Read Wicked Edge Online

Authors: Nina Bangs

Wicked Edge (26 page)

Feeling cool enough to continue, Passion looked back at him. “I was in the great hall waiting for Hope when Murmur and Bain walked past. They didn’t see me.” She quickly told him what she’d heard Murmur say. For whatever reason, she kept Bain’s comments to herself.

By the time she’d finished, he was already standing. “I’m going to have a talk with our music demon. Now.” His voice was flat—no rage, no emotion.

And that scared her more than if he’d ranted and threatened. “Maybe you should wait until the others are with you.”

“What others?” Edge looked insulted. “I’m Death. I don’t need any help.” He pulled the door open and strode into the hallway.

She ran after him. “This isn’t about needing help. It’s about thinking things through and coming up with a strategy.”

He didn’t even look at her. “Nothing to think through. He’s threatening us with his demons.”

“He didn’t exactly say that. It sounded as though someone tried to hire him, but he still hadn’t made up his mind.” She was having trouble keeping up with his long strides.

“What do you know about war, Passion? Nothing. And make no mistake, this
war. You never give the enemy time to prepare. A preemptive strike saves a bunch of headaches later.”

“Preemptive strike? Are you crazy?”

For a moment, his shoulders stiffened as though from a blow.

Edge finally glanced at her. “Relax. I’m not going in with guns blazing.”

Passion didn’t believe him. The realization made her stomach churn. Where was her trust? How could she think about a future with him when something that important was missing?
Listen to yourself. You have
chance of a future with him. You
had one.

“But if you don’t trust me, then I guess you should go back to your room. Thanks for passing on the information. I’ll take it from here.”

Shocked at his icy tone, she stopped and stared as he walked away from her without a backward glance.

Only after he disappeared up the stairs leading to the tower did she move. Trying to push aside her hurt, she raced up the stairs
after him. Thank heaven he didn’t take the quick way up to Murmur’s room and dematerialize. But maybe he was trying to save all his energy for the demon.

Passion had a bad feeling about this. She was gasping for breath by the time she reached the top of the stairs. As she hurried toward Murmur’s room, she could hear voices coming from his open door. Passion ran.

She stopped in the doorway. Relief washed over her. They weren’t trying to kill each other yet.

Edge stood a few feet into the room. From the looks of the door, he hadn’t knocked. He looked relaxed, but tension rolled off him.

Murmur stood beside his bed and was calmly pulling on his pants. “See, this is why Mom always told me to wear pajamas to bed.”

“You didn’t have a mother.” Edge spoke through clenched teeth.

“Right. Well, if I had, she would’ve said that. But sleeping nude feels so much more sensual, don’t you think?” Murmur’s gaze went past Edge to Passion. He smiled at her.

Edge didn’t turn to look at her. “You won’t have to worry about what to wear to bed if you don’t answer my question. Are you bringing your demons against us?”

Murmur finished fastening his pants before meeting Edge’s gaze. His eyes had changed, become the eyes of a cat with no white and a pupil that was nothing but a vertical slit of black. The rest of the eye was glowing red.

Passion sucked in her breath. If she’d forgotten at times to fear Murmur, to forget what he was, those eyes were a stark reminder.

“I don’t answer to you or yours.” His smile was a mere twist of his lips. “When I decide, you’ll be the first to know.” He reached behind him.

Was he reaching for a weapon? “No!” Without stopping to think, she flung herself past Edge to put herself between them. “Please,
Murmur, don’t do anything stupid. We can talk—” Everything stilled.

“Passion. Get out of the way.” Edge’s curt order shattered the moment.

Instinctively, she stumbled to the side, just as power blasted past her. The force of it knocked her to her knees. She looked up in time to see Murmur’s shocked expression along with the gaping hole in his chest. Blood poured from the wound, running down his body to pool at his feet.

The demon’s gaze locked with Edge’s. “I’m disappointed in you. I’d heard you killed with style. This is just sloppy.” His voice died away as he collapsed onto the floor and lay still.

Passion shifted her stare to Edge. She didn’t try to hide her horror. “You killed him.” She struggled to her feet.

“I thought he had a weapon. You were in danger.” His voice was too quiet, too calm, too this–is–just-another-dead-body.

