Read Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power Online

Authors: Jon Meacham

Tags: #Biography, #History, #Non-Fiction, #Politics, #Goodreads 2012 History

Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power (125 page)

Thornton, Anna Maria Brodeau. “Diary of Mrs. William Thornton, 1800–1863.”
Records of the Columbia Historical Society
10 (1907): 88–226.

Trent, W. P. “The Case of Josiah Philips.”
The American Historical Review
1, no. 3 (April 1896): 444–54.

Truman, Harry S. “Address at Bonham, Texas,” September 27, 1948. The American Presidency Project. (accessed April 8, 2012).

Tucker, Robert W., and David C. Hendrickson. “Thomas Jefferson and American Foreign Policy.”
Foreign Affairs
69 (Spring 1990): 135–56.

Tucker, Spencer C., and Frank T. Reuter. “The Chesapeake-Leopard Affair.”
Naval History
10 (March/April 1996): 40–44.

Turner, Kathryn. “The Appointment of Chief Justice Marshall.”
The William and Mary Quarterly,
3d ser., 17 (April 1960): 143–63.

. “Federalist Policy and the Judiciary Act of 1801.”
The William and Mary Quarterly,
3d ser., 22 (January 1965): 3–32.

Turner, Lynn W. “The Impeachment of John Pickering.”
The American Historical Review
54 (April 1949): 485–507.

. “Thomas Jefferson Through the Eyes of a New Hampshire Politician.”
Mississippi Valley Historical Review
30, no. 2 (September 1943): 204–14.

Verner, Coolie. “Mr. Jefferson Makes a Map.”
Imago Mundi
14 (1959): 96–108.

Wallace, D. D. “Jefferson's Part in the Purchase of Louisiana.”
The Sewanee Review
19 (July 1911): 328–38.

Walling, Karl. “Was Alexander Hamilton a Machiavellian Statesman?”
The Review of Politics
57 (Summer 1995): 419–47.

Wells, Jane Flaherty. “Thomas Jefferson's Neighbors: Hore Browse Trist of ‘Birdwood' and Dr. William Bache of ‘Franklin.' ”
Magazine of Albemarle County History
47 (1989): 1–13.

“William Small.” Thomas Jefferson Encyclopedia, Thomas Jefferson Foundation. (accessed March 24, 2012).

Wilson, Douglas L. “The Evolution of Jefferson's ‘Notes on the State of Virginia.' ”
Virginia Magazine of History and Biography
112, no. 2 (2004): 98–133.

Wilson, Gaye. “Horses.” Thomas Jefferson Encyclopedia, Thomas Jefferson Foundation. (accessed April 2, 2012).

Wrabley, Raymond B., Jr. “Anti-Federalism and the Presidency.”
Presidential Studies Quarterly
21 (Summer 1991): 459–70.

“Wren Building.” Colonial Williamsburg, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. (accessed March 24, 2012).

Young, Alfred F. “English Plebeian Culture and Eighteenth-Century American Radicalism.” In
The Origins of Anglo-American Radicalism,
edited by Margaret Jacob and James Jacob, 185–212. London: Allen and UnWIN, 1984.


Giunta, Mary A. “The Public Life of William Branch Giles, Republican, 1790–1815.” Ph.D. diss., Catholic University of AmerICA, 1980.


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American Art Journal

The American Historical Review

The American Journal of Political Science

American Political Science Review

American Quarterly

Art Bulletin

The Caledonian Mercury
(Edinburgh, Scotland)

Cobbett's Political Register

Diplomatic History


Eighteenth-Century Studies

The English Historical Review

Foreign Affairs

The French Review

Hispanic American Historical Review

The Historical Journal

The Hull
Packet and Original Weekly Commercial, Literary and General Advertiser

Imago Mundi

Indiana Magazine of History

International Political Science Review

The Ipswich

The Journal of American History

Journal of Black Studies

The Journal of Economic History

The Journal of Modern History

The Journal of Politics

The Journal of Southern History

Journal of the Early Republic

Magazine of Albemarle County History

The Morning Chronicle

National Intelligencer
(Washington, D.C.)

Naval History

The New York Times

North American Review

Oxford Bibliographies

Pacific Historical Review

Papers of the Albemarle County Historical Societ

The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography

Political Science Quarterly


Presidential Studies Quarterly

Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society

Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society

Public Administration Review


Records of the Columbia Historical Society

The Review of Politics

Reviews in American History

The Sewanee Review

The South Carolina Historical Magazine

Stanford Law Review

University of Pennsylvania Law Review

The Virginia Gazette

Virginia Magazine of History and Biography


The William and Mary Quarterly

The Wilson Quarterly

Winterthur PortfOLIO


received the Pulitzer Prize for
American Lion,
his 2008 bestselling biography of Andrew Jackson. The author of the earlier
New York Times
Franklin and Winston
American Gospel,
Meacham is executive editor and executive vice president of Random House and a contributing editor of
. He and his wife, Keith, have three young children and divide their time among Nashville, Sewanee, and New York City.

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