Read Three Ways to Wicked Online

Authors: Jodi Redford

Three Ways to Wicked (14 page)

The words were flowing effortlessly from her. She practically couldn’t type fast enough to keep up with the demand of her muse. Especially when it came to the love scenes. For characters who’d initially refused to get to first base, the horny buggers were sure as hell making up for lost nookie time.

Twitching her nose, she scanned the scene she’d started last night.


A trickle of sweat crawling between her shoulder blades, Vikki wrestled with the resort bungalow’s uncooperative lock and silently cursed it to hell and back. Didn’t the damn thing know she had a hot date planned with her vibrator? Jesus Christ.


The soft scuff of footsteps and a loud yawn broke through Kayla’s concentration. Glancing up, she was gifted with the sight of Ty and Gibb striding into the kitchen, wearing nothing but their sleepy smiles. Each offered her a good-morning smooch and traipsed to the counter to avail themselves of the coffee she’d brewed. She tracked a visual path down the deep groove of Gibb’s spine and ogled the firm, tanned globes of his naked butt before treating Ty’s to the same inspection.

Holy moly.
She must have racked up impressive karma points in a past life to earn this delectable man-candy payload now. Whimpering, she returned her focus to her laptop keyboard. Much as she loved the idea of staring at Ty’s and Gibb’s asses all day, this scene wasn’t going to write itself. Propping her chin in her hand, she resumed her read through of poor Vikki’s sad plight with the vibrator interruptus.


Vikki jiggled the key for the millionth time, and the stubborn deadbolt finally released. Resisting the urge to drop to her knees and kiss the ground, she rushed inside and slammed the door behind her, sending her purse tumbling to the floor with an impatient toss.

“Took you long enough, sugar.”

Unlike most women, Vikki didn’t react with a scream and a jolt. No, ten-plus years of taking down Miami’s scum life had her reaching for her Beretta before she recalled that she wasn’t packing any heat. Unless you counted the combustible burn sizzling up her vajayjay at the first sight of Ted and Jacob lounging buck-ass naked on the sofa.


“Combustible sizzle burning up her vajayjay? Oh sweet Lord, please tell me I didn’t write that without the aid of alcohol.” Groaning, Kay marked the passage for a later emergency triage edit and cautiously moved on to the next section.


“What’s the matter, Vik? You look rather hot and bothered.”

It was tempting to knock the smug grin from Jacob’s face. Almost as tempting as the prospect of jumping on that impressive nine-inch pleasure stick of his and riding him ’til they were both yippee ki-yayed out.

“Probably because it’s two hundred degrees. In the fucking shade.” Yeah, she was being bitchy. Humidity brought the worst out of her.

“I’d say Ted and I could find a way to cool you down.” Jacob gave his cock an indulgent stroke. “But I think we know it’ll be the opposite effect.”

Vikki licked her lips, her trusty vibrator suddenly the last thing on her mind. Solid as her and BOB’s longstanding relationship was, it was a pale promise of the ecstasy Ted and Jacob could deliver. Last night they’d proudly proved their stallion-like stamina was indeed the stuff of legends by fucking her in every way imaginable. It’d be amusing to see what inventive position the horny bastards would come up with this time.


“Oh shit. Are there even any positions left?” Kay shook a fist at the laptop screen. “Was it really necessary to perform the entire Kama Sutra the first night?” Growling, she thunked her chin back into her hand and drummed her fingers idly on the keyboard. She caught Gibb’s and Ty’s amused gazes and huffed a sigh. “Sorry, I have a tendency to speak to my characters like they can actually hear me. I swear I’m not as insane as I appear.” Before they could call her on that questionable observation, she clicked off the Word doc and hopped online to run a quick search on sex positions. Rubbing her chin, she considered the available options. “I wonder if The Butterfly could work in a three-way?”

The sound of two coffee mugs simultaneously hitting the counter preceded Ty’s and Gibb’s reappearance next to her. The heated gleam of interest in Ty’s irises threatened to sear her alive. “What’s this about The Butterfly?”

She pointed to the article on her laptop screen. “It’s a sex position.”

