Read Twenty-Four Hours Online

Authors: Allie Standifer

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

Twenty-Four Hours (4 page)

BOOK: Twenty-Four Hours
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“Water’s ready,” he announced, stepping into the fading light of the room.

“But I’m not,” she mumbled into her pillow.

“Yes.” He ignored her protest and scooped her into his arms, enjoying the easy weight of her in his arms. “And you won’t feel better until we loosen your muscles.”

She wanted to glare daggers at him, but eye patches kind of ruined the effect. “I think you’ve loosened all the muscles you’re going to.”

He tried to cover the laugh with a cough, but knew it hadn’t work. “Honey…” His voice was serious as he lowered her gently into the steaming bath. “If I thought for one instant you didn’t like anything I was doing to you, I would have stopped. We both know having me fingerfuck your ass made you come your brains out.”

A flush covered her chest and neck as she averted her face. “I don’t know about that.”

Slipping in behind her, his legs bracketing her from the waist down while his arms pulled her tight against his chest, he smiled into her hair. “I do. I felt it. Each time I added a finger, your pretty cunt almost squeezed my poor cock in two. You liked it, honey. It’s okay to admit it.”

Courtney drew her head back to glare at him. Then remembered her bandaged eyes and settled for a frown of disapproval. “Would you admit it, if it were your ass?”

He paused in soaping his hands, trying to give her an honest answer. “I think,” he said, lathering her heavy breasts, “if you were the one playing with my ass, I might. Why? You want to fuck me there?”

The more he thought about it, the more he got turned on by the idea of Courtney penetrating his virgin hole with her finger or maybe an anal wand, slicked with her juices. “How ’bout it, honey? I’ll fuck you in your sweet ass while you play with mine?”

Shock jerked her frame before she turned away from him, her graceful fingers swirling the water. “You like having someone play with your ass? Are you gay? I mean do you enjoy having sex with men, too?”

He couldn’t help but laugh at her outrageous comment. “No way, Court. I’m as hetero as they come.”

Her brows wrinkled in confusion. “Then why…?”

“Why would I let you ass-fuck me?”

Shyly she nodded her head, keeping her bandaged face averted.

But he refused to let her turn away from him and grasped her chin so he could press a lingering kiss on her full lips. “I’d let you, Courtney, because it would give us both pleasure. You love it when I play with you there, so it’s only fair if I let you give me the same pleasure as well.”

“That seems uncommonly reasonable of you.”

He grinned even though he knew she couldn’t see and continued the pleasurable task of washing her breasts.

Several minutes passed before she relaxed enough to lean into his chest, her fingers gently toying with the hair on his thighs. “Did you really mean what you said earlier? You resigned before coming to pick me up today?”

He’d wondered whether she’d remembered that. “Yes, I did. I knew I could have you or my job. When it came down to it, there really was no choice. You’ve been like a fever in my blood from the first moment I saw you.”

“You were only twenty-two,” she sputtered in protest.

His kissed her temple, enjoying the scent of apples that teased his nose. “What can I tell you, I’ve always known exactly what I want.”

“And you wanted me?” Her voice came out more hesitant than usual.

Mason tilted her face up to him, wishing he could see her beautiful brown eyes and the thick ink-black lashes surrounding them. He comforted himself with the thought that he’d have the rest of their lives to look into her eyes. “Why is my wanting you so hard for you to understand?”

Her graceful shoulders moved in a sexy shrug. “For one thing, there’s the difference in our ages.”

“I don’t see why? Older women are sexy, you are sexy. Not to mention you’re smart, got a great sense of humor, a killer smile and a set of legs that I can’t help but picture wrapped around my neck.”

Delicate hands smoothed up and down his thighs in a gesture that betrayed her nerves but did nothing to calm his burgeoning arousal. He wrapped one arm around her waist pulled her tightly against his rising cock.

