Read Winter's Knight Online

Authors: H.J. Raine,Kelly Wyre

Winter's Knight (16 page)

“Uhm... a belt?”Shea answered witha question.
“That’lldo. When I say, you willget my belt and tie me. After I’mtied, you are free to kiss and touch me as you want, except when I’ve given you specifics. Understood?”
“Yes, Sire.”
“Thank you.” Lucian licked his lips, rolled his hips, and his breath shuddered from his lungs. “After you tie me, you will hold one of my hands, let me clasp yours. You’ll need to pay attention to that, because you’re going to fuck my mouth.” Lucian paused, relishing the strangled sound that burbled from Shea’s throat. “Mm, lovely. Don’t come, and don’t be easy on me. I want to gag and choke on you, and you willdo that untilI let go ofyour hand. Agreed?”
Shea nodded inquick jerks. “Y-yes, Sire. I will.”
Lucian drank deeply of the sight of Shea’s broad shoulders, heaving chest, hard nipples, and rigid cock. He hummed in undisguised pleasure. “Perfect, beloved. After that, you’ll bend me in half and rim me until I tell you to stop.” Lucian’s cock dribbled, and he hissed through his teeth. “Don’t stroke me, then, else you might make me come, and that’s not to happen until you’re inme.”
“Mmph. Shit, Luke.”Shea gasped. “I’llremember.”
“Remember and ignore what I say other than my cry to stop.” Lucian reached further, gripped ass cheeks and parted them, dying in that instant to be filled and riding the wave until he could speak again. “Then you’ll fuck me with fingers. Up to three and until I tell youto use your dick and not your hands.”
“Three,” Shea echoed, gaze fixated on what Lucian was doingwithhis hands.
“Y-yeah,” Lucian stammered. “And when you take me, there are rules. Readyfor them?”
“Rules? Uh.” Shea’s eyes snapped closed. “Okay. Tellthemto me, please, Sire.”
Lucian laughed. “Your dedication is admirable, sweet Shea. You will fuck me until you nearly come, pull out, and change positions, and do it again. You will switch up position twice for a total of three different ones. In each position, no matter what I command, you willonlystroke mycock sixtimes untilafter youget into me in the final move. Then you will do whatever you want to get me off as fast as you like, along with yourself. Do youhear me, beloved?”
“Six. Yes, Sire, I hear you.” Shea opened his eyes and took a deep breath.
With a heartfelt groan, Lucian forced his hands above his head, hips rising despite his efforts not to allow it. “Hard and fast as you like, Shea, and I enjoy havingmyhair pulled, and I like hands around mythroat without pressure. Now.” Lucian snapped his attention to Shea and poured every hungry ounce ofneed he had into his voice. “Fuck me.”
Shea scrambled offthe bed, goingfor Lucian’s belt. The leather whipped out from the loops with a snap, and Shea returned with the length. Lucian put his hands into position, and Shea wrapped the belt about Lucian’s proffered wrists, twice. Lucian’s breathingsped up, and Shea fed the tongue through the buckle and pulled it tight. The excess of leather got threaded about the slats of the headboard, and then Shea looked at a loss as to how to secure the end.
“Use the buckle again,”Luciansuggested.
“Oh!” Shea tucked the end back through the buckle, threw the latch into the appropriate hole, and fastened it. Shea yanked at the joint and when it held, he dragged his lips alongLucian’s bound wrist. “There.”
Lucian arched. “Shea,” Lucian managed, impatient and vision tunneling with his lover above himand hands out of play. “Feeding me your cock would be lovely right about now.”
Shea laughed, the rich tone doing amazing things to Lucian’s insides, and his fingers threaded between Lucian’s. With a low groan, Shea straddled Lucian’s chest and placed the tip of his damp cock against Lucian’s lips. The moment Lucian lunged, Shea’s hand tightened on Lucian’s, and Shea drove forward, deep into Lucian’s mouth.
There wasn’t time to moan or to think. Lucian held his breath, and his throat constricted painfully. His lungs protested, his mind went white, and he forced himselfto swallow instead of gag. A minuscule piece of his rational mind admired Shea’s abilities to obey to the letter before it was obliterated by Shea’s cruel thrusts. Lucian lost track of everything between the frenetic scrambles for oxygen, though he knew Shea’s grip found his hair because his scalp joined the blissful raw fire building in his torso and beyond his tonsils. Shea gave him an inch to suck wind, and Lucian heard Shea’s rattling cries through invisible cotton. His balls ached, his heel caught in the sheet, and Lucian took another plunge, thrust, and hold before the edge of unconsciousness threatened.
In the next heartbeat, Lucian could breathe, and he blinked tears from his eyes. He coughed, a thrill coursingthroughhis veins whenhe understood that he’d let go because he’d gone lax against the mattress, surrendering. He fucking loved being right about what he could and couldn’t do.
