Read UNSHAKABLE (Able Series Book 4) Online

Authors: Gigi Aceves

Tags: #Unshakable

UNSHAKABLE (Able Series Book 4) (2 page)

He has haunted my dreams and occupied my entire brain space since the moment we first met, not because I’m attracted to him. Oh, hell to the no! It’s because of the things he said to me after the accident. Granted, they were all true, I acted on impulse yada, yada, yada, but couldn’t he have done it in a less embarrassing way? I think if Luke or the rest of my detail hadn’t been there, he would’ve wrung my neck. His fierceness, the deathly tone of his voice, his all too consuming presence, and the way his veins were about ready to pop are just a few things about him that have been stuck in my brain. Nothing else.

How pathetic! He’s old. His penis is probably small and wrinkled. I tell myself that. His Adonis body is enough proof that nothing is wrinkled or small with regards to that man. Everything is hard! Hard? It’s hard walking in these damn shoes, that’s what’s hard.

We walk past him without him glancing my way while my eyes are glued on him. I’m surprised I haven’t tripped and drool hasn’t slipped past my mouth. I’m officially the most pathetic first daughter in the history of our country. Why do I have to be attracted to a bulldog like him when I can get anyone I want? I shudder at the thought since my stature doesn’t really mean anything in the grand scheme of things. I’m lucky if I have a guy courting me because he absolutely loves me, and not my name or the office attached to it.

When my escort walks out, my fidgeting intensifies. Of course, because Mr. Bulldog walks in and stands guard behind my table. Ugh! My stomach now spins.

The ushers guide people to their designated seats. My discomfort gets the best of me when the son of President Jacques Boutillier, Luc, walks toward me.

“Hello, Sophia, nice to see you again,” he greets as he reaches for my hand and kisses it.

I nod, tilting my head shyly with a smile on my face. “Likewise, Luc.”

He pulls my chair like a perfect gentleman as we engage in a comfortable conversation. The five course meal is excellent as always, but my favorite is dessert, Crème Brûllè au Chocolat, is to die for. It’s an all-time favorite of my dad and me. While enjoying every morsel of my dessert, Art Garfunkel’s ‘Lasso The Moon’, my dad’s song for me starts playing.

He stands and walks my way while a smile slowly spreads on my face. I’m in my element—dancing is my comfort zone. As my dad and I glide along the dance floor with everyone’s eyes on us, my eyes wander away from his and lock with Damien’s. He’s watching without blinking. The heat of his gaze is so intense; I can feel it across the room encompassing every inch of me. He releases his hold on me and turns his attention elsewhere, but his eyes always, always come back to me.

As soon as the song ends another one starts. I’m passed on to Luc as we dance for what seems like hours while Damien’s eyes never veer anywhere. It seems he’s not enjoying Luc’s hands on me because the narrowing of his eyes gives him away. Once my feet starts throbbing, expressing their hatred for my shoes, I look sheepishly at Luc and bid my farewell. Damien follows me quietly and discreetly as I say goodnight to my parents.

Silence surrounds us as we take the elevator, Jared on my left and Damien on my right. Jared hangs back as soon as the elevator door opens, leaving me with Damien as my traitorous heart enjoys the closeness.

“Tonight went well.”

His dig infuriates me and kills whatever buzz his closeness creates.

“I’m glad you approve. Wouldn’t want you to be disappointed now, would I? Just ease up on the nagging, okay? It makes you look bitchy. Goodnight, Mr. Williams,” I mumble without looking at him.

As I push open my bedroom door with my back facing him, a feeling of complete and utter contradiction invades me. A feeling I always get when he’s near; it’s the wanting to be near him, but needing space kind of thing. Whoever thought of transferring him into my detail had the most asinine idea of the century, but the ping-pong erratic state of my emotions makes me the stupidest of all.

We’re the most incompatible individuals on the face of the earth. He’s the fire that ignites a firestorm in me, and not in a good way. It’s a wildfire at best . . . at its worst; we’re like a raging inferno.

“Sophia.” His voice low, commanding and every cell in my body stupidly answers to his voice. “I’m just stating a fact. It doesn’t mean anything, trust me. I’m actually showing appreciation without being condescending.” His voice coats my heart, and it forgets the anger that resided there a minute ago. “Face me, please.” Another command that makes me want to comply.

