Read Troubled Son: Savage Sons MC Romance Online

Authors: Jayna King

Tags: #Romance

Troubled Son: Savage Sons MC Romance (9 page)

As we walked by, I caught a glimpse of the pool table at the center of the room and realized what all the fuss was about. In the center of the table, there was a blonde woman kneeling and facing a brunette. I watched, transfixed. The blonde woman wore an outfit that looked like it had come direct from Kittens -- tall black vinyl boots, a tiny, frayed denim miniskirt, and a red lace pushup bra underneath a completely sheer black top. She leaned forward and put her hands on the brunette's hips, pulling her forward for a kiss. The men in the room went wild.

My attention was yanked from the scene on the pool table when Moses let go of my hand. He took a seat at the bar, and it didn't seem like he even noticed the girls in the middle of the room. Moses reached out and slid his hand into the back pocket of my jeans and pulled me over so that I was half sitting on his lap. I couldn't decide what was more distracting -- the feeling of his hard thigh beneath me or what was happening on the pool table.

The blonde took her hands off the other girl's hips and reached for the hem of the girl's t-shirt. As she pulled the tight shirt over the brunette's head, it became apparent that the girl wasn't wearing a bra, and the noise level got even higher as the blonde reached out, covered the girl's breasts with her hands and then removed them, fingers lingering to pull at her nipples. The brunette threw back her head as the blonde pinched, released, and then tugged a little harder at her tiny, erect pink nipples. I couldn't look away.

Even though I knew the girls were just putting on a show for the men in the room, I realized that I was incredibly turned on. The girls were also enjoying themselves. The blonde tweaked the brunette's nipples again and then began to unbutton the shirt that barely covered her bra. She slipped the shirt from her shoulders and kissed the other girl again as the brunette slipped her hands beneath the hem of the blonde's short skirt. She slid the skirt up slowly over her ass until I could see the red lace thong that matched the bra.

Moses leaned forward, and his voice startled me and pulled my attention away from the girls.

"Like what you see?" he asked.

I hadn't realized until he spoke that I was breathing hard and was simultaneously appalled and wanted to see more. I had to clear my throat before I could speak, and I kept my voice low so no one would overhear. "Is this typical?"

"Not exactly."

I could feel his breath on my ear as he spoke from behind me, and it made me think about what it would feel like to have him behind me with his hands on my body. I forced myself to think about something else.

"This has Bug all over it. If I know him, he's been talking this show up and added a little something extra to the cover charge."

"Folks seem to be enjoying it," I said with a laugh.

Another man in a Savage Sons cut approached us and Moses stood up. "Have a seat, Max. I'll be right back."

He sat me down and kissed me quick and hard before they walked away. I recognized the kiss as exactly what it was -- not a sign of affection, but a brand -- an indication to everyone in the room that I belonged to Moses. With little else to occupy me as Moses walked just a few steps away, I turned my attention back to the pool table.

The blonde was now bent over on her hands and knees. He back was turned to me, so I could see the red thong that threaded its way between her ass cheeks that were facing me. Her knees were about shoulder width apart, so I had a pretty good idea of what she'd look like if she removed those panties. Her attention was on the brunette, and she was taking her time sucking on the girl's nipples. Under the pool table lights, her wet nipples glistened and drove every man in the place crazy.

I felt like I was going crazy along with the crowd. I was breathing hard again, and I could practically feel my nipples hardening beneath my boring, sensible bra. I looked for Moses, and even though he was in a conversation with the other Son, his eyes were on me, and I could have sworn that he knew I was turned on. He finished the conversation, hugged the man -- eyes on me the whole time -- and took his leave.

Chapter 12




was trying like hell not to laugh as I talked to Zeno about what was going on and watched Max at the same time. He told me exactly what I'd expected -- fuckin' Bug had promised some hot girl-on-girl action in exchange for an extra five dollars at the door. I planned to bring the matter up at our next club meeting, but looking around the room, I knew my chances of finding support were shit.

Bug and J.C. were across the room having the time of their lives. I scanned the room evenly, refusing to register the fact that Bug was alternating between leering at the girls on the pool table and glaring at me. Even though there were more cars in the lot than I'd have liked to see, the crowd was pretty well behaved, all things considered. I was sure that we weren't going to have a single girl with downtime after the show. The guys were gonna be raring to go after Angel and Bethany finished their show.

The funniest thing, though, was watching Max's reaction to the scene. If there hadn't been half-naked hookers on the pool table, I'm sure she'd have been discreetly checking out everyone in the club, trying to put together what she'd read in her files and make sense of what was going on. As it was, though, she couldn't take her eyes off the girls. When she'd been leaning up against me, I couldn't help but notice that she was breathing hard, and I think she was actually turned on by the show. I'd been worried about how she was going to react to the sex that was always present to one degree or another in the club. She sure didn't seem to be offended.

"Thanks, man." I gave Zeno a hug. "You call me if that motherfucker gets outta line or if there are any problems with the cops."

Zeno nodded at me. He was used to me checking up on Bug, and he'd told me more times than I could count that he'd back me if I ever decided I wanted to be the VP under Joker. I didn't want the job. Hadn't even wanted it years ago -- when I still thought that the Savage Sons were all I'd ever want out of life.

