Read A Council of Betrayal Online

Authors: Kim Schubert

Tags: #romance, #vampires, #witches, #djinn, #shape shifters, #mages, #succubus paranormal, #succubus romance, #shifter alpha

A Council of Betrayal (24 page)

“He won’t,” I answered, a little too

Mark nudged my arm. “Feeling a little

I huffed, “Homicidal is more like it.”

“Oh dear, and here I thought you got that out
of your system earlier,” Blue teased.

I shoved him. “Later, Blue.”

He tipped an imaginary hat to me. “Later,

“So, where to?” Mark asked, behind the

I turned to Logan in the backseat with

“I guess I need to find a house pretty
quickly,” Logan commented absently.

“The manor,” I said. “The kids will be
overjoyed to see her.”

Logan nodded, leaning back against the
headrest, watching his small daughter.

As we pulled into the driveway, I noted my
SUV was back. That was quick.

The children couldn’t get enough of Ginny,
cooing and entertaining her for hours on end, allowing Logan and me
to meet with Tommy.

“I have a list,” he said, handing me the
printout. “I emailed it to you,” he told Logan.

I looked over the six possible locations.
“This is well clustered.”

Tommy nodded. “It has to be. Only those six
locations provide enough rainfall, sunlight and humidity for the
plant to survive.”

I nodded, turning to Logan.

“Do you want to come with me?” I asked him.
His gaze shifted out the door to where we could hear the kids
playing with Ginny.

“I can take Jerry and Mark,” I offered.

He looked back at me with sad eyes. I stepped
closer to him, laying a hand on his arm. “It’s okay, Logan, take
care of our girl. I’ll go kick ass.”

He laughed, “I am your mate and Alpha. You
should be staying here, and I going.”

I shook my head. “She needs you, Logan, and I
do as well. But I can wait.”

His eyes searched my own and I let the mate
bond flare into full force. He nodded, feeling the truth of my

“OLIVIA!” Grant yelled, bursting into Tommy’s
room. “What in the seven hells did you do for this kind of

I smiled, “Rescued Garrick’s

Grant heaved, panting, “That’s it?”

“Also took out a group of human traffickers,
but that was a side project.”

He stared at me, dumbfounded, and I patted
him on the arm. “Does Garrick have any more jobs he wants to throw
our way?” he asked eagerly.

I shook my head. “This was a fluke.
Apparently, Grams called him, warning that I would be asking for a
loan. I took a job instead.” I took a loan from my mate, though.
Ugh, that still didn’t sit well.

“Great,” Grant said, shaking his dark locks
back. “Also, we sent all the accounting discrepancies to the
attorney. She was pretty excited about it.”

“Wonderful, let’s hope it’s enough to bury
the bitch.”

I took out my phone, calling Mark and Jerry.
No time like the present to hunt down an extinct plant.

I sent the kids back to homework and weapons
practice while Logan laid Ginny down in the bassinet in our

I had the baby monitor set up on the island
while Logan worked in the kitchen. I took out two wine glasses,
pouring myself one and setting one next to Logan at the stove.

“How does it feel to be a dad?” I asked.

“Terrifying. It’s insane to me, to think I am
entrusted with such a being.”

I nodded. “I could see that.”

“I want you to contact Sage tomorrow. It’s
her territory and I want her to help you.”

I swallowed back my protest. “If that’s what
you want.”

He nodded. “It is. I know you don’t like her,
but she is a powerful ally.”

I smiled, taking a long sip. “I’ll try to get
past it.”

He nodded and met my gaze. “Thank you.”

Chapter 15

Morning arrived with Ginny sleeping on my chest and Logan passed
out circled around me as I leaned against the bed frame.

I stretched my toes, running a hand over her
soft, bald head.

She stirred, squawking before laying her head
back down. Logan picked his head up, reaching out to pat her

“Want me to take her?” he asked groggily.

“No, get some rest, I have time before I
leave.” He nodded, sliding his body around mine once again.

I combed my fingers through his hair,
enjoying the silken way the caramel locks felt against my skin. I
could get used to this. I could wake up like this every day. That
thought had me closing my eyes with a smile.

