Undercover Obsession (16 page)

BOOK: Undercover Obsession
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But this morning she had opted to stay home
instead of visiting with her friends as usual. As well-meaning as
they all were, she wasn’t up to answering questions about the
incidents she had no answers to. And she definitely didn’t want to
answer questions about Brody and Ian even though she suspected word
had already made it around about who they were and why they were

Last night the three of them had seemed to
call a truce. Ian didn’t grumble over the vegetable casserole and
homemade bread, however he did take off shortly after and returned
with several hamburgers for both he and Brody from the greasy
burger joint down the road. Rolling her eyes, Piper hadn’t said
anything as they ate them as if they hadn’t just eaten a plateful
of food. Then, much to her surprise and pleasure, Brody suggested
watching a movie together. After raiding her rather impressive
collection, they each chose one. She sat through Ian’s war movie
and through Brody’s medical thriller, but when it came time to put
in her chick flick, she, unbelievably, fell asleep. She woke this
morning in her bed, wearing her tee shirt and panties, remembering
how Brody had carried her up and how she, in her half-awake state,
had clung to his neck as he lowered her onto the mattress and asked
him to lay with her.

“I’ll be good, I promise.” With
mortification, she remembered saying those words to him as well as
the way he had simply stated, “Not tonight, darlin’,” and walked

Having not only Brody, but Ian living in such
close quarters with her was proving to be more trying than she had
imagined, her attraction to Brody and her lust for apparently both
men a constant reminder of what she desperately wanted and couldn’t
have. Those two erotic spankings as well as her memories of what
had taken place between the three of them when they had first
arrived had reawakened needs in her she was just now realizing
hadn’t been met with Cole, even though the sex with him had always
been more than satisfying. And she was resenting the hell out of
both men for taunting her with what she had been missing then
refusing to give it to her.

Looking out the window in her sewing room
where she had been holed up all afternoon, she saw Ian pacing, his
phone to his ear and a scowl on his face. She had seen Brody head
into the woods a few minutes ago, probably scouting around again.
It seemed one of them was always taking off to scout. And here she
sat, pining for the one man she shouldn’t have any residue feelings
for and lusting after two men who teased and tormented her only to
reject her over and over.

Sitting on the floor, she was surrounded with
swatches of silk and satin, lace and chiffon, designing and sewing
lingerie items that, at one time, she would never have dreamed of
wearing herself. Now, well now she’d look good in her creations,
no, she thought cynically, she’d look
good in any one
of her designs. Yet here she sat wearing another pair of
comfortable gym shorts and a tank top, her underwear plain white
cotton. She had always gone for comfort over style and, even though
her body had changed and her attitude had undergone a much needed
adjustment, who she was hadn’t changed.

So why the hell was she hiding in here
instead of doing what she normally did? She never worked on
Sundays, that day was hers to do as she pleased. If Haley was free
they’d spend it together, take a trip to Branson and shop and get
dinner or make a picnic lunch and hike some of the trails. If Haley
couldn’t get away from the shop, Piper had no problem entertaining
herself, doing those things alone and enjoying them almost as much
as if she had a friend with her. Yet she was moping in here, hiding
from her embarrassment over her actions last night when Brody took
her upstairs, hiding from the frustration that having those two
around was causing while constantly trying to reign in not only her
sexual cravings, but her emotional ones, hiding from the hurt of
their rejections. Just like five years ago. Despite knowing why
they refused to have sex with her, she couldn’t help but revert to
that insecure girl she used to be, the one who strove so hard to
gain first Charles attention and approval then Brody’s only to have
both of them leave her.

“The hell with that,” she muttered as she
jumped up and stormed upstairs to get her bathing suit. One of her
favorite past times was taking her little rowboat out and spending
a few lazy hours with a pole in the water and a book in her lap
followed by a dip to cool off. But just as she was pulling her suit
out of her dresser, an idea came to mind that would go a long way
towards improving her mood. Maybe, just maybe, it was time to get a
little payback on the two men responsible for all her current

“Where’re you off to?” Ian asked her when she
walked by him carrying a towel and a book.

