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Authors: Cat Miller

Unbound (30 page)

BOOK: Unbound
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“I’m sorry, Cay. I just went to get a change of clothes and got lost on the way back. These gentlemen showed me the way.” She leaned back and put her hands on his chest. Her acceptance of the embrace reinforced the image he portrayed.

“Yeah, Cay, loosen up.” Darren mocked the nickname Dani had used. “Danielle here was telling us you’re going to teach her some self-defense. I told her I could handle it for you.”

“Thanks for keeping an eye on her for me guys.” He possessively slung and arm over her shoulder and pulled her toward a training room. “I’ve got it from here.”

She looked up at him with sad eyes. He couldn’t stand to see all that pain in her pale blue jewels. He pulled her a little tighter and ruffled her hair.

“Could you just try to make my job a little easier and not give me a heart attack before I’m twenty-two? I told you to fight fair. You didn’t need to search for backup in case I kick your ass.” She smiled and pushed him into the wall.

“I don’t think it will be a fair fight if you get to use your arms, o
r your legs for that matter. So
I have to use what I’ve got.” She squealed as he pulled her into a room with wall-to-wall floor mats like gymnasts use. Cayden was truly enjoying this playful banter.

“I think you should wear headgear. If I scratch that pretty face I’ll get fired.” Cayden turned for a storage closet and got a surprise when Dani hit him from behind with a blow to the back of the knee, taking him down. She pounced on him, putting him in a tight headlock with her legs wrapped around his waist so that if he got up she wouldn’t lose her grip. He didn’t stand. He sat there on his knees, laughing his ass off at the effort she was putting into choking him. He reached up and grabbed her upper arms, dragging her over his shoulder. She struggled to no avail. He put her in a bear hug that had her arms completely disabled.

“Now what are you going to do, little girl?”

Cayden knew it was wrong, but damn he was getting turned on by their playful wrestling. She smiled and leaned her face closer like she would kiss him. When she was so close he could feel her breath on his lips, he closed his eyes. She head butted him, drawing blood from both his mouth and her forehead. Stunned, he released her. She jumped up ready to fight, with her foot in the middle of his chest, setting him off balance, but only for a second. He would fight dirty if that was what she wanted. Back on his feet he looked at her, really looked at her for the first time. She was bouncing like a prizefighter in her light gray pants that barely covered her hips and a short black tank that clung to her like a swimsuit, only covering a small portion of her belly. She had well-defined abs to match the toned arms that currently held up tiny fists. Cayden was confused when he saw the bruises still visible on her creamy skin from the broken ribs she’d received. She should’ve healed long ago. Her hair was a wild riot of dark waves and stunning streaks of white and red. Her eyes were so light blue they were almost clear. She looked at him with a clear challenge in her aquamarine gaze. Damn, if she wasn’t the hottest thing he’d ever seen. She was standing there daring him to swing at her, as a trickle of blood ran down her nose from her forehead. He stepped forward using his long reach and an open hand. He slapped her before she could block.

“You better keep those hands higher.” He walked slowly around her like a big cat sizing up his prey while she hopped and bobbed. He stepped in again and caught her other side, but she got in a right jab before he pulled away.

“Nice shot, very nice,” he praised. It didn’t hurt the big man, but he was pleased nonetheless. She could surely hold her own with a human. He was really enjoying this, but the amount of blood on her face was beginning to concern him, and she had a big handprint on her left cheek. Shit, he’d left a mark on that pretty face. It was enough for one day so he barreled down on her, turning her around one arm twisted behind her, her face smearing blood on the wall before she could blink. He pressed his body against hers and whispered into her ear, “That’s enough now, Dani. Calm down before you really hurt yourself.”

He caught the scent of her blood so close to his face. It was dark and seductive, like a human, but sweet and floral like a vamp. Holy hell! He didn’t know if he wanted to bite her or throw her down and make love to her. Maybe both would be better. She went slack in his arms as a quiet sob began to break from her throat. The stress was finally cracking her outward calm.

