Wicked Wind (Solsti Prophecy #1) (38 page)

Yeah, there’s one other thing

“What?” She clutched his hand, squeezing it tightly.

“A lock of your hair will change color to match mine. And one of mine will change to your color.”

She frowned and looked at him as if he had sprouted a second head. “That’s crazy.”

He nodded. “It’s true.”

“How come Taszim and Larissa didn’t have that?”

“First of all, the wood nymphs all have brown hair, so it may not have been obvious. Also, it may not happen in the nymph species. But it most definitely happens for demons.”

She bolted off the bed and ran to look in the mirror over the dresser. Peering at her reflection, she said, “I’m still blond.”

He loved that she was so comfortable running around his room—their room—stark naked. Folding his hands behind his head, he soaked up the view of her perfect ass, hips thrust backward as she leaned over his dresser. “It may take a few hours.”

“What if a person tries to color it? Or cut it off?”

Are you trying to get rid of me already?

“No!” She returned to the bed, settling next to him. “I’m just curious. I never would have imagined this.”

“Hair dye won’t take to the mate lock. And if it gets cut, it’ll grow back within a day.”

“Oh.” She laid on her side, facing him and smiling, her fingers drawing slow circles on his chest. Joy saturated the air between them.

Through the window, gray streaks of dawn shot across the autumn sky. The longest day of his life had become the best day of his life. And he couldn’t imagine another sunrise slipping by without this woman at his side. He stared into her luminous green eyes and threaded his hand into her hair before kissing her again. “I will always love you,” he whispered against her lips.

Nicole slowly drifted awake in Gunnar’s big bed. Happiness uncurled as a contented smile that tugged her lips up, and her mind registered his presence in the house. She snuggled deeper under the sheet, blocking the bright light streaming in the window, remembering what they had done in this bed not too long ago.

She thought sex with Gunnar was hot and intense, addictive even. But nothing could compare to how it changed after the mate bond formed. She could feel his desire and love—heck, his orgasms too—right along with her own. It was sex on steroids, with a nuclear fallout of erotic heat. They’d consumed each other in a hurricane of bliss as night surrendered to dawn’s insistent rays.

So much had happened over the last several days that she was still trying to process it all.
There’s no rush—I’ve got time
. And right now, all she wanted to think about was her new mate.

She rolled back the other way, about to kick off the sheet, when she saw Brooke sitting in the big armchair across the room. Her sister glanced up from her smart phone and grinned. ”About time you woke up.”

“You’re back! What time is it?” Nicole bolted upright, forgetting she was naked beneath the sheet.

Without missing a beat, Brooke tossed a pile of fabric at her. Nicole fist pumped the air when she saw that they were fresh clothes from their condo. “You stopped by our place! You’re the best.”

“Yeah, I violated direct orders from Demon Central.” Brooke rolled her eyes. “I knew that if I needed more things, you probably did too. And it’s almost five in the afternoon.”

How did I sleep the whole day away?
She shrugged, deciding that she deserved it after everything that happened. “How was your trip?” She wiggled into the panties and bra, then pulled on the short sleeved black tee and jeans.

“Completely uninteresting. But I hear you had quite the adventure yesterday. I mean, I leave for a few days and you get kidnapped, chained in a basement, and…

Nicole’s expression fell and she turned to face her sister. “Don’t be mad, Brooke. Things happened really fast, I’ll admit, but everything will be okay. And we’re not married, exactly. We’re mated.”

Brooke was staring at her as if she had just spoken Greek. Her gray eyes narrowed and she said in a low voice, “
did you do to your hair?”

Nicole gasped and rocketed off the bed to peer into the mirror once again. There, on the left side of her head, falling straight down from her side part, was a lock of hair as dark as a moonless night in central Illinois. It stood out in sharp contrast to the rest of her blond hair. She felt her jaw drop in wonder as she touched it, tugged at it, and finally tucked it behind her ear. “The mate lock,” she said softly.

Behind her, Brooke huffed out a breath. She sat back in the chair and crossed her arm over her chest. “Okay, Nic, you’ve got some explaining to do.”

Nicole fought the desire to run through the house looking for Gunnar to see if he was now sporting his own blond lock of hair. She owed her sister an explanation. Or twenty. Since Brooke had already heard about yesterday’s events with Maeron and his minions, she started by explaining the mate bonding process–and its ancillary effects–as best she could.

“I still don’t understand how you didn’t know it was going to happen,” Brooke grumbled.

“Well, it wasn’t like we said vows or anything. I guess all it took was both of us realizing that we were truly meant to be together. And then after we told each other, and knew we both felt the same way, the bond just…took over. I love him, Brooke.”

“Then I’m happy for you. I mean, he seems like a nice guy. And he’s nuts about you. I guess I’ll just have a little less sister time now. But…” she paused. “Hmm. I’m gaining a brother-in-law. Do you think he can change that ugly light fixture in our dining room?”

Nicole walked over to tug on her sister’s hand. “You won’t have less sister time. Now that we know our purpose, we’ll be working on new skills all the time. We have to get ready for the mysterious Armageddon that we’re supposed to stop.”

“Yeah, that little matter. The one where we’re supposed to get Gin on board.” She shook her head. “These guys have no idea what they’re in for.”

Nicole smiled and touched her newly dark lock. “I guess I’ll be doing a video chat with Gin tonight. Wanna back me up?”

“Oh, I’ll sit with you for the chat, but you have to do the explaining.” Brooke gave her a big grin. Then her expression turned pensive. “I was wondering…are you going to live here now?”

“Gunnar and I haven’t talked about it yet. But I guess I will.”

