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Authors: Dawn Doyle

Welcome to New Haven (101 page)

BOOK: Welcome to New Haven
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“Parents have the
timing.” Holly groaned as they untangled themselves from each other.

Alex grabbed his T-shirt, putting it back on.

Holly opened the door so Alex didn’t show his trouser tent to Oli.

“Thanks, Dad.” She said as she took the phone from him. Oli looked into the room and saw Alex sitting up, fully clothed, knees bent with his arms resting across them. He smiled at Holly and raised an eyebrow.

Holly rolled her eyes.

“Don’t. Whatever you want to say, don’t.” She said, and he just walked away with a chuckle. She took the phone to Alex so he could speak to his Mum.

Holly was annoyed. She was turned on to the point of no return when Oli knocked. Alex had her almost begging to sooth her pain like the day before. His hands on her skin, his naked body above hers and her hands and lips exploring him. It was heaven.

“Hey Mom, what’s up?”

“Hi son, I just wanted to know what time you’ll be home.” Said Evie.

“Um” Alex looked to the clock. It was a little after ten.

“Soon…why? Do you need me for something?” He asked. Wondering why his Mom asked him when he’d be home.

She’d usually send a text, when he was out with the guys, and usually a lot later too. Even if there was school the next day.

“No. Just asking. I couldn’t reach your cell and um…it’s getting late, so I thought I’d call Holly’s house.”

“Oh, Ok.” He replied, confused at his Mom’s statement.

“I’ll expect you back in the next thirty minutes Ok? Ok. Bye son, love you.” Said Evie and she hung up.

“What the…?” Alex said.

“Is everything ok?”

“Yeah. Just…that was weird.” He told Holly the conversation he’d just had with his Mom.


Alex reached to Holly’s nightstand to check his phone. No missed calls, no text messages and the network signal was fine.

They both looked at each other, and realization dawned on them. Evie was disrupting them on purpose.

“She thinks we might have…” Holly said.

“Yeah, it looks that way. They must think we can’t control ourselves.”

“They’re just concerned for us.” Holly said. “I can understand that.”

“Yeah, but we said we wouldn’t so I don’t see why they would feel the need to do that. It’s like we’re not trusted with each other.” Alex saw Holly’s eyes were roaming over him, and he was instantly solid again.
“Well…I guess they
have a reason…” He said as he let his own eyes roam over Holly’s body.

He could see her nipples poking the front of her vest, and he growled before he launched himself at her, knocking her back down onto the mattress.

Holly squealed and giggled as he came down on top of her, linking their fingers together.

“My Mom thinks…” He kissed her neck. “…That maybe…” He kissed the other side of her neck “…We can’t…” He kissed her throat “…Keep our hands off each other.” He buried his nose in her hair.

“You’re Mum’s right.” Holly replied with a moan.

Alex licked across her lower lip before sucking it into her mouth. “Mmmmmm.” She moaned again.

“But…A promise is a promise, and we should be trusted. No matter how painful it is.” Holly wrapped her legs around his hips.

“I can definitely vouch for that.” She said.

“No matter how much we want to, we said we wouldn’t so that should be respected.” He said in his low voice as he ran his lips over the shell of her ear.

“Holy shit!
won’t be respecting
if you keep that up.” Groaned Holly as she squeezed her legs tighter around Alex’s hips.

He chuckled into her neck.

“Hmmm” He made the sound as he ran his nose up the side of her face and then kissed along her jaw.

“Cinco días, cariño.” He said sexily, and pressed their lips together.

Holly automatically reached for his hair.

He didn’t ever want to stop.

Holly’s lips, so full and lush, he could feast on them forever. He was back in the state he was before his Mom had called.

His heart beating almost out of his chest, skin on fire, and his hard on painful.

He stroked a hand to her ass to feel her perfect rear. He knew if he started on her fantastic breasts he may lose all resolve. He could already feel them pressed against his chest.

He was lucky their hips weren’t pressed together. If there was any body contact in that area then he would be in a mess…literally.

Alex cupped Holly’s face and threaded his fingers into her hair as he relished in the heat of their kiss.

God I love her so much

They slowed their kissed and gently parted their mouths. Alex carefully moved to lie on his side, taking Holly with him so that they were still face-to-face; chest-to-chest, and legs intertwined with each other.

He stroked her face as she stroked his. They stayed that way for a few minutes.
Both knew they had to slow down.

Stupid family tradition.

He had an idea that Holly thought the same thing, and also about her own ideas of waiting to be a legal adult. Well,
idea had a few more days. It seemed ridiculous to involuntarily get each other so aroused, just by being near each other, and not being able to do something about it. Of course, the day before’s activities were an alternative but that was restricted too.

They wanted to be able to be together completely like their bodies, and hearts, were aching for rather than having to always stop and calm down.

It was causing them both serious discomfort.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Holly asked with a smile.

“Stupid tradition?”

Holly’s smile grew wider, and her cheeks heated as she nodded her head.

“I’ll try to control myself more.” She laughed softly.

“I don’t want you to.” He smiled in the way he knew she liked.

“I doubt I could anyway.” She said.

They lay there a few minutes longer when Alex got a text from Evie reminding him he had ten minutes before she expected him home. They unwillingly pried themselves from each other’s embrace and went downstairs.

They said their good-bye’s, under Kim’s watchful eyes.

“I love you, babe.” Alex said as he kissed Holly again on the front porch.

“I love you too.” She said and gently sucked his lower lip, making Alex have to stifle a moan of pleasure.

“I’ll text as soon as I get back.” He said, then he left, Holly watching as he went.

