Read Winter's Embrace Online

Authors: Kathleen Ball

Tags: #Romance

Winter's Embrace (20 page)

BOOK: Winter's Embrace
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“What way?”

you want to jump my bones.”

Stone laughed. “Jump your
bones? Oh, honey, I just want to make sweet love with my wife.”



“I thought it was
love to my wife.”

“I expect you to participate.
With is the right word.”

She shivered again. “We’re
getting off topic.”

You make it sound like a business meeting.”

“You’ve said some hurtful
things to me.”

Stone nodded. “I said I was

“I know you did, but that
doesn’t make the hurt go away. I love Rachael—”

“I know that’s the only reason
you married me.” Stone sighed.

not the only reason.
I love you, Stone. Truly I do. I’m
not here because I had nowhere else to go. I’ve had to pick myself up and start
over before. I could have done it again. I came here to be with you.” Winter
walked to the front window and stared into the darkness.

“Honey, listen.”

“No, Stone, I’m not done.
Every moment that I treasure with you becomes unimportant to you. Making love,
getting married, none of it means anything.” She turned and stared at him. He
looked surprised. “I matter, Stone. My feelings matter. My dreams matter.
Making love and getting married matter. So, which of these things are you sorry

His expression was one of pure
confusion. He rubbed the back of his neck as he gazed at her. The room was
silent, too silent. She thought he’d have said something but instead, he seemed
to be studying her

Wiping her eyes with her hand,
she gave him one last glance. Still he said nothing. With a heavy heart, she
turned and walked up the stairs to her own bedroom and slowly closed the door,
hoping he’d rush up to stop her the whole while.

She’d spoken frankly, and now
she felt lost. She sat on the edge of her bed wondering if she should have just
accepted his apology. There was no going back now. She’d known all along, ever
since that long ago phone call. At least it was out in the open now. Not that
it made anything better.

Her main focus would be
Rachael and how to keep her safe. Clare was up to something.

Winter climbed into bed and
lay down. Her heart hurt now, but she was strong. She’d get through it.




Chapter Sixteen



It had been two days since
their fight. Winter tried everything to keep busy. Stone was away from the
ranch most of the time talking to lawyers, she assumed. He never said. In fact,
he still hadn’t really said anything to her and it hurt.

Thank God for Rachael, Snoopy,
and Spot. They filled the awkward void. Caleb had been over earlier to check on
Spot and to play with Rachael. It had been a welcome change. Caleb talked.

Opening the oven,
checked the roast. It was just about done. She hoped
for a normal dinner, but she didn’t know if Stone would even be home. Rachael
played dolls with Snoopy. Strangest thing she ever saw. Snoopy lay in front of
Rachael with his paws straightforward. Rachael placed one of her dolls between
the paws. She put Faith in her own lap and it really seemed as though they were
playing dolls together.
big, brown eyes
never left Rachael’s face.

The door opened, and in came
Stone, tracking mud everywhere. He glanced at the floor and then gazed at her.

His mouth drooped and his eyes
appeared tired. Winter’s compassion got the better of her. “
fine, I’m just glad you’re home.”

Stone peered at her for a
minute then he smiled. “I’m glad to be home.”

His wide grin melted some of
the ice around her heart. For Rachael’s sake, no for her own sake, she would
try to work things out slowly. It was his turn to need time and she needed to
give it to him.

She still wanted her wedding
night. She watched him take off his jacket. He certainly filled out his shirt.
She longed to rub her fingers over his hard chest and chiseled abs.

“See something you like?”

Winter felt her cheeks start
to heat. “Maybe I do.” She quickly turned and took the roast out of the oven.
Her stomach felt jumpy. His sexy grins got her every time.

“Can I help?” Stone stood
right behind her. Her entire being tingled. Her breasts felt heavy and she
wished she could just turn and wrap herself around him.

“You and Rachael can set the
table.” She turned after he nodded. He went and tickled Rachael. Her laughter
was infectious.

Soon they were eating and
Rachael told story after story of Spot. Halfway through dinner,
noticed all the tension was gone and it felt
peaceful, a serenity she hadn’t experienced in a long time.

