Read Valley Of Glamorgan Online

Authors: Julie Eads

Tags: #animals, #royal, #shapeshifers, #fantasy 2014 new release

Valley Of Glamorgan (20 page)

BOOK: Valley Of Glamorgan
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Taya leaned towards me and whispered a quiet
‘thank you’ to me. I could tell that she had been hurt by Thora’s
words and, no matter how many times I could have hit Thora, I knew
Taya would feel the pain of her hateful comment for a long time to
come, making me feel so much angrier.

The rest of the evening continued with
people making their way up onto the stage and making their toast to
Declan; wishing him a happy birthday. As the end of the evening
approached Maggie and Willow summonsed Declan to join them before
all three walked into the center of the room. Once there they
announced that Declan would be announcing his spirit animal at
midnight, following which he would be sent to a small cottage
located in the middle of the woods where he would complete his
animal ritual over the next three days. I thought about how
misleading the information was that Willow had given me. As it
turned out, tonight was Declan’s official birthday, so the animal
ritual was right on schedule. My emotions about the whole affair
felt mixed and, in a peculiar way, I was feeling happier that she
was training Maggie. Perhaps it was because Willow knew that Maggie
would probably have to replace her, sooner than later. I also knew
that I was going to hate not being able to see a Declan for at
least the next three days. As well as knowing that he would be in
so much pain and that I wouldn’t be able to help him, this made me
feel sick to my stomach. I also couldn’t help but wonder which
animal he had chosen.

Looking up I watched as he stood in the
middle of the room; he was smiling and winked at me as Willow
handed him the microphone. “It has taken me a long time to decide
what I wanted to become,” he began by saying. “After all, choosing
one animal to embody forever is a hard choice to make. I had, at
first, thought that maybe a vicious bear or a lion would suffice;
but they just didn’t seem to fit my personality.” Declan paused
before continuing, “I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to be; until
tonight. But, my decision was made with the help of a gift from
someone very close to my heart. I wanted an animal that was full of
stealth, yet graceful and as such I have chosen to be an owl.”

Everyone began to mutter and I wondered who
he had been talking too that had inspired him. I had been sure he
would have said a fox. But then I thought back to the ring and the
carved design on it and a smile filled my heart as I realized, I
had been so focused on the fox that I had almost forgotten about
the owl flying high above the trees.

Willow motioned for Maggie to step forward.
“Why have you chosen the owl?” she asked; a question displayed
across everyone’s face.

Smiling, Declan replied, “I chose the owl
because it is strong. It has sharp claws that can rip through flesh
and a strong beak that can cut any kind of material. But, it can
also fly and enjoy the freedom of the night sky. Through this
animal I will be able to protect our village by keeping watch from
far above; by spotting enemies miles away.” Suddenly everyone knew
his answer made sense for that was who he was; a watch-man,
protector, someone who always worked the gate. It was the perfect
choice for him I thought and would fit him perfectly. As for me, I
wasn’t sure how he could possibly transform from a full grown man
into a bird in just three days but, I wasn’t about to question the
magic of it. After all, I had seen Knoll turn into a giant lion in
order to fight off the wolves.

Finally, Willow started to usher everyone
outside where we watched Declan walk away into the woods alone. “At
this time everyone can go home or back into the ballroom for a
while. I will call the select few that Declan has chosen to witness
the ceremony,” she announced, trying to project her voice above the
whispering. Then, she instructed Eirnan, Liam and Declan’s mother
Emily and finally, I to follow her. We waited for everyone to
return inside or head for their homes before we started walking
down the same path Declan had just gone down. My thoughts were
jumbled and I suddenly felt both afraid and excited by the prospect
of what I was about to witness.