Hands suddenly gripped Lucian’s thighs and wrenched him down until his arms were taut, then doubled him up, rolling his hips until thumbs spread his cheeks wide.
“Fuck!” Lucian yelled, hot breath against his entrance before a wet, rough tongue probed deep and then swirled about the hole. “Oh, my...” Lucian made fists and fought the headboard and Shea’s hold, and found both unforgiving. Lucian’s groan was watery, rose and fellinthe rhythmofnippingteeth, swift suction, and plunging damp muscle. The sensations kept coming in waves, and Lucian’s jaw hurt from the force of its clench. “Shea... touch me... God... damn it... oooh...” Lucian rolled again, snarling when Shea didn’t do as asked, and it was then that Lucian remembered that he controlled the next phase. Lucian’s eyes flew open, got confused by the line of sloping ceiling. “B-beloved... sstop...”
The damnable tongue ceased its wicked work, and the pop of a lube cap filled Lucian’s ears soon after. Weight pressed against Lucian’s raised legs, and Lucian took the hint just as Shea’s mouth, still flavored with Lucian, ate at his lips. Lucian’s answering noise broke into fragments that Shea consumed, and a slick tongue teased open Lucian’s teeth and stretched his sore jaw. Lucian tried to turn into the kiss, but a blunt fingertip stroked Lucian’s entrance and sank into him.
“Nnn-oh...” Lucian’s head flew back, and his brain stutter-fritzed. Shea’s soft moan was distracting but distant, and the invasion was swift and consuming. “Shea,” Lucian panted. “Oh -- Christ!” The word was wrapped around a wheezing inhale, stars tinging Lucian’s vision, the expert push to his prostate making himfeeltoo full, too needy, too everything.
Stroking, seeking, and another stretch all drove Luciancloser to Shea. Messykisses peppered Lucian’s mouth, jaw, throat, ear. Breathing so loud that it drowned Lucian’s frantic heartbeat echoed in his mind, his or Shea’s, he didn’t know, but he definitely heard his own clarion call when a third digit sought access to his insides. He thrashed, moved both into and away from the unrelenting surge, and his broken curses devolved into whispered pleas. Apiece ofLucian hated the naked emotion, but Lucian formed the words, regardless:“You... n-need... y-you...”
“Aye, my prince,” Shea whispered against Lucian’s lips, and the affectionand venerationinthe words eased some piece ofLucianhe didn’t know needed easing.
Torn foil preceded heartfelt curses, and gentle hands rolled Lucian onto his side, lifted the top knee, and stretched Lucian wide. Lucian relaxed to accommodate the position, and rounded heat touched sensitized surfaces.
“Here I come, my liege,” Shea said, voice flat with effort, and pushed.
Lucian could do nothing but take the length that moved within him as though it searched for the top of Lucian’s spine. He knew he cried out with each breath shoved from his lungs by Shea’s rhythm, because his mouth was dry and throat parched, and he groaned when a fist found his dick. For six blissful, heavenly strokes, Lucian moved toward the release that thundered in his guts and balls and made the head ofhis cock tingle inwarning, but thenShea stopped.
“Son of a bitch,” Lucian cursed around whimpering moans, and yanked to the point ofpainfulonthe belt.
“S-oh fuck, sorry... sorry, Sire.” Shea panted, but the mind-blowing thrusts only increased in speed. Lucian thought he would die before getting off, and then the fullness inside him vanished like a magic trick gone wrong. Shea gasped, sitting on heels and shaking. “Ah, holy Christ, this is gonna... ah fuck,” Shea groaned, and Lucianbit a pillow to stifle a callofpure irritation.
Shea cleared Lucian’s leg, lowering it and moving alongside Lucian. Two hands clamped onto Lucian’s hips and lifted him with smooth ease. Lucian grabbed the headboard to brace. Vaguely understanding what Shea wanted, Lucian helped Shea to rollhim, and when his knees found the bedspread, Shea set him down, in and on Lucian in an instant. The same strength that had picked him up impaled him, and Lucian didn’t know who was louder, Shea or himself.
Switching grip to Lucian’s hair and the side of his throat, Shea used both holds as sadistic points of leverage and pounded into Lucian’s body with wet smacks of flesh. Lucian arched his back, scrambled to rest on his elbows, and this time when Shea’s fist found him, Lucian swung into the tight tunnel and slammed back against Shea with complete disregard to anything but the search for endgame. He registered Shea bellowing a bitten curse, and Lucian triumphed despite knowing what was -- but who was not -- coming. Lucian buried his face to muffle the begging that followed the cessation of the strokes, but he lifted it to take Shea’s name invainand brand it withinvective.
An age of forceful pounding morphed into a quick stutter of jerks, and Shea yanked free of Lucian, hands, cock, and all. Lucian kept rolling, aching for what was so heinously taken from him, but finally got hair out of his eyes to cast a look over one shoulder.