Three hours later, I released my hold on the
precious little Ginny, transferring her to the bassinet so Logan
could get a few more hours of rest. Silently, I stalked downstairs,
slipping my boots on.

I peeked outside and as usual, Jerry was
right on time to pick me up at this ungodly early hour. Even the
kids weren’t awake yet. I slung my bags over my shoulder and was
headed to the door when Logan came padding down with Ginny wrapped
in his arms.

“Hey, go back to sleep,” I said, turning to
him. I watched them together, my heart warming. I took a step
toward him, tilting my head for a kiss. He met my lips gently.

“Be careful,” he warned, his irritation and
frustration seeping through in the mate bond.

I should be going with you.

I shrugged, kissing Ginny. “I’m always
careful and there are more important things now.”

He regarded for a long moment and I could
feel he wanted to say more, probably along the lines of “I love
you.” I just smiled and left as quickly as I could.

Sliding into the back seat, I complained, “I
still don’t see why we can’t take my vehicle. I have all my weapons
organized in the back.

Jerry laughed, “Because it stinks.”

“It does not,” I shot back.

“It does,” Mark agreed. “Possibly even worse
since the vamps returned it.”

“Whatever,” I grunted, settling against the
clean interior of Jerry’s vehicle.

I rubbed my forehead, “Which Compass Alpha’s
territory are we heading to?”

I knew the answer.

“Sage,” Mark said, turning around. “Why?”

I chewed on my fingernail. “Do you have her

“I do, but I thought you didn’t like

“I don’t, but it would be helpful to have
another set of eyes so we can split up the list. Call her and see
if she has anyone in Iowa we can borrow.”

Mark nodded, hitting a few buttons on the
touch screen console. Sage’s voicemail spoke over the speakers.

“Hey Sage, it’s Mark. We are doing some
research and we’re hoping you might have a few shifters near
Humboldt, Iowa. Give me a call back.”

Eight hours later, we arrived in the small
town of Humboldt. I stretched, arching my back, relieving the kinks
from being cooped up in the SUV.

“We are losing daylight, Olie, let’s move,”
Mark warned.

I looked over at the setting sun, lighting up
the sky a rosy pink color. “Yeah, let’s move. I don’t have the
advantage of shifter sight.”

Jerry came around the front of the vehicle,
cracking his knuckles with a flourish. “I can help with that.”

The wiggling of his fingers, I was pretty
certain, was for show and not for function. Six balls of light
lifted from his hands, growing in size as they encircled us.

“That is cool,” I muttered, impressed.

Jerry brushed imaginary dust from his
shoulder. “I know.”

Mark pushed ahead through the dense

“Does anyone know what we are looking for?” I
asked, trying to summon the picture from Tommy’s computer.

“Here,” Mark said, passing me his phone.
Green waxy leaves with little red flowers met my gaze.

I grunted, “It’s gotta be the flowers that
cause it.”

“Why do you say that?” Jerry asked.

“It would make sense that something so small
could be so deadly,” I answered. “Did Sage ever call you back?” I

“No,” Mark grunted.

I nodded and thought, she must know I’m

It didn’t matter, I was perfectly capable of
handling this with Mark and Jerry. The bitch’s help was not

“What is it, Olie?” Mark asked. “I can feel
your irritation and resolve.”

I huffed, “That is going to take time to get
used to. I was just thinking we don’t need her help.”

Mark nodded and we proceeded on our nature

Five hours later we made it back to the

“Why didn’t we take water, again?” I grunted,
opening the door and searching for the bottle I had purchased at
the last gas station.

Grunts met my question as they searched for
their own refreshments.

Jerry came up for air first. “I feel we can
cross this location off our list.”

“Agreed,” Mark grunted, sitting in the
passenger seat.

“We passed a hotel not far back. It looked
clean,” Jerry said, starting the car.

I had my bags slung over my shoulder as we
climbed the stairs to our suite.

“Why are we taking the stairs?” Jerry
complained. “I have blisters the size of quarters.”

I chuckled. “It was faster, and Mark is
carrying your luggage.”

“But he’s not carrying me,” Jerry whined.

We exited the stairwell in front of our
rooms. I opened my door, tossing my bags onto the bed before I
opened the door to the suite.

