Read Wyatt Online

Authors: Susan Fisher-Davis

Wyatt (18 page)

“Hi, darlin’,” he whispered.

“Hi, cowboy.”

“I’m going to take a shower, and then we can head to Gabe
and Emma’s.”

She nodded at him and closed her eyes again. “All right,”
she murmured.

Olivia waited until she heard the shower running before she
headed in to join him. She knew he was wondering what was wrong with her and
she honestly didn’t know. But she knew she needed to get out of her slump, and
taking a shower with Wyatt seemed like a good start.

After undressing in the bedroom, she silently opened the
bathroom door and stepped inside. She walked toward the shower and gasped.
Wyatt stood with his hands on the wall and his head under the showerhead. Water
sluiced down over his big body. Good Lord, the man should be illegal. Her gaze
roamed over him taking in every glistening inch, but when her eyes shifted back
to his face, she moaned. He was staring at her, water droplets glistening on
his long eyelashes. Taking a deep breath, she opened the shower door.

“Can we save water and shower together, cowboy?” she asked
smiling at him.

“Sure thing, sweetheart, come on in.”

He straightened up. She stepped in front of him and faced
him with her back against the wall. She ran her hands over his chest and teased
her fingers down through the hair trailing down his stomach to the thick thatch
surrounding his hardening shaft. Her fingers wrapped around him, he groaned and
reached for her. Olivia wrapped her arms around his neck and lifted her legs to
encircle his waist. Wyatt slid inside her as she pressed her lips to his.

“I’ve missed you, baby,” she whispered against his hot

He moved out of her then thrust back in making her gasp.

“I’ve been right here, sweetheart.”

Wyatt caressed her lips with his tongue before ravaging
them. His hands cradled her ass as he continued to move in and out of her,
going deeper with each thrust.

She dropped her head to rest against the wall as she thrust
her hips against him. The groan that tore from her came from deep inside. She
lowered her forehead to his.

“Kiss me, Olivia,” Wyatt moaned against her lips.

She ran her tongue along his lips and moved it inside. He
took control of the kiss. His tongue entered her mouth, tangling with hers.
When he started moving harder, and faster against her, she tightened her legs
around him crying out his name as she came. Wyatt followed her over the edge.

Olivia caught his groan with her mouth, making her moan low
in her throat.

“That was some shower, cowboy.” She laughed.

Wyatt chuckled. “You’re telling me.”

She started to put her legs down but it was slippery and
every time she tried, she’d start laughing.

“Let me get us out of here, Olivia. Hold on.” Wyatt tried to
step from the shower but she was laughing harder. He glared at her. “You’re not
making this any easier.”

“Just let me put my feet down, Wyatt.” She giggled and tried
to get her footing but he was too close to the open shower door and the next
thing she knew, they were falling onto the floor. Wyatt took the brunt of the
fall with her landing on top of him. They laid there a minute when she lifted
her head to gaze at him. He had his eyes closed.

“Wyatt?” she whispered. When he opened one eye and gazed up
at her, she lost it. She put her head against his chest and laughed until she

“Get off me, woman,” Wyatt growled, sending her into another
fit of laughter. She could feel him laughing too. Finally, she was able to get
herself up to sit on the lid of the toilet. He still lay on the floor

“I’ll have bruises tomorrow,” he muttered.

Olivia grinned. “Not me.”

“That’s it,” he said as he got up from the floor and grabbed
her, tossed her over his shoulder and entered the bedroom. He tossed her onto
the bed, and she put her arms out to him. They were very late for Thanksgiving


* * * *

When Wyatt woke up early the next morning, he glanced over
at Olivia. She was still sleeping. He smiled and gently kissed her forehead.
Not wanting to disturb her, he moved quietly to get out of the bed. She
muttered in her sleep and rolled away from him. He reached for his jeans and
pulled them on. After another glance at her, he left the room to make coffee
since he hadn’t gotten around to it last night. Once they got home from dinner
at Gabe and Emma’s, they had headed straight for the bedroom. Sex with Olivia
was amazing—always amazing. Keeping his hands off her was almost impossible. He
leaned back against the counter, folded his arms across his bare chest, and
waited for the coffee to brew. His thoughts went to the sexy woman asleep in his

Wyatt was startled when someone knocked on his front door.
Most of the people he knew came to the back door. He strode through the living
room to the door, opened it, and loudly groaned when he saw Sharon Winters
standing there grinning at him.