He looked down and smiled when she pressed back against him. “Another point in my favor is I can always keep up with you sexually. I want to fuck you again, right here and now until you scream my name again.”

Her spine pressed against him as she moved closer to him and he felt more of his control slipping away. “You’re too sore for that right now. I want to take care of you, not just fuck you.”

“Then I have an ache that you need to take care of.”

He smiled over her head while his heart pounded in need. Maybe he could tease them both long enough for Courtney to come. Then he’d take her back to bed and fuck her mouth like he’d been dying to.

Taking her hands, he moved them to her breasts. When she started to pull them away he covered them with his. “I want to see you touch yourself again,” he whispered softly.

Her head fell back against his chest in a pure feminine sign of acceptance. “Will you touch me, too?”

“Hell yeah, try to stop me.”

He lowered his head and gave her a chaste kiss, a bare brush of their mouths. Then he tilted her head back up to tease the tender skin of her shoulders and neck with soft kisses. He used his hands to trail a path from her hips to her breasts and down again. One arm banded around her waist, steadying her in the slippery water, as the other slid beneath the wet surface to glide against the smooth flesh and small tuft of curls. Easily he parted her silken folds.

He heard her breath catch and she started to shake as he slid his fingers against her wet flesh, circling around the hard little nub of her clit, brushing it before he slid one long finger inside her. She was swollen from their earlier lovemaking and her flesh felt tight around his finger. Mason’s eyes clamped shut. Maybe not seeing her arousal would help keep his leashed. Slowly dragging his fingers from her body, he brought them to his mouth and licked them.

“The way you taste,” he moaned as her flavor burst through his senses. “If I could bottle it I’d make millions the first day.”

Then he slid his hand between her legs again, flicking his thumb over her clit before succumbing to the need to have some part of him inside her. He pushed his fingers back into her grasping heat. They both groaned at the contact.

With her hands still cupping her breasts he watched her nimble fingers pull and tug her tight nipples and her legs spread farther. Her spine bowed as she rocked her pelvis against his hand. His fingers slid in and out of her wet, tight flesh, stretching the swollen tissues farther. Pressing his cock against her ass, he gritted his teeth. She was shivering, bucking in his arms as her fingers frantically twisted red, puckered nipples. Without stopping to think, Mason leaned down, pressed his teeth to her shoulder and bit down hard.

There was a feminine scream, then a flood of cream soaked his hands seconds later as her body jerked within his embrace and she sagged bonelessly against him.

His control snapped. He pulled Courtney from the tub and briskly dried them both before carrying her back to bed.

“I need you,” he gasped, his cock hard and swollen.

She lay beneath him still panting from her release. “I don’t know if I can,” she whispered back honestly.

Gently he smoothed thick strands of black hair away from her beautiful face. “I know you can’t, honey. I want you to suck my cock. I want to fuck your mouth so bad I’m shaking with it.”

“Oh.” Her rosy full lips, puckered into a soft O that left his hands shaking.

“Will you do that for me, Courtney? Will you take me into your mouth until you suck me dry?”

He was surprised by her shy nod. Not that he thought she’d deny him, but more than hesitancy reflected in her gaze. “You have given a man a blowjob before right?”

“Sort of.” She shrugged those pale shoulders beneath him. “I tried it with someone, but he went too deep and I threw up.”

If he didn’t hurt so badly, Mason might have laughed. Instead he reached down to clasp her head tightly in his hands. “The man was a fool and a moron. I promise you’ll have no such problems with me. We’ll take it nice and easy until you get used to me. Then you’ll be begging for more of me.”

Even with her eyes covered Mason saw the doubt creasing her brow.

He pressed a tender kiss to her lips. “Trust me,” he breathed against her mouth.

“I do.”

He took a deep breath and moved to her side, spreading his legs wide then reaching over to gently pull her between them. He used one hand to guide her head while the other held his weeping erection steady.

“Just open your lips…oh, yeah, just like that.”


