Read Winter's Embrace Online

Authors: Kathleen Ball

Tags: #Romance

Winter's Embrace (11 page)

BOOK: Winter's Embrace
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Chapter Ten



Christmas had never been her favorite holiday but she
was grateful she had people to spend it with. The glow of hope and anticipation
on Rachael’s face awed her, pushing her to make the holiday special.

The guys drank coffee all day and were constantly in
and out of the house. Instead of it being an intrusion, she liked the visits
from Crabby and Henry. Nice men both of them and they always had something nice
to say to Rachael.

It’s mighty cold out there,” Henry said as he took off his boots, coat and hat.
“It’s nice and cozy in here. How are you today,

Finally, he called her
and she beamed. He’d been calling her ma’am the whole time and it grated on
her. “Sit by the fire and I’ll bring your coffee to you.”

He smiled at her until his dimples showed, nodded, and
sat in the big chair closest to the fireplace. “I can’t stay too long.”

“I know. The cattle aren’t going to feed themselves,”
she finished for him. He said the same thing every day. “You know I see you
every day but I don’t know a thing about you.”

He took the coffee she held out to him. “I could say
the same about you. I know what I hear from Stone. You’ll make him a fine wife
and the fact that you want Rachael to be yours is really nice.”

“A fine wife?”
sat in the chair across from him, her own coffee in hand. “I have no plans to
marry anyone. I love Rachael and I do want her to be mine but marriage isn’t

A deep shade of red crept up his face. “I must have
heard wrong.”

“I doubt it, Stone probably told you that little bit
of misinformation. It’s my life and I’m going to take my time and make my own

Henry’s eyebrows furrowed. “I guess Crabby and I had
better stop teasing him about tying the knot.” He took a sip of his coffee and
then set the cup down on the big, square coffee table. “I know what you mean
about wanting to make your own decisions. My ex had me wrapped around her
finger. I was too busy with the rodeo to take much notice but I finally
realized that we only did things she wanted to do and were friends with people
she liked. Until we broke up I felt lucky to have her, with all the hard
traveling from rodeo to rodeo. Once she left, I realized I was friendless, so I
came back home.”

She nodded. “I’m finding that I enjoy making my own
decisions. I’ve always been more of a follower, but now I want to explore new

“Well, I’ve done my exploring. Right now I’m trying to
put down roots and start a new life.” He stood and put his cup in the sink.
“Lots to do.”

She watched as he put on his boots, hat, and coat.
Handsome barely covered it and he was sweet, too.

“Thank you for the coffee and the great conversation,

“My pleasure.”

He walked out into the cold leaving behind warmness
inside her. Why was he so easy to talk to? There was chemistry between her and
Henry. It was hard to miss the appreciative way he looked at her. A new man
wasn’t on her agenda, but it didn’t hurt to look and he was sweet and earnest.

She meant what she said to Stone about taking their
time. It had to be right this go round. How could she love him so deeply but
not like him at the same time?

She was quiet most of the day and into the evening
thinking things through. She felt Stone’s questioning gaze on her the entire
time but at least he knew enough to let her be. Sleep didn’t come easily that

The next morning, she was up early, waiting for the
sun to rise. The silence comforted her and everything was peaceful. Moments
like this were rare. Running from upstairs alerted her that Rachael was up and
she needed to get her day started.

“I need to make Daddy a present,” Rachael said as she
bounced around the kitchen.

“Well we could make your daddy some pictures as a

“All right!
Let's start. I’ll get my crayons.”

Winter hugged Rachael close to her. Her excitement was
contagious. “First we get changed, eat, and wait for your daddy to go do some
work so our pictures will be surprises.”

“Okay. I’ll race you! I’m the fastest dresser in the
west. One, two, three, go!”

Winter watched her race off and closed her eyes,
praying that it would be a day of joy.

They both dressed and headed to the kitchen, Rachael
chatting away. Winter didn’t hear much of what she said as her eyes clashed
with Stone’s gray ones. There was still no denying he made her heart flutter
despite it all.

“What would you like to eat?” she asked.

twirled around and around until she landed in Stone’s lap.
Christmas Eve day, Daddy.”

Stone grinned and kissed her cheek.
too, princess.”
His eyes were shining and
hoped that they were shining for Rachael.

She mixed the pancake batter feeling the heat of
Stone’s gaze upon her. She made the pancakes at record speed while adeptly
avoiding that piercing stare. Why couldn’t she think when he was so close?

“Santa comes tonight,” Rachael said.

“Tell you what, why don’t you run and get Faith, and
we can make her a Christmas bonnet.”

“Can I help?”

smiled at
Rachael’s eagerness as she ran upstairs.

“We need to talk,” Stone
his voice low.

“I know and I appreciate you giving me the space I
needed yesterday. Let’s just save it for after Christmas. I want Rachael to
have a wonderful one.”

Stone pushed back from the table. “Fair enough, I’ll
be back later.” He gave her one long, searching look and frowned. Shaking his
head, he got his gear on and left.

Rachael ran into the kitchen with Faith, her paper,
and big box of crayons. Snoopy followed wagging his tail. “Ready?”

Winter was awed by her enthusiasm. Somehow, Rachael
had quickly rebounded, and
wished she knew her
secret. For her darling cherub’s sake, she put on her brightest smile and
exclaimed at all the art supplies Rachael had.