Comply? I think this man I lust over is half vampire! He can make me comply on demand!

With a huff he says, “This constant fighting is getting old, Sophia. I’ve been on your detail for over six months, now. If we’re ever going to have a good working relationship, you need to be open-minded. If you want me to respect you, you need to give it back.”

That one liner pisses me off. I finally turn to face the man I love to hate and hate to love.
I’ll deal with that in a second and veto the shit out of it!

“Respect? I don’t think I’ve disrespected you, Damien.”

His eyes never leave mine as bluish green eyes once again meet my green ones. I can feel the warmth of his stare that starts from the tips of my hair down to my toes, encapsulating every fiber of my being.

Stop Sophia!

“You’ve never disrespected me, but you have the others before me. While you view it as a crime or an inconvenience, it’s a job for me. A job I will do at all times . . . whatever the cost. I don’t make the rules, Sophia; they’re put in place for your safety and adhered to for your benefit. See them as such, and we’ll function together without fighting. Disobey them and we’ll have a major problem. Let me tell you, I have carte blanche as far as your security and safety are concerned. Get used to it.”

He keeps his distance while everything in me wants him to move as close as possible, but at the same time I want him farther away from me, too.

Ugh! See? This push and pull is driving me insane!

“Carte blanche, huh? Not a surprise there since that’s the story of my life, someone ruling over me and someone telling me what to do. So, get in line, Williams, I’m sure you’re not the only one.”

“I may not be the only one behind that imaginary line you’re talking about, but my intentions are good. Your needs come first each and every time. Your safety occupies my brain at all times. My every move is to ensure that every inch of you remains unscathed. My goal, until I’m told to do otherwise, is to be your shield . . . in anything.” His answer excites me as the roots of hope take hold in my heart, but he opens his mouth and destroys my illusion that hope still exists in my world. “Just make sure you don’t do anything stupid, like driving a car without following proper protocol. Never, ever repeat what you did in California again.”

I slam the door in his face instead of answering.

—that he thinks about my safety twenty four/seven? No, I’m not. Why? Because it’s his job.

—that he can be an asshole in a matter of seconds? No, since he’s only that way with me. Why does he always remind me of the mistake I made over a year ago?


I keep my eyes closed as the door says hello to my damn face. Sarah’s snickering behind me catches my attention while I try to find the answer as to how Sophia has gotten under my skin—every inch of me.

“Get used to it, Damien. You’re lucky she didn’t kick you in the balls.”

I give her a disbelieving look. “You gotta be shitting me. She actually did that once? Please tell me Luke still has two balls.”

She shakes her head as she covers her mouth, controlling her laughter. “I heard she did it three years ago. That put her at what, twenty years old? She was at that crazy stage of rebellion. But, I’m happy to report that Luke still has two balls. Why do you think her codename is Wildflower?”

“Well, whoever named her ‘Wildflower’ is being nice. If it were me, I’d have called her. . . . .”

Suddenly, the words I never wanted to hear come in loud and clear through our earpiece . . .

“Breach! North lawn breach! We have a jumper!”

Muscle memory kicks in as we assume our positions. Sarah and Travis are hot on my heels, guns drawn, standing guard while I step into her room locking the door.


She’s wiping her wet face when I barge in. As soon as she sees the gun in my hand, she freezes instantly. Her eyes grow as big as saucers while her mouth opens, but no sound comes out of those kissable lips. I purposely walk toward her, pivot, grab her by the waist, and back her toward the bathroom with my body shielding hers. I feel her cheek rest on my back as her arms snake around my waist.

I don’t want to let her go. . . .

I can feel her body shaking like a leaf, and I instantly switch gears. I forget what I’m feeling and focus on how I can help her function. Not like this where she’s falling apart at the seams, though I can’t blame her entirely.

“Breathe for me, Sophia.”

My voice becomes disjointed; she calms, just not completely. My instinct is to go out there toward the threat; however, each agent has a specific job. Mine is to stay here, protecting her.

“Where are my parents?” Her shaky voice makes me want to cover her with my arms.

