Read Wild Renegade Online

Authors: Andria Large

Wild Renegade (20 page)


Are you sure?" Raelynn asks. "We don't want to impose."


are you really questioning that? Thank you, Lizette, we'd appreciate it,"
Sebastian says. "I mean, look at this place, for shit's sake, I'm sure
they have room for ten more people if need be."


see Beau snickering out of the corner of my eye.
Lizette is laughing softly, too. Raelynn,
though, is glaring at her husband. I glance over at Nicole who is finally
smiling. I think it's the first time I've seen her smile since everything
happened. So I guess it was a good thing that Raelynn and Sebastian showed up.
I think Nicole needed more than just my love and support; she needed her family,
too. And Raelynn and Sebastian are definitely her family, and now, even more so
than her own family.

Chapter Twelve




Las Vegas. I've never been to Las Vegas before and riding down the main strip
in the bus is an amazing sight. We get to the hotel a little past three pm, but
we only have time to drop off our things before we have to head to the venue to
get ready for the concert. Ace promises that he will take me out after the
concert so I can see the strip when it's dark out.


been a month and a half since everything with Hillary happened. My neck is fully
healed and only a thin pink scar is left as a reminder. The doctor said it would
continue to fade with time. Ace still has nightmares every now and then but
they seem to be coming less and less frequently now. Alex is working hard to
get back into condition so that he can go with us on the European tour; in the meantime,
Dennis is with us, and is doing a fantastic job. Lizette is very happy having
her brother so close.


is only a month left on the tour. With everything that's happened, it ended up
running a little longer than six months because of all the rescheduling that
had to be done. But it's okay, it's all working out, and the fans are still
happy. Ace and I are also very happy now that our lives have seemed to calm
down and the craziness is gone. The love I have for him just keeps growing every
day. I cannot wait to marry him. Yeah, we've only been together for about five
months or so, but I know this is right; I know this is forever. If the things
we've been through couldn't break us up then nothing will.


concert time and the opening number starts. The guys are singing, us dancers
are dancing, and the crowd is screaming. I'm having one of the best times of
the whole tour for some reason. I'm just in a really good mood today. At one point
during the second number, I do a little dance with Ace and before I walk away,
he squeezes my hand and points down to the front row. I look down and am
shocked by who is standing there, screaming and clapping and waving - Raelynn,
Sebastian, and my sister, Gina. I swear the smile that takes over my face is
bright enough to blind people. I also can't help but laugh when I see what
Sebastian is wearing. He's wearing a Renegade T-shirt that is two sizes too
small, so when he lifts his arms up, his stomach shows. He put his hair into
two tiny pigtails on top of his head and he has “I 'heart' Ace” written in red
on his forehead. Plus, he's jumping up and down and screaming like one of the
girls. I swear the guy is certifiable. I had seen Ace laughing a couple of times
earlier and now I know why.


can't believe they are here! This makes my night even better. The rest of the
concert goes by pretty quickly and before I know it, we're taking our final bow
and racing off stage. I take a quick shower, blow dry my hair, and do my makeup,
before leaving the dressing room. Ace told me earlier that we are going to go
out right after the concert, so I make sure that I look my best. I'm wearing a
sexy white dress that Ace bought for me about a week ago. It's completely
backless, the straps hook around my shoulders, and that's it. The front is a
high scoop neck and is covered in beads and sequins. The skirt of the dress is
a flowy type of material and stops about mid-thigh. It's beautiful and I'm glad
that I'm getting the chance to wear it out.


