Read A Council of Betrayal Online

Authors: Kim Schubert

Tags: #romance, #vampires, #witches, #djinn, #shape shifters, #mages, #succubus paranormal, #succubus romance, #shifter alpha

A Council of Betrayal (20 page)


I chewed on my thumbnail. “I didn’t even ask
the circumstances. What if there really was a logical reason why
the Council shouldn’t be involved?”

Logan clicked the laptop closed.

“Olivia.” I didn’t need the mate bond to feel
his disbelief of Blake. “You take in wayward children all the time.
Blake knows this. He knew you would help that boy, and trying to
attach strings is his way of screwing with you.”

“I hope you are right,” I sighed. “Did you
find anything good?” I asked, needing a subject change.

“A few, let’s take a look together to see if
we can’t narrow down our options. I’d like to go tomorrow and look
at some of these.”

I snuggled next to him. He opened the
computer back up, settling next to me, his contentment seeping
through our link at our physical contact.

“No, I am not living that far away.”

Logan grunted, his contentment fading into

“Next,” I demanded.

It took a horrendous amount of time to sift
through all the potential homes. My eyes burned and I was exhausted
from debating the pros and cons. We ended up with thirty

I groaned. “You expect to see all of those
houses tomorrow?” I questioned.

Logan shrugged, his massive hands deftly
manipulating the keyboard. “I emailed the realtor, some are
occupied. We will see what we can get into on short notice.”

I grunted, rolling up from the couch. “Let’s
go find a fight to join,” I groaned, stretching.

“A fight?” Logan questioned.

“Yeah, I need a work out.”

Logan rubbed his jaw, thinking. He stilled,
looking up at me with a gleam. “I have an idea.”

“Seriously, Logan, I said I wanted to fight,
not kill someone and bury the body.”

He slid out of the SUV, giving me a pointed
look before closing the door.

“Can’t take a joke,” I muttered, slipping
down onto the soft pine needles.

I had running shoes strapped to my feet,
thick leggings, and a moisture wicking top under my long sleeved

Logan breathed deeply the crisp night

He reached back, taking my hand before moving
deeper into the clearing, leading us to a small animal path I would
have missed if he hadn’t pointed it out.

“You run here, I’ll run next to you,” Logan
commanded, lost in his joy at being able to run.

I grunted an affirmative as he began
stripping out of his clothes, hanging them over a tree.

“Aren’t you worried about vandals?” I asked,
admiring the dimples in his ass.

“The packs own everything within thirty miles
and we patrol our territory well. I am comfortable with the safety
of my clothing and my mate.”

I dragged my gaze north, blinking, hoping I
wasn’t drooling. “What?”

Logan laughed, “Just try to keep up.”

With that, he was gone into the undergrowth,
a blur of magic and snapping bones.

Heaving a sigh I started off, wishing for
some action aside from organized running.

Even if the moon was really pretty. I almost
tripped twice staring at how full and low it was.

Logan cuffed,
Pay attention

“Oh, great, I can’t ignore you while in lion
form now,” I droned out sarcastically.

He lunged, bumping his flank against my legs.
I danced away, tangling my legs in vines before I pushed through,
picking up my pace. I didn’t have any delusions about who was the
faster of the two of us.

My chest heaved for air as I sprawled on my
back on the pine needles, my moisture wicking shirt pushed to the
limits as sweat dripped down my temples. I flexed my feet, watching
the moon sink lower.

A cold nose nudged my side, followed by a
blast of warm breath on my cheek.

I grunted, physically exhausted and mentally
refreshed after the intense run. Not that I’d admit it had

Logan shifted back, draping his warm body
across my middle, resting his head on my shoulder. I ran my fingers
through his hair in contentment.

Chapter 11

“Olie, wake up!” Tommy yelled, barreling into our room at the

His urgent tone had us flipping out of bed,
Logan’s claws extended and my hand reaching for the blade under my

“What’s wrong?” I rushed him, pushing him to
Logan who moved him behind us as I surveyed the hallway.

“You guys are NAKED!” he screeched.

I turned, having found nothing worthy of my
blade. “Speak,” I commanded.

