Read Viking's Love Online

Authors: Karolyn Cairns

Tags: #romance, #adventure, #battle, #historical, #epic, #viking romance, #adventure both on the land and on the sea, #fantasy themes

Viking's Love (45 page)

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No, it must be you to protect Meghera,
or I will not help you seek out Ulsted,” Collin said stubbornly and
cursed under his breath for using the situation to his own
advantage. “Allisande said your home is forged out the side of a
mountain, and you have but one single neighbor within miles, don’t
you see? She will be free to learn how to control this thing
outside of prying eyes, and your people with revere her and not
seek to harm her.”

You ask the impossible of me! My
people believe in such creatures as she, do you not understand? She
will be more than revered, they will likely worship her!” He saw
Collin’s smile and glowered. The Englishman could find no better
place to hide his fairy than within the superstitious legends of
his Nordic race. He frowned darkly down at the man. “Ask me again
when you help me reclaim Allisande and my son!” He stalked away,
his men close on his heels, still staring up into the


Allisande was exhausted by the time the ship
made port at Ulsted’s holdings. She shivered as she looked over the
rail and saw the dozens of mounted soldiers and retainers waiting
as Wulfstan shoved her towards the plank that had been tossed onto
the dock.

Go meet your husband, Lady Ulsted.”
Wulfstan chuckled at her look of horror as the earl rode up on his
stallion and gazed at her coldly from his position within their
ranks. He slid off his mount and approached with a cruel gleam in
his eyes as he looked at her and the baby in her arms. He gestured
to a woman standing nearby and pointed to the baby.

Take the brat to the keep!” He saw
Allisande flinch and smiled as the servant approached. Allisande
reluctantly gave the woman her child, her gaze frosty as it met the

I told you I will not live with you,
husband. It appears we are about to have our first

Ulsted drew back his hand and slapped her
hard across the face. Allisande staggered back from the blow and
eyed him murderously. He smiled down at her. He grabbed her by the
arm, his fingers digging into her flesh as he dragged her to his
horse. “You had best mind that tongue, bitch wife! I have your
little bastard to keep you in line! Do not forget it, or I’ll kill
the brat myself!”

Wulfstan chuckled in delight as he watched
Ulsted toss her across the animals back as his men loaded his cask
of gold onto his ship. Ulsted saluted him and spurred his mount on
back to the keep, looking down at his wife hanging on for dear life
with a cruel smile.

We have plenty of time for quarreling,
my love,” Robert crooned as he slowed to a canter and viciously
pinched her buttock, causing her to cry out in pain. “You will find
I will never tire of hurting you, wife. I have a room here just for
that purpose. I plan on showing it to you tonight. You will be very
sorry you ran from me, Allisande.”

Allisande’s eyes filled with tears as they
crossed the drawbridge and she felt an ominous clenching within her
soul as the soldiers followed and the drawbridge was raised and
blocked out the light.

Robert eyed her contemptuously as he dragged
her down from his mount and pulled her into the keep. Allisande
pulled away and he released her as the serfs shuffled into the hall
to meet their new mistress.

She saw the looks of curiosity and fear on
their faces as they watched him. It was obvious he wasn’t a kind
master. They gazed at her pityingly. He announced she was the new
Countess of Ulsted and pushed her towards a group of women.

Take her to her room and bathe the
wench. She reeks like a Viking whore,” Robert said as he pushed
Allisande towards the servants. “If you want to ever see your son,
I suggest you do as I say, wife!” She paled as the women led her up
the stone stairs. She felt numb as she was led down a series of
corridors until they came to the tower room. She was led up another
flight of stone stairs to a windowless room.

She shivered noting the huge bed that
dominated the center of the room with its crimson damask hangings.
She didn’t want to think of him lying with her in it that night and
shuddered in revulsion. Several chests were in the room, as well as
a huge tub made of copper.

The women eyed her shyly as they lit a fire
within the hearth and began to heat her bath water. She could think
of nothing but her son and bit back a sob as she felt her breasts
ache from lack of nursing.