I walk out of the dressing room, Ace is standing down a little ways talking
with Raelynn, Gina, and Sebastian, who has now changed into gray dress pants
and a green dress shirt. His forehead is clean and his hair is fixed. He looks
great, as usual. Ace, too, is looking fantastic. He's also wearing dress pants,
but his are black and he has on a dark blue dress shirt with a dark gray vest
over that. Gina and Raelynn are dressed up and looking beautiful, too. My
stomach flutters nervously for some reason. Ace is the first to look over and
see me. His smile widens and his eyes shimmer with love and adoration as he
looks at me.


baby, you look gorgeous," he says and gives me a kiss on the cheek so not
to mess up my lipstick.


so do you," I say before turning to my sister and friends. "What are
you guys doing here?"


shrugs. "We wanted to see you in action at least once, and what better
place to party than in Las Vegas?"


shake my head and hug all three of them.


have dinner reservations just a few blocks down. We can walk it if you ladies
are up for it," Ace says.


I exclaim excitedly.


chuckles. So we head out. Dennis is with us, of course, and Sebastian assures
us that he can kick some ass if he has to. We walk a couple of blocks and come
up on the famous Little White Wedding Chapel. Raelynn squeals and grabs
Sebastian's hand.


on baby, let’s have Elvis renew our vows," she says excitedly.


eyes light up. "Yeah?"


Come on!" she says and tugs him forward.


all laugh and have no choice but to follow them inside. When we walk in, I see
Raelynn and Sebastian enter one of the chapels. I follow, knowing that Ace,
Dennis, and Gina are right behind me. When I look into the chapel, I see the
rest of the guys, Lizette, and Alex standing on either side of the aisle,
smiling like fools. I blink in confusion and turn around to ask Ace what is
going on. I find him down on one knee behind me, holding up a little blue box.
My hands fly up to cover my mouth as I gasp.


you know I love you more than life itself.
I want to spend the rest of my life with
you. Will you marry me? Right here, right now?" he asks, his hopeful blue
eyes staring up at me.


opens the ring box, revealing a stunning heart shaped pink diamond ring. It
matches the necklace that he got me for Christmas. It's also HUGE. This isn't something
that I need to even think about. I already know my answer.


you kidding me?" I laugh as I blink back tears. "Of course I


grin lights up his whole face as he stands and yanks me into his arms. The room
erupts into cheers and whistles. Ace lets me go, takes the ring out of the box,
and slides it on my finger. It fits perfectly. My breath catches at how
gorgeous it is. Ace gives me a quick peck on the cheek.


right here," he says before making his way down the aisle.


gives me a kiss on the cheek and whispers his congrats before joining the crowd
inside the chapel. Gina taps my shoulder. I turn to look at her. She's smiling
brightly with tears welling in her eyes. I give her a hug.


sends her love. She wanted to be here but the tension between her and daddy is
already bad, and she didn't want to make it worse. But she wants you to know
that she loves you and wants you to be happy," she whispers to me.


squeeze her tighter and nod. I let her go and quickly brush the tears away
before they mess up my makeup. She hands me one of the two small bouquets of
flowers that she has. I have no idea where they came from. She steps in front
of me. Raelynn comes back through the chapel doors with her own bouquet. She
comes to stand between Gina and me.


you don't mind if I'm your Matron of Honor." She smirks.


shake my head. "I wouldn't want anyone else."


see Ace standing up at the altar with Dean and Alex standing there with him.
Elvis appears from a side door and takes his place as the minister. I can't
stop the laugh that bubbles up out of me. I slap my hand over my mouth to cover
it. The music starts, an Elvis song of course,
It's Now or Never,
and Gina starts down the aisle. Raelynn goes
next. Just when I think I'm walking down the aisle by myself, Sebastian appears
at my side and offers his elbow. I smile gratefully up at him and slip my arm
through his. It's then that I realize why Ace bought me this dress. It's my
freaking wedding dress! Unbelievable!




now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss your bride," Elvis says.


and I smile at each other before I wrap her in my arms and kiss the hell out of
her. The ceremony was short and sweet and to the point. We exchanged rings,
which I had specially made. Nicole's band attaches to her engagement ring. She
is very excited about that. After our kiss ends, we sign the marriage license
right there. I still can't believe that this is happening. I’m over the moon
happy right now. We get hugs and kisses from everyone, Nicole practically jumping
on Alex when it's his turn. We haven't seen him since we left New York. Alex
gives her a big hug and kiss on the cheek before letting her go.


