Read Winter Blockbuster 2012 Online

Authors: Trish Morey,Tessa Radley,Raye Morgan,Amanda McCabe

Winter Blockbuster 2012 (28 page)

BOOK: Winter Blockbuster 2012
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They found an alcove in the lounge, and Laurel sank onto a plush seat. Rakin gave an order to a cocktail waitress, then joined her on the wide cushion.

“I think my grandfather would’ve approved of you.”

“The same grandfather who brokered your mother’s marriage to your father?”

Laurel nodded. “The very same.”

“And why do you think he would have approved of me?”

“According to my mother, he did his very best to repair the Winthrop family fortune in any way he could before he
hit on the idea of the marriage to a Kincaid. It was an absolute rule in my grandfather’s house that none of his children were allowed to gamble. Mom said that he was furious when his eldest brother lost Captain’s Watch after betting on the horses.”

“Captain’s Watch?”

“The Winthrop family beach house.” It had been in the family since the eighteen hundreds. “Grandfather Winthrop paid Dad a visit shortly after Mom and Dad were married—and Dad agreed to do his best to buy it back. I believe it wasn’t easy, and it cost him a small fortune. But it was worth every cent.” Laurel could visualize the view from the wide windows of the beach house out to the sea. When her father’s will was read, Laurel discovered that her father had known exactly how much she loved the beach house: he’d left it to her in his will. “We spent endless summer vacations there. It’s one of my favorite places.”

“Then you must share it with me one day.”

Before Laurel could respond, the waitress returned with a glass of champagne and a frosted cola on a silver tray.

Laurel eyed the glass, then slid Rakin an amused glance. “You’re not intending to get me tipsy, are you?”

Rakin looked a little uncomfortable, and she instantly regretted teasing him.

“No, no,” he denied as he signed for the drinks. “I wanted to remind you that despite your losses on the roulette table, today is all about fun—it’s meant to be a time for new experiences. I wouldn’t deliberately set out to get you drunk.”

Laurel touched his arm.

“Sorry, that was a joke. It was in very bad taste. Of course I don’t believe you’re trying to get me tipsy. Why would you?”

Laurel’s perception was chillingly acute, Rakin decided.
He’d hoped a couple of glasses of champagne would make her more malleable.

She leaned forward, and the movement caused light to shimmer across the bare skin above the strapless black gown. It took willpower not to let his eyes linger on the smooth flesh, the kind of willpower he’d been practicing all night.

“Thank you so much for taking the time to come with me to Vegas,” she was saying, and he was conscious of the feather-light caress of her fingers against his jacket. “I am having fun.”

Ignoring the urge to stroke that pearlescent skin, Rakin reminded himself fiercely that this wasn’t a date—it was a business meeting. And it was past time he put his proposal to her. “Las Vegas has met your expectations?”

She lifted her hand, and took a small sip of the bubbling wine, then set the glass down. She smiled warmly at him. “It’s been much better! And that makes me appreciate your company all the more. I do realize you’re a busy man—and you’re getting nothing out of this.”

He hesitated.

The pause stretched too long, and her smile froze.

“Actually there is something I want to ask of you,” he murmured.

Wariness dulled the sparkle in her emerald eyes. “You want something from me.”

Rakin hesitated, searching for the right words.

“Is it sex?”

He blinked. Sex? Had he betrayed himself moments ago?

“Is that why you invited me to Vegas? Was that all that today was about?” she accused scooting away along the seat. “Softening me up to get me into bed?”

He couldn’t deny that he’d been purposely softening her up. Hell, he’d wanted her to be receptive. But not for… sex.

“I thought you were different.”

Laurel was already on her feet, gathering up her purse. In a moment she was going to walk away and leave him sitting here like a fool. And the opportunity would be gone.

“Not sex,” he said quickly.

But she didn’t halt.

“Laurel… don’t go!” He reached forward and caught her hand. Her fingers were stiff with outrage. Before she could yank her fingers free and storm away, he said, “Sex is not what I’m after. Sit down. Listen to my proposition—it has advantages for your family.”

Her fingers stopped wriggling. “A business proposition?”

“Yes.” Rakin knew it was now or never. “I want you to marry me.”


