Read We Shall Rise Online

Authors: J.E. Hopkins

Tags: #paranormal paranormal romance vampires vampire romance shifters lycans witches werewolves

We Shall Rise (36 page)

Kaden set her down on the ground and knelt in front of her. “Never too busy for you,” he spoke and signed in response. Her innocent smile filled with love for him melted his heart. He didn’t know what he had done to earn her love, but somehow she gifted it to him and he gladly accepted it.

No longer would he turn away from love out of fear that he would destroy it. There was no force strong enough to compel him to hurt this child that he loved as if she were his own flesh and blood. He knew at that moment, he would never hurt Reysa or his child. He couldn’t. He wasn’t his father’s son when it came to this. Daughton Gaspard was not capable of love, but Kaden was filled with it. No matter how hard he tried to block it out, love consumed him.

Disturbing his moment of reverie was a shrill, all too familiar bark. Kaden stood up grabbing Tatiana. He held her up high protecting her from the menacing little beast that was heading his way. Fi-Fi.

Fi-Fi looked much less intimidating with her pink tutu and tiny crown. In fact, she looked more miserable than Kaden. She bared her teeth at him in a wicked snarl and he took a step back. He really wanted to kill this dog. One burst of fire would end this terror pup once and for all.

Tatiana struggled to be put down, but Kaden held her tightly not wanting her near this potential rabid beast. She wiggled in his arms until she faced Fi-Fi. Fi-Fi instantly stopped growling and focused its wide brown eyes on Tatiana’s swirling silver. Her eyes began to morph in a montage of rainbow colors. Kaden had never seen anything like this. He looked around to see if anyone else had noticed this, but everyone else was distracted and not paying attention to this scene unfold. He returned his attention to Tatiana and watched in fascination as Fi-Fi began to whimper. The dog bowed her head and then rolled over on her back as if begging to be pet.

Tatiana turned to Kaden and asked that he put her down. He finally let her go, but kept a hand on her as she bent down to pet Fi-Fi. She motioned for him to pet Fi-Fi. Kaden was not willing to trust this suddenly docile dog. Tatiana sensed his reluctance and reached for his hand pulling it towards the dog. He could have easily resisted, but he allowed Tatiana to control this situation. He didn’t trust the dog, but he trusted her. It was clear that not only did she have the power to create this creature, she also had the power to control it.

Kaden hesitantly rubbed Fi-Fi’s stomach. The dog moaned in delight.

We should talk
, Tatiana explained as she grabbed his hand. Fi-Fi cried from the separation, but Tatiana gave her another mesmerizing look and the dog rose and scampered off. Tatiana led him to a table set by the pool.
Mommy hasn’t said much, but I can tell she’s a little mad at you. I asked her if she was mad and she told me not to worry which means she’s really mad. Were you bad?

Kaden marveled at this young child who was way too mature for a five-year-old. Despite her maturity, she was still young and so he had to be careful about what to say to her, but he would not lie to her. “I was pretty lousy. I hurt her.”

Are you sorry?

“More than words can say,” Kaden acknowledged.

Tatiana stared at him for a moment seemingly in deep thought. Then she gave him one of her devilish smiles.
We can fix this
, she signed.
When you’re bad, you have to say you’re sorry and then you can’t be bad anymore

“I don’t want to be bad anymore,” Kaden confessed those words that held so much more meaning than the child in front of him could understand.

Kaden felt her presence immediately. He shifted towards the patio door where Reysa stood with Christian and another guy Kaden had not seen before. The stranger’s light brown eyes bore into his as he stretched and spread out a pair of navy and purple wings that engulfed Reysa.

The jealousy started to surface at the possessory stance this being had around Reysa, but Kaden bit back his rage. His position was too fragile for such a show of anger. He needed to earn Reysa’s trust and hopefully her love again. Overreacting to this stranger’s presence would prove to her that he had not changed. He was the same volatile coward who walked out of her life weeks ago.

He smiled at her, but she turned away and walked over to Broderick who was cooking at the grill. At least she didn’t demand that he leave.