“Well, I would prefer not to.” Brooke held up a hand when Nicole opened her mouth to protest. “Look, I know it’s a beautiful house, but it’s not our home. I’m not one of the guys, even though they’re nice enough. And you’re in the throes of honeymoon bliss. I’ll feel like the third wheel. So…I want to keep our condo.”

“Brooke, you won’t be safe there. You heard about the demons that attacked me yesterday. And the ones that attacked us on Torth. What if they come here? They’re vicious. And we aren’t invincible.”

“I know safety is an issue. But I had an idea. I heard about the old grimoire that Rilan is translating. I’ve already talked to him about it…he said there are some good warding spells in there. He can ward the condo. He can even put some mild, generic wards on the whole building. It’ll be the safest place in the city.”

Nicole pursed her lips. “I just worry about you.”

“The feeling’s mutual,” Brooke replied. “I hated watching you go through that portal. I didn’t know if you’d ever come back.”

Nicole pulled her sister into a hug. “I know our world has just turned upside down. I love you. Nothing will change that.”

“Okay, big sis. Love you, too.” Brooke stepped back but held onto one of Nicole’s hands. “Now, let’s go downstairs and find your man. You can stop glancing at the door already.”

Nicole scrunched up her face. “Was I that obvious?”

“Chica, you may as well have a neon sign.” Brooke pulled her through the door and they started down the steps. “And, just so you know, he gets the
grin on his face whenever your name is mentioned. Which, during the story about yesterday’s adventures, was constantly.”

Nicole beamed. “Brooke, I’m so happy.”

“I know. I’m happy for you. Just don’t make me an aunt right away. I don’t do diapers.”

“No, no! There won’t be any baby demons for a very long time!” She laughed and shook her head. They rounded the corner to the kitchen, and Nicole stopped short when she spied Gunnar standing in the great room with the rest of the Lash demons.

He had been waiting for her, she realized, and rather impatiently. But he’d known that she and Brooke needed to talk. Her heart swelled in her chest as she spotted the bright blond lock on his head, nestled among his glossy black hair. It stood out like a beacon, telling the world that he was mated. To her. She ran to him and jumped into his strong arms. He spun her around once before setting her down and kissing her senseless. When he pulled back to let her breathe, she reached up and reverently touched his blond mate lock.

His eyes glowed with possession and love as he gazed down at her, taking in her newly darkened lock. He took her left hand in his. “I have something for you.”

She sucked in a breath as she felt the cool press of metal against her finger. Looking down, she felt her jaw drop as she stared at the large round diamond set in a band of gems. “Oh my gosh,” she said in breathless surprise. “It’s beautiful.” The facets mirrored each other endlessly, the depths of the diamond glowing with a rainbow of colors.

“Not as beautiful as you. Take a closer look.”

She complied, peering at the band. The other stones were emeralds, two on each side of the diamond. “I love it.”

“I chose emeralds because of your eyes,” he explained, “And there are four of them to represent you and your sisters.”

Her jaw dropped again, and this time tears of joy welled in her eyes. “I love you.”

“And I love you.” He lowered his head to kiss her again. “Always.”


Sharon Kay was bitten early by the writing bug. At age twelve she wrote a short story, about a magic ring, that won a statewide Young Authors contest. With her nose always in a book, she read the most novels for her age group in her local library’s summer reading program.

In her teens, writing took a back seat to fashion, as she was determined to find clothes different from what everyone else bought at the mall. And what she couldn’t find, she created. She learned to sew, worked in a fabric store after school, and spent her spare time with a needle in hand. Her black and orange prom dress is still one of her favorite creations.

She majored in apparel design in college, spending her summers working in costume shops and bridal boutiques. She worked for ten years in the Chicago garment industry, then switched her focus to apparel production logistics before becoming a stay at home mom.

Sharon lives in the Chicago area with her husband and son, and didn’t expect to write again. But Wicked Wind and the Solsti series formed in her head one weekend and refused to stay quiet until she put pen to paper. Her characters tend to keep her up at night, as they banter, fall in love, and slay endless varieties of power-hungry demons.

Sharon loves to hear from readers! You can find her at:

[email protected]





Book Two

The Solsti Prophecy Series

Making daggers out of raindrops is only the tip of the iceberg for Brooke Bonham.

As one of four women who can control the elements, her ability to manipulate water packs a deluge of potential. Eager to learn more, she’s frustrated at the precautions she must take to avoid the wrong kind of attention on Earth. The next step looms like a beautiful-yet-threatening tsunami: honing her skill in the demon realm of Torth.

Kai’s duties as a Lash demon have kept him busy on Earth for nearly two hundred years. Fighting? He was born to do it. Females? They’re drawn to him. And Earth? The perfect place for him to avoid supernatural bounty hunters.

His attitude grates on Brooke’s nerves like shards of glass. He’s rude, sarcastic, and so infuriatingly sexy that when he’s around, her concentration shatters. Though the two of them mix like oil and water, Kai senses that beneath Brooke’s frosty exterior hides a vortex of simmering passion. He’s determined to thaw his ice princess.

Forced to work together in the immortal realm, they track a rogue Lash demon at the helm of a widespread kidnapping operation. All too soon, Kai’s dark past catches up to them. Time runs out as a second enemy, bent on revenge, vows to stop at nothing short of Brooke’s enslavement and Kai’s death.

At Kai’s side, Brooke accomplishes unthinkable feats. In his arms, she learns the secrets of a battle-scarred fighter. But as they and their foes stalk each other in a demonic game of cat-and-mouse, will her evolving skills and their fledgling bond be enough to save them?

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