Read This Is a Dark Ride Online

Authors: Melissa Harlow

Tags: #Contemporary Menage

This Is a Dark Ride (18 page)

She made noises, noises that for a second she didn’t realize came from her. Noises like Krieger would make if someone stepped on his tail. She pressed her face against Sam’s sweat-slick chest as her inner muscles erupted into a flurry of quick, successive spasms.

He grew even larger for a second, and then everything was hot. His cock jerked and throbbed, and the lips of her pussy seemed determined to cling to him even tighter.

“Never happened before,” Angel managed to say when she half caught her breath.

“What never happened, sweetheart?” Sam asked.

She couldn’t say it. Couldn’t go into it then, couldn’t tell him she’d never come like that. He would never believe it anyway, especially not now, while her pussy was all stretched around him, holding on greedily.

“Roll over,” Brody whispered.

Brody. She had nearly forgotten he was there. A walking contradiction of strength and weakness. A man who could bring Sam to his knees and yet, at times, was barely capable of dressing himself. Her angel. Sam’s love.

Sam moved, taking her with him, onto his side. Angel felt Brody behind her, and she arched back to drink in the warmth of his hard body against hers.

Brody reached around her and caressed the base of Sam’s cock. His hand brushed against her clit, and she moved forward to meet it.

Sam’s cock began to grow inside of her as Brody’s fingers swirled through Angel’s juices.

Brody painted his wet fingers back along her crack to her anus and tickled it open until she accepted one slick finger. It was dirty pleasure, both holes filled. He pressed another fingertip there, pushing, seeking entry alongside the first.
It fucking hurts
. Muscles, nipples, and nerves tightened.

Angel jerked away from Brody’s hand. The sudden movement rammed her hard against Sam.

“Just relax,” Brody said gently. “Relax and they’ll go right in.”

The sexual haze in her brain cleared a bit and she heard the little packet being torn open. Brody was putting a condom on. She knew what he wanted. Inserting his fingers was not the ultimate goal. She’d never even let a man who paid her do what Brody was going to do. She could say no. He’d stop if she asked. Angel drew in a deep breath and then let it all out. Brody’s fingers were in. She hadn’t said no, and she wasn’t going to.

“Next time, Samson,” Brody said, “I’m going to fuck
sweet ass while your cock’s inside her. You think you’d like that?”

Sam made a groaning whimper and managed to grind out the word yes.

Brody gathered her hair and swept it up over her shoulder, pausing to kiss her neck and then up to her ear. His unshaven cheek dragged over her skin. The scratching sent a shiver down her back, and her nipples beaded.

“You’ve never done this before, have you?” he asked softly before gently biting her earlobe. Goose bumps skittered down her arms as his warm breath brushed her ear.


“So many things you haven’t had, sweetheart. So many things you have missed out on. Tonight, my sweet girl—tonight is your night. Let me be the first.” Brody’s breath was hot on her neck. “Can I?”

He’s asking permission. You can tell him no
. “Yes.” Her heart hammered, and Sam’s large hands gripped her hips tighter.

She opened her eyes and stared at Sam as behind her Brody mumbled something about what a beautiful, tight ass she had and that he was going to use lube.

Brody’s fingers were cold and slippery now, and then suddenly there was something much bigger than just his lubed fingers pushing inside. She gasped at the stretching, burning sensation as Brody began to ease his cock into her. She went rigid; her muscles clenched, squeezing Sam’s cock. Brody’s pubic hair tickled between the cheeks of her butt. Angel allowed herself to relax a bit more knowing he was fully inside of her.

Brody grunted into her hair. “Ours, Angel.” His tone was low, and he pressed forward, grinding against her bottom. “Every part of you is ours.”

Angel bit her lip and tried to stay calm. She trembled between them and struggled to relax.
. She reminded herself that she was in a safe place. Enveloped between Brody and Sam, their bodies were warm against her. She felt like the sun was shining on her skin. Sam’s mouth found hers, and he kissed her, silencing any second thoughts she might have voiced.

Angel gasped against Sam’s lips as Brody began to slide his cock back.