“What the hell are you doing here?” he asked.

Sharon brushed past him and entered his home. Her eyes
roamed over his bare chest and down along his stomach. She grinned at him. “You
have a gorgeous…home, Wyatt.”

He pushed the door closed because it was cold. “Nice to know
you think so. Now you can leave.”

“I’m not going anywhere…yet.” Her eyes landed on his fly.
“You really are sexy.” She stepped closer to him, put her hands on his chest,
and gazed up at him. “I could do so much for you. Some things you’ve only dreamed
about.” She smiled up at him, and then moving toward his living room, she
glanced around.

“I don’t think so.” Wyatt opened the door again. “Go.”

Sharon slowly strolled back toward him. “Have you ever been
with an older woman, Wyatt?” He glared at her. “I bet you could teach me a few
things too.” She ran one finger down his chest to his unsnapped jeans. “Let’s
go to your bedroom.”

He smirked. “Your daughter is in my bedroom.”

Sharon glanced around.
“How about the
couch then?”

He laughed at how pushy she was. “You’re really something.”
When she laughed, he narrowed his eyes. “It wasn’t a compliment.”

He heard a sound in the hallway and glanced over his
shoulder to see Olivia standing there in nothing but his T-shirt. She walked up
to him and put her arms around his waist.

“You lost, Sharon?” Olivia asked.

Sharon stepped back from Wyatt. “Damn you. I almost had him,
Olivia. I told you I could get him. I would’ve had him on his knees in a few
more minutes.”

Wyatt burst out laughing. “You’ll never see me on my knees
for any woman.”

Sharon grinned as she looked at Olivia. “I told you men only
wanted one thing. He just admitted he certainly wouldn’t get on his knees and
beg you to stay if you wanted to leave him, Olivia. What does that tell you?”
She spun on her heel and headed out the door, slamming it behind her.

Astonished by the trap he just fell into, Wyatt turned
toward Olivia, only to see her striding down the hallway. He went after her.
She was pulling her suitcase from the closet.


“As much as I hate to admit it, she’s right. You don’t care
enough to beg me to stay if I wanted to end this.”

He stepped in front of her. “Do you want to end this?” She
didn’t answer him. “Olivia? Do you?” She shook her head as she continued to
pack. “Then it doesn’t matter, does it? If it isn’t going to end yet, why worry
about it?”

Olivia gazed up at him with tears rolling down her face.
“You just said why.”

He frowned. “What?”

“You said,

She raised her hand up when he started to speak. “I know I agreed to it in the
beginning, but…I can’t do it anymore.”


“No. I don’t need to hear that it was what we both agreed
on, Wyatt. I’m…I’m walking away.”

When she lifted the suitcase off the bed and moved to go
past him, he wrapped his fingers around her arm. “Olivia, I…”

“Let me go…please.” Her voice caught on the last word as she
pushed past him, and left.


Chapter Sixteen


Two weeks had passed since Olivia walked out on him and he
felt worse than when Stephanie had broken their engagement. A pain surrounded
his heart and he was sure it would never go away. He loved her, and he’d fucked
it up. What an idiot he was. How was he going to go on without her?

Wyatt swore when he saw Gabe enter the barn and head toward
him. They glared at each other. Gabe halted in front of him. They stood eye to

“You look like shit,” Gabe told him.

“Yeah, well it’s not the first time, but it sure as hell
will be the last.” Wyatt led Cochise to his stall. Gabe was on his heels. Wyatt
spun around. “Don’t you have something to do?
A wife to go
home to?
A little girl to take care of?”

