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Authors: Cat Miller

Unbound (18 page)

BOOK: Unbound
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“Princess, Vince
so glad to see you all in one piece. The last time he saw you, well it was not your best day. He hopes you can forgive him for the mistake he made.” Vince said this sincerely and bent to kiss Dani’s hand. Charlie looked from the huge muscle bound man and back to Dani in confusion. Then he stepped up and took her other hand possessively. She smiled at him and grasped his hand tighter.

“Vince, there’s nothing to forgive. I am not sure what happened but it is over and I do not want to think about it tonight. Could you get me a table, please?”

“Sure thing, Princess. Vince will seat you himself.” Vince held the door for her party to enter. Once inside he parted the dance floor like the Red Sea as he led them to the VIP section. They sat at the usual spot and Vince went to the bar. He returned with a waitress, who was carrying a bottle of upper-shelf champagne and six flutes. Vince winked at Dani before heading back to his post. It was a very nice gesture, but there was no way in hell after her first two experiences with alcohol she was drinking anything. She sent back the bottle and ordered a round of sodas. Her nerves were off the chain. Just being here at the same table where her life had changed forever was a little overwhelming.

Charlie and the others had heard every word of the conversation with Vince and had no idea what to make of it. Dani was very glad of that because an explanation was out of the question. She got up to hit the dance floor and, after scanning the crowd, she realized that Chase was indeed there and watching her intently. No matter. That was his fiancée’s problem, not hers. She put her hand out for Charlie and he was up and at her side. Dani was sick and tired of worrying. She was going to dance and have fun with someone she knew and trusted. As she started for the floor, she did her best to pretend she wasn’t being watched, ignoring the telepathic plea she was receiving from Chase. It was hard because he was persistent, but she had learned how to block it. She told herself to listen to a different channel or turn off the radio of her mind and off it went.

She danced and spun around the floor with Charlie. They smiled and laughed together as they performed their own little dance-off. Charlie and Steve danced against Dani and Olivia. The crowd made room for them to dance. They yelled and shouted for their favorite dancers. It was so much fun. Vince came over at one point to check out the commotion. He just smiled and shook his head as he walked away. Olivia and Dani won the contest when they broke into an old school move and went all Kid and Play on the boys. The crowd roared and the girls were named the victors. Charlie swept Dani up in a congratulatory hug and returned her sweet kiss from earlier. He continued to kiss her as the music slowed and they swayed to the rhythm. It was a perfect evening, until Chase tried to cut in. Dani felt Charlie stiffen under her lips. She opened her eyes and turned to see Chase behind them.

“May I cut in?” Chase practically snarled at Charlie. It was phrased as a question but he had no intention of taking no for an answer.

“No you may not.” Dani stepped forward putting space between him and Charlie.

“I need to speak with you, Love… Danielle. It’s important. We need to get some information about your attacker. You’re not the only one. Another girl is still missing.” Chase reached out to take Danielle’s hand but she jerked it away.

“You were attacked? When? Why didn’t you tell me? Were you hurt?” Charlie was shocked.

“I’m fine. I just have some cracked ribs and bruises. It’s nothing that’s kept me from dancing the night away.” Dani rubbed Charlie’s chest trying to soothe him and turned back to Chase.

“I’m on a date. I don’t want to talk to you now, or later for that matter. I’ll call Cayden. He can get me in touch with wh
oever would like to speak to me,
” Dani snapped.

“I’m sorry. Did you say your ribs are still cracked? You should have healed the day you left me.” Chase stepped closer in an effort to assess her level of injury. Charlie stepped up and pushed Chase’s hands away. Chase growled a low curse and Dani heard the mental command he sent to Charlie. Chase was enthralling Charlie to get him away from her. He told him to go find another dance partner. Charlie’s eyes glazed over and he began to comply. Dani grabbed Charlie by the arm and spun him around for a kiss. This stopped Charlie in his tracks. Danielle was able to override Chase’s mind games by asking Charlie if he really wanted to dance with someone else and she kissed him again. Clearly, he only wanted Dani. Chase stood there dumbfounded and fuming with jealousy.

