Read What it Takes Online

Authors: Kathryn Ascher

Tags: #FIC021000, #FIC027000, #FIC027020

What it Takes (46 page)

“You know you should,” she sighed and he released her, giving her space to lean back and look into his eyes. “After that little display, we should probably stay for a little bit longer, don’t you think?”

“No,” he said, rolling his eyes and pouting.

Kelsey laughed and lightly kissed him. “We’ve got all night.”

He grinned and wrapped his arms around her. “And all day tomorrow. And the next day. And the day after that,” he whispered against her neck and she went weak at his words. As he loosened his grip slightly, she slowly shook her head. “All right,” he conceded, taking her hand and leading her around the room.

They made their way to the buffet table, pausing long enough for Patrick to introduce Kelsey to people she hadn’t yet met. When Kelsey saw the table full of food, she realized she was starving. She’d only eaten half of a sandwich at lunch before her nerves caused her to lose her appetite. They quickly filled their plates and wandered outside to the deck to eat alone.

Kelsey set her clutch on the table and ate a few bites, watching Patrick eat, waiting for him to say something about her earlier revelation about Zach. Patrick looked perfectly happy to be eating; he was not nearly as bothered as she thought he should be. She took a bite of the salad on her plate and studied him as she chewed. His bland expression slowly changed into an innocent smirk.

“What?” he asked.

She swallowed and wiped her mouth on her napkin. “What?” she repeated. “What do you think?”

He shrugged and leaned closer. “I figured Tim’s the father and Zach was the reason you broke up.” He must have read her mind. “Knowing you, I can assume you did what you felt was best for Zach. What would you like me to ask?”

“I don’t know,” she said, allowing him to take her hand. She leaned back in her chair. “I guess I was just expecting you to ask something. You don’t seem to think it’s a big deal.”

“It’s not,” he stated, then at the flash of irritation in her eyes, quickly added, “Not in the way you want it to be apparently.” He pulled on her hand and she sat up, resting her elbow on the table. “Kelsey, if you expect me to be angry or upset or bothered by this news, I’m sorry to disappoint you.”

She stared at him in disbelief. “You’re not?” He shook his head. “But I had so many chances to tell you sooner and I didn’t.”

“You told me when you were ready.” He smiled as his thumb stroked her knuckles. “And in the grand scheme of things, this isn’t a secret that needs to change anything between us, is it?”

“No,” she murmured.

“You’re protecting your family, and for something as big as this, the fewer people who know the better.” He placed his lips against her cheek. “I’m just happy to know you trust me enough to tell me.”

She leaned into his kiss and finally relaxed. “I love you,” she said as his lips laid a trail along her jaw to meet hers.

“I know,” he laughed after he ended the kiss. He sat back so they were almost nose to nose. “So, you’re coming home with me tonight, right?”

Kelsey lifted an eyebrow and pulled a little farther away. He held her gaze and she saw the corner of his lips twitching. “Since you’ve packed my bags already, I’m not sure I have much of a choice.”

His eyes widened and he grabbed both of her hands and held them on the table between them. “You always have a choice.”

She squeezed his fingers. “All you had to do was ask. Of course I’ll go home with you.” He lifted her hands to his mouth and after he kissed them, she pulled them away. “Now, let me eat. I’m starving.”

He laughed and they ate the rest of their meal in companionable silence. Grayson joined them as they were finishing and sat silently watching them with a silly grin on his face.

“You two look so good together,” he finally said. “Veronica and I are going to dance, would you like to join us?”

“Sure, why not?” Patrick stood and held his hand out to Kelsey. For the first time since they got into the limo before the premiere, he wrapped her in his arms and kissed her passionately. After a while Grayson cleared his throat and they separated. Patrick chuckled at the dazed look on her face as he took her hand and they followed Grayson inside.

Grayson turned and grabbed Kelsey’s hand. “Why don’t we just dance?” he said with an impish chuckle. Patrick tightened his grip and Kelsey laughed when she heard the song that started. It was the line dance she and Grayson had done at the first bar in Tennessee.

Reluctantly, Patrick let her go and stood on the sidelines watching Grayson and Kelsey lead a handful of people in the line dance. He tensed when he felt a small hand on his shoulder but relaxed when he heard the voice that accompanied it.

“She’s changed you,” Veronica said quietly with a peaceful expression on her face. Her eyes were fixed on Kelsey.

Patrick turned so he could see her profile. “Is that a good thing?”

She nodded and turned to him. “I think so,” she replied. “You do realize that every woman in this room has watched you all night, and you only have eyes for her.” Patrick glanced around and noticed, for the first time, that there were several sets of eyes on him. “You’ve changed her too.”

“Really?” he asked, looking at Veronica again as she slipped her arm through his and took a step closer to him. “How?”

“She’s a different person, happier, more relaxed. I think it started in Tennessee,” she said then sighed and looked troubled. She leaned closer so she could softly add, “I just hope you’re both on the same page.”

“I’m pretty sure we are,” he whispered as he laid his hand over hers. He’d worked with Veronica before and, until Kelsey, she’d been the only woman to befriend him without expecting anything in return. After the three propositions from other former co-stars, he realized how much he valued Veronica’s friendship. It also helped that she and Kelsey had become close.

They watched the dancers and applauded when the song ended. Grayson and Kelsey joined them. They talked quietly until the next song began, and Patrick led them to the dance floor then pulled Kelsey into his arms.