When Gabe shrugged, Wyatt clenched his fists. “Go home Gabe.
Leave me the hell alone or I’ll put you in your truck.”

Gabe laughed and Wyatt stepped toward him. “You think I’m
joking?” he warned as he clenched his jaw. Gabe threw his hands up in

“I’m going. I just wanted to make sure you were all right.”

Wyatt snorted and turned away but apparently, Gabe wasn’t
done yet.

“Why the hell can’t you just admit you love her? I don’t
understand what the problem is. You’d rather be alone than have her in your
life,” Gabe shouted at him with his arms folded across his chest.

Wyatt spun back around, strode toward Gabe, and punched him
in the face. Catching him off guard, Gabe stumbled back but then he smiled at

“Is that the best you can do, little brother?”

Wyatt growled, reached out and grabbed Gabe’s shirt, and hit
him again. This time, he left Gabe with a busted lip. His stubborn brother
swiped his arm across his lip and smiled at him again. Wyatt growled and
charged at him, grabbing him around the waist and taking them both to the
ground. Gabe pushed Wyatt off him and quickly stood. When Wyatt tried to get
up, Gabe put his booted foot on his chest and held him down, making Wyatt even

Wyatt grabbed Gabe’s ankle, twisted it, and took Gabe back
down onto the ground. Wyatt jumped up and stood over him. He was about to reach
for Gabe again when someone grabbed his arm from behind. Wyatt spun around,
swinging his fist and hitting Jake squarely on the jaw, knocking him to the
ground. When he realized he’d just belted his oldest brother, he swore, and
stormed off. He’d only gone a few feet when someone spun him around and punched
him on the chin, knocking him down to the ground. This time, it was Jake, not
Gabe, who stood over him.

“I owed you that,” Jake told him as he put his hand out to
help Wyatt up.

Wyatt stared up at him, and then gave him a terse nod before
accepting his brother’s hand. Once on his feet, he narrowed his eyes.

“All good, but get him the hell away from me.” He jerked his
chin toward Gabe. Jake nodded.

“Are you all right?” Jake asked rubbing his own jaw.

“I’m fine. He didn’t hurt me.”

Jake grunted. “Like I’d think he would. I meant, are you all
right, since you and Olivia…”

Wyatt held a hand up. “I’m fine. I’ll get past it.” He
tightened his jaw, turned and walked away through the barn.


* * * *

Sheriff Sam Garrett pulled into the parking lot of Dalton’s
Motel. Sam was pleased with what he’d found out. It seemed Sharon Winters was,
in fact, Charlotte Roberts and had an impressive criminal record. He shut off
his SUV cruiser and got out. Scanning the doors, he found room sixteen and
knocked. A few seconds later, she opened the door. Sam saw a flash of fear in
her eyes but she quickly recovered and gave him a come-hither pose.

“Well, if it isn’t the gorgeous sheriff. What can I do for

“I’d like to come in and speak with you,” Sam told her.

She hesitated and then opened the door wider, allowing Sam
to step inside. He moved to the small table and nodded for her to take a seat.
After she sat, Sam pulled a chair out, turned it around, and straddled it. He
reached into his shirt pocket and took out a small writing tablet. Sam was old
school. He wrote everything down on paper—no iPad for him. Finally, he glanced
up at her.

“Who had you come here, Ms. Roberts?” He noticed her blink
when he used her real name, but she kept a calm expression.

“I don’t know what you mean, Sheriff. I came here to see my

He smirked.
“And to extort money from

Sharon gasped. “I did no such thing. If she told you that,
she’s lying.”

He folded his arms across the top of the chair and leaned
toward her. He knew she was feeling cornered because she wouldn’t meet his
eyes. “We can talk here or at the station. It’s up to you.” He shrugged.

Sharon laughed, but it was forced. “We don’t have anything
to talk about.”

