Read A Hunters Promise Online

Authors: Gwendolyn Cease

Tags: #Romance

A Hunters Promise (13 page)

“I like how you taste,” she said, looking up at him.

“Fuck, I like it when you taste me.”

“Can I touch you with my mouth?”

For a brief moment, he went blind at her words. He wanted nothing more than her mouth on his cock. But if she did, he knew he couldn’t hold back. He’d come as soon as he felt her breath on his skin.

“Hell yeah, but let’s wait till I have more control.”

“I don’t want you to have control.”

“I’ll come in your mouth. I won’t be able to stop myself.”

She smiled. “I think I’d like it if you did.”

Yeah, he was definitely blind now with the image of her going down on him. He forced the picture from his mind. This was about her. Not him. It had to be about her. It needed to be about her.

“Next time,” he promised, “I’ll let you do whatever you want.”


Aislinn smiled at his promise. She’d hold him to it, too. She wanted to touch and explore his body just as he did hers. Just as he let her explore his fangs. She loved touching him, and his fangs were a part of him. They didn’t scare her, and it was because it was Charon she touched.

He kissed her again, long and deep and slow. As he did, his hands moved over her body, teasing and heating her flesh. Her toes curled when he glided his fingers between her legs. She opened herself to him as he slipped first one finger into her then a second. And, though that felt good, she wanted more. She wanted Charon deep in her body, filling her.

She thrust against his hand and moaned. “Hurry, I want you.”

“You want my cock?” he whispered in her ear. “You want my cock in your pussy, Aislinn?”

“Yes,” she said, thrilling to his tone and words. She loved when he talked to her. Said things to her no one else ever had or ever would. His voice was deep with the hint of a growl, and, she knew, she put it there.


Charon forced himself to slow down. He wanted to spread Aislinn’s legs and thrust deep, but he knew he couldn’t. He wouldn’t. This was her first time,
first time, and he wanted to make sure she enjoyed every minute of it.

He eased her legs apart and knelt between them. The sight of her naked body stretched out before him was something he’d never forget. She was beautiful with her pale skin sprinkled with freckles. One day, he planned on kissing each and every one of them. But not now. Now, he couldn’t wait.

Charon grasped his cock and inserted it into the opening of her body. She jumped and gasped, tugging her legs open wider. He dragged her up into his lap as he eased into her. He clenched his teeth as wet heat closed around him. Slowly, he began to work himself in and out, opening her up as he went. She was small compared to him, and he didn’t want to hurt her.

Aislinn, though, had other ideas. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his shoulders and began to draw him to her. Still he kept up the steady, easy rhythm, but it was difficult. Her passage clutched at him, and he wanted to do nothing but thrust deep inside her.


Aislinn squirmed under his heavy body. She wanted him to move. She wasn’t delicate, and he should know it since he knocked her on her ass time and again as they trained. But now, when she wanted him most, he acted as if she was spun glass. When he pulled out and pushed in again, she nearly lost her breath. The sensation was like nothing she ever felt before. The length of him, rubbing against the walls of her vagina, made her nearly shoot to the moon. Her toes curled as he repeated the move, and she bit her lip as pleasure washed through her.

“Feel good, Irish?” He panted in her ear.

“Yes, oh yes, but go faster,” she said, digging her fingers into his back. “I want faster.”

He increased the speed and frequency of his thrusts, and she wanted to fist pump in joy. But she was afraid if she let go, she might fall apart before she was ready. As he moved, she kissed and licked up his neck to his mouth. He took her lips in a hot kiss and thrust his tongue in her mouth. She sucked hard, which made him thrust harder.

She moaned against his mouth as an orgasm flashed through her. She shuddered and shook, digging her nails into his back. He thrust a last time and yelled as he poured himself deep into her body.