“Don’t cry, Dani. I’ll let you kick my ass again tomorrow.” He sat cross-legged and let her fall onto his lap, holding her like a baby in his arms. He held her there in the quiet of the training room. He liked being this close to her, and as much as he hated to see her cry, he loved being the one there to comfort her. He rocked her back and forth and whispered gentle encouragements until she was done crying. Then he used his shirt to wipe the tears and blood from her face.

From behind him, he heard the sound of a single person’s applause. The loud clap of hands echoed in the empty space. He turn his body just enough to see Darren sitting against the wall on the far side of the room.

“Bravo!” Darren exclaimed. “Now I know how you get the ladies to spread their legs. You behave like a caveman, just knock the hell out of them and drag them off.” Dani stiffened in his arms at the sound of Darren’s voice and Cayden wondered how long he’d been watching. Jerk probably followed them from the locker room.

“Oh, don’t you worry about my girl. She could flatten my ass anytime she wanted to. She’s just fighting fair today.” Cayden continued to inspect Dani’s face and smiled down at her. “Don’t you have a job to do, Darren? Or are you getting paid to be a peeping Tom these days?” Cayden hopped up without releasing Dani. Quietly, just for her ears he said, “You okay, Tyson?” Dani smiled up at him and nodded as he stood her on her feet.


* * *

Dani recognized the scarred face of the man slowly ambling across the big room. She’d seen him twice already that day and he’d been flirty both times. He was eyeing her hard with hungry, unnerving eyes. Cayden looked tense standing a few feet away from her, but the warrior called Darren looked as though he could care less if Cayden were in the room.

“Are you?” Darren asked her.

“Excuse me?”

“Are you his girl?” He gave her a lopsided smile and inclined his head toward Cayden. Cayden took a step closer. Darren began to circle her other side.

“I don’t belong to anyone, but Cayden is a good friend.” She smiled at Cayden and was surprised at how true the words were. She could think of several times she’d been in trouble and Cayden had been there for her. He’d definitely endeared himself to her. Seriously, only a true friend would let you head butt them and then hold you while you cried.

“Are you promised to anyone?” he asked from behind her. She couldn’t help noticing Cayden bristled at this question. He must be asking if she had an arranged marriage in her future.

“I told you, no one owns me. Why do you want to know?” She turned to look at him.

“I want to know because you’re beautiful, and if given the chance, I would take you for my own.” He said it like it was obvious. He stepped even closer and sniffed the air around her.

“You think you could take me?” she reply acidly.

Dani figured this man was trying to goad Cayden into a fight. What an ass. She bet that was how he got the scar on his otherwise handsome face. She refused to let him stand there doing his best to embarrass Cayden. She took a purposeful step toward Cayden and tucked herself under his arm, wrapping her arm around his waist. He smiled down at her, happy to see her spite Darren. She didn’t know exactly why she did it but she pulled him down toward her and went up on tiptoes to place a searing kiss on his open lips. He tasted like man and sweat. He bent lower so she didn’t have to stretch so far and allowed her to explore his mouth more deeply.

She heard Darren let out an amused chuckle behind them, “Let me know if you want to learn to wrestle with a real man.” There was no missing the sexual connotation in the remark.

She knew in the back of her mind she had made her point and should stop kissing Cayden, but he tasted so good. It felt good to kiss someone and not want to bite them. He was schooled in the art of the tongue. Dani felt herself melting under his capable mouth. He pulled her tightly against his long hard body. 

They were shocked apart when a throat was cleared and a gruff voice said, “Cayden?”

Cayden snapped to attention, releasing her so fast she stumbled. He crossed the room to speak to the stern-faced man before she could right herself. She watched them speaking and chastised herself for kissing him that way, but she couldn’t actually bring herself to regret it. Cayden turned and waved her over.