Jerry had his door open also.

“Hey Olie, just remember if this door’s
a-rocking, don’t come a-knocking,” Jerry teased.

I laughed, “What about your blisters?”

He huffed, “Darling, it’s all in the

“Goodnight, or actually morning, I guess,” I
told them, leaving my door cracked and heading for the shower.

The hot water soothed some of my irritation
with Sage, but it didn’t sit well. Assuming she knew I was here,
why would she not call Mark back, knowing Logan would find out? And
if she didn’t know I was here, why was she ignoring Mark?

My gut said something was wrong, very

Dressed in a nightshirt and pants, I sprawled
on the bed, texting Logan.

First stop was a bust. How’s Ginny?

She’s good, feeding right now. Lorraine had
us served.

That didn’t take long. What does she

Full custody, child support, and

Greedy fucking bitch,
I answered.
don’t suppose she has bothered to check in on how Ginny is doing?
Or send more milk for her?

She’s claiming the stress of you threatening
her stopped her milk.

I laughed
. Good luck proving that.

My phone rang and I picked up.

“She getting ready for bed?” I asked in a

“No, she’s downright refusing to do

I laughed at that. “Hey, have you heard from
Sage?” I asked.

“No, why?” he asked wearily.

“I had Mark call her on our way here and she
hasn’t responded.”

“That’s odd. Think you should check on

I sighed, “Are you okay if I kill her? I may
need to send a message.”

“Yes, her disobeying you is not acceptable,
but be sure she knows it was you.”

“I will. I want to check out a few more
locations before I deal with her.”

“I understand.” Ginny squawked in the

“I’ll be back before you know it,” I told
him, meaning every word.

“I hope so. I’m looking at houses tomorrow.
Hopefully I’ll find something.”

“Something close to the kids,” I reminded

He laughed, “Yes, I know, close the manor,
easily defendable, and close to Kass.”

“Glad you’ve been paying attention.”

Ginny squawked again.

“I’m also going to be interviewing sitters.
Kass has a few very good recommendations.”

“They have to be able to defend her,” I
answered quickly.

“I am aware, Olivia.”

“Guns, knives, hand to hand, explosives,
throwing knives, swords—“

“I got it, Olie. She will be well

“Right, you know that, obviously. The
recommendations from Kass are solid, I vetted them myself for

“Good to know. Get some rest, it’s late.

“You too, Logan. I miss you.”

I could feel his happiness at that confession
after my dashing out at the mere possibility of the L word. “I miss
you, too,” he said softly.


“Night.” I hung up before he could utter the
L word. I was in no way ready for that. Just because I had accepted
that the mate mark had me feeling things I normally wouldn’t, that
did not mean I was ready for that life-altering step.

Chapter 16

rolled over, squinting at the red digital display. “Crap, I missed
breakfast,” I groaned. Tossing the covers off, I threw my hair up
into a bun before using the facilities. I dressed hastily, stowing
my trusty dagger at the small of my back before putting on my
leather duster, needing the extra warmth.

Rubbing my eyes, I peered through the crack
in the door, finding Mark and Jerry gone.

I huffed, snatching my phone off the
nightstand and calling Jerry.

“Sleeping beauty arises,” he greeted me.

I grunted in response.

“We are at a café at the end of the block, do
you want us to order you something?”

“Waffles, French toast, scrambled eggs,
toast, and lots of hash browns.”

Jerry laughed, “As you command.”

I hung up, heading downstairs. I turned the
corner of the first flight and dived to the side.

“Motherfucker!” I yelled, as the beak of a
giant bird tried to take a bite out of my forearm.

I dodged to the side in the cramped space,
landing a blow against its feathered head. I kept smashing, not
daring to take the time to pull my dagger, hoping to buy some

So focused was I on the large beak that would
tear me limb from fucking limb, that I missed the tail until its
spiked end connected with my shoulder.

I yelled, going down under the beak of
destruction, wetness coating my hand as I pulled the pain in deep.
My breathing was labored as I used my good arm to pull my blade,
holding the dagger hidden beneath me, all the better to hack at and
stab, my dear.

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