Chapter 12









By the time we arrived at the appointed
place I was surprised to see that Maggie, who had already set a
fire, was standing in the middle of a circled off area. This had
been made by logs being laid around the fire, which were for people
to sit on. The light coming from the fire shone on Maggie’s face,
making her look powerful and stunning. Her blonde hair flowed
around her, and her green eyes where a lot darker than usual.
Carefully I took a seat between my father and Eirnan, who leaned
towards me to say thanks for taking up the defense of Taya and for
hitting Thora. He went to tell me that he hated being her

I didn’t reply, just nodded my head, as I
was too busy watching Declan being led into the middle of the
circle. He was wearing a dark robe; similar to the one Maggie had
worn earlier. His feet were bare and it appeared he was wearing
only the gown. Catching a glimpse of his bare chest through the
opening in the robe I tried not to blush. I also began to
understand why it was such a private moment, and I was glad there
were only a few us to witness it. As I looked at the others I hated
to admit to myself that I was glad there weren’t any single women
present to flock about him or to stare at him. Having already come
unhinged once tonight I didn’t know what would happen if Declan’s
body was presented to other females. If I was honest I hated the
idea that even Maggie could see him, despite my knowing that her
heart belonged to Knoll.

Suddenly my father stood up and walking
towards Declan he called out, “On this night,” he stretched his
arms out in front of him, “I am here in the place of a man that
none of us will ever forget.” Then he placed his hand on Declan’s
arm and said, “Do you accept the Pacu’s way of life? Do you swear
never to use your animal to hurt another, unless it is between life
and death?”

Declan took a step forward, and clearing his
voice replied, “I do accept the Pacu way of life, and I swear to
never kill another animal, unless it is between life and

My father called out, “So mote it be,”
before returning to his seat. Once there he leaned over to where I
sat and whispered, “I will be doing this at your animal ritual as
well. I was asked to step in for Declan’s father, and what an honor
it has been.” As he spoke he looked at Declan with a smile.

Maggie then approached Declan and called out
loudly, “I call upon the spirits on this night, and pray that you
be with Declan on his journey. It is important that you help soothe
his pain and his mind as he goes through his painful, life altering
experience.” Then Willow walked towards Maggie and joining hands
with her they started walking around the circle; chanting words too
low for us to hear.

As the chanting stopped she handed Declan a
braided rope which he threw into the fire. Smoke quickly rose
upwards; the burning red and orange turning to a brilliant purple.
As it turned to yellow, there followed the strangest thing I had
ever seen. Out of the beautiful smoke appeared a beautiful white
owl. It had large yellow, beckoning eyes with a brown spot circling
one of them. It was as if a spirit of an owl had risen from the
flames and as it hovered in the air Willow called out to Declan,
“Do you accept this gift from the spirits?”

Declan replied loudly and confidently, “Yes,
I do.” As he looked, smiling at me I mouthed the words, ‘I love
you.’ Suddenly the owl flew to where he was standing and entered
into him. I stared in wonderment for a few moments before rubbing
my eyes; looking towards my father who reassured me that it was
something that happened to everyone, once the ceremony was
completed. Declan had fallen down. He lay silently on the ground
and then all at once he began screaming with the pain. Racing over
I knelt next to him but all I could do was watch in horror as he
writhed in agony.

Looking up at Willow I screamed, “Can’t we
do something?” Tears streamed down my face, as Declan managed to
squeeze my hand before making another loud cry of pain. Maggie came
to me and kneeling down she explained, “Mina this is normal. I know
it seems cruel but it happens to all of us.” All I could do was
shake my head, angry that I couldn’t do anything to help him. Then
my father and Eirnan came over and lifting Declan from the ground
as gently as they could they carry him up the trail and into the
small cabin close by. The stone path leading to the front door was
cobbled, similar in a way to the one at Willows home although this
one looked a lot newer.

Having carried Declan inside the pair laid
him down in a large comfortable, looking bed. Watching him I
thought how small and fragile he looked and it broke my heart to
see him in so much pain. Yet there was nothing I could do; I felt
so helpless and worthless. Eventually Willow came inside and gave
Declan something to drink, an orange colored liquid, from a small
vile. Shortly afterwards he fell into a deep sleep and I was
thankful that his pain had been eased. Despite this I couldn’t help
but worry that he would be here, all alone for the next three days,
whilst going through such horrible pain. At that moment in time it
seemed to me that the animal spirit wasn’t such a gift after all;
especially if it caused so much pain and anguish.