“I – I – got the chemical compound back from
the labs,” he squeaked, covering his eyes.

Logan grunted, pulling on a gray pair of
sweats. I moved to dress quickly as well.

“What’s in it?” Logan asked.

Tommy flailed the arm not being used to cover
his eyes. “It’s in my room.”

“We are dressed, Tommy, let’s go,” I dictated
to him.

He nodded, uncovering his eyes cautiously and
marching out of the room.

In his own accommodations, he sat at the
multiple computer screens, furiously typing. “The lab was able to
identify everything, which is unexpected at best.”

Logan leaned over the back of Tommy’s chair.
“I’ll be damned,” he muttered, reading the long-ass words I
couldn’t pronounce.

“That would explain why they haven’t attacked
more shifters,” Logan continued.

I waited a moment, watching Logan’s eyes skim
over the ingredients to make insta-beast.

“What is it?” I asked, done waiting.
Patience, not a virtue of mine.

“The main ingredient is nesiota elliptica,
also known as Saint Helen Olive, which is extinct,” Logan

“It doesn’t sound extinct.”

Logan nodded. “I wonder where they are
finding it.”

I chewed my bottom lip. “That’s a break. We
find out where it’s being grown, and we can stop it.”

Tommy sighed. “That’s going to take a
while—researching the plant’s habitats, finding greenhouses that
can accommodate said habitats, and, barring that, surveying
satellite photos of the plant.”

I kissed Tommy’s cheek. “I have full
confidence in you. Besides, if you need help, just call Becky.”

He nodded and Logan and I excused ourselves
while he was lost in thought.

“At least he learned his lesson on knocking,”
Logan muttered, stretching.

“Too true,” I agreed, smacking his ass.

“Keep it up and I’ll test how sore your legs
are after that run,” he threatened.

“Promise?” I asked, jumping onto his

He growled and I giggled.

“Where are all the kids?” Logan asked,
dishing out scrambled eggs.

“School. The humans’ schooling starts at 8:30

“I’m surprised you don’t home school them,”
Logan commented.

I shook my head. “It’s important for them to
be around humans to learn to gauge their control.”

“Not to learn how to manipulate?” Logan asked
with a smile.

I laughed. “No, control is the essence of
their survival,” I explained. “Once their control is excellent, we
start their training on how to influence others.”

“What about self-defense?” Logan asked.

“Monday night is boxing, Tuesday is karate,
Thursday is strength training and Friday, weapons,” I detailed.

Logan stopped eating with a forkful of eggs,
gaping at me. “And they do their school work?” he asked,


“But they are kids, Olie,” he said, dropping
his fork on his plate.

“They are succubi and incubi who don’t have
packs to protect them. They have to learn to do it themselves. They
have to learn to be strong. As proven by Grams’s betrayal, I won’t
always be in a position of power to keep them safe.”

Logan bristled at that. “You will always be
my mate.”

“And what happens if you want to retire?” I

His eyes narrowed and his lion pushed against
his control. “Only death could take my title.”

I let my mind walk down that path and found
myself shutting down that train of thought rapidly. Logan could
not, would not die. That, I was betting my life on.

I rubbed my chest, uncomfortable with the
sudden intensity of emotions.

Thankfully, the ringing of my phone saved me
from further introspection.

“Garrick,” I answered.

“Olivia,” he uttered on an unnecessary
exhale, “do you have everything under control there?”

I shifted uncomfortably. I debated telling
him to fuck off and mind his own business. Instead I answered
honestly. Garrick had always been an ally to me and I was betting
he would continue to be.

“I think so, I hired an attorney today. Logan
and I are staying at the manor and Ali and Grant are now running
The Council.”

Garrick was silent for a moment. “And the
finances?” he asked.

I huffed, “Fuck, that just happened
yesterday.” I groaned, looking over at Logan.

“Grams called me, stating that you would be
having financial issues and warning me this legal battle would be

“She WHAT?” I hissed, slamming the counter
with a fist and standing up.

“She was very adamant that I would be funding
you and your expensive children for a long time. That she wanted me
to understand the commitment I would be locked into.”

I paced, looking for something to break.

