Read Welcome to New Haven Online

Authors: Dawn Doyle

Welcome to New Haven (95 page)

BOOK: Welcome to New Haven
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“No other clothes came off, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“They don’t have to.” Dev said, throwing her head back in a cackle. “And did you get to ‘O’ this time?”

Holly didn’t say a word. She didn’t know if she should confide that type of thing.
But then again, Dev
confided in her about Ben. She also didn’t know if doing those things, with Alex, went against what he’d promised.

If they did, wouldn’t he have stopped

She was so confused!

“Holy shit balls…you did? In or over clothes?”

Holly covered her face with her hands.

“Over. You
you will not say anything? Even to Ben?”

“Of course I won’t.” Said Dev, still whispering to each other in case the guys were listening outside the door. “Oh my God, do you feel guilty about it?”

Holly could see that Dev was concerned about her. She didn’t feel guilty, and she needed to put Dev’s mind at ease.
Her own was another matter.

“No. Not at all. In fact, I’m glad.”

“Then why don’t you
glad? Are you worried that our parents would be disappointed?”

Dev hit the nail right on the head!

“How did you know that?” Holly asked, surprised that Dev knew what she was thinking.

“It’s written on your face, Hol.
would think that too, but it seems our parents have bent their ‘rules’ a little bit.” Dev held her fingers up for emphasis.

“What do you mean?”

Dev grinned and continued to whisper.

“Ben told me what my Dad said to Alex last night. He said ‘there are other things besides sex, you know’ then he said ‘your Mom and I…’. Alex stopped him, which I am
grateful for!”

“Seriously?!” Holly’s eyes widened, and her mouth dropped in shock at what Rami had said to Alex.

“Yep. I’m guessing it’s only a recent thing too. It was pretty clear that my Mom and Dad meant absolutely
fooling around either, when we had our discussion.” Dev’s shuddered at that thought.

Alex had told Holly about their tradition, but hadn’t gone into specific details.

“Kissing was allowed, but since you were Alex’s first kiss, it’s safe to say they changed it for your circumstances. I mean, you’re eighteen next week. As long as you don’t do anything that has the word ‘sex’ in it, you’re fine."

“So, what have you guys been up to in here?” Asked Ben.

“What do you mean?” Alex asked innocently.

“Dude, your door was locked. Do you expect me to believe you were just sitting on your bed, holding hands? You have more action going on in public.”

Alex just smiled at Ben’s girly outburst.


“You are
like Dev.” Alex laughed.

“Yeah ok, so what? Spill” Ben said, brushing of Alex’s comment.

“There’s nothing to spill.” Said Alex.

“Not anymore.” Said Ben waggling his eyebrows.

“Oh my God, man. We didn’t have
” Said Alex defensively.

“Yeah, I heard what your Dad said last night.”

“What? Oh God.” Alex closed his eyes and shook his head in embarrassment. Ben had overheard his Dad telling him there was other stuff he could do…

“So things are getting extra hot then?” Ben asked. With a chuckle.

“Hey, shouldn’t I be asking
that question?” Alex turned it round onto Ben.

He didn’t want to share any details at all. He knew Dev would be asking Holly, and he knew girls talked about that stuff, but he knew Holly wouldn’t go into specifics about him.

“What I do with your sister isn’t up for discussion” Ben replied.

“Exactly. And I don’t
to know either.” Said Alex. “Especially since you were still here when I got back from Holly’s”

“Yeah, we fell asleep. I slipped out when you went for a shower. Your parents weren’t even up when I left.” Ben said, as-a-matter-of-fact.

“Hold on…” Alex said when he heard what Ben said. “…My parents weren’t home. Did you mean the shower… in the morning?” Alex asked incredulously.

Wait, didn’t Dev tell you?”

“Uh No!” Alex said. “She told me you’d left when I got in the shower, but she implied it was after I got home.”

“Oops” Ben said with a grin and Alex groaned. “Seriously now, on a
scale of one to ten. How frustrated are you?”

“Ben, fuck, man!”

“Aw come on. The girls talk. It’s not like I’m gonna say anything.”

Alex didn’t say anything for a moment. Ben had been there for him when he was losing his mind over Holly.
He’d been his best friend for twelve years and when his parents had the ‘discussion’ with him and Dev, he hadn’t breathed a word.

He took a deep breath and blew out.

“Off the scale.” He said quietly.

“So you’re not doing
Like, at
? Except for making out.” Said Ben.

Christ he’s nosey!

“You don’t even whip your shirt off for her? Yeah, we
her reaction last night.” He laughed.

“I…um…I took my shirt off, yeah.” Alex admitted.

“And?” Ben grinned.

“And what?”

“What else?”

“I only took mine off.” Said Alex.

Holly’s shirt wasn’t technically off, not that he would tell him anyway.

“Really? So you didn’t pay
attention to what your Dad said?” Ben asked, throwing his hands up.

“It’s branded in my brain. I so didn’t want to hear about him and Mom getting jiggy.”

“Dude, that’s not what I meant and you know it. You guys are so hot for each other, and you’re telling me you took your shirt off, made out, and that’s it?”

“Well…“ smiled Alex. “I didn’t say that was it, I’m just not telling.” Alex grinned as Ben’s eyes widened. “Don’t bother asking, because I’m not telling, and, it’s not what you think. I didn’t take any of her clothes off, or more of mine”

“I’m just fucking with you dude!” Ben laughed.
“I know you won’t tell. What you do is your business and nobody else’s. Besides, I can always ask Dev…” He said with a satisfied smile.

“Go right ahead” Said Alex, with his own smile.

