Their Heart Search: Bethany & Jordan's Story (Search Series) (7 page)

“I’m ready to finish the fall, beautiful,” he whispered. He felt her heavy sigh. It was all he needed. She wanted a relationship, but something was still holding her back. He had demons too, ones he wasn’t ready to share; so slow it was.


She had just pulled up to Raiden’s house for dinner with Tai, and was thinking about the day’s events. That’s how she spent most of the day, thinking about really starting something with Jordan. Could she really do that again? Was falling possible? Was she really free? She didn’t have a clue to those questions.

“Hey Beth.” She looked up as she was climbing out of her car to see Raiden walking towards her.

“Thought you were leaving,” she fired.

“We are, but I wanted to talk to you.” Great he hung around longer to talk with her.

“Don’t talk to Tai about Kai.” She sighed. The truth was they had been talking about Kai, because in Raiden’s efforts to keep her safe he was leaving out things she should know.

“What we talk about isn’t your business,” she resolved pushing past him and into the house and out towards the back porch.

“Did he lecture you?” She smiled.

“Look, I don’t care. If you want to talk about Kai, I’ll tell you.” Bethany returned Tai’s smile.

“Not tonight. I have something else I wanted to know and I know he won’t tell me if I ask.” Bethany took a sip of her drink.

“Ask then,” she replied setting down her drink.

“Tell me about the night you learned about the arrangement.” Bethany swallowed. This was most certainly an off limits topic with Raiden. He was livid that night, and while he had accepted it, he wouldn’t want to relive that first night.

“Good choice asking me,” Bethany chuckled putting some food in her mouth. She chewed her bite of food and thought of where to begin.

“Well...” Tai pressed. Bethany chuckled as she swallowed.

“Well, I’ve mentioned before we sometimes were a little wild.” Tai nodded when Bethany paused. “Okay, so when I was told I needed to go to Raiden’s house, I thought I was in trouble. I thought we were in trouble. For whatever reason, our dads scolded together, but then our moms got a hold of us after. My mom always waited till I got home and Melanie always waited till Lee was cooped up in his office again.”

“Sounds amusing.” Bethany laughed and shrugged at the understatement.

“Could say that. I knew though, when I walked into Lee’s office and saw my mom and Melanie as well that this was different. Raiden was already sitting down. I looked at him and he shrugged. We had partied hard the night before celebrating my sixteenth birthday, but we hadn’t done much.”

“Whoa!” Tai spit out and Bethany nodded. “Right after your sixteenth?”

“Yep, the day after,” Bethany deadpanned.

“Shit,” Tai mumbled.

“When I sat down it was clear that our moms didn’t agree with our dads,” she paused again.

“Somehow I’m not surprised,” Tai laughed lightening the mood again. Bethany realized she was a little tense this was actually the first time she really talked about that night.

“Needless to say when Lee told us, I was shocked and Raiden went so far off the handle. I’d never seen him like that and I haven’t since then. Not that bad, anyway,” Tai sighed.

“I don’t want to ever see him that mad. I’ve seen him mad and that’s been enough.”

“Don’t worry about it, Tai, he gets mad for sure, but thermonuclear takes a lot.” She nodded at Bethany’s answer.

“Really, Beth?” A voice boomed.

“She asked and you weren’t going to tell her,” Bethany fired back at her lifelong best friend.

“Fucking hell, there’s a reason for that!” he boomed again.

“Playboy, calm down. I asked her to tell me.” Bethany watched as his eyes shifted to Tai.

“Why?” he asked, working to calm himself.

“I wanted to know, playboy.” He sighed and looked back to Bethany.

“Certain topics are off limits,” he hissed before storming away.

“Goodbye, Tai.” Bethany mustered up before leaving. She didn’t give Tai a chance to say anything. She knew Raiden wouldn’t like that topic. Even though he joked with her the last few years about not being a bad husband, he didn’t like the choice being taken away from. Hell, what sixteen year old would.


When she walked through the apartment door she looked crushed. He rushed to her, “Beautiful, what happened?”

“Tai asked me to tell her about the night Raiden and I found out about the arranged marriage.” Jordan nodded.

He knew Raiden probably didn’t discuss this with Tai because he didn’t want her to think that he wanted Bethany. “Raiden didn’t take it well?” he questioned. She answered him with a shake of her head.

Bethany’s phone rang and she looked down at it.
‘Tai Calling.’
She answered, “Hi Tai, I hope you don’t mind but you’re on speaker.” Jordan led her to the couch.

“Hi Jordan,” Tai responded.

“Hi Tai.”

“Bethany, are you okay?” she sighed. Jordan rubbed her back.

“I’m going to be. Are you and Raiden okay?”

“We’re fine, Beth. I told him to call you in the morning.” Bethany nodded.

“Tai, I’m going to talk with her now,” Jordan answered.

“Have a goodnight,” Tai responded before hanging up.

“Let’s talk,” Jordan said, she shook her head.

“Thank you, but I just need to get some sleep,” she answered, getting up and leaving him alone in the living room.

Jordan hated to be shut out, but she needed to be alone so he let her be. He went to his bedroom and shut the door. He knew she was just waiting for Raiden to propose. Hell, he was too. He wanted to move forward with her, but she couldn’t do that till Tai had a ring on her finger.


