Read A Bit of Me Online

Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Romance

A Bit of Me (24 page)

“Yeah,” Xavier rasped. “The first reason being that he’s your friend and you feel that he needs you. All others are secondary to that one.”

Chase’s cheeks darkened almost imperceptibly as Xavier stared at him for several

seconds. Finally, he cleared his throat and scooted until he was almost on Xavier’s lap. Xavier was expecting something sexual, what with the way Chase was staring at him so intently, his eyes damn near searing Xavier’s with the heat in them.

When Chase grabbed Xavier’s head and pulled him down so Chase’s lips could reach

his ear, Xavier fully expected a lick or kiss, some beginning to sex. Instead he got Chase’s voice, warm and strong and tinged with just a hint of insecurity.



Bailey Bradford



“Will you go with me?”

The question sent a bolt of heat through Xavier as he flushed with pleasure.
Chase trusts
me more than I’d thought!
“Of course, anything you want.” He made sure he was looking Chase right in the eyes when he said that, and Chase grinned then arched his eyebrows.

“Anything?” Chase echoed, his gaze dropping to Xavier’s groin. Chase slid his hand down and back to squeeze at Xavier’s ass cheek.

Xavier’s eyes shut as his head and ass hole throbbed.
Oh shit! SHIT!
He pried open his eyes and peered down at his lover. Chase’s eyes sparkled as he grinned up at Xavier, who didn’t know whether to be relieved or disappointed that Chase was only teasing him. But the truth was, he’d willingly do anything for this man. “Yes,” Xavier answered, smiling when Chase’s eyes widened with shock. “Anything.”



“W-we should eat breakfast. I can fix us something…omelettes or waffles or—”

Chase’s heart squeezed, as if an invisible hand had reached in his chest, gripped that frantically beating organ, and held it tight as Xavier stuttered, his olive cheeks tinting with a flush. The man was so sexy, so adorable in his flustered state that Chase forgot about his rumbling stomach as another kind of hunger raged through him.

“Xavier…” Chase waited until Xavier raised his eyes. The flush deepened and Chase

found himself moving, one knee on the couch and the other sliding over Xavier’s thighs, settling on his other side.

Chase hovered, his groin only inches from Xavier’s, still close enough that he wasn’t certain the heat he felt rolling off Xavier was only imagined. Chase studied Xavier’s dark eyes, looking for something he couldn’t name or define, but when a rush of tingling warmth slammed into his veins and freed his heart of the uncomfortably restrictive sensation, he knew he’d found whatever it was he needed.

He touched Xavier’s forearms, felt the muscles under his fingertips quiver, the skin prickle. Chase’s own felt overheated, over-sensitised, stretched too tight over his frame. He stroked up, leaning closer the further his hands coasted. The bends of Xavier’s elbows



Bailey Bradford



fascinated him as much as the bulge of his biceps and the layered musculature of his shoulders. Chase kneaded them for a few seconds, appreciating the way Xavier’s lids fell, nearly shielding his eyes completely, leaving only a narrow strip that didn’t hide a bit of the need in those eyes.

Chase’s hands reached Xavier’s neck, the skin there so soft and warm. He lowered

himself onto Xavier’s lap and gasped, a feeling like an electrical surge lighting him up from deep inside. “Xavier…” Chase whispered then swallowed as he closed his eyes and leaned in those last few inches, Xavier breathed gentle puffs against Chase’s lips before Chase parted them..

Xavier moaned, moving slowly to rest his hands on Chase’s thighs, as if he were

restraining himself. But Chase didn’t want restraint, he wanted Xavier wild for him, shaking and cursing, taking what Chase wanted to give. Xavier shook beneath him, a long quake that rocked them both as Chase licked his lover’s lips.

Xavier’s hand shot into motion, one curling around Chase’s hip, the other at the back of his neck, pulling him closer, mashing their bodies together.
Yes! This is what I want, what I
Chase’s body sang with joy and pleasure as he undulated on Xavier’s lap, heat sparking everywhere their bodies touched. His nipples ached as bad as his dick; his ass clenched with a need he barely acknowledged.