She choked back a sob as she forced herself to look at Murmur and what had fallen from his hand when he fell. “God, no. He was reaching for his freaking iPod. He must’ve been going to put it in his pocket. You know he always had music with him.”

Edge glanced away. “It was a mistake. But what’s done is done.”

“No, it isn’t.” She felt the familiar surge of power blaze through her as it rushed down her arms, along her fingers, and collected in her fingertips. Passion scrambled to her feet, obeying the need to reach for Murmur, to fill him with life. Evidently, the power didn’t play favorites, or else it didn’t realize he was a demon.

“Don’t do this, Passion.” Edge’s voice had softened. “Whose side do you think he’d fight for after this? How would you feel if he killed someone you knew?”

“That’s not fair. You don’t get to make me change my mind by laying a guilt trip on me.” She’d made her decision. “If you want to stop me, you’ll have to use force.”

Passion dared to look at Edge, at his narrowed eyes, at his lips pressed tightly together, at his implacable expression, and said what needed saying. “I understand something now. There has to be a balance. I balance you, Edge. You’re death, and I’m life.”
And never the twain shall meet
. She didn’t have time to think through the ramifications of what she’d just said, but she’d bet they wouldn’t make her happy.

In two staggering steps she fell to her knees again beside Murmur. She tried to ignore the wet sticky realness of his blood. Passion forced back nausea as she laid her hands over his torn chest. Her fingers glowed, heat searing each tip.

Then she closed her eyes and released her power, willed life back into him, and tried not to think about Edge standing behind her.

Silence filled the room. She was almost ready to believe it was too late for Murmur when she felt him move. Passion opened her eyes and gasped.

The wound had closed. But even though the terrible tear in his flesh was gone, he still shouldn’t be looking up at her. Not with so much of his blood smeared on the floor beneath where she knelt. Without thinking, she put her hand across her mouth to stop from crying out. When she dropped it, she knew she’d left his blood on her face. It didn’t matter.

“What did you do?” Murmur looked up at her wonderingly.

“She brought your ass back to life. Against my express wishes, I might add.”

Edge didn’t sound happy or sad. He sounded…empty. Passion kept her attention on Murmur.

“How do you feel?” She shuddered as she looked at all his beautiful long hair fanned out around his head and soaked in blood.

Murmur didn’t answer her question. “My ass thanks you for a second chance at life. You’re a special lady, and I owe you a special favor for what you did.”

Passion didn’t have to think about what she wanted. “Don’t fight against the Big Boss. Walk away from the battle.”

Murmur pushed himself to a sitting position. He looked at Edge. “You didn’t kill
, you killed my body.”

“I knew that.” Edge’s voice was still strangely flat. “But you would’ve had to return to the underworld. It would’ve taken you out of the fight.”

“You knew he wasn’t dead?” Passion felt outrage.

Edge shrugged. “His body was dead. Same thing for our purposes.”

purpose, not mine.” She looked back at Murmur. “I’m sorry. I thought you were reaching for a weapon, and Edge believed I was in danger. My mistake, because all you wanted was your music.”

Murmur slowly struggled to his feet. “First, I’m glad you saved my body. I like it, and I’d hate to have to search for another one.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet.

Passion swallowed hard. “Where did this one come from?” Did she really want to know?

Murmur shrugged. “One of the fey was kind enough to vacate it, and I moved in. I don’t often get a chance for something this perfect.”

Edge moved closer. “Just idle curiosity, but why did you grab your iPod? Doesn’t seem like the logical thing to reach for in that situation.” His gaze rested on her for a moment—cold, expressionless. “Even though Passion didn’t find it surprising. It wouldn’t be
weapon of choice.”

Murmur’s smile was hard, taunting. “Yes, I got an up–close view of your weapon. I won’t forget.” His smile softened as he shifted his attention to Passion. “Music increases my power. That’s why I always have it with me.”

“Who wanted to hire you and your demons?” Passion refused to think about Edge right now.

“I don’t know.” Murmur answered Passion but kept a wary eye on Edge. “Someone of power summoned me here. He made no attempt to bind me—not that he could have—but he also didn’t show his face. He proposed a deal. I would help him overthrow the Big Boss, and he’d pay me with a favor owed. Very tempting. I don’t need money, but a favor owed by a powerful being is worth a great deal.”