celebrate, we find the nearest club. We drink and dance until five in the
morning. When we get back to the hotel that we're staying at, everyone stumbles
back to their respective rooms. I didn't tell Nicole, but while we were putting
on the concert, I had Lizette come back here and upgrade us to a honeymoon
suite. Nicole's so drunk that she doesn't even realize that we're on a totally
different floor and our room now has double doors. I open one door and scoop
her up. She giggles uncontrollably as I carry her into the room. As I cross the
threshold, Nicole's head hits the doorframe.


she laughs and rubs her head.


can't help but laugh because she's laughing. I set her on her feet inside the
room and cup her face. We are both giggling as I try to stare into her eyes;
it's kinda hard when there
two of her.


my god, are you okay?" I slur.


nods. She's laughing so hard that she snorts, which makes both of us burst out
laughing all over again. I somehow get the door shut and locked before going
back to Nicole. She slips her arms around my neck.


Mr. Vaughn?" she says and it comes out in a British accent for whatever


snicker. "Yes, Mrs. Vaughn?" I reply, trying my damnedest not to sway
too much.


think that you should take me in the bathroom and fuck me against the wall like
you did the first time we slept together," she whispers loudly.


I can barely stand, let alone pick you up to fuck you. I mean, I just banged
your head against the wall walking into the room," I reply, motioning
wildly at the door.


laughs. "Yeah, you're probably right."


stumble over to the bedroom, still wrapped up in each other's arms. It's then
that Nicole realizes that the room is different. She stops just outside the
bedroom door and looks around with an exaggerated frown on her pretty face.


room are we in? We didn't have a couch and stuff before."


been upgraded to the honeymoon suite," I tell her.


turns to look at me, a seductive look replacing her confused one. "Oooh,
honeymoon suite," she purrs, wagging her eyebrows at me.


chuckle and pull her into the bedroom. We swiftly undress each other and climb
into the bed. I'm on top of Nicole, kissing her neck, and I start to move down
her body when I realize that she's not really participating. Usually, she's
running her hands over me or through my hair or something. When I glance up, I
find that she's fallen asleep. I smile and shake my head. I guess sex is not on
the menu for tonight. I roll off her and lie down next to her. I pull up the
covers and snuggle up next to my wife. Damn, that sounds so right. My wife.


don't know how long I've been sleeping for, but I'm having the best dream.
Nicole is giving me the best blowjob ever. I moan. I slowly feel myself coming
awake and I try to fight it. No! I want to stay in my dream! Then Nicole nips
at my hip and I jolt awake. I blink and rub my eyes. I'm just about to groan in
disappointment when I feel her warm tongue run up the underside of my cock. I
suck in a sharp breath and lift my head. Our eyes meet. My cock jumps in
excitement, making her chuckle low.


Nikki, I thought I was dreaming," I rasp, my voice still rough from sleep
and drinking last night.


this is my apology for falling asleep on you last night," she murmurs
before pulling me into her hot mouth.


hiss and roll my hips. I reach down and thread my fingers into her hair so that
I can guide her to the rhythm I want. She smooths her hands over my hips and
stomach. I moan. I drop my head back to my pillow and close my eyes. Her mouth
feels so fucking good. Nicole reaches up father and plucks one of my barbells.
My whole body jolts from the pleasure I get from her doing that. She does it
again and I cry out as my hands curl into fists in her hair. I can feel my
orgasm building in the pit of my stomach. She reaches her other hand up and I
wait in anticipation for her to play with both barbells. She grabs them both
and pulls. I let out a guttural shout and yank her head up so that her mouth
releases me. My cock pulses as I come all over my stomach. She smiles and
continues to torture my nipples as I twitch and tremble under her.

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