“I’m going fishing. You’ll be able to see me
easily from the bank so I don’t need you glued to my side.”

Brody returned in time to hear her and
watched her walk saucily down the path that led to the lake. “I
don’t trust that grin.”

“I don’t know her as well as you and I don’t
trust that grin.”

With a resigned sigh, Brody grumbled, “I
guess we better go see what she’s planning.”

“You go see. I’m going to raid her movie
collection again. Just remember, the next time you want me to take
her in hand, I’m not stopping with the punishment if she’s willing
to be rewarded.”

Brody knew just how his friend would reward
her, by fucking her so hard, so deep she’d come over and over, just
like she had the other night. While he had no problem imagining
Piper’s small body sandwiched between the two of them, their cocks
taking her pussy and ass with alternating thrusts that would drive
all three of them wild, he was having a distinct problem picturing
Ian with Piper alone. This possessive streak he seemed to have
developed for her was new to him and something he was going to have
to get control of. He had a job to do, a job he wanted to do, that
very well might include imprisoning the man she loved like a
father. He wouldn’t be content until Pasquino and his organization
was shut down, he had worked too long and hard to see that happen,
had put too much time into seeing that happen to drop the ball

Carlos Rodman, the agent that had managed in
get in undercover with Pasquino, had relayed that they were
spending a lot of time at the Empire, Charles’s casino, and in the
past year Pasquino had managed to become a favored patron, one who
was catered to hand and foot. It was just another indication that
Pasquino had proof or suspected Sandoval was alive and was baiting
him to show himself. Which made it all the more imperative that
they find out whether the incidents against Piper were coming from
Pasquino in another effort to make Sandoval show his face, or if
she had a different problem altogether.

Frustrated at the stalemate, Brody took the
path that led down to the lake and saw that Piper had already
managed to row herself several yards away from the dock and plant
her pole. With a floppy hat shielding her face, she waved at him
before turning back to the book in her hands. She looked so small
and defenseless out there, but he knew she was tougher than she
looked. She had received a hard knock when she had witnessed
Charles’s shooting and learned about Brody’s undercover job, but
she didn’t let it keep her down. On the contrary, she had picked
herself up, dusted herself off and taken responsibility for her
life in a way he couldn’t help but admire. It had taken guts and
determination for her to walk away that night, and even more guts
and determination to accomplish what she has ever since.

But as strong and as independent as she was
now, he could occasionally catch a glimpse of that shy, insecure
young woman he had first been drawn to and he knew behind her newly
toned body and tough bravado that much of that softer woman still
existed. After thirty minutes, Brody got bored just standing there
and decided she was safe where she was for a few minutes. He could
use one of those beers she liked so much as well as a sandwich,
that is, he thought ruefully, if he could find something appealing
to make one with. While not as opposed as Ian to Piper’s healthier
way of eating, he was starting to crave a big, juicy steak cooked
medium rare.

“Did you get me one?” Brody asked hopefully
when Ian got out of his car holding a large bag from the hamburger
joint they were patronizing almost daily.

“No, I got you two. You owe me, again.”

“When we get back home, a steak dinner’s on

Good timing, Piper thought when she spotted
both men coming back down the path to the lake, stuffing their
faces with greasy hamburgers that made her shudder. She’d been
putting off her swim until she saw them again, and now she wasted
no time stripping and diving in, prepared to torture them a little.
The water was cool on her sunbaked skin and felt decadently
soothing as she swam underwater for a few seconds. Her nipples
beaded instantly from the shock of the cold water, but her pussy
stayed warm, pulsed with an ever present desire to be filled again,
Thankfully, Cole was due to come through Hope again soon and she
would be able to relieve some of this tense filled arousal.

