Wheels of Steel, Book 3 (7 page)



It wasn’t that she was horny, though she was. But she wanted what Stella had gotten in that book written by Terry McMillan. Robin wanted her Groove Back. And the best way to get it was with dick. New dick wipes away the memory of old dick. And when she got back to Cincinnati she wanted to be fortified with it!



When they got back on the ship, Robin was indeed burned. She stopped drinking rum and switched to bottled water. It would be really embarrassing if she had to be flown by air to a hospital because her stomach had a hole eaten through due to too much liquor. She took a cool shower and put on a strapless sun dress that ran down to her feet. She put on makeup and then wore Miss Lucille’s diamond earrings.



God she loved the Bahamas. Maybe she should move to the south where she could flounce around in skimpy clothes all year around! There was a disco on the second floor of the ship and now that the sun was down there would probably be people there…hopefully people here age. Most people were old as her Mom or were younger kids. She certainly got approached, but there just weren’t all that many single guys her age to choose from.



The disco always played older dance music from her Mama’s generation but she liked it. She went to an area where she would have room to move and began to dance, flopping around crazily because she didn’t care if she looked strange. Robin twirled and did kicks and dropped it like it was hot and after a few songs she felt someone dancing next to her and opened her eyes. He grinned and had a nice smile and a nicely tanned face. He was older, but not as old as her mother and he had a nice body that was toned and slim. Robin smiled in return.



They danced but he was too old to dance all night and he asked her if he could buy her a drink and sit for a while. She didn’t want to sit she wanted to be dancing or fucking…but she followed him to the bar and away from the loud music.



“What’s your name?” He asked.






“Wow…what an appropriate name.” He held out his hand. “Hi, Sweetheart. I’m Bob.”



“Oh, how original,” she said sarcastically. “How about that drink Bob.”



He laughed knowing that he had gotten caught giving a false name. “What do you drink, Sweetheart?”



“Whatever you’re buying, Bob.”



They drank gin and tonics. She liked it, but she wasn’t a fool. She wanted sex not to be raped. After a few drinks they got back on the dance floor and danced erotically. ‘Bob’ placed his hands round her waist possessively and periodically he touched her bouncing ass or loose breast. When he rubbed against her Robin could feel him hard.



She felt her panties become wet and knew that this would be the second guy that she’d fuck. It was good that she didn’t know his real name because the second guy; the rebound guy was not important. One day she’d say, ‘Yeah, I fucked some guy in the Bahamas. Nah, I don’t remember if it was good or bad.’



He took control and led her off the dance floor and they hit the elevators. He pressed the button for the top deck and kissed her neck and squeezed her breast as they rode upward. The top deck always seemed to be quiet at night. No one really came up there unless it was to do what she was planning to do with ‘Bob’.



He pulled up her dress and ran his hands along her ass, discovering her thong as they walked to a darkened corner. He kissed her and pressed her against the wall and Robin turned her face away. She didn’t want to kiss him, she just wanted…



She reached for his zipper and tugged down. With a moan he helped her and lowered his pants. His cock was hard and sprung up. Robin gripped it and her fingers met even though he was hard. What the-??? She glanced down at his dick. It was only half Jason’s size!



Robin pushed him away and he backed up, thinking that she wanted to get a good look at it. He clutched himself proudly.



“All seven inches for you, baby!”



“Oh my god…” And then Robin just started laughing. She laughed and pointed at his little dick. The man watched her in confusion. Tears began to run down her cheeks as she laughed hysterically.



“What are you laughing at?” He asked finally beginning to bristle.



“Mister…Bob, whatever your name is-” she laughed trying to catch her breath. “I wouldn’t even feel that little thing!” She clutched her stomach as she was overwhelmed by hysterical laughter. “It’s like…like a cute little baby dick!”



Bob immediately pulled up his pants and zipped himself up. “Fuck you!”



“Not with that…BABY DICK!” Robin cried out, eyes streaming. Bob’s hand formed into fists. Robin saw it and didn’t even care. But Bob turned around and stormed away. Robin couldn’t stop laughing long after he was gone. And then she threw up on the deck and after a few minutes of gulping fire into her lungs she couldn’t remember why she had thought his dick was so funny.



When she got back to her room, Mama wasn’t in her bed. She checked the clock as she flopped down on her bed. After one am. Good, Mama was getting laid. Then Robin was asleep.




Chapter 5



New Years eve came on a Friday; the last day of the cruise. Robin had not gotten laid but it was okay because she had been around enough dicks to satisfy her curiosity. And best of all, Mama and Mr. Benali had been doing it day and night!



Mr. Benali was from Atlanta and he was a widower. His kids had taken him on the cruise in hopes that he would meet a nice lady and get laid. Robin liked their thinking but they were girls and much older than her so there was no potential hook-up there for herself.



The last day of the cruise was a fancy Captain’s ball in which everyone had to get dressed up. Robin had gotten a nice formal gown for it while back in the States, but she had no interest in putting on that sad party dress now. Besides, it was too hot to be wearing black crushed velvet! There should be an alternative toga party! This was the Bahamas for god’s sake!



“Robin, are you sure that you don’t want to go to the Ball with us? Harry’s girls are going to be with us.”



