Read Threads of Grace Online

Authors: Kelly Long

Tags: #ebook, #book

Threads of Grace (32 page)

“My time is short, Adam. Do you promise?”

He stared at her. Was she mad? He was a man of his word, but Mary was near her time and probably not thinking clearly. He could promise and give her the comfort she wanted, and then they could resolve things later.

He took her hand. “I do so promise, Mary Yoder.”

She sighed, a restless, broken sound.
“Gut. Danki
, Adam. You will see . . . Your arms will be full of love again before long.”

He nodded, watched as she drifted off to sleep, and then left the quiet room, deep in thought.

“What did

Lena Yoder looked up into the face of her beloved and couldn’t help but think how beautiful he was. His dark hair hung heavy to his shoulders, and the strong bones of his face were the perfect frame for his strange golden eyes.

He looked down at her now as they stood in the early garden and gently ran the back of his hand across her cheek. She shivered in delight, longing to lean into his touch.

“She wanted to talk,’tis all.”

Lena ignored the prick of conscience that saw something hesitant in those golden depths. “She loves you, Adam.”

“And I her . . . and her

“I am sure that John and Abby will be glad to know that,” she teased, giving him a bright smile.

But he didn’t smile in return. Instead he drew close to her, bending so that his breath brushed her ear. Her heart stopped when she thought he might kiss her . . . but he merely stood close, tantalizingly close, and then drew away.

She felt heat rise into her cheeks and looked up at him, but he was gazing at the afternoon sun, now dipping behind the endless rows of ancient trees.

“It grows late. I had best start for home.”

Lena felt a pang of disappointment, but she knew he had work to attend to. She slipped her hand into his as they walked toward Tim, his big dappled horse.

“I’ll come tomorrow, Lena . . . to make sure that all is secure.”

She nodded as he mounted. Then he stared down at her, his eyes intent. “Be safe, my love,” he said.

“Of course.” She smiled. But something cold and unfamiliar, like a splinter of ice, pierced through her as she watched him ride away, and she shivered despite herself.

Arms of Love



Author photo by Saxon Creations




elly Long is the author of the Patch of Heaven series and the historical Amish novel
Arms of Love
. She was born and raised in the mountains of northern Pennsylvania. She’s been married for twenty-six years and enjoys life with her husband, children, and Bichon.

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