Read Two Doms For Angel Online

Authors: Holly Roberts

Tags: #menage, #erotic romance, #bdsm, #domination, #submission, #mfm, #alpha male, #submission and dominance, #club el diablo

Two Doms For Angel (13 page)

Did he love your

Very much.”

Then why would he marry you
off so young?”

Wives have little power but
they can make their husband’s home a heaven or a hell. His wives
had made up their minds that I must go.”

Were you happy with your

Much of the time,

What about the other

Unlike many wives, I was
educated. I read books when younger and had princess

His lips quirked into a soft smile.
“What kind of princess dreams?”

She answered with a soft
smile of her own. “L
a bella y la

Did Monroe turn into the
prince when you fell in love with him?”

Her expression turned sad.

Master has many demons, and
he will always be the beast.”

That was Monroe in a nut
A beast with

Tell me of your time after
I found you.”

It was not a good time.”
She took a large drink of her wine.

I need to know.”

This country is very
different. When I was young and began my menses, my hair was
covered. It is because of my mother that I was not

Just the thought made him flinch. “Your
mother held that much control?”

This is how I know my
father loved her. While she was alive, even as a third wife, she
ruled our home and got her way.”

Why didn’t you go home to
your father after you were freed from the slavers?”

Her eyes lowered again. “My shame will
not allow me to go home.”

You carry no shame. What
happened was out of your control.”

It remains a shame I

He decided to leave this issue for a
later date.

You feel more comfortable
with your body covered but were naked at the

Yes. Master requests this
of me.”

You could make it a hard

Master decides.”

No, you decide.”

You are angry.”

Yes, I’m angry but not at
you and I’m trying to understand. How do you feel about having sex
with me?”

Master wishes that I please

I don’t care what Monroe
wishes! If you don’t want to have sex with me it’s your

Then you will think me bad
for wanting it.”

His voice gentled.

No, I don’t think it’s bad
at all but I’m having difficulty understanding.”

Master told me of you when
he brought me here.”

What did he tell

That you were his

Why did Monroe go looking
for you?”

She raised the glass and she drank the
last of her wine.

He told me he did it for

For some reason, that pissed him

I don’t think you being his
slave has anything to do with me.”

I believe it has everything
to do with you.”

Do you understand what he

Master is gone one night
and you used my body. He considers you more than a friend but I
cannot explain this. He said you shared women.”

Yes, we have but at
separate times, never together. Does he think we will each have a
special night and this relationship will work for all of

I do not know all his
thoughts. I only know he asked me to please you.”

So, you please

He asked this of me but
also told me to please myself.”

What pleases

Anything you

The situation would never work but
until Monroe returned, Angel had a new master.


Zach awoke the following morning in his
bed. He’d tucked Angel into her own bed and then left the room,
refusing to give into her look of longing. He needed time to

He stared into the darkness until
sometime in the early morning hours, when fog finally overtook his
thoughts and he passed out. He’d worried about Angel’s nightmares
but he didn’t wake to her screams so figured the sleeping
arrangement worked. He rolled over and placed his bad leg to the
floor. His foot connected with something soft. Looking down, he saw
the pillow where Angel’s beautiful head rested with the remainder
of her body on the floor.


He couldn’t lift her to the bed with
his bad knee so he took hold of the end of her hair and gave a few
gentle tugs.

I have an angel fish on my
line.” It was corny but she gave him a tender smile.

I could not sleep.” She
replied sleepily.

We’ll need to work on
that.” He pulled hand over hand, drawing her up onto the bed. When
she knelt beside him, he pulled the bottom of her nightgown up and
brought it over her head. White lace underwear covered her

I can handle the long gowns
but I want your pussy bare. I want to know it’s uncovered and only
one layer away. Do you understood?”

Yes, sir.”

Take it off.”

She slipped off her panties and tossed
them on to the floor. His hands found her breasts.

Monroe is quite strict with
his subs but for some reason, you, his slave, seem to be completely
untrained in a master-slave relationship.”

No, sir.”

He pinched both her nipples.


So, you are telling me you
behave with Monroe but forget your training when you are with

No, sir.”

When his fingers squeezed this time she
managed to stay quiet.

We have work to do. I’m not
as strict as your master but I don’t need a beautiful woman with
long hair wrapping me up and cutting off the circulation to my
dick. We shall work on your submission until you get it

The look on her face was priceless but
when her hand went to the appendage that was currently having a
problem with circulation he stopped her.

You will not touch me
without permission. You will not touch yourself. When in this
bedroom, you will be completely naked. When in the house but out of
this bedroom, you will go without underwear. I may or may not allow
you underwear when we leave the house. If you have any problems
with the rules at this point, please say so because your delectable
ass will carry my handprint if you don’t object to these rules now
and then you break them. Objections?”

