#5 Chosen by the Vampire Kings: BBW Romance (Part 5: Red Lust) (6 page)

gasped. “You’re an elf?” she shrieked. “Oh my god, you have pointy ears. You
are an elf. Hi, I’m Becky. Sorry about your man, I didn’t realize that he was

hesitating for a brief second, Esral licked her lips and stepped forward. “No
harm done, he isn’t really my man. The elven kind don’t venture into human
territory so it is only natural that you would find my appearance strange.”

get me wrong sweetie, you’re seriously hot, at least you might be under that
silky sack thing you’re wearing.”

robe?” Esral’s brow furrowed. “Don’t you like it? It’s my finest garment.”

beautiful,” Tanya interjected. “I’ll tell you what, you get started on my
wedding dress while we sort through your clothes. Between my wardrobe and what
you’ve brought, I’m sure we’ll come up with something a little more…fitting for
the occasion…not that you don’t look stunning.”

directed the elf to the gowns and explained what she wanted. Tanya planned on
making Esral look ravishing for the ceremony. Both Griffin and Xavier wouldn’t
know what hit them when they caught an eyeful of the princess. Hopefully Xavier
would get a wakeup call. If not then Griffin would ask her out for sure, which
would no doubt spark Xavier’s jealousy.

princess picked up the red gown and smiled. “Easy as a knife through a banana.”
She took a moment to dig around in her sewing kit and then got to work.

ten minutes later, she held the gown up in front of her. “I think this will
work great.”

rest of the ladies were still sorting through different potential dresses for
Esral to wear.
More like arguing.
Becky wanted to see the princess in a
hot pink sheath dress. Tanya felt a long lavender sleeveless gown would look
amazing on her. Charlotte had chosen a floral strappy dress with a conservative
neckline. It widened out into a flared skirt that would fall mid-thigh. None of
them could agree on which dress was right, but they were all in agreement that
Esral should definitely not wear the robe.

felt her jaw drop when she caught sight of her gown. It was even more beautiful
now that it was together. “Are you done?” She clasped her hand over her mouth
for a few beats. “I can’t believe you’re done.”

little elf giggled, the sound almost musical. “No, silly. We first need to make
sure it fits properly before I do the final stitching.”


threw her the bra—“don’t forget this.” She wagged her eyebrows. “I bet you that
dress gets you that vampire sandwich you’ve been fanaticizing about.”

laughed. “I happen to know that Zane quite enjoys…” She froze. Probably caught
the dirty look Tanya threw her. “Oops. Sorry, I keep forgetting that humans are
more reserved about such things.”

not about being reserved, I just don’t like to hear about Zane with other

shrugged. “Let me know if you ever want to know more. I have often been with
two partners. There are some interesting things that you should know. Really
enjoyable things the three of you could do.” Her eyes brightened. “Stuff that
wouldn’t be possible with just one if you catch my drift. But then again you
don’t need me to tell you because…” She dropped her eyes to the floor. “Forget
I ever said anything.”

put on her best warning voice—“out with it.”

vampire’s shoulders slumped and she let out a sigh. “You’ll just get mad.”


vamp’s blue eyes met hers, instead of answering though she crossed her arms and
pursed her lips.

me damn it.”

Zane is already familiar with the things I was talking about. He’ll know what
to do and how to do it.” Charlotte held her breath.

Tanya didn’t like that Charlotte had slept with Zane, hated that the female had
experienced things with him she probably never would, she managed to somehow
school her thoughts. “Thanks for letting me know.” She bit her lip trying to
keep a tight hold on the emotions coursing through her.

not mad?”

first Tanya had to force a smile, but when she saw the relief on the other female’s
face she found herself smiling for real. Her vampire males had a past. Moping
about it wouldn’t help.

turned back to Esral, who held out the gown. It was so perfect. Somehow
representing each male. Very different yet working perfectly together. Each
piece enhancing the other. “Oh wow,” Tanya gushed. Esral handed her the garment
which she couldn’t help but to crush to her chest. Hopefully they would find a
solution in their reality. If only it could be as simple as finding a

for the bathroom, she turned back. “I’ll be right out.” 