Laurel couldn’t believe she’d heard Rakin right.

Shocked, she sank back onto the padded cushions in the recesses of the alcove and stared at the stark figure in the formal suit, his shirt pristine white and collar crisp and crease-free. A beautifully knotted narrow tie completed the picture.

He didn’t look insane.

He looked dark, intense… and utterly gorgeous. Her heart skipped a beat. Scanning his face she took in the taut cheekbones, the lack of humor in his eyes. There were no signs of the fun companion who’d entertained her all day long.

“You’re serious.”

“Completely.” Challenge glinted in that enigmatic gaze as he let her fingers go.

Giving a light, incredulous laugh, she spread her hands. “I can’t marry a man I hardly know.”

He tilted his head back against the high, padded back of the booth, and the gaze that locked with hers held raw intensity.
“Laurel, there’s nothing to fear. I am a businessman—utterly respectable and a little boring.”

She didn’t fear him. But to take a risk and marry a man she barely knew… the grandson of a Middle Eastern prince? Laurel wasn’t so sure about the wisdom. “You’re not boring,” she said at last.

The warmth that seeped into the dark eyes caused a funny stir deep in her chest.

“Does that mean you will agree to marry me?” he asked softly.

Tipping her head to one side, Laurel tried to ignore the way her heart had rolled over and considered him. “You don’t even mention love.”

“So you want love? A proposal wrapped up in sweet words? Should I kneel on one knee before you?”

She shook her head slowly. “If I still dreamed of that kind of love I would’ve snatched the bouquet that Kara tossed at me.”

Rakin gave her a slow, appreciative smile. “You’re a realist. We haven’t known each other long at all… and although I would like to think we’ve discovered much in common, I wouldn’t insult your intelligence by talking of love so soon.”

“Thank you—I think.”

She was still trying to make sense of his bombshell proposal. He’d said that her family would benefit from the proposition. But what was in it for him? Her mind leapt from one scenario to the next. But none of them made any sense.

“You’ve asked me to marry you, but I still have no idea why.”

The smile still lurked in his eyes. “You’re a very beautiful woman, you must know that.”

She could sense that he was prevaricating, even as she countered, “Beauty doesn’t guarantee that a marriage will
succeed—you only need to look at my mother’s marriage to know that. You implied you were putting a business proposition to me—I didn’t expect a marriage proposal.”

“My marriage proposal
a business proposition.”

Laurel started to laugh.

He sat forward, and his knee pressed against hers. “Believe me, it’s not as crazy as it sounds. My grandfather has been threatening to change his will and disinherit me for years for not forming an alliance with the various women he has picked out for me—each time I have ignored his threats, because he is an irascible old man with plenty of life still left in him. He will cheat death for a while yet. But recently the threats have intensified. He no longer merely threatens to disinherit me on his death—now he has vowed he will force the board to vote me out as CEO. And, not satisfied with that, he will also transfer the controlling stocks he holds in the Abdellah business empire to my cousin. All this will be done if I am not married by my thirty-sixth birthday. It is no longer a matter of waiting until he dies to find out whether he has made good on his threats—he intends to disenfranchise me within the next year.”

Rakin’s face was a study in frustration.

“I have no intention of being robbed of the company. I have spent many hours of my life working to expand the Gifts of Gold division until it has become a first-class supplier of soft furnishings and luxury linens.”

She knew from listening to Eli rave about his friend that every word Rakin spoke was true. He’d built up a network of clients across the finest hotel chains and resorts in the world, including Eli’s.

“So I need a wife.”

At that, Laurel couldn’t help being conscious of the solid weight of his leg resting against hers. Even through his trousers
and the sheer stockings that she wore, she could feel the warmth of his flesh. But she didn’t shift away. “Will your grandfather really go through with such a pointless threat? Surely it would harm the family as much as you?”

“It’s not pointless to him. He’s a proud man—and he’s accustomed to having things his way. Right now he doesn’t care about profits. He wants me to marry, and this is the way he intends to bend me to his will.”

“Who will run the company if he wrests control from you?”

“Ah, my grandfather already has that sorted out. The cousin to whom he is transferring the controlling stocks on my thirty-sixth birthday will be ushered in as the new CEO of Gifts of Gold. None of the board would dare act against my grandfather’s orders.”