When that song ended, Grayson convinced Patrick to switch partners and Kelsey found herself dancing with Grayson again. After a couple of spins, Grayson leaned closer.

“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” he whispered in her ear.

Kelsey tried not to laugh as she whispered back, “Weren’t you the one who was encouraging me to be with him?”

“I was only suggesting you have a little fun,” Grayson said, looking at her and lifting his eyebrows a couple of times. “I didn’t tell you to fall in love with him,” his voice was suddenly serious. “I wouldn’t want you to get hurt.”

“I appreciate your concern,” Kelsey replied then stretched up to kiss his cheek. “But he won’t hurt me.”

He studied her calm expression then smiled softly. “I hope not.” Kelsey nodded and put her cheek against his. “The two of you really do look good together.”


After a few moments of silence, Grayson looked at her. “Are you ringing?”

Kelsey stopped and stared at him as she listened. She heard a distinct ringtone coming from her clutch and she quickly reached into her purse. “That’s odd,” she murmured. It was her sister and Kelsey excused herself to the foyer, where it was quieter so she could answer. “Hello?” All she heard were short gasps of air. “Janelle?” Kelsey realized her sister was crying. “Janelle, what’s going on?”

“Kelsey,” said the weak, quivering voice on the other end. “Kelsey, Richard’s done it.” Kelsey opened her mouth to ask what her brother-in-law had done now, trying to ignore the icy chill of foreboding in the pit of her stomach. “He’s taken Zach.”


elsey’s knees buckled and her stomach dropped. She grabbed the door-knob, not knowing whether she wanted to use it for support or escape. Her world spun and she decided fresh air would be best. She leaned against the first column she came to, keeping her back to the house.

“When?” she questioned as steadily as she could. Janelle tried to answer but stumbled over the words. Kelsey closed her eyes and took a deep, calming breath that didn’t really help. “Janelle, calm down,” she soothed and anxiously awaited a response.

“I don’t know when. I just went in to get him up for school.”

Kelsey looked at her watch. She hadn’t realized it was that late . . . for her anyway.

“There was a note on his pillow. It said to call you, and only you, first thing and that he’d call to make his demands later.” A fresh wave of sobs overtook Janelle and Kelsey’s heart broke as she listened. This was one of her worst nightmares coming true.

“He hasn’t called yet, has he?” Kelsey asked, keeping her voice steadier than she felt.

“No, not yet, but he made it plain in the note that he wants you,” she sobbed. “He said to call you and only you. He said that if I call the police . . .” Kelsey closed her eyes and could see Janelle’s face, tears streaming. “He said we’d never see Zach again.”

Kelsey’s lungs tightened and she couldn’t take in enough air. She gripped the column until her knuckles turned white. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw movement and realized she wasn’t alone. She let her hand fall and pulled her shoulders back as best as she could.

“I’ll be home as soon as I can,” she said with feigned brightness. Softly, she added, “Call me as soon as you hear from him. Don’t call anyone else.” She hung up the phone and pulled herself together. When she turned around, she had a tight smile plastered on her face.

“Kelsey,” Patrick said carefully, studying her eyes. “Is everything okay?”

“Oh,” she answered and tried to laugh. “It’s fine. Janelle just called to remind me of something we have going on at home. I need to go immediately.”

“It’s six thirty in the morning there,” Veronica stated as she stood beside Patrick.

“Well, when my sister remembers something, she takes care of it right away,” Kelsey said. “And she knew I would still be up, so it’s no big deal.” Grayson appeared by Patrick’s other side. Kelsey met his studious gaze and immediately looked away. “So, Patrick, can you take me to the airport?”

He turned and looked at Grayson for a moment, then motioned toward the front door with his head. Grayson nodded and took Veronica inside. When they were alone again, Patrick turned to Kelsey, his eyes narrowed on hers. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing. Janelle just needs me at home,” she answered, hating herself for lying to him.

“I don’t believe for a minute you forgot something important,” he said softly as he reached up and took her upper arms in his hands. “Tell me what’s happened.”

She shook her arms free and turned away. “It’s a good thing you packed some suitcases for me earlier, although I doubt I’ll need all three of them. It shouldn’t be a long trip,” she said, her voice fading. She was already tiring of the charade and hoped he wouldn’t make her pretend much longer. “Are you ready to go? You can just drop me off at the airport and come back here if you like.”

“Like hell,” Patrick scoffed harshly. Kelsey turned to look at him. “Something isn’t right, and I’ll be damned if I let you go, alone, without knowing what it is. I’m coming with you.” She slowly shook her head. “What?” he questioned, agitation clear in his tone.

“You can’t come with me.”

A pained look crossed his face.

“I’ll be fine. I just need to go. Now.” She glanced around until she found his car in the driveway-turned-parking lot and started in that direction.

“Kelsey,” he growled and she turned to him. “You’re obviously putting on a brave face.”

Kelsey frowned; she’d thought she was a better actress than that.

“I won’t let you go alone,” he argued through clenched teeth.

“You have to.” The quake in her voice signaled her defeat. “It’ll be fine,” she added, hoping to reassure them both.

“I don’t believe you,” he said quietly.

The words stung and she swallowed her tears. “I’m sorry,” was all she could manage. He was right not to believe her, but she couldn’t let him come with her. It would be too dangerous.

He pressed his lips together and exhaled. “What can I do?” he asked as he took her arm and walked her to the car.

“I need a plane,” she answered.

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