undressed quickly. The bra Becky had recommended was tight, her friend hadn’t
lied though when she said it would make her boobs look huge. Next she stepped
into the gown, holding the silky fabric to her chest.

can someone zip me up?” She said as she walked back into the bedroom. No one
reacted. When she looked up, they were all looking at her with shocked
expressions on their faces. “Oh my word, what’s wrong?”

look…” Charlotte left the sentence hanging.

amazing!” Becky shrieked. “You’ll get your vampire sandwich for sure.”

bundle of nerves in her tummy pulled tighter making her feel a little queasy.
Her hands felt clammy and her heart raced. It wasn’t that she wasn’t sure about
mating with Zane and Brant, she was just worried that the males wouldn’t behave
themselves. They’d barely kept it together during her heat, would they be able
to play nice today? It hurt her to even think about it, but she doubted that
they could. Brant had already expressed his concerns. Neither male had
communicated at all with one another about how things would proceed with the
mating. She swallowed hard, her tongue sticking to her pallet.

need a drink,” Tanya said.

will pour you a water.” The tall vampire made for the table.

need a real drink.”  

pregnant so forget about it.” Becky put her hands on her hips.

know, but right now a bottle or two of champagne sounds fantastic.” There was
no way she’d put the baby at risk, but her nerves were starting to get the
better of her. At this rate, she’d be a blithering idiot by the time the
ceremony started. Tanya took a deep breath, she could do this. She could handle
her men. Clenching her fists to stop the tremors, she faced her friend with a
smile plastered on her face. Becky raised her eyebrows not buying the act so
she turned to the large bay windows instead and nearly fainted. Zane and Brant
were on the lawns.
Heads bowed, inches apart. Brant nodded,
Zane did too. Heaven help her, it looked like they were actually agreeing on
something for once.

She released a pent up breath. Her heart rate slowed
down just a smidgen.

Chapter 5


was it, the moment every girl dreamed about.

big day.

strange thing was that a sense of calm had descended upon her as she stepped
onto the red carpet. Tanya had never pictured that she’d ever have her ceremony
in the open. Though it was a magnificent setting, with the stone castle as a
backdrop and rolling lawns that were swallowed by a dense forest. The lawns
were covered in chairs as vampires from both covens were present.

waved from the front. Tanya felt a pang at the thought that her father wasn’t
there to walk her down the aisle. That her mom couldn’t be here to see this. She
could just imagine how her eyes would’ve filled with tears. Her mom could be
emotional like that.

there was a momentary feeling of guilt that flooded her for not having invited
her elderly aunt, but this wasn’t the right…situation to let her know which
path she had taken. It was probably better if the old woman was kept in the
dark for now. Little by little she could get her used to the whole vampire
threesome thing.

took a deep breath and clasped Xavier’s arm.

His silvery grey eyes met hers and she nodded once, not trusting her voice. He
looked straight ahead and tensed. Tanya followed his line of vision. There
stood Esral wearing the floral number that Charlotte had picked out for her. In
the end Esral had decided between the various options herself. The result was
astounding, the princess was petite with  serious curves in all the right
places. Several sets of male eyes were focused on the little elf. Tanya was
sure she spotted drool on the lips of more than one. Xavier must have noticed
too because his eyes narrowed and his jaw locked.

you okay?” Tanya whispered.

nodded once while taking a slow step forward.

were certain human things that she’d requested, like an escort down the aisle
and a wedding ring. Otherwise she’d followed vampire traditions. Charlotte had
prepared her for what was to come. At least she hoped the slightly ditsy blonde
had told her everything without either leaving something out or embellishing on

her gaze to travel to the end of the red carpet for the first time, she caught
Zane’s intense stare. He gave her a quick half smile as she locked eyes with

to pull her eyes from the magnificent sight of him, she sought out Brant. His
eyes smoldered for a second before he too smiled. Maybe she’d been wrong to
worry. She willed herself to smile back, but her lip trembled so she bit down
on it instead.

wore a grey suit that fit his body like a second skin. Beneath the jacket was a
white dress shirt and tie. Her breathing hitched because they both looked so
unbelievably handsome. Zane was all in black. His big body encased in a fitting
suit. His tie and dress shirt were both dark, as were his eyes as they tracked
the contours of her body.