Holly said goodnight to her parents. More because she didn’t want any inappropriate comments from them. Holly flopped down on her bed and waited for Alex’s text.

He’d been gone less than ten minutes when her phone beeped.

A: I’m home, my precious girl. God, I miss you already.

H: I’m missing you too, gorgeous. This sucks. :(

A: It does. At least, in a few days, we can have sleepovers. ;)

Alex had already stayed over at her house, once, but that was because of her nightmare and subsequent panic attack.

H: That sounds like heaven. :)

A: Yeah it does. Nobody will disturb us then.

H: What is it with everyone and their timing? It’s infuriating! :\

A: Tell me about it! I’m going to find out what my Mom’s game is.

H: Ok babe. X

Five minutes went by, and Holly had brushed her teeth before climbing into bed.

A: My Mom claims her call was just to see when I was coming home, that’s all. I told her I know what she was doing, but she feigned innocence.

H: Oh my God!

Holly had an idea that Evie thought they might ‘break tradition’ and was calling her parents so that they’d interrupt them. It was genius really. She’d have to remember that trick.

A: I told her there was no need to check up on us. Although, I don’t blame her. I wouldn’t trust me either.

Holly’s stomach fluttered with excitement and a huge smile spread across her face. She loved her flirty texts with Alex.

H: Why wouldn’t you?

A: Because I’m losing more of my restraint. I can’t help myself with you.

H: I like it though. ;)

A: You’re a bad girl.

H: You make me that way. :P

A: Excellent! My plan is working.

H: Yeah? What plan is that?

Holly felt heat flow through her body and settle between her thighs. Alex didn’t even have to be near her to turn her on. Not even talking on the phone but just texting! ‘
she thought.

A: You’ll have to wait and see, mi chica traviesa.

H: :o Will I like it?

She had a good idea what he was talking about, and she really wanted him to say it.

A: I’m counting on it. ;)

H: Then I’m sure I will love it.

A: Ok I’m dying here! I might have to have a freezing shower!

H: Not too cold. :D

A: You can warm me up tomorrow. ;D

H: Of course, babe, but that just means more cold showers.

A: I can deal with that. It only for a few more days babe.

H: It certainly is. I can’t wait to see you.

It was true. Even thought they’d been apart for less than an hour, Holly felt alone and her chest felt empty. Being with Alex fixed all of that.

A: Me neither, baby. I’ll see you 1
thing again. Is that ok?

H: Of course! ASAP.
I will let you get some rest now though. :) Goodnight babe. Sweet dreams. I love you. XX

A: I love you too. Goodnight and have sexy…I mean sweet dreams too. XX ;X


Holly went to sleep, and she did indeed have very, very sexy dreams. But; of course, she woke up before the ‘end’.

Chapter 30

The next mooring, Alex picked Holly up for school.
This time, there was no ‘hands on’ activities as Kim had called Holly downstairs for breakfast. She told Holly that her car would be ready that afternoon and she would pick it up for her.

Holly’s stomach turned at the mention of her car. She’d tried to put the incidents with Stacey to the back of her mind. Especially as she was in custody.

Oli had been going through Stacey’s previous conviction and it had taken a while to get hold of her psychiatric evaluations as there were a lot of entries in the months of Stacey’s incarceration.

She had fooled the doctors into thinking she was getting better. She was obviously a good actress, she hadn’t been under any suspicion at school for the past two years.

Oli had gathered the complaints from school, that Alex had made, and he said he was putting a case together against the people responsible for putting a school full of teenagers at risk. Mainly Alex, Holly, and their friends.

Holly told Alex what Oli had explained to her and that it would take a few more days before the first papers were submitted to the courts.

When they got to school, they told the rest of the group about it. They were all happy that something was being done but still wary because they hadn’t heard any more news regarding Stacey’s current situation. She’d been taken into custody five days previously and was still there as far as they knew.

They still had finals for that semester so they decided to put it out if their minds and to concentrate on school.

The day went smoothly with Alex meeting Holly after his free period, and whisked her off to the storeroom to ‘chat’.

That evening they all planned to go out. Due to them all pairing up and getting ‘closer’ they’d not seen much of each other.

They played crazy golf, went out for dinner, and then back to Alex and Dev’s for a movie. Everybody had had a great time and had left fairly late.

Alex took Holly home and they’d shared their sexy texts to each other after he’d gotten back.

Plenty of cold showers were needed afterwards.

On Friday, Holly, having her car back picked up Alex for school.

Dev and Ben went with them too, but Holly had to pick them up from Ben’s house. Holly felt a twinge of envy that Dev was able to spend time with her boyfriend, without disruption, but she was also happy for her. She’d waited a long time for him.

Holly, Alex and Ben spent their free period in the library. Holly would’ve been studying Spanish alone, but Alex was helping her. Thank goodness Ben was there though, because his presence was the only thing stopping her and Alex from causing a scene right there on the table.

He’d had to intervene quite a few times.

During Phys.Ed, Holly and Alex arranged their third date for that evening.

They couldn’t wait and were excited to be alone. They hadn’t had any private time together since Wednesday, and they were desperate to be together, away from everybody.

“I’ll drive” Holly said to Alex. “You’ve chauffeured me all week.” Alex gave in, and Holly dropped him home, and she drove to her house to get ready.

Alex was busy getting dressed when Ben knocked on his bedroom door. Alex opened the door and Ben walked in and plonked himself down on his bed.

“So, where are you going?” He asked.

“I don’t know yet. Just…anywhere…I don’t care.” Alex replied as he was fastening his belt.

BOOK: Welcome to New Haven
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