“Yeah, I know what it is. Happen to be a
fan.” Ty’s wicked grin prompted flutters in her tummy and farther south.

Scooting sideways in her seat, she cleared her throat delicately. “Then you know it’s typically done with only two people. Hence my dilemma with this darn scene.”

Draping his arm across her shoulder, Ty nuzzled her neck. “Who says you have to be typical? In fact, I’m willing to bet that The Butterfly is not only doable in a threesome, it’d be fucking mind-blowing.”

Shivering from Ty’s seductive persuasion, she glanced up at Gibb. The butterflies in her stomach cycled into mosh-pit mode at the intense way Gibb was watching her. She’d been witness to that look countless times the last few days. Usually it was immediately followed by her spread-eagle beneath him, his cock lodged wonderfully deep inside her.

Ty nibbled his way toward her lips. “You know, Gibb and I could always help ya out with that scene. Provide a little hands-on research.”

She blinked. “Really? You wouldn’t mind?”

Gibb arched an eyebrow. “Do you honestly think there’s any chance we would?”

She thought about it for a moment and giggled. “Okay, guess not now that you mention it.”

“Then consider us completely at your disposal.” Ty slid his mouth over hers, scattering any doubts she harbored about going along with their provocative suggestion. Unlike with Jeremy, she didn’t have to worry about Ty or Gibb judging her for the kinky things she wrote. The truth of that was hammered into her with dazzling clarity as the hot eagerness of Ty’s kisses pulled her under their intoxicating spell. He rerouted his course, his mouth a sinful slide along the slope of her neck while Gibb did his part in skyrocketing her arousal by hunkering in front of her chair and running his hands in a sensuous glide over the insides of her thighs.

A weak breath floating free, she instinctively spread her legs wider. Gibb accepted the unspoken invitation and slipped his fingers beneath the loose hem of her jersey shorts. He brushed over the wetness coating her labia, a hiss leaking between his teeth. “Jesus. Do you always get this juiced up writing your love scenes?”

Blushing, she shook her head. “But I’ve also had a lot of added inspiration lately.”

“Me and Ty?” Gibb’s touch grew bolder, dipping past her slit. “Does that mean you imagine it’s us doing all those things you write about?”

The heat in her cheeks fanned throughout her entire body, spurred on by the slow stroke of Gibb’s fingers inside her. She arched against his hand. “S-sometimes.”
All the time.

“Hm.” Gibb situated himself on one knee and tapped the corner of her keyboard. “Okay if I take a look at what you’ve got so far?”

Usually she didn’t let anyone see her work in progress, but the genuine interest in Gibb’s compelling gaze bulldozed past her insecurities. She offered a hesitant nod and clicked open her file. “To give you a little background on the characters, Vikki—my heroine—is a detective deep undercover at a private swingers resort run by two men who are suspected art thieves. She’s hoping to crack the case by spending the week as their plaything and gaining as much insider intel as she can.” Considering the sinful activity of Gibb’s fingers, getting all that pertinent information out in one breathless run-on sentence proved a herculean task.

“I like the sound of it already.” Gibb angled the laptop his way.

Anxiously staring at his profile while he silently read over her words, she chewed the corner of her lip and fidgeted with the edge of the table. “It’s a rough draft. I’ll flesh the characters out more in the next pass.”

Gibb continued his quiet perusal of the scene. Needing to do something to sidetrack herself from the nervous anticipation making a Bounce House out of her belly, she shifted her focus to the laptop screen. That proved a mistake when her attention immediately fell on the world’s most horrendous typo. “Oh for God’s sake, that’s supposed to be
sucked on her nipple, not
. Obviously that’d be impossible. Unless she’s got some amazing contortionist skills. Or is a circus freak.”

Her chagrined groan was instantly cut short by the distracting graze of Gibb’s thumb over her clit. A shaky exhalation sneaking free, she wiggled on the seat, unconsciously grinding against the enticing pressure riding her sweet spot. His motions slow and deliberate, Gibb eased another finger inside her and swept his thumb in a lazy circle. “Kay, I don’t give a damn about your typo. Not when all I can think about is how rosy
nipples are underneath your top right now, while you’re so hot and wet around me.”