Courtney had never tried giving head after her one disastrous experience, but the way Mason’s cock jumped when he wrapped her hand around it made her eager to try. She ran her fisted hand from base to tip. He moaned above her and for the first time Courtney was glad of the bandages around her eyes. Vision would only have distracted from this man’s musky scent and skin. Both of his hands fisted in her hair as she took him deep before drawing back, surprised at his salty flavor. She repeated the slow move again, impossible need growing once more inside her. Warming to the task, she tried all the tricks she’d heard or read about over the years.

She sensed Mason lean back, his breathing loud in the quiet room, the sheets tugged and pulled beneath her. She imagined him fisting the soft cotton as she teased him. She nibbled gently at the underside of his cock, pressed her tongue against the rigid vein that pulsed with her every lick. Courtney pictured the hard, swollen length jutting from a dense nest of curls. Courtney fumbled between his thighs for his sac, gently pressing his balls together before releasing them to suck them tenderly into her mouth.

She used one hand to wrap around the base of his shaft, pressed it back then down, in a slow erotic massage. Closing her mouth over him, she moved up and down, enjoying the clean, salty taste of him, the tautness of his body, and the pleading groans that fell from his lips.

Courtney hummed in approval and pleasure before pulling off to daintily lick him from root to tip. Taking the flat, flared head into her mouth, she sucked on it again, greedily wanting more.

“Fuck me, but I knew you’d be good at this,” Mason moaned, clutching her head between his hands in a tight grip. “Take more of me. Come on, honey, swallow me down.”

Swallowing him was exactly what she wanted. She took his length down her throat again and again while Mason panted and cursed above her.

The head of his cock momentarily lodged at the back of her throat, blocking her air and she felt a brief flair of panic. As always Mason seemed to know exactly what she was feeling. He pulled back only to thrust inside again, but not as deep this time. “It feels so fucking good, Court, better than anything I’d imagined.”

Pleased with herself and his reaction, Courtney rocked back and forth, hollowing her cheeks out as she sucked him. She felt the shudders of pleasure rack his body and his skin beneath her hands was slick with a layer of perspiration.

Sliding back down, she savored the smooth, thick length of him filling her mouth and senses. The salty flavor of his sweat, the musky tang of his pre-cum. Her throat and lungs were aching, but she didn’t want to stop. Instead she pulled back enough so she could lap and nip on the sensitive head that gave her so much pleasure. Especially when thrusting deep inside her.

Craving to feel him inside her again, she closed her lips over his cock. Mason let out of groan of sheer pleasure. One hand buried and tugged in her hair, while his other hand twisted and jerked the sheets next to her. She relaxed the muscles in her throat until she’d taken as much of him as she could. Mason sat up, clasped her head in both hands, and begged her not to stop.

“So close. Please, honey. I’m right on the edge and your mouth feels like heaven sucking me in.”

She parted her lips as he shoved his cock in and out of her throat while hot spurts of cum jetted from his cock into the wet heat of her mouth.

His hands finally fell from her head and she started to pull back. As his half-hard cock slipped from between her lips she felt Mason shudder above her. Courtney paused to give a last lick then ended up sucking and nibbling a lot more before Mason finally pulled her away.

“Enough, woman. Any more and you’ll kill me.” But he sounded pleased with her teasing.

“You taste…right.”

He pulled her down on top of him, strong arms clasping her close to his damp body. “I’ve dreamed of that so many times. But this,” he whispered into her hair, “holding you, feeling you naked against me is better than any dream or fantasy in the world.”

She lay there quietly after Mason’s soft snores stirred the air. Nothing in her life had prepared her for this man. For his gentle touches and demanding passions. Courtney knew she should kick him out before it was too late. But in her heart of hearts she knew it had been too late the moment Mason kissed her in the hospital. Everything she’d been storing up for six years had boiled over and spilled out. Including her love for him.

What was she going to do when their time was up and he walked out the door?

BOOK: Twenty-Four Hours
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