“She stole from me, she’s been planning this.
The power was shut off to the manor yesterday,” I hissed.

“Do you need money, Olivia? I know you. I
can’t imagine you will be without funds for long. Your pride won’t
allow it and your jobs pay well,” he stated matter-of-factly, as if
my entire world wasn’t falling apart.

I leaned against the counter, rubbing my
forehead, holding back my tears with sheer willpower.

“I have it covered,” I answered, turning to
look at Logan.

He was watching me, his face unreadable.

“Power has been restored?” Garrick asked.

“Yeah, we’re okay, Garrick. I have it under

Logan got up and put his bowl in the sink.
“Good, I am glad to hear it,” Garrick said. “Tell me, how are
things with your lion?”

Complicated. I was on a teeter-totter between
blissful happiness and freaked the fuck out about my life being
tied to him forever.

“It’s good. New, but good,” I decided on.

Logan broke a bowl in the sink and I looked
up at him mouthing, “What the fuck?” Oh crap, he had heard the
teeter-totter comment.

He stormed out of the room and up the stairs.
I sighed watching him go, wishing I wasn’t so conflicted. He
deserved someone more stable than me. Sorrow dragged me down. I was
a burden, emotionally and financially.

“Did you hear me?” Garrick asked.

I turned away from the stairway. “No, what
did you say?”

“I have a very lucrative, very dangerous job
if you are interested in it.”

I fought the urge to get Logan’s opinion on
the matter. I needed something to kill, hopefully several

“You have my attention.”

The details hammered out, I leaned back on
the barstool, toying with my phone.

I recognized Logan’s steps coming down the
stairs and I turned to see him put his bag by the front door.

“I don’t understand why this is so hard for
you,” he began, his tone clipped.

I took a step toward him, wanting to explain,
wanting to ease his pain.

He held his hand up to stop me and I felt his
resolve form his own shield between us. It broke my confused

“I’ll be here for you, anything you need, you
only have to call. But I’m not going to keep pushing you somewhere
you don’t want to go.” His pain sliced through me.

“Logan, I just need time,” I whispered,
searching for right words.

He reached out to cup my face, leaning down
to place the briefest kiss against my lips.

“I love you, Olivia, and I trust this bond,
even if it was forged—” He stopped, and here was our problem.

I closed my eyes, leaning into his hand.
“Without my knowledge,” I finished for him.

He leaned down, resting his forehead against
my own. “I am sorry, Olivia. I’m willing to spend the rest of my
life making it right.”

I turned away from him. “I have a job to do
for Garrick. I’ll be gone for about a week.”

Logan’s irritation spiked, his nostrils
flaring and lion speckling his eyes. He huffed once and turned his
back on me, slamming the door behind him for good measure. Yeah, I
can’t say I’d love him taking a job from his ex-lover, either.

Ugh, how were we going to make this work?

I slunk back into the chair. I felt terrible
hurting him, but distance was exactly what I needed.

I wasn’t built for this, I wasn’t
relationship material. Blake proved that.

I sighed, stashing my bowl in the sink before
heading upstairs to pack.

I checked my clips for a second time before I
flipped open my bag, stowing them next to the throwing knives,
daggers, and my pretty new crossbow.

“Are you certain I can’t convince you to take
backup?” Grant asked from the doorway.

“I don’t need any, but thanks for the
concern.” I turned to him, my bag over my shoulder, seeing him
leaning on the doorframe.

“Where’s Logan?” he asked.

I sighed, “We’re fighting … I think. Honestly
I have no idea.”

Grant moved aside as I lumbered out.

“I’ll check in once I’m done.”

“Be careful, Olivia, you are our protection

I turned and smiled at him, reaching out to
pat his arm. “Don’t worry, Grant. I’m hard to kill.”

Chapter 12

looked out over the burnt landscape in front of me, pulling out the
map of the White River National Forest from my pack.

Garrick was right, this burn wasn’t natural.
I bent down, picking up a charred piece of wood. My fingers came
away oily. I brushed my hands on my jeans after dropping it. The
sun was starting to set in the distance, casting brilliant oranges
and pink across the sky.

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