Read Venture Forward Online

Authors: Kristen Luciani

Venture Forward (25 page)

Mia picked up another glass and took a long sip. “Looks like she’s getting awfully cozy. Maybe you’d better go claim your territory. Ick. Just standing next to her might make a guy catch an STD.”

“I’ll, um, be right back.” Avery sidestepped the crowd, her throat tightening with each passing second.

Rochelle spun around, her long, curly blonde hair fanning behind her. “Hi there! It’s… Avery, right? So nice to see you again.”

“Yes, good to see you as well.”

Rochelle cocked her head, her blue eyes sparking with anger. “So are you guys together? I had no idea. How cute is that? Prominent venture capitalist, startup CEO. I bet it would make for an interesting story, don’t you think? It’s got such mass appeal.”

“Well, I don’t know if it’s

“Oh trust me, people love this kind of story. It’s the kind of thing
are made of.”

She clutched Paul’s hand, desperately trying to regulate her labored breathing before she fell victim to a panic attack. “Should we find Mia and Chris now? It’s probably time to head inside. Rochelle, have a good night.”

“Good idea.” He pulled Avery out of the lounge without another glance back.

“Hey, will you please tell me what’s up? Did something happen back there? What was Rochelle talking about? And why is she so interested in our relationship?”

“Nothing for you to worry about.”

The hell there wasn’t.
“Please tell me why you’re so upset. What’s the deal with Rochelle? There’s more to the story you told me, isn’t there?”

Paul slowly exhaled and nodded, averting his eyes.

Beads of sweat popped up on the back of her neck. This wasn’t good at all. Pieces of the puzzle were rapidly falling into place, and she didn’t like what the end result was shaping up to be.

“I told you when I tried to end things, she went off the deep end. So she picked up with someone else, to accomplish what, I’m not really sure. To make me jealous, angry, some combination, I don’t know.”

“Someone you knew?”

“Yeah. My ex-business partner.”

“Ray Androtti?
was the girl who was sleeping with him?”

“What do you know about that?”

“I, um, I’ve heard things. It’s not like people don’t know you and your old partner had a falling out over a girl.”

Paul was silent for a long minute. Avery felt the air being sucked from her lungs as she waited for him to speak again.

“Yeah. Well, she’s still holding a grudge.”

“Did she say something to you to make you feel that way?”

“Androtti and I didn’t have a falling out over a girl. Someone recently made threats against me to take the story public. It was Rochelle. She knows the real reason.”

“Wh-what was the reason? And why would the press care?”

“One of the companies we’d funded was embezzling money. Androtti had been working with them for months before he picked up with me. They needed a solid funding partner who would pour cash into their operation, and I was it. But I found out too late. I didn’t do the right research up front, and, even though I wasn’t directly involved, I still funded the activity.”

“Oh my God.”

“I finally figured everything out, but it was too late. They’d created a bogus consulting company and paid out exorbitant amounts of money on a monthly basis. It was a huge oversight, one that’ll crush Blue Coat if word gets out. It’s all about perception. I’m just as big a criminal as they are in the eyes of the world. I couldn’t even turn them in because I’d get dragged into the middle of the mess. We dissolved our partnership immediately, and, even though I distanced myself as much as possible, I knew it would come back to haunt me.”

“Is there anything you can do to clear your name? Can I help at all?”
Like I haven’t done enough already, right?

“No. I’ve kept it buried for so long. Part of me wishes it would come out so I can finally stop looking over my shoulder. And Rochelle… Christ, the woman is a fucking sociopath.”

“What about Suze? As your publicist, she should be able to—”

“It was a bad move, and now I have to deal with the consequences. Seems like I’ve been saying that a lot lately.”

Avery shivered at the look of defeat in his eyes. Waves of sadness crashed over her. Rochelle couldn’t get away with this. She had to fix it, somehow and soon, before any more damage was done.

“I don’t want to ruin the night. Let’s go inside and have some fun, okay?”

“Okay,” Avery whispered. She scanned the room and locked eyes with Rochelle. A mean little smile pulled at the corners of her glossed mouth. A second later, she was swallowed up by the growing crowd.

“Hey guys, can we please go before I lose Mia to Tredwell? He just walked into the lounge, and I’m feeling a little insecure right now.” Chris smirked and wrapped his arms around Mia’s slender waist. “I’m pretty sure if he gives her the come-hither look, I’ll be banished to the hallway tonight.”

“Never.” She kissed him firmly on the lips and looked back at Paul and Avery. “Shall we?” Mia grabbed Avery’s hand, letting the guys walk ahead of them. “Did you find out who the tart was?”

“Yeah, it’s what I thought.”
being the more appropriate word choice.

“Mmm-hmm. Well, I’d keep an eye on that one. She looks dangerous.”

If she only knew…



he was finally turning a corner, the past yanked him back. It was a harsh reminder that, even though so much time had passed, the consequences of his choices still dictated his future.