When she reached the men Cayden put his arm around her waist, “I’d like to introduce you to my father, Gage Paris. He is the Commander of the warrior class. Dad, this is Danielle Scott.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Paris.” She stepped forward extending her hand. She cringed a bit at the use of Charlie’s last name. Gage was tall and very muscular, just like Cayden. His hair was dark with just the slightest hints of gray at his temples. His eyes were the same hazel green as Cayden’s eyes. Gage looked rather young to hold such a high-ranking position, but she hadn’t really figured out all the vamp stuff yet. She really shouldn’t be trying to guess his age. He could be hundreds of years old and she wouldn’t know. How old would she live to be?

“The pleasure is all mine, Ms. Scott. I’m very sorry we had to meet under these circumstances, but I hope you’ll be comfortable in our home.” He bent to kiss her hand. It was an odd gesture, but it felt very genuine and right.

“Please, call me Dani. I truly thank you for your hospitality. I needed to get away,” she told him honestly.

“I’ll tell you what, if you want to pay me back, I’d be glad to see you demonstrate the abilities I’ve been hearing about,” he grinned a bit disbelievingly.

“Dad, I think she’s been through enough today.” Cayden interrupted. He seemed embarrassed by his father’s request.

“No, it’s fine Cay, I really don’t mind the challenge.” She patted his arm reassuringly.

“You look like you’ve already been challenged today.” Gage took her chin in his hand and tilted her face up for a better look at the cut on her head and now bruising cheek. “How did this happen? It’s a shame to mar such a lovely face.”

“It’s nothing, really,” she smiled wryly. “I had some aggression to work out today.” Cayden looked sheepish.

Gage laughed and shook his head at her. “No wonder you and Cayden get along so well. Perhaps you’re right, Cayden. I’d hate to see any of the warriors injured today. I’ll see you two later at home.” There was a warrior in the hall waiting for Gage. He bent to kiss her hand again and looked at Cayden knowingly before he departed.

They stood there uncomfortable for a few minutes before he asked, “Are you ready to head out? I bet you’d like to rest awhile before dinner.” She just nodded and went to grab her other clothes and phone from the corner.

The ride to his home was short and silent. Dani was feeling like some kind of vamp slut. She really enjoyed that kiss, and wouldn’t mind another. Cayden also looked lost in thought. The house was set back off the road, down a long driveway, behind a row of concealing trees. She wouldn’t have seen it from the road if she’d driven by on her own. The large red brick house sat on beautifully landscaped grounds with flower gardens on either side of the road and a fountain out front. Cayden parked in a huge garage that housed several other cars, motorcycles and four-wheelers. He came around to open her door before he grabbed her bags. The house was modern and unassuming inside. The first floor was very open and inviting. The dining room table was huge with large, sturdy chairs. She could imagine the room frequently filled with warriors visiting from the
. The guest room was on the first floor in the rear of the house. He carried her things into the room and placed them on the bed before kissing her on the forehead. She felt comfortable with Cayden and his affectionate touch, as if he’d done it a thousand times.

“I think dinner will be later than usual tonight. You can relax and I’ll come for you when it’s ready. There are towels in the linen closet if you want to clean up, Tyson. I’
ll be here if you need anything.

e smiled and tilted her face up to examine the cut and the bruise darkening her cheek. He tsked and left the room with an obviously guilty expression for having hit her. It wasn’t his fault. He had tried to get her to wear headgear.

The room had a king size bed and looked more like a
master suite than a guest room
to her. She looked around noticing the French doors that led out to the back of the house and a yard that looked as if it were used frequently for entertaining. There was an outdoor kitchen and a pool fit for an Olympic event. Eventually she made her way to the shower in the large marble bathroom, and wondered at Cayden’s comments about his humble home. Sure, it wasn’t as big as the Vaughn estate, but this home would be a dream come true for most people. She was so tired the hot water made her eyes want to close. She found a fluffy terry robe in the linen closet and wrapped it around herself. Staggering out of the shower, she fell on the bed. The bed was like a cloud and she quickly felt herself slipping into a blissfully dark oblivion.


BOOK: Unbound
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