took a deep breath as she continued her walk. Each of her soon to be mates were
standing at the end on either side of the aisle. Before she knew it, she was taking
up position between the two males.


never thought she’d ever be saying those words.

a voice sounded. Tanya had been so focused on Brant and Zane that she hadn’t
noticed the male at the foot of the aisle. It took some effort to school her
reaction because he had grey hair, hunched shoulders and lined skin. A long red
velvet robe adorned his tall, bony form, the hem sweeping the ground at his
feet. “Yes, child…” he said. “We do eventually age.”

bowed her head in respect, feeling bad for her reaction to the old vampire.

start of the ceremony was very similar to that of a normal wedding, the priest
welcomed everyone and all present were asked if they objected to the union.

held her breath, thankful when no one stepped forward. Brant shifted next to
her, he slid his hand in hers and gave her a small squeeze. She turned her head
to him and he winked. On the other side, Zane moved in a bit closer, putting
his hand around her middle. There was a collective sigh from the crowd behind
them. For all accounts and purposes, no matter how unorthodox, this was the
royal wedding.

need you all to repeat after me in unison. When you speak, it will be each to
one and the other...” The priest bowed his head, his eyes shut. “Let us begin,”
he paused. “To you, I give of myself.”

all repeated the words.

vein is your vein.”

they repeated.

blood is your blood.” Brant squeezed her hand as he spoke.

leaned in so that his deep, smoky voice washed over her as he said the
meaningful words.

as one in this life as well as the next.”

repeated the priest’s words and her eyes pricked. Tanya turned her head from
side to side so that she could look at Brant and Zane. Both sets of eyes were
dark and intense. Brant’s adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard.

is time for the ceremony.” The old vampire removed a dagger from a sheath at
his side. It was a rose tinged gold, bejewelled with rubies. Both men released
her. “This will sting.” The old priest directed the statement to her.

the part she’d been dreading. All three of them held a hand out to the old man.
The priest moved to her first. “Once I slice Brant’s hand, you need to act quick
as the wound will seal.”

didn’t feel right that this would happen one at a time. If she wanted the three
of them together in this then it needed to start with her first, so she held
out both her hands.

old man seemed taken back for a beat, but then he nodded in understanding.
Closing her eyes, she tried to think happy thoughts but still gasped when the
sharp blade sliced through her skin. It was difficult not to react when all she
wanted to do was to pull her hand away as pain flared. The priest moved to her
other hand and it took everything in her not to blanch or to tell him to stop.

Brant said, his brow creased. “You don’t have to do this.”

looked down at the hand that had already been cut. It welled with blood and did
more than just sting a little bit. It hurt like a bitch, but she had to do
this. “We’re in this together, all
of us,” she added with emphasis.
Brant’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t try and talk her out of it. She reached
her hand further towards the priest. Both males put their hands on her back
meeting somewhere in the middle. Both stiffened and snapped their arms away.

knife sliced a second time hurting more than the first, if that was even


reacting to his female’s pain was one of the most difficult things that he had
ever had to endure. There was nothing he could do to help her through this. If
only there was some magical way in which he could carry her pain. Zane knew he
would if he could.

mouth was set in a firm, white line. Determination and pain warred with her
delicate features.

Sentinel lifted his watery eyes—“finally a human female fit to be queen.” He
bowed low to Tanya in the ultimate show of respect even though she was not yet
queen. “Now to complete the ceremony.” He gestured to both Zane and Brant and
they held their hands out to the priest palms up. Almost in one swift motion,
he sliced both of their palms. The tiniest sting, a minor irritation. Then
again, he had almost died many times and had healed from so many wounds
inflicted in so many places. Not to feel pain in this moment was not something
to celebrate. Brant didn’t flinch either.

the same quick movement the Sentinel had used moments earlier, both he and Brant
reached for their female. Already he could feel his flesh knit.

blood is your blood,” they announced in unison.

female repeated after them.

the rising of the new sun, Tanya Milan shall be queen.”

you forgetting something?” She looked at the Sentinel and then to each of them.