Xavier’s hand slid from his hip to his ass cheek, fingers pressing deep into Chase’s seam as his tongue swept Chase’s mouth. Xavier’s hand at his neck tightened, holding, guiding, and Chase revelled in it, feeling safe in a way he couldn’t describe as Xavier took control of the kiss, of Chase’s body.

The word reverberated in Chase’s skull, bouncing around and setting off an almost unbearable anticipation. This man would do anything for him, Chase knew it in his bones, believed in him in a way he’d only ever been able to believe in James before. But this was deeper, darker, mingled with a sexual need Chase had never felt until now, and

certainly not for James, who’d been an idol to worship, and a friend to love. This was something else, something
and Chase let go of his fears and doubts, and opened himself up to embrace what he was being offered.



Bailey Bradford




Xavier felt it the moment Chase gave himself fully to him. It wasn’t something he could put into words, more a softening of the man’s hard body as Chase’s shivered and sighed into their kiss. The way he seemed to lean into Xavier’s hands, giving him the responsibility of his weight, his body—himself.

It was the most precious gift Xavier had ever received, and the most erotic one, this total trust from a man who guarded it so very carefully. Xavier’s eyes burned as he accepted it. He hoped Chase felt the promises of safety and pleasure, gratitude and love as he stroked his hands over Chase’s lean form, his kiss softened, appreciative, savouring, before becoming more intense, claiming what had been offered.

Chase’s whimpers raced over Xavier’s skin, stoking the fire burning under it until

Xavier thought he might well be singed to ashes by their combined heat. Hooking his arm under Chase’s rounded ass, the other behind his shoulders, Xavier pushed up off the couch, grunting under the strain of coming to his feet from such a position but not faltering as he did so. Chase wound hands behind Xavier’s neck and his legs around his waist.

Xavier lifted his lips only enough to lick over Chase’s swollen ones. He stood, holding the man, and waited until Chase opened lust-dazed eyes and looked at him. Once he did, Xavier’s heart stuttered in his chest. Chase’s trust was a more powerful aphrodisiac than even his kisses, or his lean compact body against Xavier’s.

“Tell me what you want.” He thought he knew, but Chase needed to say it, and Xavier

needed to hear it.

Chase took a shaky breath but didn’t look away. “You, in me.”

“Yes.” Xavier could have pushed for a more explicit answer, but the clenching of

Chase’s butt against his forearm, the dark want burning in those pretty eyes, those were answers and explanations all rolled into one. Xavier didn’t ask if Chase was sure; he trusted the man to know his own mind, his own body—and to know Xavier would stop if Chase

showed any hesitation at all.

Chase’s slow smile was a heart-stopper, and Xavier hoped he would be as eager and

happy about it when Chase wanted to fuck him. Because he would, Xavier knew. Chase



Bailey Bradford



wouldn’t settle for anything other than all of him. Xavier had meant it when he’d sworn to give Chase anything, and even though the idea of being fucked did scare Xavier somewhat, he found himself anticipating it more each time he touched Chase.

Xavier took another kiss, Chase giving it willingly, nearly climbing Xavier’s body in an attempt to get closer. Somehow Xavier managed to get them to the bedroom without

bouncing them off the hall walls too many times. Once there he tumbled them to the bed, coming down on top of Chase with enough of his weight when Chase didn’t loosen his hold that they both grunted. Xavier managed to lift his head against Chase’s hold at his neck and asked, “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

Temper flared in Chase’s eyes but it melted into something else as he exhaled, his

mouth twitching at the corners. “Yeah. I just…I needed to feel you, Xavier. I want…I want that, your weight on me when you’re fucking me.”

Since Chase’s voice had squeaked on the word ‘fucking’, Xavier refrained from pointing out he intended this to be something other than fucking. If Chase didn’t already know that, he would soon, when Xavier was licking every inch of bare skin. “As much as I can, as is safe, Chase, I won’t make your injury any worse.” That was non-negotiable.

Chase huffed and his lower lip plumped out a fraction of a centimetre, and Xavier

thought the man was beyond adorable—he was absolutely stunning, even in a minute fit of pique. Xavier bent his head and sucked that bottom lip in between his lips then nipped.

Chase’s eyes widened then narrowed as he bucked beneath Xavier, his body a hot promise of ecstasy. The skin at the back of Xavier’s neck burned where Chase curled his fingers, holding him there, worrying that slick pink flesh until Chase moaned and his grip loosened as he gave himself to Xavier fully.