“Can you give me one moment to speak with Chase? I’ll only be a minute, I promise.” Dani didn’t want to upset Charlie but this conversation wasn’t going to go well, and she had a feeling Charlie would get hurt if Chase went all black-eyed freak. “Just go get us another soda or maybe order something to eat, my treat. I’ll be right over.” She smiled and kissed him again.

“Alright, but don’t be long, okay? We didn’t get to finish our slow dance.” He smiled back at her and caressed her cheek before striding away.

Dani turned back toward Chase and thankfully, it was dark in the club because the black-eyed freak she was trying to avoid looked back at her. “Let’s go somewhere we can talk.” Chase pointed the way and gave Charlie an angry growl as he stomped past.

He led her to what seemed to be a private suite in the back of the club. It was like a studio apartment with a king size bed, a private bathroom with a shower, a seating area with a wall mounted TV and a tiny kitchen. Dani felt nervous as she entered the space. If she screamed, no one would hear her over the music.

“Do you really believe I would hurt you?” He was offended.

“I’m really gonna have to learn to control that because it is very annoying when you can hear me all the time. Please make an effort to stay out of my head.” Dani scolded.

“I’m not doing that, Dani. I can’t read others. You’re projecting onto me. I’m not trying to listen. Okay, maybe I have tried a few times but I was desperate. Please, let me see your injuries. Doc came back to see you after you left my place. He’s called me every day since you left. It would be nice if I had something to tell him. You were really sick when he came to care for you,” Chase explained.

“I’d have to get undressed for that, Chase. Why can’t I just make an appointment with the doctor?” Dani didn’t want to tempt him, or herself, by removing her clothes.

“Oh for goodness sake, Danielle I’ve been in bed with you practically naked twice and managed to control myself both times. Would you give me a little credit and let me see your damn injuries?” Chase was insulted by her fear of him.

“Fine,” she said with acid in her voice. She turned away from him and undid the belt she wore, dropping it to the floor. Then she pulled the dress up over her head and dropped it on the nearby coffee table. She heard Chase’s breath catch when he caught sight of her black and blue back. The bruises spread all the way down to the cleft of her ass that was barely covered by the black lace thong she wore. She hadn’t worn a bra because it hurt her back, and besides, she didn’t really need one. Her breas
ts stood up like proud soldiers
all on their own. She pivoted so Chase could see the bruising that reached all the way around her torso and met in the front.


* * *

Chase approached her slowly, in absolute wordless astonishment. The sight of her, so battered and fragile, made him want to weep. He wanted to protect her, to sweep her up and rush her back to his home where he could protect her the way she deserved to be. Her beautiful body before him wearing a mere scrap of cloth and high heels made him so hard, but the bruises that marred her skin made him irate.

“I don’t understand. You should be healed.” Chase went to his knees in front of her to get a closer look. It was pretty bad.

“Yeah, well I’m not. It’s not as bad as it was a couple of day ago. Several ribs were broken but they’re mending.” She backed away from him and pulled the dress back over her head. “Ask your questions so I can leave.”

“Why do think you’re not healing? Is it the drug that guy gave you?”

“Don’t you have any more important questions? I thought you needed to know about the attack.” She rolled her eyes at him, refastening her belt. Chase just watched patiently, waiting for an answer.

“I told Cayden that I’m not what you think I am. Do you have any other questions?”

“He relayed that message but I have no idea what that means or why it should matter. I want you, no matter what, Lovely.” Chase stepped closer to her and touched her face. She allowed it. Just that small contact sent ripples of heat over his body. “Why don’t you sit with me and explain?”

She chuckled, “I don’t know what it means either. I’m still trying to wake up from this nightmare. If you don’t have any pertinent questions I’ll contact Cayden tomorrow.”

Now she had his hackles up, “Why are you always in a hurry to run to some damn human when you can have anyone you want, and what the hell is this shit about Cayden, because I will kill him!”