A short time later my father and Maggie
forced me to leave the cabin; having to practically drag me away. I
couldn’t bear the thought of leaving him here alone, it seemed
unreasonably cruel, but Maggie informed me it was a time for him to
learn the animal’s ways and to become one with it. “That is why it
is so painful to experience,” she explained, “Your bones shift,
whilst your soul becomes one with the animal’s soul.” It was a lot
to take in and it still felt so surreal.

Having made our way back to the castle, I
couldn’t resist begging Eirnan to at least go and keep watch on the
cabin, thereby ensuring that Declan wouldn’t be bothered by anyone.
At least my knowing that he was safe made me feel a little better.
Just as I was about to walk up to my room Maggie and Knoll called
me into the living room. Poor Maggie looked unusually tired, and I
could tell the ceremony had taken a lot out of her as she leaned
against Knoll, partially asleep. As I entered and sat down she sat

“Are you feeling okay,” she asked, trying to
be delicate over the topic of Declan.

“Yeah, I’m okay; I suppose,” I replied, “I
have a headache, and feel horrible about the pain he is in.”

Maggie grabbed Knoll’s hand, “I remember
when I had my animal ceremony.” She looked to the ground. “It was
different to Declan’s ceremony. Mom and dad had had a call about
you and thought that someone had hurt you. There were a few rogues
who meant you harm, and who were searching for you, the same as
Knoll has been. They had all the guardians tracking them, and had
them killed, but the whole castle was filled with the chaos so
no-one had time for my animal ceremony,” she said sadly. “Even
Knoll wasn’t here; he was out looking for you.” She went on,
sounding a little bitter. “Willow threw me a small party at her
home, but the only people that showed up were a few of the elderly
people who couldn’t be out doing guard duty for the village. Our
father didn’t come, so Willow was the one doing the whole ceremony.
She had to drag me into the cabin.”

Pausing, she looked at me, swallowing back
what seemed to be tears. I felt horrible that she had gone through
all of that on her own; and all because of me. Just as I was about
to begin apologizing she continued. “I was so angry with you for a
while; until I realized that you were just a child and it was all
out of your control, as much as it was mine. I actually moved in
with Willow for a year or so after that. I must admit that at that
time I wouldn’t speak to mom and dad,” she said.

At this point Knoll interjected, “I helped
her to come to her senses!”

Silently I sat there thinking about how bad
it must have been for Maggie; to lose a sister and have parents
treat her as if she didn’t exist. As if Maggie could sense my
thoughts and worries she suddenly said, “Oh! I am so sorry; I
didn’t mean to make you feel bad. I wasn’t thinking. I was just
trying to let you know that Declan will be okay, and that he was
lucky with his ceremony.”

Despite her words I sat shaking my head,
still feeling like crap that she had gone through all that, but
also because Declan was in pain and there was nothing I could do
for either of them. Feeling as if I needed to apologize to her I
walked over to the couch where she sat with Knoll, and facing her I
said, “Maggie, I am very sorry that I took the attention away from
you, especially when you needed it the most. I know that neither of
us could have done anything about it, but I still wish it could
have been different. You deserved so much more than that.”

A voice boomed out, taking us aback, as Liam
and Eleanor walked into the room and Liam declared, “Yes you

We hadn’t noticed them standing in the
doorway or knew how long they had been stood there. Quickly Maggie
stood up, saying, “No you guys, it’s really okay.” Then making her
excuses she was about to leave the room when Liam told her to sit
down. Maggie sat back down with a thud on the couch next to Knoll,
whilst Liam and Eleanor made their way to sit across from us.

Taking a breath Liam announced, “This needs
to be resolved, and right now.” Eleanor nodded her head in
agreement. Maggie sat back, taking comfort from Knoll who had
slipped his hand into hers once again. The gesture made me think of
Declan, and I couldn’t help but want to run to him. What I wouldn’t
give to be able to take his pain away, but I accepted there was
nothing I could do for him. And I also knew that right now Maggie
needed me here, so maybe I could do something to help her.

BOOK: Valley Of Glamorgan
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