“I don’t know, Sophia, but don’t worry whoever this fu—- ah . . . whoever this idiot is, he can’t penetrate the outer ring.”

While I’m already thinking of other excuses to deviate her train of thought, Tony’s voice comes through my earpiece with the news I’ve been waiting to hear.

“All clear. All agents stay at your posts. Whoever has Wildflower, report now.”

“Wildflower secure,” I report.

My body shudders in relief as Sophia’s body deflates behind me. Abruptly, I turn and hold her body tight against mine as she grips onto my waist as tight as an Anaconda killing its prey. Her touch though, is far from that wild beast, a total opposite. Hers is soothing, almost like a balm to my fried nerves, a coat of innocence to cover my impurities.

“Hey, everything is okay. Breathe for me.”

Knowing that our embrace is lasting far longer than it should, I release her and nudge her shoulder slightly, hoping she’ll move. She blinks her eyes twice, shakes her head as if clearing the daze she’s been in as she covers her face, taking one step back.

“I’m sorry. . . . I. . . . I didn’t mean to be clingy,” she awkwardly says without meeting my gaze.

I suddenly remember a talk we had months ago while we were alone in her studio.

“Can you feel it too?” Her voice so solid yet lacking confidence.

If there’s anything I don’t want to destroy, it’s her trust in me. It took a long time before she did and shattering it now by lying to her will crumble her trust to dust. I can’t live with that.

“I do, Sophia. But we . . . I can’t act on it.”

“Why?” This time she looks at me with a questioning gaze instead of a hurt filled one, making my heart spasm uncontrollably.

“Because it’s the honorable thing to do. I’m called to do a job. A job that I love doing, and to break that because I can’t control my feelings for you doesn’t sit well with me.”

“How about what I feel? Don’t I get to say what I need . . . what I want?”

Sighing out of sheer frustration, I laid it out plainly for her. “You’re young, Sophia. How can you possibly know what you need and want? Life is just starting for you. I’ve lived my life. I can’t say there’s anything left that I want to do. I’ve seen, lived, and experienced life. I want that for you. I want you to see it without me holding you back. I want you to live it your way without adjusting to mine. I want you to experience it without it being clouded by me. I feel . . .” I stop to clear the lump in my throat that has grown exponentially in size.

I’m overwhelmed with how strong the current that pulls me to her is. I never thought I’d feel so strongly for someone, but now that I do, I have to give it up so she can live it the way she deserves to. Sacrifice—that’s been the story of my life.

So manning up, I forge onward. “I feel strongly for you, that’s not the problem. But it’s the strength of those feelings that makes it easier to give up my needs for yours. Maybe when time’s our friend and you’ve lived your life . . . maybe then, we’ll have our chance.”

As soon as I hear her sniffles, I turn and leave. If there’s one thing I know I can’t defeat, it’s her tears especially when they’re because of me. I have to stay strong, stick to the plan of allowing her to live her life before allowing even a sliver of hope in my heart to take root.

I holster my gun as I try to forget what I just remembered. “It’s okay; it’s just your nerves. You want to talk about it?”

She’s frozen in place like a statue.

I clear my voice to take the edge off. “You’re safe here, Sophia. The threat is gone. You can relax.” My calm voice is clearly in disagreement with her feelings.

She starts shaking her head, allowing her fears to get the best of her while I bravely take a step forward and calmly say to her. “Sophia, look at me.” I’m trying to maintain a smooth and even voice as much as possible.

Slowly, she turns and locks her eyes with mine.

“Walk back to me, Sophia. Please.”

With grace that matches no other, she moves and stops directly in front of me. Her auburn hair is messily piled on her head, her face free of make-up glows like an angel’s, her pink lips are so plump anyone would want to own them, but it’s her green beguiling eyes combined with their alluring honey streaks that captivate my brain enough for me to forget what the hell I need to do. I squeeze my eyes shut for a fraction of a second, and when I open them her gaze is already on me.

“I’m right here. What now?”

“When you get overwhelmed, especially out there . . .” I point out the window to make a point. “ . . . take deep breaths and count to ten while focusing on something good; go to your happy place. That helps. Can you do that for me now?”

I’m expecting her to look anywhere but at me, but my little Wildflower looks straight at me pursing her lips as she breathes in and out.

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