“It will be good,” Sam whispered into her mouth. “Brody is so good. Just relax. Feel…”

Then Brody entered her again, this time deeper. She cried out. It was mostly surprise, but there was discomfort too. Her stomach cramped, and her ass was on fire. Brody slowed his movements without stopping. Easing back, and then he thrust forward again. Short stabs, until the pain ebbed into a foggy haze. She pushed back experimentally until it began to feel different. The sense of fullness seemed a completion, and in that instant they were all one.

“Is it okay?” He kissed the back of her neck, his hot breath raising goose bumps.

“Yes.” It was warm and safe. It was better than okay.

Brody pulled all the way back and then surged forward. All the air was pushed from her lungs.

Their thrusts were like a well-choreographed dance; when one invaded, the other receded. Too full to breathe, not that breathing seemed to matter. The steady pulse of both of them inside of her, pushing and pulling. Her whole body crackled with electricity. She was acutely aware of the searing heat between her thighs and her ass. She was raw. She felt sore. It was fantastic.

She was never completely empty. She was always filled. Absolutely filled.

Their primal grunts grew in intensity as both men began to get caught up in the experience, plunging into her body with less care and more abandon. It did hurt but not much. Her ass burned, but Brody’s and Sam’s hands were on her hips, guiding her, holding her, making her feel safe and, of all things, cared for, like she suddenly was where she’d always belonged.

The feeling of belonging, the excitement of being wanted outweighed the pain until she realized there was none there anymore. Only pleasure.

Sam breathed words. They blended incoherently with grunts, but she clearly heard the word
love. He loved Brody
. The two of them belonged together, they were one, and right now she was a connection between them.

“I love you, Angel,” Sam said, and this time her mind comprehended that the words were being said to her. The same words Brody breathed against the back of her neck.

More murmured words like
lit the dark places in her heart, erasing any thoughts that being with these two men was in any way wrong.

She met Sam’s gaze.
He did love her
. She’d seen it in his eyes before; she’d seen it in Brody’s eyes as well. It was that look that had held her here, made her need to stay. Somehow she’d become trapped here by Brody and Sam’s love, yet she could see now she hadn’t been trapped at all. She’d been set free—free to fly.

“I love you…both.” Emotion choked her voice.

They lost their rhythm at some point and often entered her simultaneously. Their cocks practically touched inside her, only a thin wall of tissue separating them. They became one, and she tingled with every stroke. The tension in her belly climbed to dizzying heights.

Sam’s cock jerked. Pulsing. The rippling of his cock was too much. Her orgasm began, deep inside, welling up irresistibly. Part of her fought against it, not wanting this to be over. She flexed in a violent spasm and ground hard against Sam, her pussy grabbing at his emptying cock. Her own climax swelled white-hot. Through her groin, into her belly, and then radiated through her entire body.

“Oh fuck,” Brody said. He groaned, gripping her hips harder, pulling her back against him for a final two thrusts.

He stilled behind her, pressed tight against her back. His cock buried to the hilt inside of her, he clutched her hip with one hand, and the other he used to grip Sam’s hand. The men’s fingers laced together against her side, and then Brody did something strange. He let Sam’s hand go and took hers. A few seconds later Sam’s large hand covered hers and Brody’s.

She was loved.

Angel suddenly felt herself falling. It was such a long way down, and it was nothing like she’d ever experienced. Her face was wet with tears, but she didn’t understand where they came from because for what felt like the first time in her life, she wasn’t sad.

She lay nestled between Sam and Brody. Krieger jumped up on the bed. The scarred tomcat kneaded the blanket ferociously before he curled up between her feet. Angel listened to him purring. His presence made this all seem so very normal—like they were a family, and battered old Krieger was just a pampered, contented house pet.

She thought about the cat as she closed her eyes. He’d lived a hard life out there on those streets. His scars and that missing eye gave his secrets away, except they weren’t really secrets at all. Krieger didn’t care. He was what he was, and Angel was certain that even if he could, he wouldn’t lie about the life he used to live. He would say,
Yeah, I was a stray. No one gave a shit about me. I was often hungry, and I was usually scared. Now I’m not. Life is good.

For a long time she’d figured her only chance at love or happiness would be to pretend she had never been what she was. Brody and Sam knew, and they loved her anyway. There was no need to live her life afraid of being found out. No need to live a lie.