smiled and his eyes flared with understanding. “I have it here, Cenwein.” He
reached into his jacket pocket at his chest and removed a small blue velvet


reached into his pants pocket while glancing over at Brant who carefully
slipped a band onto Tanya’s finger. It comprised of a large diamond surrounded
by smaller rubies on either side. It was an alien emotion for him, but for just
a second he felt uncertain. What if he’d made the wrong decision? What if she
didn’t like it? Maybe he should’ve chosen something new. Something with less
ghosts attached to it.

female turned to him and his throat constricted. She had left her hair down and
it swirled around her face on an unexpected breeze. A beautiful smile adorned
her face. Holding out her hand, she took a small step towards him.

down the uncertainty, he squeezed his hand over the ring. It had been in his
family for centuries and consisted of a large oval ruby in a simple setting.
All of the queens of the past had worn it and it was only fitting that his
queen would do the same. Careful not to hurt her, he slipped the ring into
place. Her smile widened and her eyes sparkled.

The Sentinel folded his hands in front of him. “Now”—he paused—“with fang and
body it shall be done.”

coven all stood and everyone clapped.

her. Kiss her.” A tiny human female bounced just to the left of them. Tanya’s
best friend continued to shout for them to kiss.

couldn’t wait to finally mark his female. As dusk approached, he could feel the
new moon calling. His dick twitched. Turning, he watched Brant claim her lips
first. Possessiveness struck, the emotion welled until he could be denied no
longer. He clasped his female’s waist and gave a small pull forcing them apart.
Brant’s eyes narrowed in…
Pure and simple, what the other male felt
for him went beyond simple dislike. Brant hated him.

tough. Brant would have to deal. Zane was done trying to appease the other male
where Tanya was concerned. Sick to death of trying to keep Brant’s feelings in
mind, or of offering to share their female during
time with her.

punch to the face two days ago had been the last straw. Brant and Tanya had
come back from their field trip to Sweetwater. The first thing Brant had done
was seek him out and flatten his nose. Why? Because according to Brant, Zane
had tried to steal his moment when all Zane had wanted was to please their
female. Inviting Tanya’s friend had been about making Tanya happy. It had sweet
fuck all to do with Brant. The other male could get knotted for all he cared.

tugged her towards him. Her soft body fit perfectly against his. Dipping his
head, he captured her lips deepening the kiss as his hands clasped her tighter.
His gums tingled as his fangs tried to descend. A low growl sounded behind
them. Brant’s eyes were glowing. Instead of stopping, he wrapped his arms more
firmly around his female while still keeping his eyes on Brant.


broke the kiss just as Brant took a step towards them. The muscles at his neck
roped, his hands were in fists at his side. For a moment he was tempted to take
back her sweet lips just to prove a point, but the whole thing would end up
blowing up if he did. His soon to be mate would not appreciate a public fight
so he held back.

go,” he whispered. Tanya turned her gaze to Brant as Zane ushered her in the
direction of the waiting vehicles.

Charlotte wasn’t exaggerating when she said we would leave immediately. Do you
feel the call of the new moon?”

couldn’t help but to chuckle. “Yeah, Ysnaar. I can’t wait to be inside you in
all ways. To hear you scream as I make you mine.” Her lashes fused and her
nostrils flared. The scent of arousal clouded the air around them as Brant
stepped up latching a hand around her waist.

had to fight a snarl. With difficulty, he pulled his eyes from the other male’s

thought it had to be dark?” she asked.

will be by the time we get to my cabin.”

female gasped, “Is it safe?”

wolves are no longer a threat and will swear allegiance once Stephany is
back.”  Brant smiled down at their female as he spoke. “There will be guards
posted. We thought we could use the privacy.”

wanted to get away. The new moon can be just as hectic as the heat,” Zane added.
With what they had in mind, being away from the castle would be best. A fight was
long overdue. He had been wrong to try and keep things amicable. It was not the
vampire way.

little human sat between them in the back of the SUV. Neither male dared touch
her. As dark descended, Zane felt his resolve slip. His gums ached. His dick
was hard as steel. His nail beds tingled, his claws barely contained beneath
the surface. The need to fuck rode him hard.

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