He grinned. “Oh, I think we do…Charlotte. You see, I know
all about you, except why you’re here, so you may as well tell me. You’re not
getting any money from anyone. I know you’re wanted for embezzling from your
last employer, and you’ve been hiding under assumed names for the past three

Sam watched the blood drain from her face. If he hadn’t been
so pissed about what she’d put Olivia through, he might have felt sorry for
her. He sighed in impatience.

“All right, Charlotte. Let me tell you what I know. You, as
Charlotte Roberts, embezzled over one hundred thousand dollars from your
employer so you disappeared, and got a new identity. Then someone found you,
and enticed you to come here to try to run your daughter out of my town.” He
narrowed his eyes at her. “I don’t know why yet, but I want you to tell me what
I’m missing.” Sam shrugged. “It may help your case of extortion, if you
cooperate. As far as the embezzling, you’ll be fully prosecuted.”

He watched her put her hands over her face and burst into
tears. Sam didn’t move. He knew tears and these were real. She was scared. He
handed her a tissue. She blew her nose and stared at him over the tissues. He
raised his eyebrow.

“Let me ask you this. Was Stephanie Taylor involved?”

Sharon shook her head. “No. I introduced myself to her the
day you all saw me talking with her on the street. I just wanted to see what
was so special about her then anytime I saw her after that, I spoke to her.”

“What made you want to see what was so special about
Stephanie? How would you even know who she was?”

“Because of her father, Blake Taylor.
He hired me to come here and run Olivia off so Stephanie could get Wyatt back,”
Sharon whispered.

Sam reared back. “It was Blake? You’re sure about this?”

“Of course, I’m sure. I met with the man. He paid me fifty
thousand up front and once Olivia moved away, I’d get another fifty thousand.
Only, I underestimated my daughter. She didn’t run away.” She took a deep
breath. “Blake Taylor hired a private detective to find me, and once he found
me, Taylor made me the offer.”

“Was Blake behind running Olivia off the road?”

Sharon nodded. “Yes. He hired a man who used to work for
Ben…something or other.”

Sam asked.

“Yes, that’s it. Ben Collins. He said he owed Wyatt.” She
“Now what, Sheriff?”

Coming to his feet, Sam reached for his handcuffs. “Now you
stand up and put your hands behind your back.”

Sharon gazed up at him and blinked. “Isn’t there something I
could do to change your mind?”

Sam glared. “No, there isn’t.” He snapped the cuffs on her
wrists. “You have the right to remain silent…”


* * * *

Blake Taylor’s arrest shocked the entire town. He’d wanted
to give his daughter what she wanted and she’d wanted Wyatt. Even his daughter
was in shock. The townspeople stood outside the courthouse watching as Sam
escorted Blake inside.

Olivia, Becca, and Emma stood across the street in front of
the diner when Stephanie approached and stopped in front of them.

“I’m so sorry, Olivia. I know this was my fault. I never
should have gone on about how much I didn’t want you and Wyatt together,”
Stephanie said, and by her expression, with sincere apology.

“He did achieve what he wanted though. I’m leaving Montana,”
Olivia said, and then entered the diner with Emma and Becca following her
without giving Stephanie a chance to gloat.

She had no other choice but to leave. As much as she loved
this little town and her friends, she couldn’t stay here so close to Wyatt.
Seeing him without being able to be with him would destroy her. Both Becca and
Emma had begged her to stay, but Olivia stood firm.

“You’re going to go get the rest of my things from Wyatt’s
place, aren’t you, Becs?” Olivia asked after they settled into a booth.

“Yes.” Becca sighed. “I hate to see him since I may just
have to give him a piece of my mind.”

Olivia touched her hand. “Please don’t. I knew going in it
wouldn’t last. I have no one to blame but myself.” She choked back tears. “It’s
not Wyatt’s fault. He made it clear from the beginning what kind of
relationship it would be.”

They ordered lunch. Olivia had no appetite and only picked
at her salad. The sooner she got out of this town, the better.