She moved her feet closer together, cuddling Krieger between them as she drifted to sleep.
We’re home, Krieger. Life is good.

Chapter Nine

Sometime during the night on Saturday the snow had stopped falling. After an early morning shower, Brody watched the city from the chair by the window with Krieger sleeping in a ball on his lap. The world outside was completely white; the cars parked along the street were nothing but big lumps. Here and there a few people were out, shoveling walks or cleaning off their vehicles, but for the most part the streets were still deserted.

He could feel that Sam was awake and watching him.

“She was wrong, you know,” Brody said, looking away from the window.

“About what?”

“That things will be awkward.” He turned and looked at Sam. “I don’t feel awkward. I think maybe I feel…good.” He smiled. “I do. I feel pretty good.”

“I’m glad, Brody.”

“You love her.” The morning sun broke free from the clouds for a few precious moments, and it beamed brightly through the window. Angel stirred in their bed. The gentle expression on Sam’s face as he gazed over at her spoke volumes even though Sam did not answer right away.

Brody watched the rise and fall of her chest. Their living, breathing Angel.

“It doesn’t mean I love you any less,” Sam finally said. His voice was soft, but there was a hint of defensiveness there.

“You’re preaching to the choir, Samson.” Krieger hopped down and stretched before he meandered out the bedroom door. A bit of white on the dark carpeting caught his eye. He went over to the dresser and picked up the small piece of paper that lay on the floor behind it. He didn’t recognize it until he opened it.

“I wasn’t supposed to read this,” Brody said as he crumpled the paper up. He wished he hadn’t found it right now. He hated to be reminded of all the ugliness Angel had endured in her life. For just a while longer it would have been nice to enjoy the feelings of peace and contentment he’d had when he woke up with the two people he loved.

“What is it?” Sam asked.

“Something Angel wrote the first night she was here. She wrote down the name of the guy who beat her up and what he said to her.”

“You know his name? Let me see.” Sam’s face clouded with anger.

“It’s not his whole name,” Brody said, tossing the paper onto the dresser.

“Still, I want to see it.” Sam got up from the bed and grabbed the note. He opened the paper and smoothed it out.

The anger on his face seemed to turn into something else as he read the note. Sam’s eyes closed, and he shook his head. “Fuck…”

“All the proof in the world that life’s not fair,” Brody said. “She didn’t deserve that. Nobody deserves that, but damn… Wasn’t her life already bad enough?”

“It pisses me off that this happened to her,” Sam whispered.

“There’s some fucked-up people in the world.” Brody found it hard to believe that was the only thing bothering Sam. Brody’s heart told him there was something else Sam wasn’t telling him. “It’s tragic what people can do to other people without giving it a second thought.”

“Yeah.” Sam threw the paper back on the dresser.

Sam’s breathing grew faster and became raspy. His teeth sank into his lower lip, and his eyes sparkled with unshed tears. Brody went to Sam and wrapped his arms around him.

“What’s wrong?”

“Just thinking…thinking about things I don’t want to, remembering things I’d rather forget.” His voice was quiet and subdued, but unmistakable rage filled his eyes.

“Well, don’t. Those things are over. Done with. You don’t have to worry about boxing anymore.”

“I wasn’t thinking about boxing. I was thinking about RJ.”

“Who is RJ?” Angel’s sleepy voice asked.

“He was someone…someone I used to care about,” Sam said. “He was—”

“He was some old dude who fucked Sam’s head up when he was just a kid,” Brody said. Might as well just get to the point: that’s exactly who and, more importantly,
RJ was.

Sam’s eyes were hollow, but beneath that emptiness Brody saw the same pain that Angel carried.

“So now you’re sorry?” Brody asked cautiously, a part of him afraid to hear the truth. “Are you sorry things didn’t work out between the two of you?”

“No, Brody. Never. Not once—I swear.”

“So what’s wrong? Forget about him.”

“I try. Things always come up that remind me.”

“So, talk about it…get it out.”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“You need to talk about it,” Brody said. “All this time we’ve been together, you’ve hardly said anything about him. You just keep it inside and let it keep festering.”

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