Avery’s sultry scent teased his already-heightened senses. In that instant, all the worry dissipated, albeit temporarily. But it was what he needed to gain perspective. She was the only thing that mattered. Protecting himself was no longer the priority.

Music pulsated around them as Ally Maxwell shimmied across the stage. Spectators leapt to their feet, dancing and singing along to the catchy pop tune. But Avery remained seated next to him, her head resting against his shoulder. Her even breathing on his neck soothed his angst. She chased away the fears and insecurities, always giving herself, never asking anything in return. Somehow he’d been lucky enough to find her, and he’d be damned to mess it up.

“I think we can probably slip out after this performance.” Avery gazed at him through lowered lashes, her fingertips gently trailing down his arm. “What do you think?”

“I thought you’d never ask. I told the driver to hang around, just in case you got antsy.”

“Good. I can’t wait any longer.”

Paul nudged Chris. “We’re taking off. I’ll send the car back for you guys.”

“Sure thing, man. Enjoy.”

He pulled her close as they exited the theater. Her body fit perfectly with his, in all respects, and it took every ounce of restraint not to devour her where they stood.

Spectators still milled about in the balmy evening air, but the paparazzi were nowhere in sight. Probably waiting by the back door, ready to pounce on any early escapees.

He smirked when she pressed the button to close the partition once they settled into the car. “What’s the matter? Can’t control yourself for another ten minutes?”

“I’m actually hoping
won’t be able to.”

She crawled toward him and sank onto his lap. Her bronze skin shimmered in the moonlight streaming through the sunroof.

“You’re fucking beautiful.” He slowly reached under the gown, hands roaming over her toned thighs as his lips gently grazed her shoulder.

“What are you waiting for?” The raspiness of her voice sent pangs straight to his groin.

“I’m being patient because even though this teasing is driving me crazy, I want more than a few minutes. I want all night.” He nuzzled her ear. “Mmm, no panties. I love it. If I’d known that before we left the hotel, we might not have made it out.” His fingers stroked the soft flesh, eliciting a gasp from her lips.

“I want you to make love to me. I need to feel you.” She let out a low moan, rolling her hips on top of him as he probed deeper and deeper.

Her juices flowed over his fingers as they massaged the velvety folds. “Oh my God,” she whispered against his neck, her breaths reduced to quiet whimpers.

His cock swelled with a deep ache only she could soothe. “
All night



private elevator signaling their arrival to the penthouse barely registered in her conscious as his needy mouth devoured hers. His hands felt so good, running over her backside, inching the gown further and further up her trembling thighs as they stumbled into the suite. How much more of this could she take? His hard length pressed against her with urgency, blood rushed between her ears, every touch leaving a scorching imprint on her over-sensitized skin. Wanting him was an understatement; she
him just like she needed air, food, water. Her body reacted to him in fits of frenzy, tingles racing throughout her extremities.

The beaded gown pooled around her ankles, magically melting off her body under his skilled fingertips. The low growl that emerged from deep within his throat was so carnal, but the look in his eyes told an entirely different story, one where she was the center of his universe, never to be rejected, only to be cherished. It was the same look she’d seen the morning he’d told her he loved her.

“I need to feel you.”
She breathed the words against his ear as she slid off his jacket. This man infused every cell of her being. The concept of too much just didn’t register. Her appetite was insatiable, the cravings endless. She fumbled with his belt buckle, finally freeing him from the confines of fabric.

Her knees buckled at his touch. Good Lord, his fingers were amazingly skilled at finding just the right spot to make her quiver and crumple into his arms, pleading for more. Somehow, she managed to flick open the buttons on his dress shirt and slide it off the powerful shoulders pinning her frenzied body against the living room wall.

She brought her hand to her mouth and licked the palm then reached for him. His iron-hard shaft swelled as she grasped it, softly at first, then with increasing force. She rubbed him against her, liquid heat moistening the swollen tip. His fingers persisted, penetrating her deeper and with wanting until her knees buckled and she fell into his strong arms — breathless, captivated, desperate for more.

“Tell me you want me.” His eyes, darkened with lust, sizzled her insides.

“I want you.” She could barely choke out the words, chest tightening as he grasped the cheek of her backside and squeezed.

His lips lifted into a sexy smile, fingers of his free hand winding through the tendrils of hair cascading over her shoulders. “Show me.”

There was nothing she wanted more in the world. The spell he’d unknowingly cast was unbreakable; his body, mind, and soul were all-consuming — every word, every glance, every touch… She could never again be whole without him by her side. Little shivers raced down her spine with each stroke and tug of his throbbing shaft.

“Take me inside,” he murmured, lips pursed on her neck. His biceps rippled under her fingertips as she guided him into the master bedroom. The plush mattress beckoned, crisp white sheets a stark contrast to his bronze skin as they landed on the bed.

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