Shea had a death’s grip about his own balls and covered erection, squeezing hard, as a stream of cussing flowed from his mouth between labored breaths. “Fucking merciful Mary, mother-beatin’, bone bedamned bastard. Have to... goddamned... shit...”
Lucianground his teeth. “My... incredible... Shea...” Lucian breathed. “Get control... and get me the fuck off.”
“Yes, Sire!” Shea bit his lip and flipped Lucian onto his back. Shea hefted both of Lucian’s legs, placing themover broad shoulders, and Shea slid in and seated to the root.
“Oh, hell yeah,” Lucian whispered, chin tipping up. Shea wrapped one hand about Lucian’s dick, and Lucian choked while spasming around Shea. The other hand wound into Lucian’s longhair and tightened to pull Lucian’s head back until he could just rasp breath. Lucian lost all connection with reality, struggling despite himself, and that was when Shea chose to move. Heavy thuds filled the room, slaps of flesh on flesh, and friction pulled and twisted over the head of Lucian’s cock. The orgasm rushed Lucian, blinded and silenced him. For a horrifying second he thought he might pass out and miss it, but Shea relinquished the hold just enoughfor the tide to crest, crash, and buryLucianalive.
The aftershocks beat Lucian against craggy rocks until finally leaving him on the shore. When he got his eyes open and brain working, Shea was on top of him, softening within him, and shivering like a man with fever chills. Lucian murmured something he hoped was soothing. Twisting one tender wrist, Lucian got a hand clear ofthe belt, and he threw anarmover Shea.
Rising, Shea flailed and shakilyfreed Lucianthe rest of the way, stroked down Lucian’s arm, and gathered Lucian tenderly against Shea’s chest. Lucian hooked a leg over Shea’s hip. He licked sweat off Shea’s collar bone, raked fingers through damp curls. “Beloved,” he said, voice a hoarse husk. “Exactly what and whom I wanted.”
The sigh of relief almost deflated Shea entirely. Strong arms tightened about Lucian convulsively and relaxed so that Lucian could breathe again. “Very grateful I’ve pleased you, my l--” Shea hesitated, swallowed. “Mylove.”
Lucian kissed the front of Shea’s throat and squirmed until he could look Shea in the eye. “Yes. Pleased me beyond compare,” he said. “And I... do love you.” Lucian tasted the words, weighed themwith his tongue, and found them just and worthy. “So you’ll no longer ever be out ofmysights or out fromunder my protection.” Lucian tried to keep the explanation affectionate instead of commanding but wasn’t sure he managed.
“Thank you, my liege,” Shea whispered. “That you would still include me in your house, after my grievous misdeeds, is beyond anythingI could have expected.”
“I’mjust gratefulfor my fulldisclosure regardless of how it was granted to me,” Lucian said, though he softened the chastisement by cupping Shea’s cheek. “And I like you here, known to me, lazy in my arms, and so I willstrive to keep you where I can reach you.” Lucian sighed. “And when I cannot, my men will. From now on you will have guards, my Shea. Especially in light of how your survival is a source of irritation to those I need to...” Lucian smiled, and he knew it was frozendeath. “Repayinkind for their treatment ofyou.”
Shea kissed the corner of that promise of certain, painful demise. He looked somberly back at Lucian, earnest and frank. “Thank you. Both for your indulgence and for your strong sword arm. I have been runningfor three years, and it willbe a reliefto stop.”
“Pleased you see it that way. Vengeance is not a point up for negotiation.” Lucian sighed, suddenly exhausted. “Neither is me resting here, using both blankets, or you holding me until I crawl out of the pit I’mgoingto strive to find.”
“Good, not sure I could let you go, now,” Shea murmured.
Lucian sighed, and they mutually moved through the motions of clean up, lights out, and tuck in. Lucian wrapped around Shea like a lamprey, and Shea covered themboth with the quilt and the sunset blanket. Lucian smiled when lips brushed his forehead just before he sighed and sank into the most restful slumber inmonths.
Chapter 8
The walkie-talkie lyingonthe plushleather seat next to Lucianchirped, and Luciansighed at it.
“Car fifty-three to car fifty-four, where are you?” Clark’s voice asked. Tim sat on the rear-facing bench of the armored car across from Lucian, and he chuckled. The architect wore full tactical assault gear, the visor on the helmet lifted, and he filled in another answer into the boxes of his crossword puzzle. Lucian wasn’t fooled by the relaxed posture. Tim was as aware of their surroundings as any raptor on the hunt, but both the tranquility and the knowledge of Tim’s skill offered comfort.
Though, Lucian had to admit, sitting behind reinforced glass and metalpanels that were equipped to withstand bullets, fire, and wrecking balls did aid in the illusion of security. He picked up the radio and recrossed his legs at the ankles, the Kevlar vest and lined leather pants he wore beneath his trench coat restricting the movements. “Right where we were fifteen minutes ago, Sergeant.”

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