Soon they had a cauldron of water over the
fire and the task of toting water up the stairs to fill her tub
began. Once it was filled, they insisted upon helping her bathe.
Her clothing was taken from her and she stepped into the tub and
allowed the two maids to scrub her.

Allisande closed her eyes in shame when they
appeared to be looking for vermin in her hair. She slapped their
hands away and demanded a wash rag and soap. She finished her bath
on her own.

The clothing they brought her would have
pleased her had she not considered where it came from. Her husband
spared no expense to outfit his bride richly. The costly blue
velvet garments and gold mesh girdle made her feel like a

She allowed the woman named Gerda to dress
her newly washed hair and when she was done, Allisande hardly
recognized the noble creature in the distorted looking glass. She
accepted the jewels from the maid and stared at the large sapphire
and diamond necklace and bracelets contemptuously, but donned them
nonetheless. She slid on a velvet overdress and a pair of silk
matching slippers and she was ready.

The women all mumbled she looked lovely and
couldn’t meet her eyes. Most already knew what Lord Ulsted’s lovely
bride was in store for that night. They pitied the beautiful
raven-haired lady. They shivered as they left her.

Robert was told his bride was prepared, and
smiled cruelly as the servant went to bring her to the hall as the
evening meal was served. His handsome face was flushed with drink.
He sipped his wine, and sighed as he saw her descend the stone

She was as breathtaking as he remembered. He
wrinkled his nose as he thought of the squalling brat upstairs he
had to secure a wet nurse for. He met her frigid gaze with a gleam
in his eye as he rose to seat her, his hands lingering on her
shoulders and enjoying the way she shivered from his touch.

Allisande avoided looking at him during the
meal and refused to speak when he inquired solicitously of her
health during her long journey. She nearly choked on her wine when
he went on and on about trivial matters. She felt a sense of panic
when she saw the mad light in his eyes.

How long has it been since you gave
birth to the child, my dear?” Robert inquired as he chewed a piece
of food and gazed at her under his lashes, his pale blue eye
narrowing as he saw her flush at his words.

My son was born eight weeks ago.”
Allisande flinched from his low chuckle as she felt his breath on
her shoulder.

Good, you are ready to be bedded this
night.” Robert enjoyed seeing her pale at his words. He reached out
and stroked her cheek. “You will find me to be a very patient
lover, Allisande. I will enjoy taking my time with you. I have
thought of nothing but this moment for many nights since you ran
from Lockwraithe with your Viking lover. I shall have to punish you
for that, of course.” His hand slid away abruptly and his eyes
narrowed maliciously. “Mayhap you will enjoy it.”

You will never make me enjoy it!”
Allisande hissed under her breath and her violet eyes met his with
simmering hatred. “I will loath you for every day of my

Robert chuckled and encouraged her to eat.
Allisande had little appetite and asked after her son. She demanded
to feed him. Robert eyed her with a gleam in his eyes.

I have secured him a nurse,” her
husband said and looked at her burgeoning breasts with delight as
he reached out and pinched one, causing her to cry out in pain.
“That brat will not be destroying those lovely tits of yours, my
dear. Finish your meal. I am eager to have our wedding

Allisande ate as slowly as possible until she
could delay the moment no longer. He snapped to the servants to
clear the dishes away and rose. He stared down at her and his blue
eyes narrowed as they took in her frigid features.

You will please me, my bitch wife!” He
jerked her up and stared into her face. “You will try very hard to
please me, or your brat will suffer for it! Come, we will see what
the Viking has taught you!” She flinched in despair and fear as he
pushed her towards the stairs. He shoved her ahead of him until
they came to a room at the end of the hallway. He opened the door
and pushed her inside. He enjoyed her terror as she looked about as
saw the many tortures he derived to gain his pleasure.

A panel of assorted whips lined the wall and
a series of other things she couldn’t imagine in all her
nightmares. Ropes hung from the ceiling, as well as chains. A cry
slid past her clenched lips. She felt faint as she backed away from
him. He laughed low and evilly as he shut the door behind him.