Xavier went light-headed from the pleasure he experienced at Chase’s surrender. He

released Chase’s lip and rested his forehead against Chase’s, trying to find a measure of restraint when all he wanted was to tear Chase’s clothes off and bury his dick so deep inside him they’d never be separated again.

Chase’s hands fluttered over his shoulders, down his back, resting lightly just above the waistband of Xavier’s jeans. He dropped his legs open, cradling Xavier’s hips with a gentle promise. Xavier couldn’t stop his body from moving, rocking into the heat of Chase’s groin.



Bailey Bradford



“Xavier…” Chase whispered, trembling beneath him. Xavier opened his eyes and

pushed himself up. The move brought even more pressure against their cocks, already fitted tight together. Xavier’s eyes tried to cross as his balls tingled and tightened; he was dangerously on edge, ready to blow his load before he even got inside Chase, and that just wouldn’t do.

“I’m right here,” Xavier murmured, thrusting against Chase and making them both

moan. “Too many clothes,” he grumbled once he could draw breath to speak. Xavier forced himself up until he knelt between Chase’s spread legs. He took a moment to admire the picture Chase presented, a sensual promise still wrapped, waiting to be explored—loved.

Xavier intended to do just that, would match his actions to the emotions that sung in his body and soul.

Xavier slipped his hands under the hem of Chase’s rumpled T-shirt, his pulse ratcheting up as smooth skin and hard muscle rippled under his palms. He stretched his arms, pushing the faded shirt up, exposing flushed skin and pale hair that glinted where the sunlight streaming through the blinds touched it.

Chase arched his back, then lifted his shoulders, grunting from what Xavier feared was pain. He whipped the shirt over Chase’s head quickly, stretching the opening in front to keep from raking it over Chase’s face. Chase dropped his head back onto the pillow and cracked his eyes open as he grinned and reached for his own nipples.

Xavier’s plans to go slow screeched to a halt then slammed into a brick wall of desire as Chase pinched those turgid buds and moaned. Hands shaking, Xavier dropped the shirt and grabbed at Chase’s waistband. He scooted back as he stripped the man, exposing his cock and balls. Chase moaned again and raised his legs, bending them at the knee as he shuffled his feet farther apart. Xavier eyed the dark furrow, the fluttering hole, and grunted as he palmed his cock, squeezing hard enough to force back the climax that was threatening to rip through him.

Then he stripped and dug a couple of condoms and the tube of lube out of the drawer

before dropping them on the bed. He wanted to ask if Chase was sure, but the man had too many people making decisions for him as it was. It seemed to Xavier that everyone besides him doubted Chase, and didn’t know him well enough to believe he knew his own mind.



Bailey Bradford



Xavier knew he did, it was his own insecurity making him hesitate. He’d never had such a difficult time keeping himself under control, but Chase had the ability to rip that control to shreds with not much more than a look—or a couple of hands pulling at swollen, red


“Jesus, sweetheart,” Xavier rasped as Chase pulled at the hard nubs, stretching skin and tormenting his tits. Xavier crawled up the bed, his gaze locked with Chase’s. He nudged Chase’s balls with the wet tip of his cock and Chase whimpered, his hands faltering, releasing his nipples. Xavier shot up his body, his mouth closing over one bud while his fingers did the same over the other.

Chase writhed and screamed a garbled string of consonants as Xavier sucked and

plucked his heated flesh. Xavier’s other hand slid under Chase’s back, finding and holding the nape of his neck as Xavier’s hips jerked in tiny, measured movements, pressing his glans against Chase’s balls, slicking them with pre-cum.

Xavier bit gently, pinched carefully even as he rutted, aware that Chase had already worked his nipples into throbbing peaks of heat. Chase cursed and sucked in a deep breath, thrusting his chest up. Xavier grinned against his pec, then rolled Chase’s nipples a little less gently. Chase keened and jerked beneath him, his cock a brand against Xavier’s belly as it sprayed cum between them. Xavier released Chase’s buds as he clenched from jaws to toe, fighting his own need for release.
Not yet, not yet, god damn it!
Xavier panted and sweated through the need, determined to be inside Chase when he came, knowing holding back

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