“And he didn’t give you a name, or
?” Edge sounded disbelieving.

“I told him I would stay here to look the situation over. He said if I decided to help him, we’d talk. Well, I’ve been looking the situation over. You didn’t endear yourself to me tonight, Death.”

“You know, somehow that doesn’t bother me.” Edge moved a little closer, but the tension was gone from his body. “What about Bain? What does he have to do with this?” His gaze shifted to Passion. “I noticed that she didn’t give much information about his side of the conversation.”

Passion stiffened.
He wouldn’t even say her name now?

Murmur’s expression hardened. “Maybe you should ask him about it.”

Passion would never know what Edge would’ve said because someone spoke from the doorway.

“I’d really like to know what the hell is going on here.”

Bourne stepped into the room.


You’re death, and I’m life.
Passion had laid the truth out. Not that he hadn’t known it before, but somehow having her say the words made it real.

Even with Bourne standing behind him, Edge couldn’t ramp up the old adrenaline rush. He felt dead inside. Fitting.

This was his fault. He’d overreacted to Murmur. Not his usual style. He went for cold, calm, and rational. The demon had said it. He’d been sloppy. But something had happened when Passion flung herself between them and he’d thought Murmur was reaching for a weapon. Fear for her had wiped away all reason. He’d simply reacted. Stupid. He
Murmur didn’t need a physical weapon to fight him.

She’d reduced him to a brainless caveman mentality. And he’d probably horrified her for all time.
Way to win her heart, dumbass.
He turned to face Bourne.

“Well, I’m waiting. Let the story begin.” Bourne leaned against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest.

The bastard was fully dressed. Figured. “I killed the demon. Passion brought him back to life.” Edge glanced at Murmur. “Want to tell your side?”

Murmur raised one brow. “An assassin of few words.” He shifted his gaze to Bourne. “Your loose cannon here blew in my door and then accused me of selling my services to your enemy. When I reached back to pick up my iPod, Passion thought I was going for a weapon. She stepped between us. Then your cosmic troublemaker in charge of idiocy went all Neanderthal and killed me.” He paused for effect. “But luckily, there was an angel of mercy—God, I love clichés—on hand to save me. I have ‘You Raise Me Up’ on my iPod if you’d like to hear it. Music always adds atmosphere to the drama, don’t you think?”

Passion looked shocked. “You can say God?”

The demon exhaled wearily. “Yes. God, God, God, God.”

you selling your services to the enemy?” Bourne pushed away from the wall and dropped his arms to his side.

Murmur shrugged. “He made the proposal, and I was considering it. But you can relax. I promised Passion I wouldn’t fight against you or yours. My thank-you to her for saving me.” He held up his hand to stop Bourne from interrupting. “And no, I don’t know your enemy’s identity. He didn’t show himself when he spoke to me. But I felt enough of his power to know he could kick most butts. I think I’ll stick around to watch the show.”

Bourne turned to Edge. “How did you find out about this, and why did you come to his room without me?” He didn’t look happy.

Edge searched his mind for a way to protect Passion, but she didn’t give him time to answer.

“I heard Murmur and Bain talking. Maybe I should’ve come to you with what I’d heard, but I don’t know you.” Her expression said she didn’t trust him much either.

“Bain is involved in this?” Real anger moved in Bourne’s eyes. “Guess we’ll have to get his take on things.”

Bourne said no words, didn’t even blink, but suddenly Bain appeared in midair and crashed to the floor with a startled grunt. He at least wore pajama bottoms. Good thing. Edge didn’t think he could take the sight of another naked demon.

“What the hell…?” Bain rose to his feet in one fluid motion. His eyes glowed red and his fingertips had sprouted claws. He bared his teeth. Edge didn’t remember them being that sharp. “I’m going to kill someone.”

“Calm down.” Bourne didn’t sound worried. “I just need to ask you a few questions.”

Edge tried to send Bain a warning glance. Bourne sounded calm, but that meant nothing. The demon might not have long to live if the Big Boss didn’t like his answers.

Bain met Edge’s gaze and gave a brief nod before concentrating on Bourne. “What happened to the old-fashioned way of communicating? It’s called a phone.”

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