However beneficent Claudius' reign was, it was marred by his falling under the control of his wives and his ex-slaves. His second wife, Messalina, used her position to kill or exile her personal and political enemies; later, while still married to Claudius, she married another man, apparently intending to supplant the emperor with her new husband. She was caught and executed. Claudius then married Agrippina, his niece (she was the daughter of his brother Germanicus); she then forced him to adopt her son Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus (Nero, after the adoption) who, being three years older than Claudius' own son Britannicus, became the heir to the throne. To satisfy her own personal grudges and to increase her power, she heightened Claudius' fears of conspiracies and implicated her personal enemies in plots, whether real or imagined, for which they were executed or exiled. Claudius' freedmen Callistus, Pallas, and Narcissus became part of the imperial staff and controlled access to the emperor. They exerted a power over the empire that the members of the Senate did not enjoy, and they profited from their power, dying wealthier than Crassus, although they had been born penniless. The last years of his reign saw Claudius slipping in his mental abilities, while his wife and his freedmen ruled the empire. Rome then saw a reign of terror worse than that under Tiberius.
Claudius finally began to reassert himself and to favor his own son Britannicus as his successor, instead of Nero. Agrippina sprang into action. A famous poisoner named Locusta cooked up a strong poison for Agrippina, who then spread it onto mushrooms, Claudius' favorite food. At the banquet Claudius took and ate the choicest, juiciest mushroom, which his loving wife had reserved for him. He died soon after, and Nero, at the age of seventeen, became emperor. After Claudius was deified by the Senate, Nero joked that the food of the gods was mushrooms (fungus, deorum cibus), for by them Claudius became a god.
Nero (5468 A.D.): "Qualis Artifex Pereo"
Imagine that before you are old enough to vote you find yourself the master of an empire that encompasses Italy, France, parts of Germany, Spain, northern Africa, Syria, Palestine, Greece, Egypt,