Tonight they would talk. She
needed to let everything go. However, a blanket apology wasn’t going to cut it.
Her serenity fled and her nerves kicked in. Maybe he wouldn’t want to talk. It
felt like forever before Rachael was tucked into bed.

back and forth waiting for Stone to come back down made her all the more
Her hands trembled and she clasped them together to
still them. He knew she wouldn’t leave because of Rachael. Did he want her here
for herself? Did he really want her as much as she wanted him? Did he even want
to have children with her? Too many unanswered questions and answers she was
afraid to hear.

Stone finally came down the
stairs, his brown hair looked as though he had been running his fingers through
it. She had an overwhelming urge to pat it back down in place. He gave her a
boyish grin, and her heart flipped over.

“I take it you want to talk

As soon as she nodded, Stone
walked across the room, and grabbed her hand. He pulled her toward the couch,
and sat her down. He sat next to her gazing at her. “I’ve had you on my mind
all day. I hadn’t realized how much I hurt you and I’ve just been thinking
about it all since the other day.”

Winter’s heart beat faster,
she was certain that Stone could hear it.

“I have missed you every
single day for over ten years. You are all I want.
You and
Stone lifted her hand to his lips, and kissed it. He gazed
deep into her eyes. His eyes filled with worry and she realized that he was as
afraid as she was.

“I’m sorry, too. I shouldn’t
have put all the blame at your door.”

“Hey,” he whispered as he
wiped away her lone tear. “I love you, Winter McCoy. I never want to make you
cry again. I want us to be partners in this marriage. I want to be able to kiss
you good morning and good night. I want us to sleep in the same bed. I want to
make love with you. I’m so sorry,
, I never wanted
to be your source of pain. I’ve made blunder after blunder trying to get my
way. I’ve made so many mistakes and I swear all I want to do is make it up to

His earnest expression melted
the last of the frost around her heart. She could feel his love. She could see
it in his eyes. “I love you, too. I have for a very long time. I loved the boy
you were but I’m in love with the man you have become.”

Stone sighed in relief. “Thank
God. I wouldn’t have been able to bear it if you didn’t love me.”

She moved closer to him, until
her head was on his shoulder. Being so close to him gave her back her serenity.

Turning his head, he captured
her lips with his. She immediately opened her mouth to him. He deepened the
kiss and she moaned. The passionate kiss started healing her heart. Stone
pulled away and she began to protest but he grabbed her hand and winked.

He led her to the stairs, and
then stopped. He gazed down at her with desire in his eyes. “Are you sure?”

He appeared concerned and she
could see that the usually confident Stone doubted himself. Oddly, it made feel
her more confident. She gazed at the wooden steps,
smiled. “Yes, I’m sure.”

The smile she got in return
warmed her insides. Stone still held her hand as he began to run up the stairs.
It was hard to keep up with him, but she knew it would be worth the climb.

In his bedroom, he sat on the
bed and he gave her one of his sexy grins. In one smooth move, he pulled her
onto the bed and kissed her neck, making her shiver. She could feel her breasts
grow heavy in need. Her nipples hardened, painfully. All she wanted was him.

Kissing him back, she reached
for the bottom of his shirt and started to pull it up. Stone must have realized
what she was doing because he stopped his assault on her neck and pulled his
shirt off for her. His chiseled chest made her mouth dry. Quickly she took her
top off and Stone rid her of her bra.

He immediately played homage
to her breasts. His tongue drove her wild, craving more. She squirmed under
him. The hardness inside his jeans delighted her.

“Stone, I need you.”

“You got me, sugar.” He
stopped sucking her breasts and gazed at her.

“I need all of you.”

He grinned broadly at her and
shucked his pants in record time. Then he peeled off her pants, laughing at her
white lace panties from the cruise. “I was wondering if I’d ever see these on

“Well now that you have,
them off.” Winter licked her lips and winked at him.
She saw his face turn red before he went into action, taking her panties off.

“God, you’re beautiful. I
can’t believe you’re finally mine.”

“Stop talking, cowboy, and
kiss me.” She wrapped her arms around his head, guiding it down for a kiss, a
kiss of love.

She felt his hands explore her
before he put his fingers inside her.

“Waiting for me?” He lifted
his head, staring into her eyes.

Winter was at a loss of words.
She nodded.