She didn’t dare look over to the dock as she
surfaced even though it was tempting to see both men’s reactions to
her skinny dipping. Smiling to herself, she dove under again,
making sure her ass rose all the way out of the water before
disappearing underneath. When she came up again it was straight up
until not only her head cleared the surface, but her bare breasts
also, their fullness bouncing with the surge before floating on top
of the softly lapping water, her nipples prominent pinpoints aimed
in their direction. Slicking her hair back, she smiled and waved to
where Brody and Ian were standing on the dock. From what she could
see from this distance, they weren’t too happy with her. Oh well,
that was their problem. She on the other hand, was quite pleased
with herself.

Brody’s first reaction when spotting the
empty rowboat had been panic, but when he caught a flash of bare
leg followed by the enticing sight of Piper’s white buttocks, that
was quickly replaced with lust masked as irritation. “What the hell
does she think she’s doing?”

“That’s pretty obvious,” Ian drawled crossing
his arms over his chest as he enjoyed the show. “I think she’s
decided to tease us with what we keep turning down.”

Brody’s irritation slowly slipped away the
longer he watched her antics, reluctantly smiling at the way she
flipped around like a fish in the water, not a self-conscious bone
in her body as she made sure she flashed them enticing views of her
hard tipped breasts and the rosy cheeks of her ass. When she rolled
over onto her back a few minutes later to float, her chest heaving
from her exertions, her arms and legs scissoring slowly back and
forth, her bare pubis barely discernible, his cock was once again
demanding release, begging for freedom and that pussy as if he
hadn’t had an orgasm in weeks instead of just yesterday.

“I think she’s amusing,” he finally said.
“Amusing and irritating.”

“You would.” Ian turned from the too tempting
sight of Piper’s undulating nude body and slapped Brody on the
back. “I’m going into town for something stronger than a beer.
You’re on your own till I get back.”

Brody waited until Piper pulled herself back
into her boat, admiring the ease and agility with which she did so
as well as the sight of her standing unabashedly naked, the sun
glinting off her black, wet hair, drying the water running down her
torso and legs. As soon as she dressed, sat down and started rowing
back to shore, he had had enough torture. Turning, he swiftly
returned to her cabin intent on reining in his urge to throw her to
the sandy bank and fuck her until she cried uncle.

Piper shivered a little as she entered the
cool interior of her cabin trying really hard to ignore the guilt
poking at her. So what if they’re frustrated by her little display.
They can just get themselves off like she had to after they had
fired up her senses past the point of no return. That was the
problem with attending a religious, all-girls school, she thought
with a resigned sigh. By the time you left they had managed to play
the guilt card so often that emotion tended to pop up even when you
didn’t agree with it or want it to.

Padding down the hall, she noticed the
bedroom door wasn’t shut and, intent on throwing them a peace
offering by suggesting they go to the diner for prime rib night,
she simply pushed it open and stepped inside. She had only taken
one step when the sight of Brody sitting on the side of the bed
naked, leaning back on one arm while he stroked his cock with his
other hand stopped her cold. Anger and painful rejection replaced
guilt with the swiftness of a lightning bolt, making her snap,
“Next time shut the damn door.”

Brody simply raised a dark brow at her and
calmly kept his eyes on her snapping green ones as he slowly
coasted his hand up his rigid length, his palm over his straining
head, allowing his seepage to coat it before reversing his
movement. “Why should I?”

He was baiting her and it was working. Piper
couldn’t keep her eyes from straying to his cock, the sight of him
slowly caressing the thick length of him was such a turn on she
wanted desperately to slip her hand into her shorts and give
herself the same pleasure she knew he was feeling. Damn it, this
wasn’t supposed to be how it went. He was the one who was supposed
to be suffering, not her. She should’ve known he’d do what he
probably did after both her spankings, take matters into his own
hands without regret for what he was turning down. That he’d rather
jack off than fuck her hurt, but the blatant proof that she could
arouse him to that state by her skinny dipping helped ease the

BOOK: Undercover Obsession
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