He turned to Tatiana whose eyes showed an understanding of the situation that should have been way too complicated for her young mind.

“Who’s the winged creature by the door?” Kaden signed hoping that his face hid the jealousy he was trying so hard to suppress.

That’s Falcon. He’s friends with Mommy and Daddy. He doesn’t live here though. He lives in Hawaii. He comes to visit us often, but he never stays long enough
,” Tatiana sighed not holding back her disappointment. “
He’s always leaving again. I wish he would stay. He’s really cool. He can fly really high in the sky. Sometimes he takes me flying. He flies with Mommy a lot. Not Daddy though. He hates flying, even in planes.

“Falcon is a shifter?” Kaden asked.

I don’t know. He never turns into a regular bird. He just has wings and can fly. Mommy said he’s a Misfit like us.
Typical of children, Tatiana quickly changed the subject.
Why does Mommy keep giving you the evil eye? She only gives that look when someone is about to get punished. She must be extra mad at you. Don’t worry though. I can help you. This is what we have to do. You have to get Mommy to forgive you. Daddy always says when you make someone sad, you have to show them how much you love them and sometimes you have to do things you don’t like if it makes the person happy. So, Mommy likes to dance. You should ask her to dance to her favorite song

Tatiana was so sweet and innocent. Kaden didn’t want to hurt her feelings and tell her there was no way Reysa would agree to dance with him right now. “Sweetheart, I don’t think that’s going to work. Your Mom doesn’t look to be in the mood to dance with me. I need to talk to her first.”

Tatiana shook her head defiantly.
Dancing puts her in a better mood. She’ll talk to you after. Trust me. She’ll say yes to the dance because I’m going to ask her, not you. If you ask, she’ll say no for sure, but she won’t say no to me because it’s my birthday. I will give her my pouty mouth,
Tatiana paused to demonstrate,
then she’ll feel bad and say yes. It works every time, but I only use it when it’s really important. Lina said if I do it too much, it won’t work so well.

Kaden chuckled. Tatiana was not so innocent after all. She was a master manipulator. No one could resist pouty mouth. He figured he had nothing to lose trying it her way. He looked over to Reysa who was pretending to ignore him although he caught her glancing back in his direction a few times. Maybe Tatiana was right. Reysa was in no mood to talk. Dancing might be the best option if Tatiana could make it happen. It was worth a shot.

He agreed to the plan and Tatiana ran over the DJ and requested the next song. She ran back over to Kaden. She plucked a beautiful lavender orchid from a vase on the table and handed it to him.
Put this in Mommy’s hair. She loves orchids and she sometimes wears them in her hair when we play tea party

Love advice from a five-year-old was the ultimate in embarrassment, Kaden thought to himself, but he was desperate and Tatiana seemed to know what she was talking about. It’s not like he had any better ideas. He had hoped he could come to the party and just talk to Reysa. Not a well thought out plan, but he ached to see her, to be near her again. He couldn’t think straight without her so strategizing a plan to win her back was not an option.

Tatiana grabbed his hand and dragged him towards her mother. He could see her stiffen as he approached. Part of him wanted to flee in fear of her rejection, but he couldn’t run this time. He had spent his whole life running and it was time for once he stayed and fought for what he wanted.

Reysa turned around just as they neared her. Her emerald eyes darkened as they focused on him. There was definitely anger in that look, but what hurt the most, was the devastating pain her eyes could not hide. Kaden knew he was to blame for that pain and he would never forgive himself for it.

He couldn’t free his eyes from her. She was incredibly gorgeous standing there in her purple dress that accentuated those curves that fit so perfectly in his body. Those curves were even more delectable now as her body was already beginning to change. Her hair flowed freely down her back in luscious waves. He reached out wanting to run his fingers through the silk of her dark brown hair, but he pulled back. He hadn’t earned the right to touch her again but the need was so strong that his body began to tremble as he fought the blazing inferno that refused to be restrained.

Tatiana squeezed his hand tighter in her tiny grasp and smiled at him instantly calming his fire. She released him and tugged at her mother’s dress to get her attention.