Stone gently guided
inside her and plunged to the hilt. He filled her,
excited her, and made her feel wild. Soon she was meeting his thrusting hips
with hers.

He grabbed her ass and brought
her closer. He drove into her deeper, staring into her eyes. Her cry of
pleasure was long and loud. In mid cry, Stone covered her mouth with his. She
felt him stiffen as he drove into her two more times. Then he relaxed.

“Wow.” He gave her one more
kiss then rolled onto his back. Stone gathered her in his well-muscled arms and

The sound of his heart beneath
her ear was comforting. Running her hands over his chest, she relished in its
toned hardness.

“So, you like my manly chest
do you?”

She propped herself up on her
elbow to gaze into his eyes. “No. I mean yes, but that’s not my favorite part.”
The urge to laugh overcame her.

He looked insulted and then
smiled. “Oh I think I know your favorite part.”

She raised her eyebrows.

“It’s the same thing all women
want from me.
genetics really, and well,
practice. A lot of practice helps. I like to practice in front of the mirror.”

“Stone I have no idea. Well I
do have an idea what you are talking about and I don’t think I want to know
about your practice. Besides that’s not the part I was talking about. I like
your rear-end.
The firmness of it.”

Most women would say—”

“I don’t care about other
women.” She started to get out of bed, but Stone hauled her back to his side.


“What about it?”

Stone laughed. “That’s what I
practice in front of the mirror. But, since you mentioned mirrors—”

“Don’t you dare make fun of

“They say you only tease the
ones you love.”

Winter held her breath,
staring at him.

“I love you,

Slowly she let out her breath.
“I love you too, Stone.”

The bed dipped to one side and
before they knew it, Snoopy had pushed his way onto the bed in between them.
Winter laughed. “Does this happen often? I thought Snoopy slept at the end of
Rachael’s bed.”

“Later, he usually comes and
stretches out next to me.”

Winter couldn’t even glimpse
Stone—Snoopy was too big. “How do you get him off the bed?”

“You don’t.”

“I want to snuggle.”

Stone’s laughter rumbled
loudly. “Snuggle with old Snoopy. He’ll keep you warm.”

“You’d better be kidding me.”

She felt the bed dip again and
watched Stone stand at the door. He called for the dog, and Snoopy bounded off the
bed. As soon as he was out the door, Stone closed it.

He slipped back into bed and
pulled her into the circle of his arms. “Now, where were we?”


* * * *


The next day, Stone shoveled
manure into the wheelbarrow and shook his head. He’d found himself humming and
he wasn’t the humming type. He knew the reason. It was the sexy woman in the
His beautiful wife.
Just thinking about last
night had his body electrified and he felt so alive.

Of course, they still had Stu
and Clare to contend with. He’d have to talk to Clare, alone. If it was money
she was after, fine but she was signing papers to give up her rights to
Rachael. Stu he still wasn’t sure about. Maybe he did want to know his daughter
or maybe he just wanted Clare.

Winter wasn’t going to like his
going to see Clare. Maybe she didn’t need to know. He continued to shovel until
the stall was clean. No, he decided he couldn’t see Clare behind
back. They still had trust issues, and he’d learned
the hard way not to lie to her.

“Calving should be soon.
Looks like we have a lot of mamas out there ready to deliver.”
Crabby leaned against the stall door, his cheeks bright red from the wind and
his gray beard looked wilder than usual.

“I thought so, too. We’d
better get these birthing stalls ready for the hard births. Did Henry drive
them all closer to the house?”

Crabby grinned. “You know I
think those dang cows are in love with that cowboy. They just up and follow
him. Maybe it’s the cologne he wears.”

Henry laughed as he walked
into the barn, leading his buckskin. “I have a theory on that. They hate
singing so much they flock to me to get away from
the awful noise he makes.”

“Now, see here you young buck.
I’ll have you know that I’ve been singing to cattle before you were born. I’ve
calmed many a herd with my melodious voice.”

Henry smiled as he took the
saddle of his horse. “How does an old cowpoke like you know two dollar words
like melodious?”

Crabby straighten up and
glowered at Henry. “I know a lot of words. And for your information, I got me a
gal who happens to love my singing.”

Stone was stunned. He never
knew that Crabby had a girlfriend. “How long you been courting?”

BOOK: Winter's Embrace
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