It was great fun watching her draw. She often licked
her top lip, looking studious. Winter had a feeling that Stone was going to
love his presents. They rolled each drawing up, secured it with a bow and put
them under the tree. Rachael’s look of pride made everything worthwhile.

“Daddy’s going to love our presents. Want to know


“Because they were made with love.
That's most ‘
.” Rachael nodded her head, her
eyes filled with conviction.

Winter grabbed Rachael’s hand, and kissed the back of
it. “How’d you get to be so smart? I’m going to grab my sewing basket and
material from my room. I’ll be right back.”

When she came back down, Rachel had
her crayons all put away.
Winter sat in the big, leather chair
that Stone had moved closer to the fireplace for her. Rachael sat on the arm of
the chair watching while she sewed. Rachael’s expression of admiration filled
her heart.

“Sewing seems real hard. Do you think I can learn?”

Winter touched her cheek. “Of course, when you a bit
older. You are smart enough to learn anything.”

Waiting for Stone had been a big waste of time. He
hadn’t bothered to make an appearance at lunchtime. Winter fed Rachael and
talked her into taking a nap. She was at that age where she didn’t want to take
one. Most of the time
didn’t force the issue,
they usually spent quiet time after lunch, but today she needed a break. Stone
had been acting irritable and her nerves were stretched to the limit. If he
stared at her and frowned as though he was disappointed one more time…

A few of the pictures Rachael drew lay on the table.
They were the ones she didn’t want to give to her father. Winter looked at the
first one full of rainbows and sunshine. Rachael was talented.

The phone rang and she went to answer it. “Hello.”

“I need to speak to Stone. This is his wife, Clare.”

voice almost cracked.

“Is this the housekeeper he got pregnant? You really
shouldn’t allow men to take advantage of you.”

“No, my name is Winter James.”

Clare laughed. “Not the one from Texas?”

Winter stiffened. “Yes, that’s me. I thought you and
Stone were divorced.”

“We are. Are you sleeping with him?
question of course you are, you lucky girl.
That was the best part of
our marriage.
That and his stamina.”

“Do you want me to take a message?”

“Have him call me, thanks.” She hung up.

Winter stared at the phone.
He’d made it sound like they never had sex.
another lie to add to the pile.
A knot formed in her stomach. She
wondered what Clare wanted. Stone said they hadn’t talked since Clare left
Rachael. Why was the truth so hard for him?

“Come on Rachael let’s take a nap. I’m tired how about

“Nope, not tired.”

“Well come lay on the bed with me for a while because
I’m really tired. How about you Snoopy? Are you ready for a nap?”

Snoopy got up from his spot in front of the fire,
barked, ran in a circle, then headed up the stairs. He stood at the top and
barked again.

Rachel shook her head slowly. “I guess if both you and
Snoopy are tuckered out, I’ll watch over you while you sleep.” She grabbed
hand. “Come on the sooner you fall asleep, the
sooner you’ll wake up.”

Biting back a smile,
nodded. The whole sooner speech was what she usually said to Rachael.
“Great thinking, Rachael.”

They decided to pile onto Stone’s bed since it was the
only one they would all fit in. Rachael was tucked in, Snoopy slept at the end
of the bed, and
lay beside Rachael. Rachael
fought sleep for a while but soon her eyes were closed. Sleep eluded
once again.

There was no
needed to move into the other house before she came to hate Stone. His stamina
indeed; he said they didn’t have a physical relationship. Now she wondered what
his definition of physical was. He also said he didn’t talk to Clare, yeah

Turning over, she snuggled into the pillow and
groaned. His scent was on the pillow and, God help her, she loved the way he

Carefully, she got out of the bed and padded down the
stairs. She needed to clear her head. Grabbing her winter clothes, she put them
on and went out the front door in search of fresh, cold, air. It was cold all
right but it also felt good, as though all cobwebs in her mind were being blown
away. All she needed was a few more minutes.

The door opened and when she turned, she came face to
face with a scowling Stone.

“You left Rachael alone? How long have you been out
there?” His expression screamed disapproval.

“Not long, anyway she’s napping.” Taking a deep
breath, she slowly let it out. “Oh, Clare called and she’d like a call back.”

“She called here?” His eyes narrowed

“Yes she did, about an hour ago.”

“I guess I should call her back. Now why did you leave
Rachael alone?” He folded his arms and gave her a piercing stare.

“What are you talking about? I’m standing outside the
front door.”

“The back door was unlocked, that’s how I got in. I
would think you’d want Rachael safe.”

“Lower your voice, you’ll wake her up,” she whispered
sharply, “I think you’re mad and crazy and you are taking all your anger out on
me. I don’t think this is about Rachael at all. I know you want to talk but now
isn’t the time.”

“When exactly will be a good time? I’ve given you the
you asked for. I don’t know what
your game is, but it stinks.”

What are you talking about? I just want to have a nice Christmas. I don’t want
to have to think about what’s going on with us. Let’s just take it slow.”

He set his jaw and shook his head at her again. “I’m
starting to think that take it slow means never.” He stepped back into the
house and closed the door on her face.


* * * *


Rudeness wasn’t him, but she made him so dang mad.
They weren’t on the same page at all. He thought he and Rachael were a package
deal and
didn’t see it that way.

BOOK: Winter's Embrace
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