Her phone started ringing pretty early in the morning and she knew it was Raiden without looking. “Good morning, Raiden.”

“Morning, Beth. I’m sorry.” She nodded which she knew was dumb. “I can’t hear you nod,” he laughed.

“I know. I’m sorry, but she asked. You can’t keep her in the dark!” her voice raised.

He sighed, “I know, but I can’t help wanting to protect her.” Bethany understood that. “Jordan really crushed her Beth. Please understand where I am coming from?” he pleaded.

“I do,” she sighed. Raiden ended their call and Bethany stared at the ceiling. She was worried about what happened between Tai and Jordan. Now even more. Jordan wasn’t ready to share it though. He could have a little more time, but then she was asking Tai.


She had asked him a few times about Tai and him. He knew she wanted answers, but he just wasn’t ready.

“I’m meeting Tai. Have a good day at work,” she spoke from behind him. He turned around and the look in her eyes told him all he needed. His demons would be revealed today.

He walked towards her taking her hands in his. They were both nervous. Raiden had had the ring for a month and hadn’t proposed and Bethany needed more, but Jordan couldn’t do that. She wouldn’t understand what had happened with Meredith.

“Baby, promise me something,” he pleaded.

“Okay,” she agreed.

“After you talk with Tai you come back here and let me explain.” She nodded and kissed his cheek before walking out of the apartment.

Jordan walked back to his room to get ready for work. He silently prayed this wouldn’t ruin them before they even got started.


She arrived at the park where she and Tai were meeting. When she spotted Tai, Kai was there running his hand down her back. Tai was frozen stiff and jealousy from out of nowhere stabbed Bethany. Tai moved out of his reach and Bethany snapped.

“Get the fuck away from her, Kai!” The anger, the jealousy, everything from the past boiled inside Bethany when she spoke.

Both Tai and Kai turned around to look at her. “Oh, I should’ve known she wasn’t out here alone,” he hissed.

Bethany crossed her arms and locked herself in a stare down with Kai Lukas. “Yea Kai, you should’ve, now I won’t say it again. Get the fuck out of here before Raiden finds out and he comes here himself to kick your sorry ass.” Tai smiled at her. Bethany knew she hadn’t shown this side of her. Bethany was rarely like this. She liked it though.

Kai’s eyes flicked back towards Tai with a smirk laced on his face. “We’ll meet again, sweet Tai.” He blew a kiss in Tai’s direction and snaked away.

Bethany and Tai stared at each other for a moment. “Afternoon, Bethany. Perfect timing. She flashed Bethany a smile.

“Yeah, Raiden would’ve beat the shit out of him if he had been the one meeting you here,” she responded walking towards Tai.

“I should probably call Raiden, let him know what happened, but I think he was going to a meeting with his dad.” Bethany shook her head because she knew it didn’t matter. Raiden needed to know what happened.

“Won’t matter he’ll answer if you call, and you’re right, he needs to know. She sat on the blanket Tai was now sitting on.

“Yeah, you’re right. We’ll talk after. I want to ask you a few things anyways,” Tai replied pulling out her phone. “Yeah, playboy. Umm…ummm…” Bethany winked at her so she would stop stalling.

“While waiting for Bethany, Kai showed up.” Tai stopped and Bethany suspected Raiden was about to lose it. “No, but he did run his hand down my back. I think he was trying to intimidate me.” Bethany knew Lukas that was exactly what he was doing. “Yes.”

Tai turned to Bethany, “He wants us to go back to the house.”

“Can we be left alone?” Bethany needed to talk with Tai she didn’t want Raiden interrupting.

“Yeah, he said he’d leave us alone.” Bethany nodded in reply. “Okay Raiden, we’re going to the house.” The call ended and Bethany and Tai walked to their cars.


“Jordan!” the manager snapped as Jordan dropped his third plate of the shift. He wasn’t having a good day at all. His nerves were shattered. Bethany was going to ask Tai what had broken them up and if that wasn’t enough to shatter his nerves, Raiden still hadn’t proposed to Tai. Bethany was being cautious with her heart and pulling away from him. He had been sleeping in her bed for about two weeks before she started pulling away. All Jordan wanted was a chance to love her. A chance to show her how much she deserved. He got it though. Since she was sixteen she had been committed to someone without being committed to him. 

“Sorry, sir, a lot on my mind,” Jordan replied picking up the broken plate. 

“Son, I see how you look at Miss Donald. Hell, I see how she looks at you. Mr. Wyrick is smitten with Miss Coretti, it’ll all work out.” Jordan smiled at his observation. 

“I know that, but I also know that my demons are being revealed today.” His boss nodded and turned to walk away. Jordan sighed as he finished picking up the broken dishes. 

“Pull yourself together, Jordan,” he mumbled to himself. 

“Give it up. She won’t admit it, but everyone knows she wants in Raiden’s pants. Must suck to want something you don’t deserve.” Jordan glared up at the female voice. Gloria Keller, Kai’s little puppet. 

“You don’t have one fucking clue, Gloria. Maybe you should mind your own damn business and continue to fuck Lukas. He’s all you deserve,” Jordan hissed before returning to the kitchen.

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