Allisande whimpered in the dark. She hung
naked and suspended from the chains where he left her when he was
done with her. She wanted to die in shame and degradation at what
had been done to her.

She trembled violently, and every inch of her
ached from his vile rape of her for most of the evening. He said he
would be patient, and he had, torturing her with his assortment of
whips and other devices before he removed his clothing and brutally
raped her while she hung suspended and helpless.

Robert was insatiable and laughed as she let
out whimpers of fear and pain. The agony was unbearable. She prayed
to die as she endured the animal that was her husband. She clung to
her image of Joran and desperately tried to retain it during the

She closed her eyes and mumbled a prayer as
he reached for her again and again. He unchained her finally, and
left her lying in her own urine when he demanded the servants tend
to her the next morning.

Allisande couldn’t walk. Both women gave up
trying to get her up and carried her. The tub was refilled. She
stared sightlessly into space in it as they washed her, clucking
over the bite marks that covered her whole body and bruises and
welts. She felt numb. She could hardly bear for the women to touch
her as they helped her to bathe and dress and cringed away from

They met her ravaged eyes. She saw their
understanding and bit back a sob. Soon she dissolved into tears and
collapsed into one woman’s arms, the woman named Gerda. Gerda eyed
the other woman as they put the girl to bed and her lips twisted in

That evil man deserves to die!” Gerda
whispered harshly in a hushed tone to her companion for they had
long been discussing how they would do it if not for their terror
of him. The other woman, named Millicent, made the sign of the
cross and was secretly relieved Lord Robert had another to vent his
unholy perversions upon, but felt shame for her thoughts as she
eyed the exhausted woman in the bed.

Perhaps he will tire of her quickly
and return to court,” Millicent whispered hopefully and made a
sorrowful noise in the back of her throat, realizing how long it
would take him to tire of this newest victim, his wife.


The weeks passed and the Vikings exercised in
the barn. Joran flew into a rage as his men still hadn’t healed
enough to endure another battle. The sounds of his howling in fury
could be heard over the grounds of Lockwraithe late at night. The
villagers shivered as they heard it. Collin felt his pain and
sorrow knowing Ulsted had Allisande at his estate, and was no doubt
enjoying torturing his wife.

The messenger he sent to court confirmed Lord
Ulsted had been at his estate for a fortnight. Collin felt it
better to refrain from telling Joran that, for he knew the Vikings
hadn’t healed enough to do battle yet.

Collin shuddered as he thought of what Ulsted
was undoubtedly doing to his sister, and his eyes narrowed as he
vowed retribution. He sighed as he closed his eyes and trembled
from the force of the rage that came over him.

He never wanted to kill another as he had
Ulsted the moment he took his sister from the Viking. He pitied the
man when Joran Ivarsson found him, for he had little doubt if
Allisande didn’t live, there would be no place on the earth for him
to hide.

The sounds of clashing steel were a common
sound within the barn. Collin ordered his people away claiming his
men were practicing. The Vikings grew stronger by the day. Collin
ordered Meghera to stay silent about the Vikings living in the
barn. They made a game of it.

She often snuck down to talk to them, having
learned the language overnight to his dismay. Judging from their
bemused glances at him when he came down to work out details of the
siege on Ulsted, they were well aware of his wife’s abilities now.
He saw a growing respect in their eyes.

The dawn arrived the beginning of the next
week. The wagons were readied for the journey to Ulsted. They
worked laboriously to cover them with canvas and painted them
boldly with the lettering identifying them as merchants.

Meghera painted them. Collin had to admit
they were quite convincing from other such conveyances he had seen.
They left the next day. Collin said goodbye to his mother and his
child bride the night before, declaring it too early for them to
rise to see his party off.

The Vikings were chomping at the bit to
destroy Ulsted. He felt the fury of their bloodlust every time he
was within their company. Joran wore a mask of indifference, but
Collin knew he was suffering for what he couldn’t control.

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