* * * *

Wyatt was sitting in his living room when he heard the back
door open. He stood and headed toward the kitchen, half hoping it was Olivia
returning. It was Becca standing in the center of the room wearing a surprised

“What are you doing here, Becca?”

“Me? Jake told me you were going to Butte, otherwise…”

“I’m going tomorrow. Why?”

“I came to pick up the rest of Olivia’s things.”

Wyatt nodded and turned away from her. He should have known
Olivia wouldn’t want to come back for any reason. She had sent Becca instead.
He knew Becca was following him.

“Her things are in the bedroom. You know where it is.” He
waved his hand toward the hallway.

“It’s too hard for her to come here, Wyatt.”

He nodded. “You can tell her she’s welcome to come by and get
whatever you miss. I’m sure she wants to see Coco once in a while too. She
loves that horse.”

“She won’t be coming at all, Wyatt. She’s leaving Montana.”

“What?” he
shocked. He
hadn’t expected her to leave town completely. He didn’t like that idea at all.

He listened as Becca told him how Olivia had decided to
travel, and then settle down somewhere. He fell back into a chair and put his
hands over his face. He felt Becca touching his knee. He opened his eyes and
stared down at her as she kneeled in front of him.

“I really messed up this time, Becca. I should have told her
how I felt a long time ago. Now, it’s too late.”

you feel
about her?” Becca asked him.

Wyatt took a deep breath. “I’m in love with her.”

Becca jumped up. “Well, then you have to tell her.”

He started shaking his head.

“Yes, Wyatt! You have to. Can you really just let her go?
Can you live like this the rest of your life?”

“No, but I hurt her.”

“Yes, you did and it won’t be easy getting her here but I
have an idea. Do you have to go to Butte tomorrow?”

“Not really.”

“I’ll convince her to come here to see Coco and check for
any of her things I might’ve missed. In fact, I’ll deliberately miss something
so she has to,” Becca said smiling.

Wyatt frowned. “And then?”

Becca swatted at him. “Then she’ll come over here and you’ll
be here. You can tell her how you feel and convince her not to leave.”

He shook his head. “She won’t listen to me. I hurt her too

“Wyatt, she loves you. You have to try, at least. Don’t let
the best thing you’ve ever had disappear from your life.”

“I suppose it’s worth a try,” he muttered. Becca hugged him
and smiled happily as she headed back to the bedroom.

He wished he were as enthusiastic about it as she was.
What if Olivia doesn’t come over? What if
she does and tells him she doesn’t want him anymore?
What in the hell was he going to do if she told him she
didn’t want him anymore? He ran his hand down his face, groaned, leaned his
head back, and closed his eyes. Becca had better know what she’s doing.


* * * *

Olivia pulled her car into Wyatt’s driveway and parked near
the back door. She blew out a breath. How was she going to do this? How could
she go into that house? Enter that bedroom? That bedroom with the bed they’d
shared and not fall apart? She glanced around and didn’t see anyone. Had they
all gone to the sale?

She shook her head thinking it didn’t really matter. Nothing
would ever matter to her again. She blinked back tears as she got out of her
vehicle. Once she entered the kitchen, she took a deep breath and headed toward
the living room. She halted in her tracks when she saw Wyatt leaning against
the wall, his arms folded across his chest. Olivia blinked, thinking it was her
imagination, but he raised an eyebrow at her.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, her insides suddenly
turning into a flock of butterflies fluttering around at the same time.

“I live here. What are you doing here?”

“I came to get the rest of my things,” she said, her voice
ending on a sob.

Wyatt straightened up, moved toward the living room, and
took a seat in the recliner. Olivia stared at him like a woman stranded in the
burning hot desert and he was a sparkling cool swimming pool. She wanted to
jump in. Gathering her pride, she headed back to the bedroom where she put the
rest of her things in the bag she’d brought with her. As she left the bedroom,
she glanced into his office. After a quick glance toward the living room, she
entered the room and took the picture of Wyatt and Cochise. She stuffed it into
the bag before entering the living room again.

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