He slumped over her as Aislinn tried to catch her breath and find her sight. Blind, she’d gone blind. But it was so worth it, she thought. And as soon as she could feel her arms, she would wrap them around him to thank him. Because when someone made a person see the universe, they should be thanked. Yep, just as soon as everything came back online, she’d get right on it.

Closing her eyes, she drifted off to sleep.







Chapter Eight


Aislinn opened her eyes as Charon kissed her. She hummed low and looped her arms around his neck to hold him in place. Her body was sore in places she hadn’t even known existed, but still, she wanted him. Wanted to feel him pushing into her, taking her, making them a part of each other.

“I have to go, Irish,” he said as he nipped her chin.

“No, stay,” she said, running her hands through his hair.

“I wish, but we got a call, and Reaper and I are taking it.”

She opened her eyes to stare at him. “Be careful. You have to come back. I need you.”

He smiled, flashing just a hint of fang. “I’m not even close to done with you yet, so of course I’ll be back.”

She rolled her eyes. “I meant you’re not done training me yet. So, until then, you have to stay safe. Or I’ll just have to find someone else.”

He growled. “You won’t be finding someone else to do anything with. If you do, I’ll kill him.”

She laughed and kissed him on the nose. “So, hurry back, okay?”

He kissed her again, long and deep. Then he was gone. Just gone. One minute there, and the next minute, poof. She rubbed her eyes and looked around. Nope, still gone. Obviously, an Ancient had more power than Charon thought to mention. She’d ask Joelle about it. Until he got back, Aislinn wasn’t going to moon around in the room waiting for him. She could use the time more wisely than that.

She rolled out of bed and headed toward the bathroom to get her day started.


Charon appeared beside Reaper outside their favorite bar. He had so wanted to just say fuck it and stay in bed with Aislinn. She was hot and eager and his. He loved the way she wrapped around him and moaned his name. It took everything he had not to sink his fangs into her, but he’d promised, and he intended to keep it.

Reaper looked over at him and sniffed. “Fucker, first, Talon, and now, you.”

“Don’t go there,” Charon warned. “We’re not talking about Aislinn.”

The other man only nodded. “Whatever. We got a call we have to check out. It’s not far from here. I’ll fill you in when we get there.”

Reaper told him where they were headed, and the two of them disappeared. When they reappeared, they were standing on a quiet neighborhood street. Charon knew where they were. A number of bear shifters chose to call this street home since it backed up to woods. He liked dealing with the bears since they were incredibly low-key and liked to keep to themselves. They didn’t call unless it was truly important, choosing to handle most things on their own.

He and Reaper approached a large ranch set back from the road. Reaper knocked and turned to Charon. “Apparently, they’re being bothered by a vampire. The call said a vamp was trying to lure the cub away.”

Charon nodded. “Blood cult?”

“Don’t know until we talk to them.”

The door opened and a huge male greeted them. He motioned them to come in, and a frisson of awareness raced up Charon’s spine. Something wasn’t right. But he didn’t have time to think about it when the male shifted and attacked. Charon tried to jump out of the way of the paw full of claws, but didn’t quite make it. They scored him deep in the shoulder, knocking him to the floor, which only flipped his switch. He thrust up off the floor and leaped at the huge shifter. The thing screamed as Charon drove his fangs into its shoulder, but it didn’t slow it down. Like Charon, it only pissed it off.

The bear shook him off, and Charon slid across the floor. He heard Reaper curse as a second bear shifter charged into the room. Fuck, this was supposed to be a routine call.

Charon pulled both his
and faced the angry bull. The thing was huge and pissed off. It was unusual for bear shifters to fall to blood lust, but it wasn’t unheard of. He just didn’t understand how and why it had happened now. The bigger issue was the fact there were two of them. Just like the wolf shifters the month before, these two were more enthused with killing the Hunters than one another.

Charon punched one of the large triangular-shaped blades into the bear’s leg while he thrust the second into the chest. Blood splashed, but the thing didn’t go down. He ducked the claws more successfully this time and kicked the thing in the chest, driving it back. The male crashed into a dining room table, and Charon lunged, driving both blades into the chest. This time, he hit the heart, since the thing gave one scream, and blood pumped out.