Reysa knew Tatiana was trying to reach her, but she couldn’t take her eyes off of Kaden. She knew she would see him again, but not this soon. She expected to feel nothing but hate for him, but the moment she felt his presence, she was overcome with a sense of longing. She cursed herself for this weakness, this need for him. He hurt her and yet she still wanted him with every ounce of her being. It made no sense but here she was aching for someone who had so easily ripped her heart to shreds and walked away.

The only satisfaction was seeing how much he wanted her and knowing he felt the same urgent need to be together. His eyes couldn’t hide his desire and his body was like dynamite, ready to ignite. He tensed unable to hide the subtle shuddering of his need.

She tore her eyes away from his and focused on her daughter who had been persistently tugging at her dress. She crouched down to an excited Tatiana who seemed extremely pleased about Kaden’s presence. This was no surprise. Tatiana had been fascinated with Kaden from the moment they met. She talked about him incessantly especially these last few weeks. His absence had been a void in her child’s life as well as her own. And now he was back as if nothing had happened—as if he belonged here. Well, she would not allow him to walk in and out of their lives like this. The goodbyes would just hurt too much.

Tatiana tugged at her hair to get her attention.
Mommy, I’m so glad Kaden came back for my party. I’m so happy now. This party is just perfect. Can you dance with me, Mommy?

Reysa was grateful for the distraction from Kaden. Dancing with her daughter was just what she needed. “Of course sweetheart,” Reysa signed.

Tatiana turned to Kaden,
Can you dance with us?
she asked so innocently that Kaden would have believed it had he not already known what she was planning.

He looked to Reysa whose eyes were begging him to say no and for a moment, he was tempted, but he turned to Tatiana who was giving him the “don’t screw this up look” and he agreed to the dance.

He took Tatiana’s left hand and Reysa her right and they moved towards the pool area where several of the sirens were dancing a bit provocatively with some of the males. To his surprise, Julian was dancing a rather sensual samba with Anastasia who was draped all over him as if she were stuck to him like glue. Julian seemed to be enjoying the attention as he swayed his body in perfect concert with Anastasia. Kaden turned to the right and saw Yasmine staring intently at the pair. Her eyes revealing nothing as she watched them closely. Kaden recognized the signs of this potential trouble although Julian seemed oblivious as he continued to flirt brazenly with a very receptive Anastasia.

Tatiana led them to the center of the dance floor boldly nudging some of the sirens out of the way. She watched as Kaden and Reysa just stood there staring at each other forgetting her presence. That gave her the perfect opportunity to turn to the DJ and give him a thumbs up. Moments later, the samba music was over and a slow song began to play. Tatiana watched her mother’s reaction and knew the DJ was playing the right song, “These Arms of Mine,” by Otis Redding.

Tatiana motioned to her right and Caleb came over. She tugged at her mother’s dress again nearly tearing it as she tried to get her attention away from Kaden’s eyes. Reysa reluctantly faced her daughter who started signing,
Caleb wants to dance with me. So you and Kaden dance while I dance with Caleb.

Reysa glanced at Kaden who seemed eager to dance with her, but she did not want to be that close to him. A moment in his arms and her defenses would inevitably collapse. She didn’t trust herself around him when the need was so strong. “You go ahead and dance with Caleb. Kaden and I will watch you from the side,” Reysa signed frantically.

But I want you two to dance with us. You said you would dance with me, Mommy
, she started to cry.

Kaden tried to hide his amusement and this very intentional and fake display of emotion. He watched as Tatiana contorted her mouth so that her bottom lipped poked out as it trembled. Her eyes began to water and a few tears escaped down her face. Pouty mouth was in full effect and Reysa’s resolve was crumbling.

Kaden reached for Reysa’s hand and nearly faltered from the intensity of the electric current between them. He could see she felt it too as she closed her eyes and tried to steady her breathing. Kaden tugged her towards him and whispered in her ear, “It’s just a dance, Reysa. Let’s not hurt Tatiana’s feelings on her birthday. We can give her this gift, can’t we?” He placed the orchid in her hair allowing his fingers to finally feel those silken locks.

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