“This cousin is married?”

“He is engaged—to a woman my grandfather handpicked for him.” Rakin’s lip curled up.

Understanding dawned. “You and your cousin don’t see eye to eye?”

The sharp incline of his head confirmed her suspicion. “Zafar hates me. He would destroy me if he could, and I would die before I allowed Zafar to take this from me… so I will be married first.”

“Wouldn’t it be more advantageous for you also to marry a woman your grandfather had chosen for you?”

Rakin’s eyebrows drew together, giving him a formidable air. “That would give him too much power over me.” The frown relaxed. “Besides, even if he scoured the whole earth, my grandfather could find no better candidate than you.”

Laurel could feel her cheeks heating. “That is shameless flattery!”

“Not at all. You are beautiful and presentable. You are well
connected… and incredibly gracious.” Leaning farther forward he captured one of her hands. “And, to make sure you are equally happy, I will also make sure that our marriage will lead to benefits for The Kincaid Group.”

Laurel jerked upright at his touch. “What kind of benefits?”

He had her.

Rakin was certain of it. She was going to agree to marry him—exactly as he’d hoped. He let her hand go and sat back. Not far away he could hear the chiming of a slot machine announcing a winner, the whoops of celebration that followed.

He focused on the woman beside him, the woman he was determined to have as his wife. “There are many exporters and importers in Diyafa—they rely on shipping containers to transport their products around the world. I will see to it that they are introduced to your family’s business. I will do everything I can to expand the profile of The Kincaid Group within my circle.”

“You wouldn’t expect me to give up my role in the company?”

Laurel was even starting to speak as though their marriage was a fait accompli. Satisfaction spread through Rakin. “Our marriage would be temporary—such a drastic sacrifice would not be required.”

“How temporary?”

Rakin shrugged, impatient with her insistence. “Once we are married, my grandfather will sign the stocks over to me, I will have control of the company… and you will be free to leave—to return to Charleston, and your family, for good.”

She shifted to the edge of the seat, and the rogue tendril of hair fell forward. She brushed it back impatiently, and the pendant lights illuminating the alcove turned her diamond
drop earrings to a cascade of sparkles. “But you would expect me to live in Diyafa, right?”

He nodded and crossed one leg over the other, keeping his pose deliberately casual, taking care not to spook her. A few minutes more… that was all it was going to take. “Otherwise my grandfather would not accept that our marriage was legitimate—and I cannot afford him to doubt the veracity of our union. But there would be compensations for living in Diyafa for part of the year. I travel a lot—and I’d expect you to be by my side. I make regular business trips to the United States, so you would see plenty of your family. You could continue doing public relations work for your family’s business. I would never stop you. The technology in Diyafa is groundbreaking; you could work there with everything at your fingertips. I travel to many countries, too. Think about it, you would be able to work through that list of yours.”

“What do you know about my List?” Laurel was staring at him, green eyes wide with shock.

He tried to keep the smugness out of his smile. It hadn’t taken him long to fathom what was on her list. “It’s obvious that you have a list of places you want to travel to. I know Vegas is on there for certain, you mentioned adding Lake Como—and you may even have considered Diyafa.”

Rakin got the feeling she was debating something.

He certainly couldn’t afford for her to have second thoughts now.

“Laurel, I will take you everywhere you wish to travel. We would visit the Taj Mahal, I would take you to the Tower of London. You could sip French champagne beside the Seine in the spring time. You will never regret the adventures you will experience.”

The doubt vanished and her expression filled with yearning.
“That’s not fair. You’re chipping away at my weakest point.”

Of course, he knew that. For someone who had confessed to never having traveled much and always wanted to, he was offering the dream of a lifetime.

“It’s not a weakness to have a dream.”

There was an expression in her eyes that he did not recognize. “You’re offering to fulfill my dream?”

He didn’t need her romanticizing him. He was, after all, not the love of her life that his mother had thought his father to be. He wanted no misunderstandings. He was, after all, only a man. “It’s not one-sided. Don’t forget that I will get what I need, too.”

BOOK: Winter Blockbuster 2012
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