She pivoted her hips beneath the water and let him clean her. Her heart rate started to quicken again. She did her best to keep the emotion out of her face so he wouldn’t see what he did to her.

“I’ve never shared a woman with Jason before,” he admitted. “As shifters that’s what we’re supposed to do. But we’ve never done it. Of course we’ve never had a mate before either.”

“You knew that Jason and I have been having sex?” This surprised her, though she should have known it was obvious to his brothers. To be in the bath with him, his fingers on her inner thigh about to enter her pussy, and to discuss her relations with Jason should feel wrong. It should feel very wrong. But somehow it didn’t. It felt okay. She thought anything she talked with Kyle about would feel safe. That was the best friend quality. That was the mindblower. She would have a lot to think over later on.

“I know you and Jason have sex. It made what you and I just did more intense, didn’t it?”

“Yes. It did.” Now she gasped out loud as he rubbed soap on her mons, and dipped a finger down to wash between her legs. He stalled and looked at her. A silent question on his face, was this all right?

She nodded for him to continue. “You’ve never shared women with your brothers before?”

“No. Never.”

“I’ve never had a relationship like this before either. It’s blowing my mind. On some level it feels nasty and wrong.”

“But isn’t that why you came out to our ranch? To explore the possibilities?”

“I’m not sure.” She wasn’t sure of anything at the moment. He had toyed her clit out of its folds. A rush of adrenaline went through her. She reached beneath the bubbles and grabbed his hand. She didn’t know if she would pull him away, but instead she held him in place and guided him. With the motion of her wrist she let him know what she liked. He took the cue. She kept her hand on him and tightened her grip. They didn’t speak again for the next two minutes as a powerful orgasm ripped her body. She squirmed and wiggled under the water. It was all she could do not to jump out of the tub, and with her free arm she had to grab a hold of the porcelain edge to hold herself down.

She let out a scream as her body was momentarily shattered.

Then she laid back limply against his chest and let the waves soothe her. He continued to wash her legs. “Oh, God help me.” She moaned. “This really isn’t me, Kyle.”

“That’s too bad,” he said, as he reached for her toes. “Because I like the woman I brought to this motel to fuck.”

“I don’t know if I can live like this.” She was so tired and relaxed she couldn’t think straight. “I like this. God, what am I saying, I love it. But I’m also afraid of it. It’s too much.”

“Three men, especially us three brothers, are a lot to handle.” He washed between each of her toes.

“Three?” Her mind spun around. “Oh, you mean Luke?”

“Yes. You and him haven’t…”

“No, not yet.” She was stunned to realize that she already thought about sex with Kyle’s young, headstrong brother as a foregone conclusion, and somewhere deep inside she knew it was.

“Luke can be a lot to handle,” he told her, and it was like he was discussing something completely different. Certainly not her prospective lover of the future.

“Like you and Jason aren’t a lot to handle,” she teased him. She resumed her strokes of his thigh under the water. It would be her turn with him as soon as she recovered enough from her climax to turn around in the tub and get to work.

“I only mean that Luke is young and rough and…” He hesitated as if he didn’t know if he wanted to finish.

“And?” she prompted him.

“And dangerous,” he finished.

This made her pick herself up off his chest and turn around in the water to face him. “Dangerous? How?”

Kyle shook his head. “I don’t know how to describe it, and like I said I’ve never shared a woman with my brothers before. Let’s just say he’s had a lot of women. He’s got the good looks in our family. He’s a chick magnet. He knows how to enjoy a woman, but I don’t think he knows how to love a woman. He has a bad temper. You already saw that the first time you met us. He’s more of a beast than a man. He spends more time than the rest of us in his wolf form.” He paused for a moment. “I don’t know, maybe knowing you will tame his beast,” he said.

“Oh.” Arielle frowned and let this new knowledge sink in on her.

She would have to deal with Luke later. Right now Kyle’s cock was halfway out of the water and staring her in the face. She brought some foam into her hands and cupped his balls to wash them. She watched his face as she did so. He laid back in the water and rested his arms on the sides of the tub. She reached beneath the water and took his cock at its base. It was so hard she could just get her hand around all of it. He pivoted his hips as she began to stroke him up and down.

A deep breath followed, and she steeled herself. Then she bent over his waist and took him in her mouth. The entire time she fought back her gag reflex and could never quit fit him all the way in. She could feel the muscles of his body start to contract. She knew she brought him close and had a decision to make. He was about to come. She decided to give him the full treatment and let him stay inside her mouth. After all, he had been great with her. She kept her lips pursed over his cock, and the warm spray hit the back of her throat. She made an effort to swallow every drop, and when he cried out as she milked him, it sent a thrill of pleasure through her. It almost made her climax again as well.

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