He pulled the blades free and ran into the living room. Reaper was in the process of cutting the sow’s hamstring with his blade. She went down, claws reaching from him, but the Hunter stayed out of the way. As soon as she was on the floor, Reaper was on her, thrusting his blade into her chest. She shivered and cried out then was silent.

The two men looked at one another.
What the fuck
was written all over their faces. Charon started to speak, but as the adrenaline leached away, he staggered to fall against the wall. His shoulder was on fire. He looked over to assess the damage and knew Aislinn was going to be pissed. He was losing a lot of blood. He tried to force himself to stay conscious as he heard Reaper call for help. He hoped someone came soon then he passed out.


Reaper pulled his shirt off and pressed it against Charon’s shoulder. Fuck, the guy was bleeding like a stuck pig. He was going to need blood when they got back; he was losing too much of it.

“Joelle,” he spoke into his COM, “get a PIA donor set up. Charon is going to need blood. I don’t know how much, but he’s bleeding badly. We’re also going to need someone to stitch him up.”

“Got it,” Joelle said in his ear. “Talon and Styx are on their way.”

“Don’t bother; we killed the bears. Don’t know what the fuck happened but they’re dead.”

“I’m sending Grimm, too,” Joelle said, obviously ignoring him. “And I contacted Kenshin.”

“Fuck, might as well put a note up in the employee lounge. Oh, and put up a Facebook page and tell them, too. Hell, get a sky writer.”

“Look, asshole, bears don’t act like this. Something had to have happened. Since we’re dealing with a blood cult and another Ancient, this might be part of it. Get the stick out of your butt and deal with it.”

Reaper felt like making a face at her, but didn’t bother. She couldn’t see him, and she wouldn’t care anyway. That was Joelle. Instead, he looked around at the carnage. Two dead shifters, a wrecked house and blood. Too much blood. Once again, he wondered what the fuck was going on. At least with the wolves, they’d been ready, but this was totally out of the blue. Maybe Joelle was right, and it was a part of the bigger picture. If the Ancient had somehow set this up, he wanted to take out as many Hunters as he could. But why not just face them?

Reaper thought perhaps the Ancient had never been around his own kind. Perhaps he didn’t understand the full scope of their powers so he thought that sending them up against shifters would kill them? If so, he was sadly mistaken. They may be hurt, but wouldn’t die. At least he hoped they wouldn’t. Reaper watched Charon closely and wondered when he’d started to care.


Charon slowly came to with a fire in his shoulder and his fangs extended. Someone was telling him to drink, just drink. Flesh touched his mouth, a wrist, and he did what Ancients did best. He fed. But, at the first swallow, he knew something was wrong. Very wrong. The blood tasted bad, dangerous. He tried to struggle, to pull away, but hands held him down. A voice kept telling him to drink. But he didn’t want to. The blood wasn’t right.

His fangs retracted, which was something that had never happened before. Then the pain started low in his gut. His shoulder was forgotten as he screamed and immediately started convulsing.


“Mother fucker,” Styx yelled as Charon went into a violent seizure. His body bucked and twisted as he started throwing up the blood he’d just consumed.

Talon and Grimm tried to pin Charon down, but he was too strong. He threw them off and backed himself into a corner. Blood covered his face and clothing as his body purged itself. He tried to stagger up, get away, but his legs wouldn’t hold him. He roared to keep the people around him at bay as his fangs lengthened further and his nails became claws.

“Get away from him,” Talon ordered. “Get back.”

“What the hell is happening?” Reaper yelled.

“Fuck, I should have known it,” Talon replied. “He’s had too much of the other one’s blood. She’s his Liaison, and he can’t drink from anyone else. The blood he just consumed has poisoned him; it’s driving him mad.”

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