“No, Mom, you have fun.”



Mom hesitated. “Well what are you going to do?”



Robin shrugged. “Go to the casino and then the disco.”



“Okay. Just don’t leave the ship alone. I don’t want you out gallivanting around by yourself at night.”



“I won’t.”



When her mother left, Robin put on short shorts over her bikini and then slipped on tennis shoes and she left the ship for the island.



She knew the touristy part of the Island like the back of her hand, but she was curious about what lay beyond the open market where everyone tried to braid her hair and sale their cheap wares. She decided to roam the market area again. Things changed often and she had picked up a few knick knacks like hand make jewelry and such.



“Hello pritty laty.” Came a thickly accented voice. A guy was sitting in the corner of a booth, watching her. She hadn’t even seen him and he grinned at the surprise on her face. Robin sneered at his smile and went back to her shopping.



“Are you looking for anything in particular?”






He stood up lazily and stretched his tall lean body. Robin peeked at him. He was caramel in complexion with a huge curly afro and the blackest eyes she’d ever seen. He had to have been six foot three or more and he wasn’t much older than her.



“Is this your place?” She asked. He was very good looking.



“No. My brother’s. He’s getting food. I told him I’d watch it for him until he returned.” He moved to where she was browsing. “You from one of the ships? Or one of the hotels?”



“How do you know I’m a tourist? Maybe I’m here visiting relatives.”



The guy snickered. “Maybe.”



Robin put her hands on her hips. “Maybe?”



“If you were really from here…you wouldn’t be caught dead buying this over-priced shit.”



Robin threw back her head and laughed. “Then show me the good stuff.”



Shawn was his name, and when his brother returned he took Robin to a club where they played reggaeton music and served superb drinks.



“Take it easy, young one,” he warned when she downed the first drink. “This is Sky. You know about Sky?”



“I know it’s what the people in the Bahamas drink.”



“It’s called sky because if you drink too much of it you will be flat on your back looking at the sky.”



Robin accepted his warning and slowed down on the drinking. She liked how Shawn did not ask her about where she was from, or about the States or anything like that. He danced with her but not in a dirty way, though he was damned cute and she wouldn’t have minded.



In between dancing they ate things that she didn’t know, little fried foods and cakes and then when Shawn got bored with dancing he took her to a house party. Robin liked the music and the people watching but the girls there stared daggers at her because of her skimpy attire and Shawn took off his shirt and made her put it on to cover her bikini top. She did with a laugh.



Shawn without a shirt was worth the hateful looks. He was toned, not big, not small but so tightly muscled that she knew he was a swimmer or some other type of athlete. He had a tattoo on his back and Robin reached out to touch it as she followed him through the house to where there was an available place for them to sit.



“Do you like it?”



“Yes, I always wanted one.”



“Then maybe that is what you were really looking for.”



He pulled a joint from his pocket and lit it. After a puff he offered it to her. Robin hesitated but then took it. She took a quick puff and surprised herself by not choking. She took another and messed up when she coughed and sputtered.



Shawn smiled and patted her back. “Baby steps, Little one.” He showed her how to smoke a joint but wouldn’t let her get stoned.



“I want a tattoo,” she announced as she sat on the couch watching the beautiful people dancing to the exotic music. He laughed. “Will you take me to where you got your tattoo?”



“How old are you?”



“I got my ID!”



“I’m asking for another reason. How old are you?”






“Okay. Come. I’ll need to get my bike. Have you ever ridden a motorbike before?”



Robin hadn’t but she loved it. She especially loved hanging onto Shawn’s beautifully toned body as they sped through the streets. She wanted to scream out that she loved the Bahamas! She was brand new here!



When they got to a more seedier part of town, Shawn put a protective arm around her after securing his bike to a post. He led her into a small shop that had beautiful drawings papered to the walls. Shawn greeted a man, speaking a different language and they spoke rapidly back and forth. The other man looked at her and laughed to Shawn, however Shawn remained very serious.



“You want a tattoo?” He demanded of her.






“You have money?”



“Some.” She had only walked out with fifty bucks.



“You have ID?”



She reached into the bag that she had slung over her shoulder for her wallet and Identification. She showed it to him and he handed it back satisfied.



“What do you want? A little heart on your bum? Maybe a butterfly tramp stamp?” Robin flashed him the evil eye. She noted that Shawn hid a grin as he walked around the shop. He retrieved an album and showed it to her. Robin leafed through it. She looked up suddenly. She pointed to an image.



“What does this say?”



The tattoo artist shrugged. “How should I know? It’s written in Japanese.”



Robin pulled out her cell phone and googled something. After a few moments she showed them the image of the Japanese characters that she wanted.



“I can do that. How much money do you have?”






“Then it will be very small. Where do you want it?” She pointed to the spot just below her ear. The man hesitated. “Are you sure? That will hurt badly.”



“Good,” was her only response. She lay down on a table and Shawn sat next to her. “Are you sure you want a tattoo on your neck? It will always be there for everyone to see.” She nodded. “What does it say?” He asked.



She stared at the ceiling while the tattoo artist set up his instruments.






The tattoo hurt very badly, but Robin didn’t make a peep.

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