Put like that, who was she to quibble over a typo?

“I think we need to see just how stiff those pretty nipples are.” His touch bold and devilish, Ty slipped her tank top up to her shoulders and cupped her naked breasts before offering them a light squeeze that made her squirm.

Humming in appreciation, Gibb leaned forward and played his tongue along the throbbing peak of her breast. His eyes glittering with heat, he peered up at her. “Is this what you had in mind for the scene?”

“W-works for me.” Oh boy, did it ever. Especially when Gibb’s fingers zeroed in on her G-spot. She arched with a gasp, her spine digging into the rigid chairback.

Gibb’s hot gaze remained glued to her face. Closing her eyes, she turned her head to the side.

“No, don’t hide from us, baby.” Gibb’s lingering stroke across her cheek coaxed her focus back to him. “We want you to be open and free with us. And honestly, I fucking love how responsive you are to everything we do to you.”

Ty’s mouth trailed a string of kisses over her collarbone. “Same goes for me. Seeing firsthand how hot you’re getting for us turns me on like crazy.”

Their words, along with their seductive, worshipful caresses, went miles in eradicating her doubts. With Jeremy, she’d always clung to her inhibitions, too afraid to reveal too much of her sexual side, knowing he’d be threatened by it. But with Gibb and Ty, they not only appreciated it, they encouraged her to revel in her innate hedonism.

Gibb slid his fingers from her and licked them clean with a lusty moan before hiking her up onto the dining table and stripping her shorts off. While Ty scooted her laptop to safety, Gibb settled into the seat she’d vacated and grasped both of her butt cheeks in his hands. Burying his head between her legs, he sucked her pussy into his mouth, his tongue an unrelenting whiplash flicking her clit. Primed past the point of no return, she bucked upward with one uncontrolled surge of her hips, a cry bleating from her throat as he drew her climax into wave after dizzying wave of pleasure.

Several moments later, limp from the overload of sensation, she murmured in blissful contentment when Gibb stretched over her and nuzzled her mouth with his. The taste of her on him was more arousing than off-putting. Likely because the aftershocks rippling through her made it impossible to forget how wonderful he’d made her feel.

Sliding her fingers through the silky ends of his hair, she hugged him close. “I love how easy you and Ty make it for me to relax and just be myself.”

Gibb’s tender smile increased the ache of happiness in her chest. “That’s all we want you to be. Because you’re absolutely perfect in every way, sweetheart.”

Emotions threatening to get the better of her, she turned her head and met Ty’s dark, soulful gaze. He brushed a strand of hair away from her eyes. “Every word of it’s true. I’ve never known a woman who turns me inside out the way you do.”

She leaned up on her elbows. “Is that good or bad?”

Ty massaged her nape. “Already told ya, when it comes to you, it’s all good.” He backed up his declaration with a leisurely kiss that quickly rekindled her desire despite the sexual satiation making her bones as useful as Play-Doh. Before he’d completely dissolved her insides, he retreated with a lazy glide of his tongue along hers. His expression smoky, he palmed her breasts again. “I’ve got an idea of how we can do that Butterfly position if you’re game.”

Like there was any chance in hell she

She started to lift up from the table, but Ty stopped her with a wag of his finger and a sultry look that melted the few functional brain cells she had left. “You’re not goin’ anywhere, darlin’. This is
where I want you.” He reached past her head and fetched something from the table.

Perplexed, she eyed the condom packet he flipped to Gibb. “Where did that come from?”

“I snuck to the bedroom and grabbed it while Gibb was keeping you preoccupied.”

The lecherous waggle of Ty’s eyebrows prompted her laugh, but soon enough that morphed into a choked moan as Gibb’s sheathed cock eased inside her slick channel. He allowed her a moment to adjust to his fullness stretching her to the limits before slipping her legs over his shoulders and gripping her ankles near his ears. The angle raised her hips off the table, awarding him a deep penetration that made them both suck in a harsh breath.

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