“Don’t think I didn’t notice you wearing different pants” Ben said quietly and winked.

“Not cool, Ben.” Said Alex and he shot him the finger, making Ben laugh harder.

“Oh my God. Well, you haven’t got much longer to wait now” Ben said, still laughing.

“You know what?” Alex asked, annoyed. “I’m thinking it’s
ok you dating my sister. I think I preferred you grumpy and you just shut the hell up.” Ben laughed again.

Alex knew Ben was just messing with him. He wouldn’t go shouting his mouth off to Ryan and Kyle, or anybody else either. He wouldn’t have told him a damn thing ,otherwise.

“It’s too late, dude. Dev’s mine and will be forever so…get used it. And my cheery self.” He grinned.

“Forever?” Alex smiled.

Ben sighed.

“Yeah man. Dev’s it for me. Always has been. I love her.”

“I know.” Chuckled Alex.

“Look, I’m sorry I pressed you, I
just messing with you. I’m glad things are going well, man. It won’t go any further, you know that.” Ben reassured him.

“Thanks, Ben”

“But, um, try and last until next week though.”

Ben!” Alex said, running hand through his hair in irritation.

“Hey, I’m just saying. I was eighteen
ago. I waited a lifetime compared to you.”

“Oh dude…” Alex said as if in pain. “…You just confirmed what I really
didn’t want to know.”

“Oh yeah. Sorry” chuckled Ben as the girls walked back into the bedroom.

“Should we order pizza?” Asked Dev as she went to sit by Ben.

He wrapped his arms around her, kissing her.

“Sure, babe.”

Alex pulled Holly into his lap, squeezed her tight and kissed her neck before kissing her lips.

The went downstairs onto the hangout room, after ordering their pizza. They decided to watch ‘Bad Grandpa’ by Johnny Knoxville, and Holly couldn’t breathe for laughing.
Alex laughed more because of Holly, rather than the movie, which actually was hilarious.

He loved to hear her laugh.

It sounded childlike one minute and then dirty the next.

Holly was cuddled into Alex, his front to her back as they sat side on, and he had his arms around her.

Holly’s arms were crossed over his as they were around her middle.

Alex was so happy he thought his heart would burst right out of his chest, and his face would break from smiling so much.

Alex felt something on his left thigh, which was closest to her.

Holly had lowered a hand from his arms and was stroking his upper thigh with her fingertips. He already had a hard on from being next to her, holding her close, and now he was as hard as rock.

“Babe, what are you doing?” He whispered into her ear, glancing towards Ben and Dev who mirrored their position at the other end of the sofa.

“Um…nothing.” She said, innocently as she bit her lip to stifle a growing smile, her fingers getting closer to his inner thigh. His breathing stopped, after he drew a quick breath. He let it out slow and controlled, swallowed hard and then turned to whisper in her ear.

It was
turn now.

“Eres una chica

Holly’s expression changed as Alex spoke to her in Spanish.

Her smile dropped, her lips parted, and her tongue gently licked her bottom lip into her mouth and let it go.

“Alex. Oh my God!” She whispered.

If Dev and Ben weren’t there, he’d have her flat on he back, devouring her lips whilst taking her shirt off and caressing her soft, feminine mounds.

Maybe even taking off her bra…

“Fuck!” He said quietly and blew out, yet another controlled breath. He was solid in his pants. Just a simple touch from Holly had him on edge and his mind racing.

He lifted his hand to cup her face, turning her, to bring his lips to hers. As their lips parted, their tongues mingled together, relishing each other. Alex could happily spend every moment of everyday touching and kissing Holly.

Just being near her felt better.

Like he was whole.

Holly’s hand vanished from his thigh and reappeared to his head, her fingers tangling in his hair. God, he loved it when she did that. It was like she was trying to join them together. Gripping him so their mouths wouldn’t part.

He knew she loved his hair and when she would grip him tighter, it turned him on even more.

She would moan, sexily, as she did and it had him throbbing in his pants.

Alex sucked on Holly’s lower lip before devouring her succulent lips again.

Holly caught his lip and sucked too. Then, she trapped it between her teeth before releasing. Carefully, and gently, darting her tongue out to lick his lip. His hold on her tightened, and he noticed her thighs squeezing together.

She was turned on too.

He dropped his left arm that was around her waist, down slightly to find the hem of her shirt and his fingertips reached under, brushing her bare skin.
Alex opened and closed his fingers, making circles on her side. Holly covered Alex’s hand that was caressing her, with her arm. Disguising what he was doing.

Not that he was doing anything bad…yet. He risked a glance to Dev and Ben, and they were just getting up of the sofa.

“Getting drinks. Back in five.” Said Ben quietly, pausing the movie. Ben shot Alex a warning eyebrow lift as he and Dev left the room.

“Oh, thank
He whisper shouted and very quickly twisted his arm out from under Holly, and moving so she was lying on her back, her legs automatically opening for him.

Fuck, he loved that.

He took her mouth again, like he was starving. Tasting her mouth like he hadn’t eaten in weeks. He leant up and started to undo her shirt buttons.

Holly gasped, and Alex felt her shaking beneath him. She’d been shaking earlier, in his room, when she was hurting.

He opened two buttons and moved his lips to her neck, planting light kisses down and along her collarbone. He opened the next two, which showed right down to her bra, exposing the swell of her breasts.

Alex continued to trail hot kisses down to her cleavage, Holly’s breath speeding up, until he got to the little bow. He darted out his tongue and lightly tasted between her perfect mounds.

“Alex!” She whispered.


Just his name whispered from her lips turned him on.

BOOK: Welcome to New Haven
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