No, sir.”

He tipped her chin up so she looked
into his eyes. “When you answer me, I want you looking at me. You
have your safeword and you know my rules. I’m sure more will come
up but we’ll adjust when they arise. Questions?”

No, sir.”

You may sleep in bed with
me at night.”

Her eyes dropped but then came up
again. He could see the relief she felt. “Yes, sir.”

Chapter Twenty-four


They made it through the first day and
he was able to enjoy her piano lesson. She was quite good and
seeing the bliss on her face while she played kept him from
noticing if she missed any keys. When Stephens rose from the bench,
her small hand came out. “Please, sir?”

Stephens made a disgruntled sound but
switched places with her. A rendition of “Chopsticks” ensued that
Zach had never heard before. It mixed classically intricate playing
with the old tried-and-true, which was Angel’s part. Zach found
himself enthralled and when the piece ended, he clapped.

He wasn’t surprised at Angel’s glee but
the blush traveling Stephens’ face was priceless. His dower face
reappeared and he removed himself from the room quickly, which only
delighted Zach more.

I think everyone around you
falls under your spell,” he said.

Her eyes went from joyful to sensuous
in a heartbeat. Zach approached and gave her a gentle

I must have my knee taken
care of. I promised your master I would follow all orders from my
new physical therapist. I want you to occupy yourself while I’m
being tortured.” His tone showed he was teasing.

I will be in the garden,”
she said, “but I will help relieve the pain when your punishment is
over, sir.”

He loved her sweet, not-so-innocent
grin. “I’ll take you up on that.”

This time the kiss was passionate. When
he pulled away her eyelids slowly opened and the endless blue
depths sucked him in again.

Breathe, my sweet.” He said
it to remind himself too. Turning, he walked from the

Stephens seemed to enjoy tormenting
Zach and he worked him harder than his previous therapist. Zach
tried to get some information from the stone soldier.

Ask Mr. Monroe,” was the
only answer he got to his questions.

Sweat covered Zach’s body and he
heavily favored his good leg when he made his way to the garden.
The oversized floppy hat covered her head while she bent over young
plants and the sight returned some of his earlier good mood. She
was simply exquisite in everything she did— either that, or Zach
was in love. Unfortunately, he knew it was the later, because as
stupid as it sounded, even deep in his subconscious, he’d loved her
for two years.

And she loved his best

Looking up, she squinted into the sun,
rising and coming toward him with dirty hands and slightly browned
feet sticking out from beneath her dress.

I’ve never understood the
reason to cover beauty but find it impossible to believe the heat
doesn’t kill more women.”

I love the sun but do not
want my skin cracked and shriveled before my next

But I could apply lotion to
all your rough body parts.”

Yes, sir.”

The breathy whisper went straight to
his cock.

I won’t be much use to you
with the current ache in my knee. I believe you promised to help
after my torture session?”

Marguerite will have what
we need in the kitchen.”

Zach decided against a pain pill and
swallowed two Ibuprofen instead. The feel of her fingers digging
into his sore muscles made the physical therapy worth it.
Marguerite puttered around the kitchen preparing dinner and her
words broke into his thoughts.

La comida estará lista en
una hora.” She continued with rapid fire Spanish and Zack couldn’t
follow the rest of her speech.

He watched Angel as she
replied in the same flowing lilt and then turned her attention back
to his leg. “Dinner will be served in an hour but Marguerite will
leave tonight and be gone for two days. She said she would prepare
food and place it in the refrigerator.”

“We will be dinning with
Damian tomorrow evening and dinner will not be necessary,

He could see the
apprehension wash over Angel’s face and tipped her chin up. “We
will enjoy a quiet evening with my friends. Playing at the club is
an open option and entirely up to you.”

“Yes, sir. I only wish to
please you.”

Zach ignored the loud snort
from Marguerite.

“It pleases me that you are
not afraid and can enjoy an evening celebrating their newborn
child.” He could see her fear turn to longing at the mention of the
baby and he had to ask. “Do you want to have children?”

Sweet sadness took over her
expression. “Master cannot have children and I only wish to please
you both.”

That was news to Zach.
“Children” was not a conversation he and Monroe had ever discussed.
It also didn’t answer his question but he let the uncomfortable
subject drop.

“I would like to shower and
change before dinner. My knee feels much better. Thank


Dinner, as always, was
delicious and Zach discovered more hidden secrets about

“How many languages do you

“Four fluently but I
understand several more.”

“And they are?”

“Arabic, English, Spanish,
and French. I studied Mandarin Chinese and Japanese.”

“Have you

“No, but I had very good
tutors. My dream when younger was to be a teacher.”

“My parents were

Her eyes lit up. “They no
longer teach?”

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