Read A Hunters Promise Online

Authors: Gwendolyn Cease

Tags: #Romance

A Hunters Promise (7 page)

She grabbed them up and quickly put them to use. She wouldn’t think about what he’d seen her doing. It was normal, it was natural, and he’d walked in on her. If anyone should be embarrassed, it should be him. He’d invaded her privacy. When she saw him next, she would act like nothing had happened. No big deal.

She showered and shaved and felt better for it. Turning off the water, she grabbed up two towels, one for her hair and the other to wrap around her body. They were both huge and covered her from under her arms to her knees. She opened the door, but stopped short when she saw Charon waiting for her. He was sitting at the end of the bed, and the two of them eyed one another.

She decided to leap in and speak first. “Thanks for all the stuff.”

“Joelle thought you’d need girl gear.”

His voice was low and rubbed against her nerves. She shivered and busied herself by taking the towel off her hair. He handed her a brush, and she gave a tight smile as she started dragging it through her hair. The brush got hung up on tangles, and she pulled and yanked. Yeah, she was tired of it and planned on hacking it off as soon as she could manage.

Charon stopped her hand and gently took the brush from it. “You’re going to rip your scalp off,” he said softly. He pulled her to sit on the bed beside him and began carefully working the brush through her hair. No one had ever brushed her hair for her, not her mother, not a nanny, no one. At least she didn’t think so, since she had no memory of it. But now this large male, a vampire, sat beside her and took infinite care of her.

Neither said anything as he worked, but Aislinn’s shoulders relaxed. The rhythmic pull and drag lulled her as well as heated her blood. The heat and scent of him surrounded her, causing her nipples to harden and flesh to dampen. She’d given herself an orgasm so she didn’t understand her body’s reaction. Usually, once she’d finished, she was good to go for another month or so, but apparently not today. Not with him.

“I enjoyed watching you.” He spoke barely above a whisper. “Your scent makes my mouth water. When you came, with my eyes on you, it turned me on.”

“Oh my gosh, you’re going to talk about this,” she mumbled.

He chuckled. “Yeah, because it was hot. Were you satisfied?”

“Yes,” she said, not looking at him. “I’m good.”

“Then why are you wet again? Why are your nipples hard?”

“What? No, I’m chilly.”

“Liar,” he murmured next to her ear.

When had he gotten so close? Why didn’t she tell him to back off?

“Let me make you feel good.” He ran a large hand gently down her arm. “Tell me yes, Aislinn, and I will give you the best orgasms.”

“You shouldn’t say stuff like that.”

“But you’re not telling me no.”

She finally turned to look at him. His eyes were such a dark brown they were almost black, but had flecks of copper in them. He couldn’t be called handsome, but was incredibly arresting with high cheek bones and a prominent aquiline nose. They watched one another until finally he backed up enough to settle her on the bed. He pulled the towel from around her body and opened it so she was naked before him. She thought he growled low, but didn’t want to ask. Whatever sound he made turned her on because there was appreciation in his eyes. He enjoyed looking at her.

Keeping his eyes locked with hers, he leaned over her and licked one of her nipples. She jumped at the sensations that shot through her. She wondered if it was more intense, more real, since he was the first man to ever touch her this way. When she didn’t protest, he took her nipple into his hot mouth to suck and lick. Just like the dream, she thought, but so much better.

He moved to the other nipple, giving it the same treatment. Aislinn moved restlessly on the bed, unable to stop herself from running her hands up and down his arms. But his mouth was so good, so hot, until he left her breasts and began to move down her stomach. She tried to push his head back up, but he resisted.

“No, Irish, let me, and I promise to make you feel so good.”

Aislinn gripped the bed sheets and allowed him to do what he wanted. Everything, so far, had been so much more than she could do for herself. She wanted it all.


Charon was intoxicated by Aislinn’s scent, her taste. No other woman had ever affected him like this. When he was with a woman, he certainly made sure she had pleasure, but he always got off, too. This time, he couldn’t care less about himself. He wanted Aislinn to weep and beg for him. He wanted her to score him with her nails and bite his skin.

He dragged his tongue down her stomach while he pushed her legs apart. He’d wanted to linger over her, but he couldn’t wait. He eased down to lay between her legs. The lips of her pussy were puffy and wet, and his mouth watered. Leaning in, he placed a kiss against her heated flesh, and she jumped. Smiling, he eased his tongue against her and moaned at her flavor. She was rich and ripe and his, all his.

Aislinn clutched at his hair and pressed herself harder against his mouth. He used his tongue and teeth and lips, forcing her over into the first orgasm. But it wasn’t enough as he worked his tongue into her passage. He heard her sob out his name, and it was music to him. This was just the way he wanted her.


Aislinn was sure she had gone blind. Nothing, nothing, had prepared her for the pleasure Charon gave her. She realized that what she’d given herself couldn’t even be considered in the same category of orgasm as this man was giving her. Did they rate orgasms like tornadoes? If so, what she was having was a constant stream of F-5 level.

Sweat ran down her body as she twisted and thrashed. His mouth was like a hot brand that she equally tried to escape from and push harder against. As she was thrust into the next orgasm, she screamed out his name.

“That’s right, Irish, scream for me.” Charon growled against her. “Your pussy is so sweet. I could feast on your forever. Do you want me to stop?”

, she thought,
please stop
. Everything he did to her was so intense she didn’t think she could take much more. But instead she heard herself say, “No, please, don’t stop. I need, I want.”

“I’m going to give it all to you,” he said. “Open your eyes, Aislinn, watch me.”

She forced her eyes open, and he lay between her spread legs. His face was wet, and she knew it was her essence that covered him. Holding her gaze, he eased his tongue out and touched her clit. She gasped and pulled her legs farther apart. He did it again, and this time, she also felt something large enter her body. His finger appeared wet with her, and he sucked it into his mouth.