"Fuck it," I said to myself as I left Zeno and took my time walking back over to Max. I'd had enough of these bullshit club squabbles. Even though I knew I had no business thinking about her that way, I couldn't help but enjoy the view in front of me. Yeah, Angel and Bethany together were hot, but Max watching the two of them was explosive. I looked over and watched Angel sucking on Bethany's tits one more time before she stood up on the pool table, careful to avoid the lights that hung above.

Bethany, tits wet from Angel's lips, pulled Angel forward by her hips and started to unbutton the blonde girl's skirt and slid it down, careful to leave the red thong in place. Bethany turned Angel around and reached up to press her shoulders down while spreading her legs apart until Angel stood facing the men around the table, legs spread with her ass and pussy right in front of Bethany's face. One of the men -- some guy I'd seen a time or two in the club -- reached out like he planned to grab Angel's tits that bounced right in front of him. John pulled himself away from Bug and approached the guy. They exchanged words, John took some wadded up cash from the man, and the man settled back in to enjoy the show, clearly looking forward to the favors he'd purchased from Angel afterwards.

Bethany ran her tongue across Angel's ass and slipped a finger beneath the red lace thong, pulling it aside to reveal even more of the blonde girl. As Bethany licked her finger and started to tease Angel's clit, the noise level got even higher, and I realized that my hard-on and I needed to get out the door. Between Krystal's teasing, feeling Max behind me on the bike and shopping for lingerie, and now this show in front of me, I was gonna explode if I didn't get out of there.

"Jesus," I whispered as I turned from the girls to face Max. She looked like she was ready to join in with Angel and Bethany. I was gonna have to peel her off the bar stool, even if she was all covered up from head to toe. I'd bet my last dollar that the panties she wore underneath those mom jeans were wet. Time to put an end to the show before I was any more tempted to grab a girl and head for a private room just to get off.

"All handled," I said to Max when I'd made it across the room. "You ready?" I couldn't afford to think about whether or not she was ready in a sexual way. We had to get out of there.

"Ready," Max answered as she stood up. "Zeno gonna handle things?"

I nodded, hoping to hide my surprise. Wow. She'd looked like she had eyes for nothing but the girls, but she'd clearly been more aware of the room than I'd given her credit for. I put my arm over her shoulder and made sure that Bug and J.C. saw us on our way out. I'd resolve things with the MC later.

We walked to the bike and got on without speaking a word, and we got to Max's apartment before she broke the silence.

She took off her helmet and rested it on her hip, stretching out her arm to hold it in place. "Well. It's been an interesting day, Moses."

I'd been unsure how she'd react, and I laughed at her understatement. "You okay?" I asked.

She laughed too. "Yeah. A little overwhelmed, but I'm okay." She looked at me for a few seconds. "I'm starving, though. You hungry?"

I realized that I was. "Yeah. Hadn't thought about it, but I am now that you've brought it up."

"I'm going to throw together some pasta for dinner, and you're welcome to join me if you don't have plans. If you're busy we can catch up tomorrow."

Her offer surprised me, but I couldn't think of any reason to say no. "That would be nice. Thanks."

She smiled and turned, waving at me to follow her. We walked up the few flights of stairs to her apartment, and I couldn't help but shake my head. We'd spent the day working on her cover, easing her into a role that couldn't be more different from the way she'd led her life. She'd met a bunch of new people -- some of them pretty rough around the edges, and she'd handled it all without a hitch. She'd walked into real live porn, and she hadn't freaked out. And then she was hungry, acting like the crazy afternoon had been no big deal. Tombley had been right about Max. She was the right woman for the job.

She unlocked her door and we walked inside. I locked the door as a matter of habit, and I scanned the room to make sure the back door was still locked. The fact that we were a few floors up didn't make me automatically feel safe. I'd seen too much weird shit in my day. I watched to see if Max would check the rest of the apartment. When she went over to the refrigerator, I figured I had another lesson to teach her.

"Hey," I said, stopping her in her tracks. "One thing you're gonna have to get used to. You never relax until you've cleared your house. I live in the middle of nowhere, and I have alarms, but I don't ever settle in until I've checked out the whole house."

Max just looked at me, expressionless again. "You ever find anyone?"

"Nope. Still do it though."

She thought for a minute. "Not a bad habit," she said as she left the kitchen and walked through the rest of the apartment, opening the doors to the bathroom in the hall, the spare bedroom, and her bedroom and bath, remembering to stick her head in the huge closet as well.

"All clear," she announced as she headed back to the refrigerator. "Wine or beer?"


I liked this girl. She didn't laugh off my suggestion, and she was careful and thoughtful. I'd made up my mind; she was going to be a good partner.

Chapter 13




pulled the cork on a bottle of Albarino and poured myself a glass.

"Cooking wine," I announced to Moses with a wink. "What I drink while I'm cooking."

He laughed and sat down at one of the bar stools I had tucked under the breakfast bar that faced the kitchen.

"So what did you think of the day?" he asked as he took a sip of his beer.

I opened the freezer and pulled out a bag of frozen shrimp and dumped about half of them into a bowl of water to defrost, glad I'd bought the ones that were already peeled and deveined. "Shrimp okay?" I asked. After Moses nodded, I answered his question. "It was a little overwhelming. I feel a little like a fish out of water, trying to act like I belong in a group I know very little about."

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