* * *

She just shook her head. It was all falling into place for her. Chase of all people was putting the puzzle of her life together. Her mother wasn’t good enough because she was human. Her father’s vampire family wouldn’t accept her mother and the half-breed child that would disgrace them. The clues were all there if you looked for them. The lack of family, the way her mother explained her father’s absence a few years ago, the story that went along with the necklace. Now she could see it all clearly.

“I’m not what you think I am,” s
he whispered. He was still on his knees in front of her. She sat on the edge of the coffee table. As hard as it was she looked him in the eye so he could see her anguish.

“I was raised with humans because your kind rejected me. They are my kind. They are all I’ve ever known. I need Charlie’s comfort and friendship to help me stay away from you. I have wanted you since the first night we met. I can’t get you out of my head. I believe the pain of the breakup of the only relationship I’ve ever had was lessened by my want for you, and that shames me. I would give anything to have that morning in your bed back for just a little while. To hear you say those words again and believe you meant them.”

“I did mean it, Lovely. Please believe me. I want you more than anything. It kills me to see that man out there touch you, kiss you.” He gripped her jaw so she couldn’t turn away from the pain she caused him.

“Those are my kisses you’re giving away and knowing you’re purposely blocking me out of the connection we share burns me, Lovely.” Chase went to her, spreading her thighs and stepped in for a kiss. She raised her hand and placed her fingers against his lips but he easily moved her fingers and tasted her. They held onto each other and made love with their mouths for several moments before she pulled back. It was hard to remember he belonged to someone else when he was touching and tasting her.

“Please don’t lie to me if you care for me at all. It’s cruel. You had no intention of doing anything but playing with me until you were married. Hell, maybe even after. I could have been the other woman. You were going to let me fall in love with you and crush my soul in the end.”

She got to her feet, pushing him away, and went to the door, but Chase was already there. “I didn’t know about the bonding until after I saw you that day at the coffee shop. I couldn’t do anything but think of you. I was there in the shop hoping you’d happen by or even stop in, just so I could get a glimpse of you,” he pleaded.

“It seemed to me that you and nightmare Barbie were very familiar with each other, and I didn’t see you standing up to her. I didn’t see you pronounce your love for me to her,” she countered.

“She’s an ex-girlfriend and what she thinks doesn’t matter. I didn’t need to explain anything to her. I have just as big a chance of being bonded to her twin sister as I do to her. Our parents will make that decision. I didn’t purposely deceive you. I just couldn’t give you up once I had you in my arms. Seeing you hurt and vulnerable made me look at everything in a different light. I just wanted you to be mine for as long as I could have you.”

“Wow. That’s exactly what my dad did to my mom when they met. They were in love and kept it a secret because his family wouldn’t approve of her. The day I was born, he left her and never came back. He married his parents’ choice and my mother has spent her life mourning his loss. I won’t let you do that to me, Chase. I would rather be truly loved by a human, than humiliated by the likes of you.”

Tears ran down her cheeks. “Tell Cayden I’ll be calling him tomorrow. I’d be glad to help in any way I can to locate the missing girl. I hope that he can put me in contact with the proper authorities. I’m going back to my date now. Please, thank your doctor for his care and concern on my behalf.” Before she shut the door Dani added, “And don’t mess with my dates, Chase. Things are this way because of your decisions.”

The ride home was silent. Dani said nothing to her friends. The tension in the car was thick and they knew something was terribly wrong. Charlie watched her anxiously from the corner of his eye. Finally, the distance between them was too much after being so close to her all evening and he reached out to stroke her cheek, measuring her reaction. She smiled weakly at his worried face. She took his hand from her cheek and twined her fingers with his, resting them on her leg.

When they arrived back on campus, Lindsay asked Olivia and Danielle, “Can I bunk with you guys tonight? My roommate has her boyfriend over.” Lindsay waggled her eyebrows suggestively.

BOOK: Unbound
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