“I can’t get enough of your taste. Do you like my finger inside of you? Do you want two?”

She nodded, and she felt herself spread as he eased two fingers inside of her. His hands were so much larger than hers so his knuckles bumped and scraped against the walls of her vagina. Her head dropped back as his mouth once again sucked at her clit. An orgasm of epic proportions shot through her and she grasped his hair to give her an anchor.

* * * *

Styx approached Kenshin and Talon as they walked in the front door. He’d picked up the call from a police scanner and immediately gone to the scene. He always monitored to ensure the paranormal community didn’t leak over into the human. They were usually good about hiding in plain sight, but this had obviously slipped by them. Or the killer had wanted it to slip by. Either way, the situation could be on the way to clusterfuck level unless they could get a handle on it.

“What happened?” Kenshin asked.

“Cops got an anonymous tip. They were here before we could intercept and found the body.” Styx reported.

“So what’s the status?” Talon asked.

“I have the cops sitting in the kitchen waiting. I told them it was just a prank call, but it’s hard since they were already on scene. The body is in the living room.”

“Let’s take care of the police first,” Kenshin said. “Once we get rid of them, we can take a look at the body.”

Styx led the way to the large gourmet kitchen. Two policemen sat motionless at the large table. He wasn’t the best at wiping human minds, but he could make them sit and stay where he wanted. He’d leave the heavy stuff to Talon who could make people think they’d been to the Moon and back.

“I’ll take care of them,” Talon said. “Do you know if anyone else is coming?”

“I don’t think so,” Styx replied. “I got here just as they were calling for backup.”

Talon nodded and moved toward the men while Styx motioned Kenshin to follow him out. They walked down a narrow hallway and entered through a discreet doorway set into the wall. Styx imagined it was for servants to enter and leave without being seen by guests.

They entered the room to find a dead guy in the middle of the room, face up, sightless eyes wide and staring. The throat was practically ripped out, but the blood around the body was minimal. Someone had fed well before departing. Both men crouched by the body, and Styx got his first close look at the neck wound.

“When did this occur?” Kenshin asked.

“I think right after nightfall. The call came in around nine-eighteen.”

“Interesting, since Aislinn Flaherty was attacked around eleven. All of this must be connected. It’s too much of a coincidence for the brother to die and the sister to be attacked by vampires all within a two-hour span.”

“And who’s Aislinn Flaherty? Other than this guy’s sister.”

“She’s someone that may be like Joelle. That could be why vampires went after her.”

“She dead?” Styx asked.

“No, Charon got to her in time. Apparently, he knows her. I don’t know the story yet, but she’s currently one of your roommates.”

Talon walked in while Kenshin was talking and shook his head. “Is that what you’re calling her? A roommate?”

“Until we have confirmation—”

“She might be Charon’s Liaison,” Talon said to Styx.

Kenshin huffed out a breath, but Talon cut him off. He leaned forward and smelled the body. He did it again with his eyes closed. Styx did the same, trying to figure out what Talon was scenting and just caught it. The hint, just the barest scent…but it couldn’t be. He opened his eyes to find Talon and Kenshin watching him.

“You scent it, too.” Talon said.

“Maybe,” Styx replied. “Let’s call Grimm. His nose is way better.”

Talon touched the device in his ear and requested Grimm head out to their location. Styx studied the body again, especially the neck wound.

“What?” Kenshin interrupted him.

“This wasn’t done by a regular vampire,” Styx said finally. “Though the neck is torn, I can still see the initial puncture wounds from the fangs. They are much bigger and longer than any regular vampire. If the scent is really there, and it’s what we think, this was done by an Ancient.”

Kenshin shook his head. “Ancient? That’s not possible. We know all the Ancients; the PIA keeps a list. The only ones in this area are Hunters.”

“So you think one of us did this?” Talon asked with a low growl.

“No,” Kenshin quickly replied. “No, I know none of you did this.”

“Then there’s another Ancient here that no one knows about,” Styx said.

“Hell, there’s probably more than one or two,” Talon said. “You know what a stigma being an Ancient is. Some families would do anything to hide it and, most probably, have hidden it. All it takes is reporting the baby as dead, and the problem is gone.”

“Instead, you sneak it away or whatever,” Styx put in. “All it takes is money. Fuck, my sires would have paid any amount of money to hide me. But they didn’t have any.”

The three of them stared at the body, and Styx knew if an Ancient was out hunting humans, they’d have to catch him soon. If not, the whole city could be washed in blood before it was over.






Chapter Five


Aislinn opened her eyes. Crap, she felt like she’d been run over by a freight train. She swallowed and realized her throat was sore. What the hell had happened? Slowly, memories started leaking into her brain. Masturbating in the shower. Charon watching her. Charon brushing her hair. Charon’s mouth… Oh shit, she let Charon lick her and touch her and… Orgasms, she’d had about a million orgasms. No wonder her throat hurt. She screamed her head off. She pulled the covers over her head, hoping no one had heard her. What if they had? What would she say? What would they think?

A knock came at the door, and Aislinn hoped whoever it was would go away. The knocking stopped, and finally, the door opened. She lay under the covers and wished the person would think the room empty and leave.

“Hiding isn’t going to do it,” the female voice said. “I know you’re there.”

Aislinn pulled the covers down to find Joelle looking at her. The woman held a tray, and Aislinn checked to make sure she had clothes on before sitting all the way up. Joelle put the tray across her legs and uncovered it. Bacon, eggs, and toast greeted Aislinn’s eyes, and her stomach growled. Yep, she was hungry.

“How’re you feeling?”

“Fine, thanks. How are you?” Aislinn faked a smile and picked up a piece of bacon to pop in her mouth.

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